PKé~3Y„x¤Ó¿¿quick-guide.htmlnu„[µü¤ HESK quick install guide

HESK® PHP Help Desk Software


» Install HESK

  1. Upload HESK files to your server (

  2. Open install directory in your browser (

  3. Click INSTALL HESK and follow the steps to check requirements and setup MySQL

  4. Delete the install directory.

  5. Open admin directory (

  6. The customer interface is at

  7. Things to do next:

    • Profile - set your name, email, signature, and a new password.
    • Settings - set website URL, title, and get familiar with HESK settings.
    • Categories - create help desk categories/departments.
    • Team - create new staff accounts.
    • Knowledgebase - create knowledgebase (FAQ) categories and articles.
    • Canned - set reply templates (canned responses).
  8. Support HESK development by purchasing a license

  9. Good luck with using HESK!

» Upgrade from old HESK version

Known upgrade issues:

Upgrade steps:

    ... or don't blame me if something goes wrong.

  2. Upload all HESK files to your server EXCEPT these (do NOT upload these files):
    - head.txt
    - header.txt
    - footer.txt

    Did you rename your HESK's /admin folder? If yes, don't forget to move files from the new version's /admin folder into your renamed folder.

  3. Open install directory in your browser (

  4. Click UPDATE HESK and follow instructions to update MySQL tables.

  5. Delete the install directory.

  6. Open the admin panel ( and log in with your username. If your password doesn't work anymore, reset it.

  7. Test HESK to make sure the upgrade was successful and everything works. You may need to modify your Help Desk title and Custom field settings if they are not displaying correctly.

  8. If you own a HESK license, you might need to download a new one.

    If not, consider supporting HESK by purchasing a license.

  9. Good luck with using HESK!

» Help & Support

For comprehensive and up-to-date help and troubleshooting guides, please visit:
HESK Knowledgebase

» Translate HESK to your language

Thanks to our users, who help translate HESK free of charge, multiple languages are available for HESK:

HESK language packs

» More FREE PHP Scripts

Get more FREE PHP scripts here: PHP Scripts.


© Copyright HESK.COM 2005-2023. All rights reserved.
® HESK is a registered trademark of Klemen Stirn.

PKé~3Y…>ˆÌ{{docs_style.cssnu„[µü¤/* Style sheet and XHTML code Author: Mauricio Samy Silva A Web Standard evangelist site City: Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Contact: maujorcss[at]maujor[dot]com Date: 2006-05-11 */ body { margin:5px 0; padding:0; background:#eee; color: black; font : 68.8%/1.5 Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align:center; } #wrapper { width:700px; background:#fff; margin:0 auto; text-align:left; border:1px solid #ccc; padding:10px 20px; } h1 {font-size:1.5em;} h2 { font-size:1.2em; border-top:1px solid #999; padding-top:1.8em; } h2.title { font-size:1.2em; border-top:1px solid #999; padding-top:1.8em; color: green; } h3 {font-size:1.0em;} span.dest {color:#f00;} span.tip {color:#008000; font-weight:bold;} p { color : black; font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 1.0em; } address { font-weight:bold; font-style:normal; } ul.nobullets { margin:0 0 1.0em; padding:0; list-style:none; } ol li {margin-bottom:1.0em;} samp, code { font-size:1.3em; font-weight:bold; } a:hover { color : red; background:#ccc; text-decoration : none; } table#installation { border-collapse:collapse; margin: 5px 15px 10px -25px; border: 2px solid #999; } table#installation thead { text-align:center; text-transform:uppercase; } table#installation tr td, table#installation tr th { padding: 2px 5px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } table#installation tr th { border-bottom-width:2px; border-bottom-color:#999; } table#installation tr td var { font-weight:bold; font-style:normal; } table#installation tr.odd { background: #fafafa; } div.error { border: 1px solid #cd0a0a; background: #fef1ec; color: #cd0a0a; padding-left:10px; padding-right:5px; } div.success { border: 1px solid #18760f; background: #e9ffdb; color: #363636; padding-left:10px; padding-right:5px; } div.notice { border: 1px solid #fcefa1; background: #fff9de; color: #363636; padding-left:10px; padding-right:5px; } PKé~3Y>†fQ, , index.htmlnu„[µü¤ HESK - Documentation

HESK® PHP Help Desk Software

Thank you for downloading HESK!

Select one of the two HESK guides based on your experience level:



© Copyright HESK.COM 2005-2023. All rights reserved.
® HESK is a registered trademark of Klemen Stirn.

PKé~3Y¢®±t,t, license.htmlnu„[µü¤ HESK Software End User License Agreement

Notice: The latest version of this agreement is published at EULA webpage

This End-User License Agreement (EULA) is a legal agreement between either an individual or a legal entity or association intending to use the Software ("You" or "Customer") and HESK.COM. By installing, copying, or otherwise using the Software, You represent, warrant, and agree that You have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the terms of the EULA. If You do not agree to be bound by the EULA, or You do not have the authority to bind the Customer to the EULA, You may not use the Software.

1. Definitions

"Copyright headers" means a written copyright notice by HESK.COM located in Software source code and normally not visible to Web Users.

"HESK.COM" ("Author", "We", "Us") means Klemen Stirn, the founder and copyrights owner of the Software, his employees, representatives, and contractors.

"License Key" means the key that is used to activate special Software functions, such as the removal of Powered by links, in one or more installed copies of Software.

"License Manager" means an online tool provided by HESK.COM to holders of a valid License Key, where copies of the Software are registered for Powered by links removal.

"Powered by links" means built-in text with one or more anchor links pointing to HESK.COM website and/or website of HESK.COM contractors located at the bottom of the Software and visible to Web Users of the Software without viewing source code.

"Software" ("HESK", "HESK Software") means the Software that accompanies this EULA.

"Web Users" means individuals using or viewing the Software with a Web browser.

2. Grant of License

The EULA grants You the following rights: Installation and Use. You may install and use an unlimited number of copies of the Software.

You may also modify the Software to fit Your specific needs as long as all parts of the EULA are adhered to (pay special attention to "Conditions and Limitations" and "Removing Powered by links") and the modified Software is still considered HESK Software.

3. Conditions and Limitations

Obtain permission before redistributing this Software over the Internet or in any other medium.

Separation of Components.
The Software is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated for other use.

Software Transfer.
You may permanently transfer all of Your rights under this EULA, provided the recipient agrees to the terms of this EULA.

Source code
Using the Software source code, in part or full, to create derivative work, new software, or products is expressly forbidden. Under no circumstance is the removal of Copyright headers from the Software source code permitted.

Without prejudice to any other rights, the Author of the Software may terminate the EULA if You fail to comply with the terms and conditions of the EULA. In such an event, You must destroy all copies of the Software and all of its component parts.

Third-party components.
The Software may contain certain components provided by third parties and released under a different license agreement. You acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions in each such license agreement and that You are solely responsible for complying with such terms and conditions.

