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PKs3Y-- pt/text.phpnu[ CONTRIBUTORS * * Pedro Jesus ( * Pedro Augusto Marques * * ==> HOW TO TRANSLATE THIS FILE * * * * ==> HOW TO CUSTOMIZE TEXT * * Do NOT customize text inside here, it will be overwritten by updates! * * Follow this guide instead: * * * ==> IMPORTANT: FILE ENCODING * * This file *must* be saved in UTF-8 encoding without byte order mark (BOM) * Test chars: àáâãäåæ * * * */ // Native name of language, for example: Deutsch $hesklang['LANGUAGE']='Português'; // English name of language, for example: German $hesklang['LANGUAGE_EN']='Portuguese'; // Language encoding. It MUST be set to UTF-8 for all languages! $hesklang['ENCODING']='UTF-8'; // MySQL utf8 collation. Do not change if not sure what to use. $hesklang['_COLLATE']='utf8_unicode_ci'; // This is the email break line that will be used in email piping $hesklang['EMAIL_HR']='------ Responder acima desta linha ------'; // EMAIL SUBJECTS $hesklang['new_ticket_staff']='[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Novo Chamado: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['ticket_received']='[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Chamado Recebido: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['ticket_assigned_to_you']='[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Chamado Atribuido: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['new_reply_by_customer']='[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Nova resposta para: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['new_reply_by_staff']='[#%%TRACK_ID%%] "Nova resposta para o seu Chamado";: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['category_moved']='[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Chamado Movido: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['new_note']='[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Nota agregada a: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['new_pm']='Nova Mensagem privada: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['forgot_ticket_id']='Lista dos seus Chamados'; // ERROR MESSAGES $hesklang['cant_connect_db']='Não foi possível conectar à base de dados!'; $hesklang['invalid_action']='Ação Inválida'; $hesklang['select_username']='Por favor, digite o seu nome de utilizador'; $hesklang['enter_pass']='Por favor, digite a sua senha'; $hesklang['cant_sql']='Não foi possível executar este comando SQL'; $hesklang['contact_webmsater']='Por favor, contacte o webmaster:'; $hesklang['mysql_said']='MySQL retornou'; $hesklang['wrong_pass']='Senha Incorreta.'; $hesklang['session_expired']='Sessão expirada, por favor, insira o seu login nos campos abaixo.'; $hesklang['attempt']='Tentativa Inválida!'; $hesklang['not_authorized_tickets']='Você não está autorizado a visualizar os Chamados desta categoria!'; $hesklang['must_be_admin']='Você não está autorizado a visualizar esta página! Faça login como administrador.'; $hesklang['no_session']='Impossível iniciar nova sessão!'; $hesklang['error']='Erro'; $hesklang['int_error']='Erro interno de script'; $hesklang['no_trackID']='Sem Código de Identificação do Chamado'; $hesklang['status_not_valid']='Status inválido'; $hesklang['trackID_not_found']='Código de Identificação do Chamado não encontrado'; $hesklang['enter_message']='Por favor, insira sua mensagem'; $hesklang['select_priority']='Por favor, selecione a prioridade'; $hesklang['ticket_not_found']='Chamado não encontrado !
Por favor, verifique se o Código de Identificação do Chamado foi digitado corretamente.'; $hesklang['no_selected']='Nenhum Chamado selecionado, nada para mudar'; $hesklang['id_not_valid']='Este não é um Código de Identificação válido'; $hesklang['enter_id']='Por favor, digite o Código de Identificação do Chamado'; $hesklang['enter_name']='Por favor, digite o nome do cliente'; $hesklang['enter_date']='Por favor, digite a data que deseja procurar'; $hesklang['date_not_valid']='Esta não é uma data válida. Por favor, digite a data neste formato DD-MM-AAAA'; $hesklang['enter_subject']='Por favor, digite um assunto para o Chamado'; $hesklang['invalid_search']='Ação de busca inválida'; $hesklang['choose_cat_ren']='Por favor, selecione uma categoria para ser renomeada'; $hesklang['cat_ren_name']='Por favor, digite o nome da nova categoria'; $hesklang['cat_not_found']='Categoria não encontrada'; $hesklang['enter_cat_name']='Por favor, digite o nome da categoria'; $hesklang['no_cat_id']='Sem ID de categoria'; $hesklang['cant_del_default_cat']='Você não pode eliminar a categoria default, você pode apenas renomeá-la'; $hesklang['no_valid_id']='ID de utilizador inválido'; $hesklang['user_not_found']='Utilizador não encontrado'; $hesklang['enter_real_name']='Por favor, digite um nome real'; $hesklang['enter_valid_email']='Por favor, digite um E-mail válido'; $hesklang['enter_username']='Por favor, digite o nome de utilizador (login)'; $hesklang['asign_one_cat']='Por favor associe o utilizador a pelo menos uma categoria!'; $hesklang['signature_long']='Assinatura muito longa! Limite da assinatura é de 1000 caracteres'; $hesklang['confirm_user_pass']='Por favor, confirme senha'; $hesklang['passwords_not_same']='As senhas inseridas não conferem!'; $hesklang['cant_del_admin']='Você não pode eliminar o administrador padrão!'; $hesklang['cant_del_own']='Você não pode eliminar o perfil no qual está ligado!'; $hesklang['enter_your_name']='Por favor, insira seu nome'; $hesklang['sel_app_cat']='Por favor, selecione a categoria apropriada'; $hesklang['sel_app_priority']='Por favor, selecione a prioridade apropriada'; $hesklang['enter_ticket_subject']='Por favor, digite o assunto do seu Chamado'; $hesklang['user_not_found_nothing_edit']='Utilizaor não encontrado ou nada a mudar'; // ADMIN PANEL $hesklang['administrator']='Administrador'; $hesklang['login']='Login'; $hesklang['user']='Utilizador'; $hesklang['username']='Login'; $hesklang['pass']='Senha'; $hesklang['confirm_pass']='Confirme senha'; $hesklang['logged_out']='Desconectado'; $hesklang['logout']='Sair'; $hesklang['logout_success']='Você saiu do sistema com sucesso!'; $hesklang['click_login']='Clique aqui para efetuar login'; $hesklang['back']='Voltar'; $hesklang['displaying_pages']='Mostrando %d Chamados. Páginas:'; $hesklang['trackID']='Identificação do Chamado'; $hesklang['timestamp']='Timestamp'; $hesklang['name']='Nome