4. Removing Powered by links

You are not allowed to remove or modify the Powered by links in the Software without a valid License Key.

Removing or modifying Powered by links without a valid License Key means You are in a direct violation of the EULA, and You may not use the Software.

A single License Key can cover one or more copies of the Software installed, all of which must be registered in the License Manager. Access to the License Manager is provided along with a License Key.

A License Key to remove Powered by links can be purchased here: Buy a HESK License Key.

5. Copyright

© Copyright 2022 Klemen Stirn. All rights reserved.

Some components may be copyrighted by third parties. See component source code and/or included license agreements for details. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

6. Trademark Policy

HESK is a registered trademark of Klemen Stirn. Certain usages of the Trademark are acceptable, and no specific permission from the Author is needed:

Permission from the Author is necessary to use the HESK trademark under any circumstances other than those specifically permitted above. These include:

If You wish to have permission for any of the uses above or for any other use which is not specifically referred to in this policy, please contact HESK.COM to verify if Your proposed use is permissible. Permission may only be granted subject to certain conditions, and these may include the requirement that You enter into an agreement with the Author to maintain the quality of the product and/or service which You intend to supply at a prescribed level.

While there may be exceptions, it is very unlikely that HESK.COM will approve Trademark use in the following cases:

7. Disclaimer of Warranty


8. Limitation of Liability


9. Modification

The EULA may be modified by at any time. The new version of the EULA becomes valid when published on HESK.COM website. You are encouraged to check back for updates regularly.

10. Other

The EULA is governed by the laws of Slovenia, European Union. Both You and HESK.COM submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Slovenia. Both You and HESK.COM agree to commence any litigation that may arise hereunder in the courts located in Slovenia.

If any provision hereof shall be held illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, such provision shall be modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it legal, valid and enforceable, and the legality, validity and enforceability of all other provisions of the EULA shall not be affected thereby. No delay or failure by either party to exercise or enforce at any time any right or provision hereof shall be considered a waiver thereof or of such party's right thereafter to exercise or enforce each and every right and provision of this Agreement.

PKé~3Y‚¤ 1¿-¿-step-by-step-guide.htmlnu„[µü¤ HESK step by step install guide

HESK® PHP Help Desk Software


» Install HESK

Please take 5 minutes to read the installation instructions carefully and thoroughly! Doing so will ensure a proper and easy installation.


Before installing HESK, you will need to obtain your MySQL database information, such as database name, user, and password. You need to get this information from your HOSTING COMPANY; HESK cannot help you find it.

TIP: Want a hassle-free help desk working in minutes? Sign up for HESK Cloud instead.

Installation steps:

  1. Connect with FTP to the public folder of your server where the rest of your Web site is.

    TIP: The public folder is usually called "public_html", "www", "site" or "htdocs".

    TIP: Learn how to FTP files by reading this FTP and CHMOD tutorial

  2. Create a new folder where you will install HESK. Name it anything you like, for example, "helpdesk" or "support".
    Example: /public_html/helpdesk
    Corresponding URL:

  3. Upload all HESK files to your server. PHP files must be transferred in ASCII mode and images in BINARY mode.

    TIP: Most FTP clients will automatically select the proper transfer mode, so you needn't worry about it.

  4. Open hesk/install in your browser, for example (modify to your URL):

  5. The HESK setup script will run. Click INSTALL HESK and follow instructions through 4 steps:

    • STEP 1: License agreement - read the HESK License agreement and confirm that you agree with the terms.
    • STEP 2: Check setup - the script will test your server to see if all required settings are correct and advise solutions to any problems.
    • STEP 3: Database settings - enter your MySQL database settings, and the setup script will test them.
      You need to get the correct MySQL database information from your hosting company!
    • STEP 4: Setup database tables - everything OK; the script will install MySQL tables.
  6. Before closing the installation script, DELETE the "install" directory from your server!

  7. Well done, now it's time to set up your help desk! Click the Continue link in the install script or open the admin folder in your browser, for example:

    TIP: HESK passwords are CaSe SeNSiTiVe ("ABCD" is not the same as "abcd") while usernames are not.

  8. Click the Settings link in the top menu to get to the settings page (if not there already)

  9. Take some time and get familiar with all the available settings. Most should be self-explanatory; for additional information about each setting, click the [?] link for help about the current setting.

    Don't forget to click the Save changes button at the bottom of the settings page to save your settings!

  10. Things to do next

    • Click the "Profile" link to set your name, e-mail, signature, and password.

    • Add new categories (departments) on the "Categories" page. You cannot delete the default category, but you can rename it.

    • To create additional staff accounts, visit the "Team" page. You cannot delete the default user (Administrator), but you can change the username.

    • You can create canned responses on the "Canned" page. These are pre-written replies to common support questions.

    • To access and manage your knowledgebase, click the "Knowledgebase" link.

      The knowledgebase is a collection of answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) and articles which provide self-help resources to your customers. You can arrange articles into categories and subcategories.

      A comprehensive and well-written knowledgebase can drastically reduce the number of support tickets you receive and save a lot of your time.

  11. Customers can submit tickets and browse knowledgebase by visiting the main HESK folder, for example:

  12. If you have problems/questions, see the "HELP and Troubleshooting" section further down.

  13. Support HESK development by purchasing a license

  14. Good luck with using HESK!

» Upgrading from old versions

Please take 5 minutes to read the installation instructions carefully and thoroughly! Doing so will ensure a proper and easy installation.

Known upgrade issues

TIP: Perform the upgrade in low-traffic hours when your Web site receives the least amount of visits.

Your existing HESK files are contained in a single directory on your server. You will be replacing most of the contents of this directory with the contents of the folder you downloaded containing the new version of HESK.

Upgrade steps:

    ... or don't blame me if something goes wrong.

    TIP: Most hosting companies allow you to backup files and databases from the web hosting control panel. Contact your host if not sure how to do that.

  2. Upload and place all of the new HESK files you downloaded into your existing HESK directory on your server EXCEPT these (do NOT upload these files):
    - head.txt
    - header.txt
    - footer.txt

    Your HESK directory now contains the updated files you require for updating your copy of HESK.

    TIP: You must transfer images in BINARY and all other files in ASCII mode. Most FTP clients will automatically select the proper transfer mode, so you needn't worry about it.

    Did you rename your HESK's /admin folder? If yes, don't forget to move files from the new version's /admin folder into your renamed folder.

  3. Open hesk/install in your browser, for example:

  4. HESK setup script will show up on the install URL. Click UPDATE HESK and follow instructions. The update consists of 4 steps:

    • STEP 1: License agreement - read the HESK License agreement and confirm that you agree with the terms.
    • STEP 2: Check setup - the script will test your server to see if all required settings are correct and advise solutions to any problems.
    • STEP 3: Database settings - check your MySQL database settings, and the script will test them.
      The settings must be the same as with your old HESK installation
    • STEP 4: Update database tables - everything OK; the script will update existing MySQL tables.
  5. Before closing the upgrade script, DELETE the "install" directory on your server!