Completo'; $hesklang['subject']='Assunto'; $hesklang['status']='Status'; $hesklang['priority']='Prioridade'; $hesklang['open']='Novo'; $hesklang['open_action']='Reabrir Chamado'; // Open ACTION $hesklang['close']='Fechar'; // Closed Chamado STATUS $hesklang['any_status']='Qualquer status'; $hesklang['high']='Alta'; $hesklang['medium']='Média'; $hesklang['low']='Baixa'; $hesklang['del_selected']='Deletar Chamados selecionados'; $hesklang['manage_cat']='Gerir Categorias'; $hesklang['profile']='Seu Perfil'; $hesklang['show_tickets']='Mostrar Chamados'; $hesklang['sort_by']='Ordenar por'; $hesklang['date_posted']='Data de Postagem'; $hesklang['category']='Categoria'; $hesklang['any_cat']='Qualquer categoria'; $hesklang['order']='Ordem'; $hesklang['ascending']='Crescente'; $hesklang['descending']='Decrescente'; $hesklang['display']='Exibir'; $hesklang['tickets_page']='Chamados por página'; $hesklang['find_ticket']='Procurar Chamado'; $hesklang['yyyy_mm_dd']='DD-MM-AAAA'; $hesklang['results_page']='resultados por página'; $hesklang['opened']='Aberto'; // The ticket has been OPENED $hesklang['closed']='Resolvido'; // Ticket has been RESOLVED $hesklang['ticket']='Chamado'; $hesklang['tickets']='Chamados'; $hesklang['ticket_been']='Este Chamado foi'; $hesklang['view_ticket']='Ver Chamado'; $hesklang['open_tickets']='Chamados abertos'; $hesklang['remove_statement']='Remover informação "Powered by"...'; $hesklang['click_info']='Clique aqui para mais infomações'; $hesklang['reply_added']='Reply added'; $hesklang['reply_submitted']='Resposta enviada'; $hesklang['ticket_marked']='Este Chamado foi marcado'; $hesklang['ticket_status']='Status do Chamado'; $hesklang['replies']='Respostas'; $hesklang['date']='Data'; $hesklang['email']='E-mail'; $hesklang['ip']='IP'; $hesklang['message']='Mensagem'; $hesklang['add_reply']='Adicionar Mensagem'; $hesklang['close_this_ticket']='Marque este Chamado Resolvido'; $hesklang['change_priority']='Mudar prioridade para'; $hesklang['attach_sign']='Anexar assinatura'; $hesklang['profile_settings']='Preferências do perfil'; $hesklang['submit_reply']='Enviar resposta'; $hesklang['support_panel']='Painel de suporte'; $hesklang['ticket_trackID']='Código de Identificação do Chamado'; $hesklang['c2c']='Cique aqui para continuar'; $hesklang['tickets_deleted']='Chamados apagados'; $hesklang['num_tickets_deleted']='%d Chamados foram apagados'; $hesklang['confirm_del_cat']='Tem a certeza que deseja remover esta categoria?'; $hesklang['cat_intro']='Aqui você pode gerir as categorias, que são úteis para classificar tickets por relevância (por exemplo "Vendas", "Problemas de Hardware", "Problemas de PHP/MySQL" etc) e para designar utilizadores ás categorias (por exemplo, seu pessoal de vendas pode apenas ver tickets enviados para "Vendas" categoria)'; $hesklang['spam_req']='At least one SPAM prevention measure must be enabled!'; $hesklang['cat_name']='Nome da categoria'; $hesklang['remove']='Remover'; $hesklang['add_cat']='Adicionar nova categoria'; $hesklang['max_chars']='max de 40 caracteres'; $hesklang['create_cat']='Criar categoria'; $hesklang['ren_cat']='Renomear categoria'; $hesklang['to']='Até'; $hesklang['cat_added']='Categoria adicionada'; $hesklang['cat_name_added']='Categoria %s foi adicionada com sucesso'; $hesklang['cat_renamed']='Categoria renomeada'; $hesklang['cat_renamed_to']='Categoria selecionada foi renomeada com sucesso para'; $hesklang['cat_removed']='Categoria removida'; $hesklang['cat_removed_db']='Categoria selecionada foi removida com sucesso do base de dados'; $hesklang['sure_remove_user']='Tem a certeza de deseja remover este utilizador?'; $hesklang['manage_users']='Gerir utilizadores'; $hesklang['users_intro']='Aqui você gerencia os utilizadores que podem fazer login no painel do administrador e responder Chamados. Administradores podem visualizar/editar Chamados em qualquer categoria e ter acesso a todas funções do painel do administrador (Gerir utilizadores, Gerir categorias etc) enquanto outros utilizadores poderão apenas visualizar e responder a Chamados da sua categoria.'; $hesklang['yes']='SIM'; $hesklang['no']='NÃO'; $hesklang['edit']='Editar'; $hesklang['add_user']='Adicionar novo utilizador'; $hesklang['req_marked_with']='Campos obrigatórios estão marcados com'; $hesklang['real_name']='Nome real'; $hesklang['signature_max']='Assinatura (max 1000 caracteres)'; $hesklang['sign_extra']='Código HTML não é permitido. Links ainda serão clicáveis.'; $hesklang['create_user']='Criar utilizador'; $hesklang['editing_user']='Editando utilizador'; $hesklang['user_added']='Utilizador adicionado'; $hesklang['user_added_success']='Novo utilizador %s com senha %s foi adicionado com sucesso'; $hesklang['profile_updated']='Perfil atualizado'; $hesklang['profile_updated_success']='Seu perfil foi atualizado com sucesso.'; $hesklang['user_removed']='Utilizador removido'; $hesklang['sel_user_removed']='Utilizador selecionado foi removido com sucesso do base de dados.'; $hesklang['profile_for']='Perfil para'; $hesklang['new_pass']='Nova senha'; $hesklang['update_profile']='Atualizar Perfil'; $hesklang['notify_new_posts']='Notifique-me de novos tickets e postagens dentro da minha categoria'; $hesklang['view_profile']='Ver Perfil'; $hesklang['new_ticket_submitted']='Novo Chamado Enviado.'; $hesklang['user_profile_updated_success']='Este perfil de utilizador foi atualizado com sucesso'; $hesklang['printer_friendly']='Versão para imprimir'; $hesklang['end_ticket']='--- Fim do Chamado ---'; // CUSTOMER INTERFACE $hesklang['your_ticket_been']='Seu Chamado foi'; $hesklang['view_your_ticket']='Ver seu Chamado'; $hesklang['submit_ticket']='Enviar um Chamado'; $hesklang['sub_ticket']='Enviar Chamado'; $hesklang['before_submit']='Antes de enviar, por favor, certifique-se do seguinte:'; $hesklang['all_info_in']='Todas as informações necessárias foram preenchidas corretamente'; $hesklang['all_error_free']='Todas as informações estão corretas e livres de erros'; $hesklang['we_have']='Nós registaremos as informações abaixo'; $hesklang['recorded_ip']='como seu IP.'; $hesklang['recorded_time']='o horário de envio.'; $hesklang['save_changes']='Gravar alterações'; $hesklang['reply_submitted_success']='A sua resposta para esse Chamado foi enviada com sucesso'; $hesklang['ticket_submitted']='Chamado enviado'; $hesklang['ticket_submitted_success']='O seu Chamado foi enviado com sucesso!
Código de Identificação do Chamado'; $hesklang['your_ticket']='Seu Chamado'; // Added in version 0.94 $hesklang['check_updates']='Certifique-se de que possui sempre a última versão do HESK instalada!'; $hesklang['check4updates']='Verificar atualizações'; $hesklang['wait_reply']='Sem Resposta'; $hesklang['replied']='Respondido'; $hesklang['last_replier']='Último Remetente'; $hesklang['staff']='Equipe'; $hesklang['customer']='Utilizador'; $hesklang['close_selected']='Marcar Chamados selecionados como resolvido'; $hesklang['execute']='Executar'; $hesklang['saved_replies']='Mensagem modelo'; $hesklang['manage_saved']='Mensagem modelo'; $hesklang['manage_intro']='Aqui você pode adicionar e gerir as suas mensagens modelo. Estas são constantemente utilizadas para respostas padrões que são mais ou menos as mesmas para todos clientes. Você poderá utilizá-las para evitar escrever várias vezes a mesma mensagem a cada novo Chamado ou resposta.'; $hesklang['saved_title']='Título (max 50 caracteres)'; $hesklang['no_saved']='Sem mensagens modelo'; $hesklang['delete_saved']='Tem certeza de deseja eliminar esta mensagem modelo?'; $hesklang['new_saved']='Adicionar ou editar uma mensagem modelo'; $hesklang['canned_add']='Criar uma nova mensagem modelo'; $hesklang['canned_edit']='Editar mensagens modelo selecionadas'; $hesklang['save_reply']='Gravar resposta'; $hesklang['saved']='Resposta gravada'; $hesklang['your_saved']='A sua mensagen modelo foi gravada para uso futuro'; $hesklang['ent_saved_title']='Por favor, digite o título da resposta'; $hesklang['ent_saved_msg']='Por favor, digite uma mensagem de resposta'; $hesklang['saved_removed']='Mensagem modelo removida'; $hesklang['saved_rem_full']='As mensagens modelo selecionadas foram removidas do base de dados'; $hesklang['clip_alt']='Esta mensagem contém anexo'; $hesklang['attachments']='Anexos'; $hesklang['fill_all']='Campo não preenchido'; $hesklang['file_too_large']='Seu icheiromuito grande'; $hesklang['cannot_move_tmp']='Não foi possível mover o ficheiro para a pasta de anexos'; $hesklang['created_on']='Criado em'; $hesklang['tickets_closed']='Chamados fechados'; $hesklang['num_tickets_closed']='%d tickets have been closed'; $hesklang['select_saved']='Selecionar uma mensagem modelo'; $hesklang['select_empty']='Seleção / Vazia'; $hesklang['insert_special']='Inserir TAG especial (será substituída pelas informações do cliente)'; $hesklang['move_to_catgory']='Mover ticket para'; $hesklang['move']='Mover'; $hesklang['moved']='Ticket movido'; $hesklang['moved_to']='Este ticket foi movido para uma nova categoria'; $hesklang['url']='URL'; $hesklang['all_not_closed']='Todos não fechados'; $hesklang['chg_all']='Mudar todos'; $hesklang['settings']='Definições'; $hesklang['settings_intro']='Use esta ferramenta para configurar o seu help desk. Para mais informações sobre todos ajustestodas as definições e opções, clique no sinal de ajuda ou leia o arquivo readme.html.'; $hesklang['all_req']='Todos os campos (exceto os desabilitados) são necessários!'; $hesklang['wbst_title']='Título do Website'; $hesklang['wbst_url']='URL do website'; $hesklang['email_wm']='E-mail do webmaster'; $hesklang['max_listings']='Listas por página'; $hesklang['print_size']='Tamanho da fonte de impressão'; $hesklang['debug_mode']='Modo debug'; $hesklang['on']='Ligado'; $hesklang['off']='Desligado'; $hesklang['use_secimg']='Use imagem Anti-SPAM'; $hesklang['secimg_no']='Não disponível'; $hesklang['attach_use']='Use anexos'; $hesklang['attach_num']='Número por post'; $hesklang['attach_type']='Tipos de arquivos permitidos'; $hesklang['place_after']='Após mensagem'; $hesklang['place_before']='Antes da mensagem'; $hesklang['custom_f']='campo personalizavel'; $hesklang['custom_u']='Use este campo'; $hesklang['custom_n']='Nome do campo'; $hesklang['custom_l']='Tamanho máximo (caracteres)'; $hesklang['db_host']='Host da base de dados'; $hesklang['db_name']='Nome do base de dados'; $hesklang['db_user']='Nome de utilizador do base de dados'; $hesklang['db_pass']='Senha do base de dados'; $hesklang['err_sname']='Por favor, digite o título do seu website'; $hesklang['err_surl']='Por favor, digite a URL do seu website.'; $hesklang['err_wmmail']='Por favor, digite um e-mail de webmaster válido'; $hesklang['err_nomail']='Por favor, digite um e-mail de não-resposta válido'; $hesklang['err_htitle']='Por favor, digite um título do seu Help Desk de suporte'; $hesklang['err_hurl']='Por favor, digite a URL da sua pasta de Help Desk. Certifique-se que é uma URL válida (Começa com http:// ou https://)'; $hesklang['err_lang']='Por favor, selecione um idioma para o HESK'; $hesklang['err_nolang']='O ficheiro de linguagem especificado não existe na pasta de idiomas. Certifique-se que faz o upload do ficheiro apropriado antes de mudar as opções de idioma.'; $hesklang['err_max']='Por favor, digite a quantidade máxima de itens por página'; $hesklang['err_psize']='Por favor, digite o tamanho da fonte de impressão'; $hesklang['err_dbhost']='Por favor, digite o nome do Host da sua base de dados MySQL'; $hesklang['err_dbname']='Por favor, digite o nome da sua base de dados MySQL'; $hesklang['err_dbuser']='Por favor, digite o Nome de utilizador da sua base de dados MySQL'; $hesklang['err_dbpass']='Por favor, digite a Senha da sua base de dados MySQL'; $hesklang['err_dbconn']='Não foi possível conectar ao base de dados MySQL usando informações fornecidas!'; $hesklang['err_dbsele']='Não foi possível conectar à base de dados MySQL, por favor, verifique o NOME da base de dados'; $hesklang['err_custname']='Por favor, digite o nome do campo opcional selecionado'; $hesklang['err_openset']='Não foi possível abrir o ficheiro para gravação. Por favor, CHMOD este ficheiro para 666 (rw-rw-rw-)'; $hesklang['set_saved']='Definições gravadas'; $hesklang['set_were_saved']='As suas definições foram gravadas com sucesso'; $hesklang['sec_img']='Imagem de segurança'; $hesklang['sec_miss']='Por favor, digite o número de segurança'; $hesklang['sec_wrng']='Número de segurança inválido'; $hesklang['submit_problems']='Por favor, volte e corrija os seguintes problemas'; $hesklang['cat_order']='Ordem de categoria'; $hesklang['reply_order']='Ordem