  6. Open the admin panel ( and log in with your username. If your password doesn't work anymore, reset it.

  7. Test HESK to make sure the upgrade was successful and everything works. You may need to modify your Help Desk title and Custom field settings if they are not displaying correctly.

  8. If you own a HESK license, you might need to download a new one.

    If not, consider supporting HESK by purchasing a license.

  9. Good luck with using HESK!

» HELP and Troubleshooting

For comprehensive and up-to-date help and troubleshooting guides, please visit:
HESK Knowledgebase

» Translate HESK to your language

Thanks to our users, who help translate HESK free of charge, multiple languages are available for HESK:

HESK language packs

» More FREE PHP Scripts

Get more FREE PHP scripts here: PHP Scripts.


© Copyright HESK.COM 2005-2023. All rights reserved.
® HESK is a registered trademark of Klemen Stirn.

PKé~3YmQ"g6Û6Ûchangelog.htmlnu„[µü¤ HESK - Changelog

HESK® PHP Help Desk Software


Changes in 3.4.3 - 8th April 2023
- updates for PHP 8.2 depreciated functionality
- ticket reply messages will now auto-save as draft a few seconds after you stop typing
- new email tag %%ATTACHMENTS%% that lists links to attachments to a ticket/reply
- list of attachments will now show directly below %%MESSAGE%% (unless %%ATTACHMENTS%% is used)
- the "Find a ticket" form now allows searching for empty (null) values in fields that allow it
- fix: IMAP fetching using the wrong noval_cert setting
- fix: POP3 fetching will now calculate a reasonable execution time limit
- fix: generated links to attachments in HTML emails are not clickable
- fix: re-sent email notifications include ticket attachments instead of reply attachments
- fix: SQL error in escalate module with overdue tickets and non-standard date format
- fix: if $hesklang['EMAIL_HR'] is defined in custom-text.php, use that one
- fix: some email templates display unsupported tags
- fix: the close button on custom date field hides all the date values
- fix: some custom field input types not marked in red on error
- updated PHPMailer to 6.8.0

Changes in 3.4.2 - 3rd December 2022
- fix: tickets raised by email piping don't have a due date
- fix: in canned responses replace URL-encoded special tags
- fix: email utf-8 conversion may cause missing characters
- fix: remove unwanted chars from email-generated ticket subjects
- updated TinyMCE to 5.10.6
- updated PHPMailer to 6.6.5

Changes in 3.4.1 - 29th September 2022
- added OAuth support for POP3 fetching
- fix: missing function error when viewing a resolved ticket
- fix: do not mark an OAuth Provider as verified on errors
- fix: unassigned email sending not working correctly on multi-language staff
- fix: detect and ignore non-3.4.x language files
- updated HTMLPurifier to 4.15.0

Changes in 3.4.0 - 17th September 2022
- added OAuth support for email sending and IMAP fetching
- new permission: Can set due date
- updates for PHP 8.2 depreciated functionality
- fix: custom date fields can display the wrong date when editing a ticket
- fix: wrong current month date range in reporting
- fix: sending emails does not work with unauthenticated SMTP
- fix: silent fail if unable to move attachments to the /attachments/temp folder
- fix: in the "Previous tickets" list only show tickets the user has access to
- fix: attachments with no file extension will be renamed to *.unknown-file-type instead of fatal error
- fix: increase some too small display margins
- fix: SMTP error log should not be echoed directly
- fix: email to ticket attachment removal notices not visible

Changes in 3.3.2 - 2nd August 2022
- added option to not validate SSL certificates for SMTP connections
- fix: minimum requirement set to PHP 5.6 due to Composer compatibility
- fix: SMTP host name stored with ssl:// prefix when SSL encryption is selected
- fix: ticket reminder form not working with Invisible ReCaptcha enabled
- fix: wrong %%MESSAGE%% value in HTML emails when re-sending email notification for replies

Changes in 3.3.1 - 15th July 2022
- fix: password reset link issues in HTML emails
- fix: error when elevator duration is set to hours
- fix: automatically submitting MFA forms could cause double submissions in Chrome
- fix: survey email template is not needed in the self-hosted version, removed it
- fix: "Add a note" form misbehaving when "Newest reply at top" is active
- fix: in admin panel the due date calendar may require horizontal scroll
- fix: a few date fields not working properly

Changes in 3.3.0 - 5th July 2022
- [CLOUD ONLY] Satisfaction module: send a third party survey after resolving tickets
- Ocean Blue is now the default Hesk style. For other styles, visit Hesk Styles
- dropped support for PHP 5.3 and 5.4, Hesk now requires PHP 5.5+
- categories can auto-assign tickets to specific users
- categories can have a default due date set
- added support for multi-factor authentication
- improved display options for date and time
- improved attachments process (async upload, drag and drop, preserve on errors)
- Hesk now uses PHPMailer to construct and send emails
- added support for HTML emails (both HTML and plain text templates are available)
- email fetching shows the reason why an email was ignored if Debug mode is on
- more control over what emails are ignored in the email to ticket functionality
- tracking ID is no longer required in email subject for email to ticket functionality
- if captcha is enabled, it will also show in the "Forgot ticket ID" form
- update "Time worked" when staff submits a note to a ticket
- use the "Show Tickets" form to find tickets by due date
- new staff permission: can view all users, but not manage them
- updates for PHP 8.1 depreciated functionality
- security: improved password storage algorithm and length requirements
- staff can now select ticket status when submitting a ticket in the customer's name
- a new email template is now used when staff submits a ticket in the customer's name
- you can now set the ticket language when editing a ticket in multi-language installations
- when viewing a ticket in the admin panel a list of previous tickets is shown
- changed several Javascript confirm boxes to HTML modals
- when deleting a category, you can now select what category to move the tickets to
- when deleting a user, only open tickets will be set to unassigned
- fix: no need to regenerate session ID on every page load
- fix: changing language when viewing a ticket shows the "View ticket" form
- fix: non-YMD date format caused an error when sending overdue notifications
- fix: custom date fields could display wrong date on the edit ticket page
- fix: custom field name hidden when editing it, if it was created in a deleted language
- fix: wrong default submit action in staff New ticket page
- fix: unable to set negative relative dates in custom fields
- updated TinyMCE to 5.10.5

Changes in 3.2.5 - 6th January 2022
- updates for PHP 8.1 depreciated functionality
- fix: long URL addresses stretch the ticket window
- fix: status selection in ticket export form not working under certain conditions
- fix: missing array key 'time_worked' in email to ticket function reply notification
- fix: user setting for overdue ticket notifications not always respected
- fix: using "Submit as Resolved" doesn't update "closed at" date
- fix: forgot ticket ID modal close button not working on small screens
- updated HTMLPurifier to 4.14.0
- updated TinyMCE to 5.10.2

Changes in 3.2.4 - 2nd October 2021
- added "Due date" tag for canned responses
- security: error message not appropriately sanitized, reported by msry1
- fix: insert canned responses tags at pointer focus
- fix: inconsistent storage of plain text message version in RTF mode
- fix: due date not formatted for staff with view-only access
- fix: avatar uppercase letter shows ? in multi-byte names
- fix: cannot uncheck "Assigned to others" on ticket export page
- updated TinyMCE to 5.9.2
- minor styling and usability changes

Changes in 3.2.3 - 11th August 2021
- automatically link URLs in TinyMCE by default
- removed the db_vrsn setting, it is not needed anymore
- all ticket list pages now show the "Auto reload page" widget
- fix: forgot ticket ID email list does not include tickets with a custom status
- fix: the "reply below this line" tag not added in IMAP fetching
- fix: add an extra empty space after ticket tracking URL to make them clickable in Outlook
- fix: overdue cron notifications not working if date format is not YYYY-MM-DD
- fix: installation script doesn't accept UTF-8 chars for admin username
- fix: priority pre-select via URL parameter doesn't work in the public side
- fix: unable to sort ticket columns after setting a default view
- fix: Hesk doesn't accept database username with &
- updated TinyMCE to 5.8.2

Changes in 3.2.2 - 13th March 2021
- fix: replies via email not showing content when Rich Text (HTML) formatting is turned on
- fix: reset ticket session data if any variable is sent to the Create new ticket form
- due date and ticket language parameters can now be passed to the Create new ticket form

Changes in 3.2.1 - 11th March 2021
- fix: merged tickets not showing replies with Rich Text (HTML) formatting turned on
- fix: SMTP class does not support TLS 1.2 in PHP >= 5.6.7 and < PHP 7.2
- fix: admin panel modals hidden on small screens
- updated TinyMCE to 5.7.0

Changes in 3.2.0 - 28th February 2021
- [CLOUD ONLY] Escalate module: create rules to escalate tickets automatically
- tickets can now have a due date set
- added support for HTML-formatted ticket messages/replies (staff only)
- added links to filter tickets by assignment/due soon/overdue quickly
- do not update "lastchange" timestamp on Resolved tickets when deleting a user or category
- support for %%SITE_TITLE%% in email subjects
- improved button text display on non-English versions
- added an easy way to load an extra custom CSS file to Hesk admin
- staff can now change ticket category when submitting a ticket
- staff can now set ticket (customer) language when submitting a ticket
- cron files can now have an access key set to authorize web access
- security: fixed persistent XSS, reported by Charley Celice of Quorum Cyber (www)
- fix: make sure ticket list always has clickable links in mobile view
- fix: ticket list mismatch after deleting a custom field
- fix: check if JSON is enabled when installing/updating Hesk
- fix: bulk ticket actions select vertical scroll bar off-screen on some mobile devices
- fix: set cookie SameSite attribute to "None" if Hesk is allowed to be displayed in frames
- fix: message encoding issue when previewing service messages
- fix: properly escape edge-case HTML special characters and backslashes
- fix: "Can unban ips" permission should also enable "Can ban ips"
- fix: email notification setting when someone adds a note not respected
- fix: respect custom field position when editing a ticket
- fix: properly encode CDATA closing tag
- minor styling and usability changes

Changes in 3.1.2 - 18th August 2020
- the "Submit as" control in staff reply form now supports all statuses
- don't change the "last updated" value of tickets when deleting a custom field
- prevent a corrupted hesk_kb_categories table causing an infinite loop
- show ticket subject and notes at the top with "Newest reply at top" setting selected
- when submitting a ticket from the admin panel Hesk will now pre-select default category priority
- implemented SameSite cookie attribute support
- fix: the top "Re-send email notification" should send new ticket notification, not new reply
- fix: language string with a single quote breaks calendar translation
- fix: use quoting mechanism for special interpretation characters in mail from header
- fix: on Profile page cannot select "Show the ticket I just replied to"
- fix: contact details hidden in languages with a long title translation
- fix: cannot select a language for service messages
- fix: parsing of a non-utf8 email fails if Iconv functions are not available
- fix: only list users whom the ticket can be assigned to when submitting a new ticket
- updated third party libraries to the latest version
- minor styling and usability changes

Changes in 3.1.1 - 3rd May 2020
- knowledgebase now shows full category structure in breadcrumbs
- added custom favicon for better display on different devices
- fix: saving general settings resets sending emails to PHP mail()
- fix: sub-categories with no articles are hidden in customer side
- fix: in customer side knowledgebase votes show views
- fix: knowledgebase sub-category preview shows 1 article too many
- fix: knowledgebase views show 1 less than actual when viewing an article
- fix: non-default time format may show staff replies as "50 years ago" in customer-side
- fix: custom header and footer are outside of the main wapper
- minor styling and usability changes

Changes in 3.1.0 - 7th April 2020
- [CLOUD ONLY] Statistics module: insight into help desk usage and staff performance
- choose the desired ticket reply hiding logic
- added tooltips to action icons without a label
- descriptive timestamps in ticket details (e.g., 5 hours ago)
- improved ticket content readability, including adjustable max-width
- improved formatting of WYSIWYG-generated content
- improved customer-side display in Internet Explorer 9
- security: fixed a reflected XSS, reported by Mostafa Gamal & Ahmed Sherif
- fix: hide the link to Export tickets page if the user has no export permission
- fix: HTML header code printed twice on the knowledgebase results page
- fix: properly strip slashes and encode HTML in service messages
- fix: custom text and hidden fields don't display a default value in admin panel > New ticket
- fix: custom text field maxlength not working in customer side
- fix: ticket replies not hidden correctly with "Newest reply at top"
- fix: if a settings label is long it doesn't align nicely
- fix: some hard-coded text cannot be translated
- fix: show full custom field names in customer submit a ticket form
- fix: when multiple languages are allowed, cannot add a custom status
- fix: when multiple languages are allowed, editing a custom field shows empty field names
- fix: IMAP "Keep a copy" checkbox not saving
- fix: cannot allow single char attachment extensions
- minor styling and usability changes

Changes in 3.0.3 - 8th March 2020
- fix: customer ticket reminder form not working in 3.0.2

Changes in 3.0.2 - 3rd March 2020
- fix: settings for POP3 fetching not saving
- fix: the style of subject and message inputs changes when selecting a ticket template
- fix: issues with selecting drop-down select box values
- fix: cannot change ticket status to "New"
- fix: unable to append or select canned responses in some situations
- fix: Javascript not escaping converted HTML code properly
- fix: duplicate "Assign this ticket to myself" in the reply form
- fix: ticket details not responsive in Edge
- fix: Undefined offset notice in ticket history
- tickets with status "Critical" now have a distinctive background color in ticket list
- minor styling and usability changes