de mensagem modelo'; $hesklang['move_up']='Mover para cima'; $hesklang['move_dn']='Mover para baixo'; $hesklang['cat_move_id']='ID de categoria faltando'; $hesklang['reply_move_id']='ID de mensagem modelo faltando'; $hesklang['forgot_tid']='Esqueceu o Código de Identificação?'; $hesklang['tid_send']='Solicitar'; $hesklang['tid_not_found']='Nenhum Chamado com seu endereço do E-mail foi encontrado'; $hesklang['tid_sent']='Código de Identificação do Chamado enviado com sucesso '; $hesklang['tid_sent2']='Um E-mail com os detalhes sobre seu Chamado foi enviado para o seu endereço de E-mail'; $hesklang['check_spambox']='Certifique-se de que o E-mail não esteja na sua Caixa de SPAM, Lixo Eletrônico ou Lixeira.'; $hesklang['reply_not_found']='Mensagem modelo não encontrada'; $hesklang['exists']='Existe'; $hesklang['no_exists']='Não existe'; $hesklang['writable']='Gravável'; $hesklang['not_writable']='Não gravável'; $hesklang['disabled']='Desabilitado'; $hesklang['e_settings']='Você não poderá gravar as definições ao menos que este ficheiro seja gravável pelo script. Por favor, leia o README para mais informações!'; $hesklang['e_attdir']='Você não poderá anexar arquivos ao menos que este exista e seja gravável pelo script. Por favor, leia o README para mais informações!'; $hesklang['e_save_settings']='Impossível gravar seus ajustes porque o arquivo não está gravável pelo script.'; $hesklang['e_attach']='Desabilitado porque seu diretório de anexos não está gravável pelo script.'; $hesklang['go']='Ir'; // Added in version 2.0 $hesklang['v']='Versão do HESK'; $hesklang['check_status']='Verificando status'; $hesklang['sub_support']='Enviar um Chamado'; $hesklang['open_ticket']='Enviar um novo chamado para um departamento'; $hesklang['view_existing']='Ver Chamado Existente'; $hesklang['vet']='Ver chamados que você enviou no passado'; $hesklang['enter_user']='Por favor, digite seu nome de utilizador'; $hesklang['remember_user']='Relembrar meu nome de utilizador'; $hesklang['wrong_user']='Nome de utilizador Inválido'; $hesklang['no_permission']='Você não tem permissão para executar esta tarefa, por favor, faça login com um Administrador com este acesso.'; $hesklang['tickets_on_pages']='

Número de Chamados: %d

Número de Páginas: %d
'; // First %d is replaced with number of tickets, second %d with number of pages $hesklang['jump_page']='Ir para página:'; $hesklang['no_tickets_open']='Chamado sem solução não encontrado'; $hesklang['no_tickets_crit']='Chamado não encontrado com os critérios informados'; $hesklang['confirm_execute']='Tem certeza que deseja continuar?'; $hesklang['legend']='Legenda'; $hesklang['main_page']='Início'; $hesklang['menu_users']='Utilizadores'; $hesklang['menu_cat']='Categorias'; $hesklang['menu_profile']='Perfil'; $hesklang['menu_kb']='Base de conhecimento'; // Admin MENU item $hesklang['kb_text']='Base de conhecimento'; // Item visible to customers $hesklang['viewkb']='Visualizar conteúdo da base de conhecimento'; $hesklang['kb']='Gerir base de conhecimento'; $hesklang['kb_intro']='Base de conhecimento é uma coleção de respostas para as questões mais frequentes (FAQ) e também de artigos que provém recursos de uma auto ajuda para os clientes. Uma base de conhecimento bem elaborada pode reduzir drasticamente o número de tickets de suporte recebidos e registrados no HESK, economizando muito tempo. Você pode organizar os artigos em categorias e sub categorias.'; // Description in ADMIN panel $hesklang['kb_is']='Base de conhecimento é uma coleção de respostas para as questões mais frequentes (FAQ) e também de artigos que provém recursos de auto ajuda para os utilizadores. Você pode ler os artigos e também pesquisá-los.'; // Description for CUSTOMERS $hesklang['new_kb_art']='Novo artigo da base de conhecimento'; $hesklang['kb_cat']='Categoria'; $hesklang['kb_subject']='Assunto'; $hesklang['kb_content']='Conteúdo'; $hesklang['kb_type']='Tipo'; $hesklang['kb_published']='Publicado'; $hesklang['kb_published2']='O artigo está visível para todos na base de conhecimento.'; $hesklang['kb_private']='Privado'; $hesklang['kb_private2']='Artigos privados só podem ser lidos pela equipe de suporte.'; $hesklang['kb_draft']='Rascunho'; $hesklang['kb_draft2']='O artigo está gravado, mas ainda não foi publicado. Este só pode ser visto pela equipe de suporte
que tem permissão para Gerir os artigos da base de conhecimento.'; $hesklang['kb_links']='Atenção!
Digite um codigo válido sem tags <head> e <body> , apenas o conteúdo!
'; $hesklang['kb_ehtml']='Este é um código HTML (Eu vou digitar um código (x)HTML válido)'; $hesklang['kb_dhtml']='Este é um texto sem formatação (links ainda serão clicáveis)'; $hesklang['kb_save']='Gravar artigo'; $hesklang['kb_e_subj']='Digite o assunto do artigo!'; $hesklang['kb_e_cont']='Digite o conteúdo do artigo!'; $hesklang['kb_art_added']='Artigo adicionado'; $hesklang['your_kb_added']='Um novo artigo de base de conhecimento foi adicionado com sucesso'; $hesklang['kb_art_deleted']='Artigo apagado'; $hesklang['your_kb_deleted']='Artigo da base de conhecimento selecionado foi apagado com sucesso'; $hesklang['kb_art_mod']='Artigo modificado'; $hesklang['your_kb_mod']='Suas modificações do artigo selecionado foram salvas com sucesso'; $hesklang['kb_cat_new']='Nova sub categoria da base de conhecimento'; $hesklang['kb_cat_parent']='Categoria pai'; $hesklang['kb_cat_sub']='Subcategorias'; $hesklang['kb_cat_title']='Título da categoria'; $hesklang['kb_cat_published']='A categoria está viísivel para todos na base de conhecimento.'; $hesklang['kb_cat_private']='A categoria pode apenas ser vista pela equipe de suporte.'; $hesklang['kb_cat_add']='Adicionar categoria'; $hesklang['kb_cat_e_title']='Digitar título da categoria!'; $hesklang['kb_cat_added']='Categoria adicionada'; $hesklang['kb_cat_added2']='Uma nova categoria foi adicionada com sucesso a base de conhecimento'; $hesklang['kb_cat_man']='Gerir categorias da base de conhecimento'; $hesklang['kb_cat_edit']='Editar detalhes da categoria'; $hesklang['kb_cat_inv']='Categoria inválida'; $hesklang['kb_cat_art']='Artigos nesta categoria'; $hesklang['kb_p_art']='+ Artigo'; $hesklang['kb_p_art2']='adicionar um novo artigo a esta