Changes in 3.0.1 - 27th February 2020
- fix: suppress browser errors when multiple email addresses are allowed
- fix: properly escape variables when saving settings
- fix: confirm email always returns an error
- fix: hesk_error() function should exit not return for end-users
- fix: unable to append or select canned responses in some situations
- minor styling and usability changes

Changes in 3.0.0 - 17th February 2020
- a brand new mobile-friendly user interface
- built-in theme support for the public (customer) interface
- fix: SQL error when trying to ban an invalid IP


Changes in 2.8.10 - 2nd October 2021
- security: error message not appropriately sanitized, reported by msry1

Changes in 2.8.9 - 11th August 2021
- fix: forgot ticket ID email list does not include tickets with a custom status
- fix: the "reply below this line" tag not added in IMAP fetching
- fix: add an extra empty space after ticket tracking URL to make them clickable in Outlook
- fix: installation script doesn't accept UTF-8 chars for admin username
- fix: Hesk doesn't accept database username with &

Changes in 2.8.8 - 28th February 2021
- security: fixed persistent XSS, reported by Charley Celice of Quorum Cyber (www)
- fix: "Can unban ips" permission should also enable "Can ban ips"
- fix: email notification setting when someone adds a note not respected
- fix: properly encode CDATA closing tag

Changes in 2.8.7 - 18th August 2020
- don't change the "last updated" value of tickets when deleting a custom field
- fix: use quoting mechanism for special interpretation characters in mail from header
- updated third party libraries to the latest version

Changes in 2.8.6 - 7th April 2020
- security: fixed a reflected XSS, reported by Mostafa Gamal & Ahmed Sherif
- fix: SQL error when trying to ban an invalid IP
- fix: properly strip slashes and encode HTML in service messages
- fix: cannot allow single char attachment extensions

Changes in 2.8.5 - 6th January 2020
- PHP 7.4 compatibility
- MySQL 8.0.13 compatibility
- users with no can_reply_tickets permission can now create ticket notes
- updated third party libraries to the latest version
- fix: respect article order in Knowledgebase
- fix: save email attachments sent as message content type
- fix: better handle can_resolve and can_reply_tickets permissions

Changes in 2.8.4 - 17th August 2019
- fix: modified the HTMLPurifier library to be compatible with PHP 5.3

Changes in 2.8.3 - 16th August 2019
- fix: break long words when bulk printing tickets
- fix: HTML-encoded chars can cause MySQL truncate error
- fix: parse links with single quotes in HTML email to ticket
- fix: wrong option for staff re-send notification of an assigned ticket
- fix: in email to ticket inline attachments with no message are not imported correctly
- fix: descriptive error message when post_max_size is exceeded for customer interface
- fix: link to embedded image tags rather than deleting them
- fix: no image in service messages list for style "None"
- fix: pagination does not work when searching for tickets by owner
- fix: workaround for a Microsoft DKIM verification bug

Changes in 2.8.2 - 5th July 2018
- service messages can be set to display for a specific language only
- fix: use div instead of span in print template for better browser compatibility
- fix: double escaping in hesk_dbLike function may cause failed lookups
- fix: some queries don't work in MySQL ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode
- fix: POP3 fetching EOF detection unreliable in newer PHP versions
- fix: Message-ID header missing host name over CLI
- fix: force hesk_mb_strtolower function to use UTF-8

Changes in 2.8.1 - 18th May 2018
- fix: update assignedby column when doing bulk assignments
- fix: add a unique Message-ID header to outgoing emails

Changes in 2.8.0 - 14th May 2018
- removed PHP 7.2 depreciated functions
- minimum required PHP version increased to 5.3
- bulk assign tickets form the ticket list
- bulk print tickets form the ticket list
- added tools for anonymizing tickets
- find tickets by customer IP address
- added support for Invisible reCAPTCHA
- removed reCAPTCHA V1 (discontinued by Google)
- staff can re-send email notifications for tickets
- dropped time difference calculation, using timezones
- new staff permission: can view tickets he/she assigned others
- export to Excel now works for individual and selected tickets
- fix: IMAP fetching ticket history log shows POP3 fetching
- fix: IMAP connection test fails if the password contains a backslash
- disable IMAP fetching if PHP was compiled without IMAP support
- warn if a user's email address matches the POP3/IMAP fetching address
- notice if "From:" email doesn't match SMTP sever email address
- new "First name" tag for email templates and canned responses
- minor UI improvements (ticket action buttons)

Changes in 2.7.6 - 1st March 2018
- improved handling of multiple emails in a ticket
- changed a setting field name to avoid a mod_security false positive
- fix: when editing a ticket, empty values should not be replaced with defaults
- fix: URL in a custom text field breaks HTML on the edit ticket page
- fix: removing duplicate recipients creates an issue in SMTP library
- fix: knowledgebase category shouldn't have its child set as parent
- fix: use multibyte functions for checking and limiting string length
- fix: (strict mode) only variables should be passed by reference
- fix: a non well formed numeric value notice in settings
- updated third party libraries to the latest version

Changes in 2.7.5 - 25th November 2017
- fix: old name and subject length limits in "Edit ticket"

Changes in 2.7.4 - 21st November 2017
- new email tag %%TIME_WORKED%% shows time staff worked on a ticket
- new email tag %%LAST_REPLY_BY%% shows name of the person who posted last ticket message
- increased maxlength attribute for ticket name and subject to max supported in database (50 and 70)
- improved few default email messages to avoid some spam filters marking them as "linkbait"
- fix: move category not working correctly for users with no global submit permission
- fix: if iconv is not available, attempt to use utf8_encode instead in email to ticket
- fix: don't encode email headers if ascii only, it triggers some spam filters
- fix: backslash not escaped properly in several functions
- fix: remove duplicate recipients in hesk_mail() function
- fix: missing name error message in profile
- fix: don't allow newlines in email headers
- fix: duplicate language string, IP WHOIS case
- fix: use multibyte strtolower for strings where needed
- fix: possible wrong previous month name in reports/exports
- updated several third party libraries to the latest version

Changes in 2.7.3 - 10th April 2017
- added meta robots "noindex, nofollow" tag to admin pages
- hide KB functionality from customer side if no public articles
- upload additional attachments when editing a ticket (up to allowed limit)
- modified client IP detection to enable detecting proxy connections
- improved display logic for top and latest public KB articles
- improved handling of PHP/MySQL timezone difference
- added new pages to allowed admin panel redirects
- updated HTML Purifier and allowed URI Schemes
- delete some cached files when saving settings
- fix: missing collations in MySQL prior to 5.6
- fix: missing statuses in ticket ID reminder email
- fix: issues with emails that contain a single quote
- fix: wrong custom date field value saved in some timezones
- fix: extra line when using a hidden custom field after message
- fix: session expired issue in very old PHP versions with register_globals on

Changes in 2.7.2 - 2nd January 2017
- fix: suppress warnings when check for update without cURL fails
- fix: MySQL strict mode issue when upgrading an old Hesk version
- fix: Content-Security-Policy flags setTimeout string as unsafe-eval
- fix: searching tickets disabled status New in show tickets form
- fix: do not overwrite the text/javascript header in tcal.php
- detect additional "noreply" addresses
- respect category order in ticket list group/order by category
- don't list KB articles under "latest" if they are already listed under "top"
- moved help desk title/URL under general settings to avoid confusion
- modified some default settings (does not affect updates)

Changes in 2.7.1 - 19th November 2016
- fix: don't modify ticket "Last updated" when updating HESK to 2.7.x

Changes in 2.7.0 - 19th November 2016
- custom fields have been improved significantly:
   » translate title
   » change display order
   » tie them to specific categories
   » private (staff only) custom fields supported
   » mark as required for everyone or just for customers
   » checkboxes now require only a single option (before: two)
   » increased number of available custom fields to 50
   » improved interface and moved under "Tools"
   » do not show double punctuation in forms
   » new types: date, email, hidden
- you can now create custom ticket statuses
- improved language loading (fallback if not found, custom text)
- automatically reload pages with list of tickets every X seconds/minutes
- require tickets to be assigned before staff is able to reply to them (option)
- implemented IMAP fetching (import emails to tickets from an IMAP email server)
- email templates can now be modified from the Admin panel (Tools > Email templates)
- removed LIMIT 1 from SQL UPDATE/DELETE statements to avoid replication warnings
- in "Tickets per user" report show how many tickets a user has submitted
- in admin panel show a link to the public knowledgebase article location
- added head.txt for custom code to be included before </head> tag
- delete knowledgebase articles from the "Edit article" page
- moved temporary files out of attachments folder
- new staff permissions:
   » can resolve tickets
   » can submit tickets to any category
   » can move tickets to any category
- ticket message can be set to not required
- ticket subject can be set to not required
- ticket email can be set to not required
- HESK can now force SSL connections
- fix: JS function argument default values are not available before ES6
- fix: wrong order of ticket list column titles when a required column is missing
- fix: return back to the previous page after editing KB articles from List private/draft articles
- fix: remember opened ticket when changing display language in customer ticket view

Changes in 2.6.8 - 10th August 2016
- fix: wrong form title when editing service messages
- fix: removed some missing and/or mismatched HTML tags
- fix: modify SQL database table structure to work with strict mode
- security: fixed an issue, reported by Sven Morgenroth from Netsparker (www)
- security: various security improvements, reported by Mohammed Abdulqader Abobaker Al-saggaf (www)
- misc: updated few third party libraries

Changes in 2.6.7 - 18th April 2016
- changed email piping and pop3 fetching files line endings to Unix format for compatibility
- security: removed private info from query string, reported by Alec Broughton (www)
- security: require email to view tickets setting is now enabled by default
- fix: pagination in private staff messages not working
- fix: wrong links to index and KB page in help files
- in customer side emails are now shown as a link

Changes in 2.6.6 - 2nd February 2016
- improved reCaptcha library to work with cURL
- verify MySQL privileges before installing/upgrading
- fix: respect attachments settings in KB form (minimum 3 if enabled)
- fix: always checking for maintenance mode when downloading attachments
- fix: missing <tr> tag in Reports

Changes in 2.6.5 - 28th August 2015
- HESK now supports Zend OPcache enabled
- modified PHP7 depreciated class constructors
- improved handling of values/options when changing custom field type
- simple anti-SPAM image now uses PNG or GIF support if JPEG is not enabled
- trim "Help Desk URL" trailing slash when saving settings
- fix: send customer notification of a new staff reply in the correct language
- fix: merging tickets could hide old replies until a new reply is posted
- fix: preserve table prefix in installation script on connection error
- fix: session expired error when trying to reset password
- fix: don't send out content-type headers for CLI scripts

Changes in 2.6.4 - 22nd June 2015
- fix: session expired error if username case doesn't match exactly the one in database

Changes in 2.6.3 - 20th June 2015
- update unknown IP address to the IP address of the first ticket visitor from customer interface
- "last modified" value will now be preserved during hesk_tickets table update
- staff private messages can now have signatures attached
- added three new special tags to canned responses
- improved status assignment logic when customer reopens a closed ticket
- removed execution time limit in installation script to handle large database updates
- updated inline URL regex to not process emails in URLs containing not encoded emails
- fix: existing sessions should expire after changing credentials, reported by Indrajith.AN (www)
- fix: missing a day in the DateArray() function when passing daylight saving time adjustments
- fix: force content type header charset to utf-8 (override PHP 5.6+ default_charset)
- fix: status change not logged in ticket history when staff inserting customer reply
- fix: email to ticket: accept email if no message required but attachment exists
- fix: email confirmation not working properly when multiple emails are allowed
- fix: non-default MySQL ports ignored during upgrade using mysqli library
- fix: "Small box" setting disables knowledgebase search in admin panel
- fix: null attachment name length after removing non-ascii chars
- fix: grammar error in English language file

Changes in 2.6.2 - 18th March 2015
- fix: \0 converted to null byte in XML export
- fix: closedby column in hesk_tickets table must accept signed values

Changes in 2.6.1 - 26th February 2015
- fix: POP3 fetching task timeout can be disabled
- fix: security issue reported by Michał Bentkowski (www)

Changes in 2.6.0 - 22nd February 2015
- HESK is now compatible with PHP 5.6
- minimum MySQL server version is 5.0.7
- select which columns to display in ticket list
- staff can now manage notifications and preferences for other users
- option to disable email notifications to customer when they submit a new support ticket
- notify customer when a ticket is marked Resolved (by staff without replying or automatically)
- track what knowledgebase articles were suggested to the customer when submitting a new ticket
- remind customer to check SPAM box for confirmation emails after submitting ticket
- existing staff responses will be marked as read when customer replies over email
- ticket templates for faster submitting of common tickets from admin interface
- additional buttons to easily submit responses with different ticket statuses
- improved handling of the goto parameter in admin panel (Lisandro Ubiedo)
- require access control when testing connections (Lisandro Ubiedo)
- don't start a new POP3 fetching task if the previous is still running
- fix: fieldset legend element not aligned properly in most browsers
- fix: set correct MIME type for servers sending nosniff header
- fix: adjust MySQL time in legacy hesk_formatDate() function
- fix: remove all non-ascii chars from attachment names
- fix: custom checkbox fields not staying selected
- staff can indicate a reply as a reply from the customer
- use HESK knowledgebase only (no help desk)
- allow staff to reset forgotten passwords
- HESK can be put in maintenance mode
- ability to find tickets by Owner
- added support for reCAPTCHA API v2
- the "Time worked" feature can be disabled
- HESK width increased of 960 pixel by default
- show service messages on help desk homepage
- option to prevent customers from resolving tickets
- link customer IP addresses to an IP whois service
- new email tag %%ID%% prints sequential ticket ID
- save ticket response message for later without replying
- set default customer notification box selection in Profile
- ticket notes now allow attachments and can be modified
- staff members are now ordered by name for easier selection
- customers can select email reminder to list all or open tickets
- three time formats available for the "Updated" column in ticket list
- "Submit a ticket" form fields can now be populated using GET and POST
- when saving settings don't test SMTP and POP3 connection if no changes
- optionally show "Click to select" for ticket category, priority and custom fields
- skip customer notification of new ticket if a SPAM tag is in email subject
- customer email and staff signature field length increased to 1000 chars
- accept or reject emails with no message (email piping/POP3 fetching)
- on Categories page added links to list all tickets in each category
- when listing knowledgebase articles verify the category exists
- show related knowledgebase articles when viewing an article
- when creating tickets from emails respect the Reply-To: tag
- change ticket priority for selected tickets in ticket list
- set default priority for ticket categories
- minor changes to the interface
- ban email addresses
- ban IP addresses