categoria.'; $hesklang['kb_add_art']='Adicionar artigo'; $hesklang['kb_p_cat']='+ Categoria'; $hesklang['kb_p_cat2']='criar uma nova sub categoria dentro da categoria selecionada.'; $hesklang['kb_add_cat']='Adicionar categoria'; $hesklang['kb_p_man']='Gerir'; $hesklang['kb_p_man2']='gerir categoria selecionada (editar, apagar, gerir artigos).'; $hesklang['kb_main']='A categoria principal da base de conhecimento não pode ser apagada ou movida.'; $hesklang['kb_no_art']='Não há artigos nesta categoria.'; $hesklang['author']='Autor'; $hesklang['views']='Visualizações'; $hesklang['delete']='Apagar'; $hesklang['rating']='Classificação'; $hesklang['votes']='Votos'; $hesklang['kb_rated']='Classificações de artigo %s/5.0'; $hesklang['kb_not_rated']='Artigo ainda não classificado'; $hesklang['del_art']='Você tem certeza de que deseja apagar o artigo selecionado?'; $hesklang['kb_art_id']='ID do artigo inválido ou perdido!'; $hesklang['kb_art_edit']='Editar artigo'; $hesklang['revhist']='Histórico de Revisão'; $hesklang['revision1']='
  • %s | enviado por %s
  • '; // %s = date, user making change $hesklang['revision2']='
  • %s | modificado por %s
  • '; // %s = date, user making change $hesklang['kb_order']='Ordem'; $hesklang['kb_delcat']='Tem certeza que deseja apagar esta categoria?'; $hesklang['kb_cat_mod']='Categoria modificada'; $hesklang['your_cat_mod']='Suas mudanças para a categoria selecionada foram salvas com sucesso'; $hesklang['kb_cat_del']='Categoria da base de conhecimento apagada'; $hesklang['kb_cat_dlt']='A categoria da base de conhecimento selecionada foi apagada.'; $hesklang['allowed_cat']='Categorias'; $hesklang['allow_feat']='Benefícios'; $hesklang['can_view_tickets']='Visualizar Chamados'; $hesklang['can_reply_tickets']='Responder aos Chamados'; $hesklang['can_assign_tickets']='Assinar Chamados'; $hesklang['can_del_tickets']='Apagar Chamados'; $hesklang['can_edit_tickets']='Editar respostas de Chamado'; $hesklang['can_change_cat']='Mudar Categoria do Chamado'; $hesklang['can_man_kb']='Gerir base de conhecimento'; $hesklang['can_man_users']='Gerir utilizadores'; $hesklang['can_man_cat']='Gerir Categorias'; $hesklang['can_man_canned']='Gerir respostas modelo'; $hesklang['can_man_settings']='Gerir definições do Help Desk'; $hesklang['can_del_notes']='Apagar qualquer nota de Chamado'; $hesklang['dan']='utilizadores podem apagar suas próprias notas dos Chamados, selecione apenas se deseja permitir que utilizadores apaguem também, notas de outros utilizadores.'; $hesklang['in_all_cat']='apenas nas categorias permitidas'; $hesklang['admin_can']='(acesso a todos benefícios e categorias)'; $hesklang['staff_can']='(você pode limitar benefícios e categorias)'; $hesklang['asign_one_feat']='Por favor, atribua pelo menos um benefício a este utilizador!'; $hesklang['na_view_tickets']='Você não está autorizado a visualizar estes Chamados'; $hesklang['support_notice']='Sinto Muito, esta seção só poderá ser escondida quando você comprar uma licença do HESK!'; $hesklang['rart']='Este artigo ajudou?'; $hesklang['r']='Esta resposta ajudou?'; $hesklang['tyr']='Obrigado pela ajuda'; $hesklang['cw']='Fechar janela'; $hesklang['cw2']='Fechar janela e enviar chamado'; $hesklang['rh']='Classificado como resposta ajudou.'; $hesklang['rnh']='Classificado como resposta não ajudou.'; $hesklang['ar']='Já classificado'; $hesklang['rated']='utilizador classificou %s/5.0 (%s votes)'; $hesklang['not_rated']='Ainda não foi classificado'; $hesklang['rdis']='Clasificação foi desabilitada'; $hesklang['kbdis']='Base de conhecimento está desabilitada'; $hesklang['kbpart']='Sinto muito, mas você não tem permissão para acessar este artigo'; $hesklang['popart']='Artigos TOP da base de conhecimento:'; $hesklang['latart']='Últimos artigos publicados na base de conhecimento:'; $hesklang['m']='Mais tópicos'; $hesklang['ac']='Artigos nesta categoria:'; $hesklang['noa']='Ainda sem artigos'; $hesklang['noac']='Ainda sem artigos nesta categoria'; $hesklang['dta']='Data de publicação'; $hesklang['ad']='Detalhes do artigo'; $hesklang['aid']='ID do Artigo'; $hesklang['as']='Solução'; $hesklang['search']='Busca'; $hesklang['sr']='Resultados da busca'; $hesklang['nosr']='Nenhum artigo foi encontrado. Tente navegar na base de conhecimento ou nos envie um novo Chamado de suporte.'; $hesklang['rv']='Resetar visualizações'; $hesklang['rr']='Resetar votos (classificações)'; $hesklang['opt']='Opções'; $hesklang['delcat']='Apagar categoria'; $hesklang['move1']='Mover artigo para categoria pai'; $hesklang['move2']='Apagar artigo nesta categoria'; $hesklang['sc']='Sugerimos os seguintes artigos'; $hesklang['not']='Chamados'; // Number of all tickets in category $hesklang['graph']='Gráfico'; $hesklang['lu']='Listar Nome de utilizadores'; $hesklang['aclose']='Fechar Chamado automaticamente'; $hesklang['aclose2']='dias depois da última resposta da equipe'; $hesklang['s_ucrt']='Reabrir Chamado'; $hesklang['urate']='Responder classificações'; $hesklang['hesk_url']='URL do Help desk'; $hesklang['hesk_title']='Título do Help desk'; $hesklang['cid']='Caso o Código de Identificação do Chamado'; $hesklang['tfor']='Formato da Hora'; $hesklang['prefix']='Prefixo da tabela'; $hesklang['s_ekb']='Activar Base de Conhecimento'; $hesklang['s_kbs']='Habilitar busca na BC'; $hesklang['s_kbr']='Habilitar classificação na BC'; $hesklang['s_maxsr']='Máximo de resultados na busca'; $hesklang['s_suggest']='Sugestão de artigos na BC'; $hesklang['s_spop']='Mostrar artigos populares'; $hesklang['s_slat']='Mostrar últimos artigos'; $hesklang['s_onin']='na página do índice do help desk'; $hesklang['s_onkb']='na página do índice da base de conhecimento'; $hesklang['s_scol']='Categorias na linha'; $hesklang['s_ptxt']='Tamanho do preview do artigo'; $hesklang['s_psubart']='Subcategoria de artigos'; $hesklang['enable']='Habilitado'; $hesklang['s_type']='Tipo'; $hesklang['custom_r']='Requerido'; $hesklang['custom_place']='Localização'; $hesklang['custom_use']='Campos do utilizador'; $hesklang['stf']='Campo de texto'; $hesklang['stb']='Área de texto'; $hesklang['srb']='Botao de radio'; $hesklang['ssb']='Selecione a caixa'; $hesklang['db']='base de dados'; $hesklang['hd']='Ajustes