Changes in 2.5.5 - 5th August 2014
- fix: correct TinyMCE update to 3.5.11 from version 2.5.4

Changes in 2.5.4 - 4th August 2014
- fix: MySQL test ignoring new database name when verifying tables
- fix: adjust time if MySQL and PHP use different time zone setting
- fix: single quotes not escaped properly in Javascript (Lisandro Ubiedo)
- updated TinyMCE to 3.5.11

Changes in 2.5.3 - 16th March 2014
- Firefox built-in spell check is now enabled when creating/editing knowledgebase articles
- rephrased few commands in the interface for better understanding and consistency
- fix: some Javascript not working if translated command contains a single quote
- fix: line separator chars causing Javascript syntax errors in canned responses
- fix: Hotmail breaks ticket tracking ID in email reply subject by adding spaces
- fix: define dt and lastchange variables for emails when adding a ticket note
- fix: email date should be in RFC2822 format (no manual time adjustment)
- fix: allow upgrading from 2.5.x series without patch files
- updated pop3.php to avoid a strict standards warning
- improved and simplified installation/update script
- added .header a:visited to hesk_style.css
- user password length is no longer limited
- updated TinyMCE to 3.5.10

Changes in 2.5.2 - 13th October 2013
- reports now include "Time worked" summary
- modified sorting by "Last Replier" field. Staff will be sorted first (by ID), then customers by name
- fix: toggling limit of categories and features for users should be controlled by selected admin value
- fix: checking if temporary file exists may cause problems with open_basedir in effect
- fix: disabled attachments in version 2.5.x don't load all required functions
- fix: knowledgebase categories have problems with % char in their name
- fix: anti-SPAM question doesn't accept 0 as a valid answer
- updated TinyMCE to 3.5.9

Changes in 2.5.1 - 8th August 2013
- added "Updated" value to the export of tickets to Excel
- added support for exporting tickets in Zip without Zip library enabled
- added two new email template tags: %%CREATED%% and %%UPDATED%%
- reduced memory usage in knowledgebase article suggestion, search and display
- set last replier name to the email sender name with email piping/POP3 fetching
- show "Open" and "Resolved" ticket count in reports by user and by category
- fixed HTML quoted printable chars causing problems in non UTF-8 emails
- fixed Javascript encoding of UTF-8 URL query parts
- fixed behavior of hesk_isEmailLoop() function
- remove invalid UTF-8 bytes from submitted text
- improved parsing of incoming email messages
- delete temporary email files on errors

Changes in 2.5.0 - 2nd July 2013
- HESK is now fully compatible with PHP 5.5
- export tickets into Excel (XML spreadsheet)
- knowledgebase categories can now be ordered
- show number of private and draft articles in the Knowledgebase categories list
- new SPAM prevention option built-in: ReCaptcha
- new special tag for use in email templates: %%EMAIL%%
- support for %%MESSAGE%% tag in private messages
- in email piping/pop3 fetching show notice what attachments were removed and why
- if email contains message add direct links to any attachments at the bottom
- add the "Reply above this line" tag only if email contains message
- in emails make sure all fields have HTML special chars properly formatted
- pop3 fetching now has an option to keep copy of emails on the server
- pop3 fetching change verify sender name encoding
- use mysqli extension instead of mysql if available
- if customer reopens ticket change status to waiting reply from customer and remind customer to add a reply
- it's now easy to change the name of admin and attachments folders
- disallow uploads of some file types: .php, .phtml, .php3, .php4, .php5, .phps, .pl, .cgi, .shtm, .shtml
- optimized several SQL statements for better performance
- staff can now only run reports for categories they have access to and (by user) only for themselves.
- option to give staff permission to run full reports
- removed duplicates from text.php
- when grouping tickets by owner show current user's on top
- improved URL parsing to detect all schemes (http, https, ftp, sftp, file, ...)
- when replying as staff give an option to not send email notification
- in options.php urldecode $query
- On Hold and In Progress statuses not cleared from the "Change status to" box
- empty category value in submit ticket form if no public categories
- work-around for a bug in older versions of Internet Explorer not allowing https downloads
- long URLs in messages can be automatically shortened
- session names shouldn't collide with multiple copies installed
- email piping limit length of name and subject
- detect if an attachment file has been deleted
- show replier first name when printing tickets
- do not allow rating replies of third party tickets
- wrong status in email if status changes when replying
- make "Add to the bottom" default selection for adding canned responses
- "last changed" sometimes not updating correctly
- remove the need for server path setting
- forms need to allow longer emails (now 255 chars)
- if a customer replies to a ticket with status "New" don't change status
- "Show newest on top" setting now affects notes as well
- custom fields need to be converted into plain text before sending in emails
- hesk_makeURL should detect localhost addresses
- decode XHTML reserved entities to UTF-8 in emails
- prevent & in "Site title" setting from becoming &amp; in emails
- modified knowledgebase search form to make it clearer what the form does (search help)
- detect if someone tries to post more data than what the server allows (PHP post_max_size limit)
- expired sessions in admin panel may cause an "Invalid Request" error
- reloading the page after submitting a KB article creates a new (duplicate) article
- fix category name and email problems due to MySQL wildcard match
- for customers, auto-focus first required field when "Submit a ticket" form loads
- prevent caching of session pages by sending session_cache_limiter nocache
- private and draft article list showing only 1 draft per category
- limiting failed login attempts can now be disabled in settings
- modified the simple anti-spam image a bit
- count views of private articles
- when deleting knowledgebase category also delete/move subcategories and attachments
- fixed an error that can occur when merging tickets in strict MySQL mode
- if one attachment fails delete others as well
- fixed problems with \ " < > & in pop3/smtp passwords
- removed support email variable (not used anymore)
- removed Connection and Content-length HTTP headers from AJAX posts
- cache check for updates to 1 per hour
- updated TinyMCE to 3.5.8
- updated mime_parser class to 1.85
- few minor user interface changes

Changes in 2.4.2 - 30th December 2012
- verify that a valid version of HESK has been installed