do Help desk'; $hesklang['gs']='Ajustes Gerais'; $hesklang['cwin']='Fechar janela'; $hesklang['defw']='Valor padrão'; $hesklang['ok']='OK'; $hesklang['ns']='Estas são as opções disponíveis para estes campos do utilizador. Para salvar as alterações clique em OK e no botão Salvar mudanças na página de ajustes do administrador!'; $hesklang['rows']='Linhas (altura)'; $hesklang['cols']='Colunas (largura)'; $hesklang['opt2']='Opções para este radio button, entre com uma opção por linha (cada linha criará um novo valor de radio button para escolher). Você precisa digitar ao menos duas opções!'; $hesklang['opt3']='Opções para esta select box, digite uma opção por linha (cada linha será uma opção delecionável pelo cliente). Você precisa digitar ao menos duas opções!'; $hesklang['atl2']='Você precisa digitar ao menos duas opções! (uma por linha)!'; $hesklang['notes']='Notas'; $hesklang['addnote']='+ Adicionar nota'; $hesklang['noteby']='Nota de'; $hesklang['delnote']='Apagar nota'; $hesklang['noteerr']='Nota já apagada ou parâmetros errados'; $hesklang['s']='Enviar'; $hesklang['nhid']='Notas não são mostradas aos clientes!'; $hesklang['delt']='Eliminar este post'; $hesklang['edtt']='Editar postagem'; $hesklang['edt1']='Postagem modificada'; $hesklang['edt2']='Alterações Gravadas com Sucesso!'; $hesklang['dele']='Apagar este ticket'; $hesklang['repd']='Post Eliminado'; $hesklang['repl']='Post selecionado foi eliminado'; $hesklang['tickets_found']='Resultados da busca'; $hesklang['al']='Link de administrador'; $hesklang['ap']='Ir para o painel de administrador'; $hesklang['dap']='Exibir um link para o painel de administrador na Página de Entrada'; $hesklang['q_miss']='Por favor, responda a pergunta Anti-SPAM'; $hesklang['use_q']='Usar pergunta anti-SPAM'; $hesklang['q_q']='-> Pergunta (Código HTML é permitido)'; $hesklang['q_a']='-> Resposta'; $hesklang['err_qask']='Digite uma pergunta anti-SPAM'; $hesklang['err_qans']='Digite uma resposta a pergunta anti-SPAM'; $hesklang['genq']='Gerar pergunta aleatória'; // Added in version 2.1 $hesklang['amo']='Adicionar mais'; $hesklang['delatt']='Apagar anexos selecionados?'; $hesklang['kb_att_rem']='Anexos selecionados foram apagados'; $hesklang['inv_att_id']='ID de anexo inválido!'; $hesklang['scb']='Checkbox'; $hesklang['opt4']='Opções para este checkbox, digite uma opção por linha. Cada linha será uma escolha diferente feita pelo seu cliente que poderá fazer múltiplas seleções. Você precisa digitar ao menos duas opções!'; $hesklang['autologin']='Permanecer conectado a cada visita'; $hesklang['just_user']='Apenas lembrar o meu Username'; $hesklang['nothx']='Não, obrigado'; $hesklang['pinfo']='Informação do perfil'; $hesklang['sig']='Assinatura'; $hesklang['pref']='Preferências'; $hesklang['aftrep']='Depois de responder um Chamado'; $hesklang['showtic']='Mostrar o Chamado que acabei de enviar'; $hesklang['gomain']='Retornar a página principal do administrador'; $hesklang['shownext']='Abrir próximo Chamado que precisa de resposta (se nenhum, ir para página principal do administrador)'; $hesklang['rssn']='Mostrar próximo Chamado que precisa de sua atenção'; $hesklang['mrep']='Substituir mensagem atual'; $hesklang['madd']='Adicionar ao fim'; $hesklang['priv']='Categorias privadas e artigos visualizáveis a equipe são marcados com um *'; $hesklang['inve']='arquivo de e-mail inválido'; $hesklang['emfm']='Missing e-mail file'; $hesklang['hesk_lang']='Idioma padrão'; $hesklang['s_mlang']='Múltiplos idiomas'; $hesklang['s_mlange']='Se habilitado, os seus utilizadores poderão aceder ao help desk em qualquer idioma instalado. Habilite apenas se você tem suporte em diversos idiomas!'; $hesklang['s_inl']='Testar pasta de idiomas'; $hesklang['s_inle']='Testando a pasta do idioma para os idiomas válidos. Somente os idiomas que passam todos os testes estão instalados corretamente.'; $hesklang['beta']='(versão de teste)'; $hesklang['maxpost']='Você provavelmente tentou enviar mais dados do que este servidor aceita

    Por favor, tente enviar novamente o formulário com anexos menores ou não.'; $hesklang['ta']='Procurando novamente'; $hesklang['alo']='Permitir entrada automática'; $hesklang['chol']='Idioma preferido'; $hesklang['mmdl']='Fazer este meu idioma preferido'; $hesklang['warn']='ATENÇÃO'; $hesklang['dmod']='Modo debug está habilitado. Certifique-se de desligar o modo debug assim que o HESK estiver instalado e funcionando adequadamente.'; $hesklang['kb_spar']='Categoria não pode ser sua própria categoria pai!'; $hesklang['mysql_root']='Sua senha do MySQL está vazia, tem certeza de que deseja entrar com o utilizador root? Este é um risco significante!'; $hesklang['chg']='Mudar'; $hesklang['chpri']='Prioridade mudada'; $hesklang['chpri2']='Prioridade do Chamado foi mudada para %s'; $hesklang['selcan']='Selecione a mensagem modelo que deseja editar'; $hesklang['q_wrng']='Resposta anti-SPAM digitada está errada'; $hesklang['cndupl']='Você já tem uma categoria com este nome. Selecione um nome único para cada categoria.'; $hesklang['wsel']='Selecione o campo que deseja procurar'; // Added in version 2.2 $hesklang['eto']='Requisição inválida'; $hesklang['id']='ID'; $hesklang['geco']='Gerar Link Direto'; $hesklang['genl']='Link Direto da Categoria'; $hesklang['genl2']='Use este link para pre-selecionar a categoria no formulário de "Envio de Ticket".'; $hesklang['ask']='Busca:'; $hesklang['exa']='Exemplos'; $hesklang['small']='Caixa pequena'; $hesklang['large']='Caixa larga'; $hesklang['cpri']='Prioridade do Cliente'; $hesklang['owner']='Atendente'; $hesklang['unas']='Não Associado'; $hesklang['assi']='Atribuir'; $hesklang['asst']='Atribuir a'; $hesklang['asst2']='Atribuído Chamado a'; $hesklang['asss']='Atribuir a mim'; $hesklang['asss2']='Atribuir este Chamado a mim'; $hesklang['can_assign_self']='Pode atribuir Chamados a si mesmo'; $hesklang['can_assign_others']='Pode atribuir Chamados a outros'; $hesklang['can_run_reports']='Pode executar relatórios (próprio)'; $hesklang['can_view_ass_others']='Pode ver Chamados atribuídos a outros'; $hesklang['unoa']='O utilizador selecionado não tem acesso a esta categoria'; $hesklang['tasi']='Atendente Atribuído'; $hesklang['tasy']='Esse Chamado foi atribuído a você.'; $hesklang['taso']='Esse Chamado foi atribuído ao utilizador selecionado'; $hesklang['tasy2']='Atribuído a você'; $hesklang['taso2']='Atribuído a outro da equipe'; $hesklang['nose']='Nenhum atendente selecionado'; $hesklang['onasc']='Este atendente não tem acesso a categoria selecionada.'; $hesklang['tunasi']='Chamado Não Atribuído'; $hesklang['tunasi2']='Chamado está sem atendente e pronto para ser atribuído novamente.'; $hesklang['note']='Nota'; $hesklang['success']='Parabéns'; $hesklang['nyt']='O Chamado está atribuído a'; $hesklang['noch']='Nenhum mudança foi feita'; $hesklang['orch']='A ordem da listagem foi modificada'; $hesklang['rfm']='Informação requerida faltando:'; $hesklang['repl0']='Permissão insuficiente para realizar esta tarefa'; $hesklang['repl1']='Esta postagem não existe'; $hesklang['reports']='Relatórios'; $hesklang['reports_intro']='A secção de relatórios permite executar relatórios e ver estatísticas dos Chamados para um determinado período.'; $hesklang['refi']='Limpar os dados do formulário'; $hesklang['dich']='Descartar Mudanças'; $hesklang['dire']='Mostrar Relatório'; $hesklang['m1']='Janeiro'; $hesklang['m2']='Fevereiro'; $hesklang['m3']='Março'; $hesklang['m4']='Abril'; $hesklang['m5']='Maio'; $hesklang['m6']='Junho'; $hesklang['m7']='Julho'; $hesklang['m8']='Agosto'; $hesklang['m9']='Setembro'; $hesklang['m10']='Outubro'; $hesklang['m11']='Novembro'; $hesklang['m12']='Dezembro'; $hesklang['d1']='Segunda'; $hesklang['d2']='Terça'; $hesklang['d3']='Quarta'; $hesklang['d4']='Quinta'; $hesklang['d5']='Sexta'; $hesklang['d6']='Sábado'; $hesklang['d0']='Domingo'; $hesklang['mo']='Se'; $hesklang['tu']='Te'; $hesklang['we']='Qa'; $hesklang['th']='Qi'; $hesklang['fr']='Se'; $hesklang['sa']='Sa'; $hesklang['su']='Do'; $hesklang['from']='De'; $hesklang['cinv']='Data Inválida'; $hesklang['cinv2']='Formato aceito de data é dd-mm-yyyy'; $hesklang['cinm']='Valor inválido para o mês'; $hesklang['cinm2']='Intervalo permitido é'; $hesklang['cind']='Valor de dia do mês inválido'; $hesklang['cind2']='Intervalo permitido para o mês selecionado é'; $hesklang['month']='Mês'; $hesklang['ocal']='Abrir Calendário'; $hesklang['ca01']='Ano Anterior'; $hesklang['ca02']='Mes Anterior'; $hesklang['ca03']='Próximo Mês'; $hesklang['ca04']='Próximo Ano'; $hesklang['ca05']='Fechar Calendário'; $hesklang['cdr']='Escolha o intervalo de data:'; $hesklang['crt']='Tipo de relatório'; $hesklang['r1']='Hoje'; $hesklang['r2']='Ontem'; $hesklang['r3']='Este mês'; $hesklang['r4']='Último mês'; $hesklang['r5']='Últimos 30 dias'; $hesklang['r6']='Esta semana (Seg-Dom)'; $hesklang['r7']='Última semana (Seg-Dom)'; $hesklang['r8']='Esta semana de trabalho (Seg-Sex)'; $hesklang['r9']='Última semana de trabalho (Seg-Sex)'; $hesklang['r10']='Este ano'; $hesklang['r11']='Último ano'; $hesklang['r12']='Todo período'; $hesklang['datetofrom']='"Data de" não pode ser maior que "Data até". As data foram trocadas.'; $hesklang['t1']='Chamados por Dia'; $hesklang['t2']='Chamados por Mês'; $hesklang['t3']='Chamados por Utilizador'; $hesklang['t4']='Chamados por Categoria'; $hesklang['ticass']='Chamados Atribuídos'; $hesklang['ticall']='Chamados Respondidos'; $hesklang['totals']='Totais'; $hesklang['all']='Todos'; $hesklang['atik']='Novos Chamados'; $hesklang['kbca']='Você já tem uma categoria da base de conhecimento com este nome.'; $hesklang['menu_msg']='E-Mail'; $hesklang['menu_can']='Modelo'; $hesklang['m_from']='De:'; // Mail "from" address $hesklang['m_to']='Para:'; // Mail "to" address $hesklang['m_sub']='Assunto:'; // Mail subject $hesklang['m_re']='Re:'; // Mail reply subject prefix, like "Re: Original subject" $hesklang['m_fwd']='Fwd:'; // Mail forward subject prefix, like "Fwd: Original subject" $hesklang['m_h']='Mensagens privadas'; $hesklang['m_intro']='Utilize mensagens privadas para comunicar com outros membro da equipe.'; $hesklang['e_udel']='(utilizador eliminado)'; $hesklang['new_mail']='Nova mensagem privada'; $hesklang['m_send']='Enviar mensagem'; $hesklang['m_rec']='Selecione o destinatário da mensagem'; $hesklang['m_inr']='Destinatário da mensagem inválido'; $hesklang['m_esu']='Entre com o assunto da mensagem privada'; $hesklang['m_pms']='Sua mensagem privada foi enviada'; $hesklang['inbox']='INBOX'; $hesklang['outbox']='OUTBOX'; $hesklang['m_new']='NOVA MENSAGEM'; $hesklang['pg']='Mostrar Página'; $hesklang['npm']='Sem mensagens privadas nesta pasta.'; $hesklang['m_ena']='Você não tem permissão para ler esta mensagem.'; $hesklang['mau']='Marcar como não lida'; $hesklang['mo1']='Marcar mensagens selecionadas como lidas'; $hesklang['mo2']='Marcar mensagens selecionadas como não lidas'; $hesklang['mo3']='Deletar mensagens selecionadas'; $hesklang['delm']='Eliminar estar mensagem'; $hesklang['e_tid']='Erro ao gerar um ticked ID único, por favor, tente enviar o formulário novamente mais tarde.'; $hesklang['smmr']='A mensagem selecionada foi marcado como lida'; $hesklang['smmu']='A mensagem selecionada foi marcado como não lida'; $hesklang['smdl']='As mensagens selecionadas foram deletadas'; $hesklang['show']='Mostrar'; $hesklang['s_my']='Atribuídos a mim'; $hesklang['s_ot']='Atribuídos a outros'; $hesklang['s_un']='Chamados não atribuídos'; $hesklang['s_for']='Pesquisar por'; $hesklang['s_in']='Pesquisar em'; $hesklang['s_incl']='Pesquisar incluindo'; $hesklang['find_ticket_by']='Encontrar um Chamado'; $hesklang['e_nose']='Sem status de atribuição selecionado, mostrando todos os tickets.'; $hesklang['fsq']='Entre com a sua consulta'; $hesklang['topen']='Aberto'; $hesklang['nms']='Nenhuma mensagem selecionada, nada foi mudado'; $hesklang['tlo']='Trancar ticket'; $hesklang['tul']='Destrancar ticket'; $hesklang['loc']='Trancado'; $hesklang['isloc']='Os clientes não podem responder ou reabrir um ticket trancado. Quando o Chamado é trancado, também é marcado como resolvido.'; $hesklang['tlock']='Chamado foi trancado'; $hesklang['tunlock']='Chamado foi destrancado'; $hesklang['tislock']='Esse Chamado foi trancado, o cliente não terá como postar uma resposta.'; $hesklang['tislock2']='Esse Chamado foi trancado, você não pode postar uma resposta.'; $hesklang['nsfo']='Nenhum artigo relevante foi encontrado.'; $hesklang['thist1']='