Changes in 2.4.1 - 18th August 2012
- fixed comment URL parsing issues when replying to a ticket as staff
- fixed Knowledgebase file uploads not working on some installations of 2.4
- with auto-login set to OFF and Debug mode set to ON, notices were shown after staff login
- knowledgebase attachments on private and draft articles cannot be downloaded
- lastchange not updated when deleting ticket posts without status change
- some servers add slashes to file_get_contents(), detect and remove them
- some servers may report maximum file size in lowercase letters
- column hits in table hesk_pipe_loops didn't have a default value
- merge tickets option not showing on some installations of 2.4
- if a POP3 stream wrapper is already registered remove it
- improved detection of returned emails

Changes in 2.4 - 9th August 2012
- encoding changed to UTF-8 for all languages
- time spent on ticket
- POP3 fetching (connect to an email account and convert emails into tickets)
- customers may reply to tickets by replying to notification emails
- detect and correct mistyped email addresses
- detect email piping loops
- enable/disable autoassign per category
- private ticket categories (for use by staff only)
- merge several tickets into one
- sticky knowledgebase articles
- keywords for knowledgebase articles
- hide date and views from knowledgebase articles
- set email "From:" name in HESK settings
- fixed bug: when moving ticket category an autoassign email wasn't sent
- fixed bug: reopen link still showed to customer when it should be disabled
- fixed bug: misplaced quote in users online list HTML code
- fixed bug: close ticket selection missing in new statuses
- fixed bug: staff should not be able to create new accounts with more features
- fixed broken Javascript code if language file uses single quotes
- fixed typos in some variable names
- fixed email date issues
- fixed email notifications should be sent in preferred language
- improved permission checking for access to attachments and tickets
- updated calendar to latest version
- updated WYSIWYG text editor to latest version
- updated mime_decode to latest version
- filter ticket ID for ugly words
- delete individual attachments from tickets
- new special tag for email templates: %%STATUS%%
- search ticket notes
- forgot ticket ID lists open and most recent tickets first
- forgot ticket ID can list open tickets only
- limit maximum open tickets per client (web form only)
- new replies can now be shown on top of the page
- reply box can be moved to the top of the page
- when showing next ticket that needs attention don't show tickets assigned to someone else
- searching tickets by message now also searches replies
- email when note is added to ticket assigned to me
- email subjects changed to include ticket subject and tracking ID
- improved email syntax validation
- moved less common functions from
- modified admin header to show nicely in non-English versions
- mark replies read by customer
- automatically check for updates
- a number of other minor changes and fixes.

Changes in 2.3 - 15th September 2011
- a "What You See is What You Get" (WYSIWYG) editor for Knowledgebase articles
- import tickets into Knowledgebase articles
- automatically assign tickets to appropriate staff
- staff can change status of tickets
- two new ticket status options: On Hold, In Progress
- staff can set ticket priority to "Critical"
- view what staff is currently online
- create tickets from email (email piping)
- support for sending emails using a SMTP server rather than PHP mail()
- improved ticket sorting algorithm and new sorting options.
- change default ticket display and sorting in the admin homepage
- find tickets by email and sequential ticket ID
- brute force protection for both ticket view and staff login
- Hesk is now IPv6 ready
- fixed bug where required custom fields with value 0 would return an error
- fixed bug where emails were sometimes not sent to all staff when changing ticket category
- fixed bug where knowledgebase article count wasn't updated properly
- fixed a potential security issue on servers with PHP register_globals enabled
- renamed "Close ticket" to "Mark as Resolved" for clarity
- renamed "Archived" to "Tagged" for clarity
- you can require customers to enter both ticket ID and email to view a ticket
- modified ticket ID format so it is easier to read and repeat
- limit view of unassigned tickets to staff
- a number of error-handling and interface changes to make Hesk even more user friendly
- a number of minor changes and fixes.

Changes in 2.2 - 9th June 2010
- assign owners to tickets (assign tickets to individual staff members)
- admin panel shows last repliers' name
- more information can be entered into e-mails (category, message, ticket owner, custom fields)
- staff can now submit tickets
- added reporting features
- added staff private messages
- check for duplicate tracking ID
- improved ticket searching
- fixed bug where edit_post rewrites session variables when register_globals is enabled
- fixed bug where e-mails and URLs don't show correctly when editing ticket
- fixed bug where last replier didn't show correctly after deleting a post
- lock/unlock individual tickets
- new way of suggesting KB articles
- ticket history log (who closed, opened, locked or unlocked a ticket)
- more user-friendly error and success message handling
- added checks to fight CSRF-type attacks
- generate URLs that will pre-load category selection when submitting new tickets
- settings will now accept localhost URLs
- purge attachments when the ticket is deleted
- disable customer setting ticket priority level
- a number of minor changes and fixes.

Changes in 2.1 - 7th August 2009
- Full support for multiple languages
- Knowledgebase articles can now have attachments
- Increased custom fields number to 20
- Checkboxes now supported as custom fields
- Autologin feature
- Staff can edit all ticket details
- New redirect options after replying to a ticket (settable in Profile)
- Canned responses can be appended to the message instead of replacing it
- A read-only access to private knowledgebase by all staff
- Fixed numerous small bugs and issues thanks to large code testing and screening
- Improved security
- HESK moved to Web site, links within the script updated accordingly

Changes in 2.0 - 24th January 2009
- Updated user interface
- Fully featured knowledge base (categories, articles (counting views, able to rate), search, ...)
- Display of latest and top articles
- Before a ticket is submitted HESK will suggest matching Knowledgebase articles
- You can add notes to tickets (hidden from customer, viewable by staff)
- Limit features for staff (not just Administrator/Staff, now you can enable/disable individual features for individual users)
- Rating of staff replies (Helpful/Not helpful)
- Up to 10 custom field now
- Custom fields can be text, textarea, select or radio button
- Disable list users in admin
- Remember staff username
- Default ticket listing by status (new, waiting reply first) then priority
- Staff passwords encrypted - not simple SHA1, but multiple times
- Admin files moved to "admin" folder
- Added prefix to database names
- Autoclose tickets after X days
- Adjust server time to match your local time
- Updated anti-SPAM features
- And many other changes

Changes in 0.94.1 - 25th April 2007
- Fixed an XSS vulnerability on some servers (reported by Nemanja Avramovic)
- Changed the way file uploads are handled

Changes in 0.94 - 23rd April 2007
- Added support for custom fields (up to 5)
- Added file attachments
- Added anti-SPAM security image
- Added canned responses
- Settings are now edited from the admin panel
- New ticket statuses (New, Replied, Waiting Reply, Resolved)
- Ticket ID reminder
- And many other changes (too many to list here)

Changes in 0.93.1 - 17th September 2005
- Fixed a security issue reported by OS2A team

Version 0.93 - 3rd July 2005

Version 0.92 - 28th May 2005

Version 0.91 - 4th May 2005

Initial release 0.90 - 23rd April 2005


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