  • %s | movido para a categoria %s por %s
  • '; // %s = date, new category, user making change $hesklang['thist2']='
  • %s | Atribuída a %s por %s
  • '; // %s = date, assigned user, user making change $hesklang['thist3']='
  • %s | Fechado por %s
  • '; // %s = date, user making change $hesklang['thist4']='
  • %s | Aberto por %s
  • '; // %s = date, user making change $hesklang['thist5']='
  • %s | Bloqueado por %s
  • '; // %s = date, user making change $hesklang['thist6']='
  • %s | Desbloqueado por %s
  • '; // %s = date, user making change $hesklang['thist7']='
  • %s | Chamado criado por %s
  • '; // %s = date, user making change $hesklang['elocked']='Esse Chamado foi trancado ou eliminado.'; $hesklang['nti2']='Insira um novo Chamado'; $hesklang['nti3']='Use este formulário para criar um novo Chamado em nome do cliente. Entre a informação do cliente no formulário e não os seus dados! O Chamado será criado como se fosse o cliente que tivesse enviado o mesmo.'; $hesklang['addop']='Opções'; $hesklang['seno']='Enviar notificação por E-mail para o cliente'; $hesklang['otas']='Mostrar o Chamado após o envio'; $hesklang['notn']='Notificações'; $hesklang['nomw']='O Sistema de Help Desk irá mandar um E-mail de notificação quando:'; $hesklang['nwts']='Um novo Chamado é enviado com atendente:'; $hesklang['ncrt']='Cliente responde ao Chamado com atendente:'; $hesklang['ntam']='Um Chamado foi atribuído a mim'; $hesklang['npms']='Uma mensagem privada foi enviada para mim'; $hesklang['support_remove']='Muito esforço, tempo e dinheiro foram gastos no desenvolvimento do HESK. Ajude o HESK, compre uma licença, assim o link Powered by Help desk software Hesk será removido do seu Help Desk'; $hesklang['ycvtao']='Você não tem permissão para ver tickets atribuídos a outros'; $hesklang['password_not_valid']='Senha deve ter pelo menos 5 caracteres'; $hesklang['lkbs']='Carregando sugestões da base de conhecimento...'; $hesklang['auto']='(automaticamente)'; // Added in version 2.3 $hesklang['unknown']='Unknown'; $hesklang['pcer']='Por favor corrija os seguintes erros:'; $hesklang['seqid']='Número do Chamado'; $hesklang['close_action']='Marcar como resolvido'; // Close ACTION $hesklang['archived']='Arquivado'; $hesklang['archived2']='Chamado arquivado'; $hesklang['add_archive']='Arquivar este Chamado'; $hesklang['add_archive_quick']='Arquivar Chamados selecionados'; $hesklang['remove_archive']='Desarquivar este Chamado'; $hesklang['remove_archive_quick']='Desarquivar Chamados selecionados'; $hesklang['added_archive']='Adicionar ao arquivo'; $hesklang['removed_archive']='Remover do arquivo'; $hesklang['added2archive']='Chamado foi arquivado'; $hesklang['removedfromarchive']='Chamado foi desarquivado'; $hesklang['num_tickets_tag']='%d Chamados foram arquivados'; $hesklang['num_tickets_untag']='%d Chamados foram desarquivados'; $hesklang['can_add_archive']='Pode arquivar Chamados'; $hesklang['disp_only_archived']='Somente Chamados arquivados'; $hesklang['search_only_archived']='Somente Chamados arquivados'; $hesklang['critical']=' * Crítico * '; $hesklang['thist8']='
  • %s | prioridade alterada para %s por %s
  • '; // %s = date,new priority, user making change $hesklang['thist9']='
  • %s | status alterado para %s por %s
  • '; // %s = date, new status, user making change $hesklang['thist10']='
  • %s | atribuída automaticamente para %s
  • '; // %s = date, user making change $hesklang['thist11']='
  • %s | apresentado pela tubulação e-mail
  • '; // %s = date, user making change // START abbreviatons used in "last updated" column $hesklang['abbr']['year']='año'; $hesklang['abbr']['month']='mes'; $hesklang['abbr']['week']='sem'; $hesklang['abbr']['day']='d'; $hesklang['abbr']['hour']='h'; $hesklang['abbr']['minute']='m'; $hesklang['abbr']['second']='s'; // END abberviations $hesklang['cnsm']='Não foi possível enviar a mensagem para:'; $hesklang['yhbb']='Você foi bloqueado pelo sistema por %s minutos devido a vários erros de login.'; $hesklang['pwdst']='Força da senha'; $hesklang['tid_mail']='Digite o seu endereço de E-mail abaixo para receber o Código de Identificação do Chamado:
    '; $hesklang['rem_email']='Lembrar-me do endereço de E-mail'; $hesklang['eytid']='Entre com seu ID de rastreamento.'; $hesklang['enmdb']='O endereço de E-mail inserido não corresponde com o existente no base de dados para este ID de ticket.'; $hesklang['confemail']='Confirmar E-mail'; $hesklang['confemail2']='Por favor confirme seu endereço de E-mail'; $hesklang['confemaile']='Os dois endereços de E-mail não são idênticos'; $hesklang['taso3']='Atribuido a:'; $hesklang['sec_enter']='Digite o número que você vê na imagem abaixo.'; $hesklang['reload']='Atualizar imagem'; $hesklang['verify_q']='Prevenção SPAM:'; // For anti-spam question $hesklang['verify_i']='Prevenção SPAM:'; // For anti-spam image (captcha) $hesklang['admin_login']='Login de Administrador'; $hesklang['vrfy']='Teste aprovado'; $hesklang['last_update']='Atualizado'; $hesklang['cot']='Não forçar Chamadoss críticos no topo'; $hesklang['def']='Fazer esta exibição a minha padrão'; $hesklang['gbou']='Estes tickets são Não atribuidos:'; $hesklang['gbom']='Tickets atribuidos para mim:'; $hesklang['gboo']='Tickets atribuidos para %s:'; $hesklang['select']=' - - Click para selecionar - - '; $hesklang['chngstatus']='Alterar estado para'; $hesklang['perat']='%s de todos os tickets'; // Will change to "23% of all tickets" $hesklang['viewart']='Ver este artigo'; $hesklang['chdp']='Por favor altere a senha padrão no seu perfil Perfil página!'; $hesklang['chdp2']='Altere a sua senha, você está a usar a senha padrão!'; $hesklang['security']='Segurança'; $hesklang['kb_i_art']='Novo artigo'; $hesklang['kb_i_art2']='Inserir um artigo'; $hesklang['kb_i_cat']='Nova categoria'; $hesklang['kb_i_cat2']='Inserir categoria'; $hesklang['gopr']='Ver base de conhecimento'; $hesklang['kbstruct']='Estrutura da base de conhecimento'; $hesklang['cancel']='Cancelar'; $hesklang['sh']='Esconder mensagem'; $hesklang['goodkb']='Como escrever bons artigos na base de conhecimento?'; $hesklang['catset']='Configurações da categoria'; $hesklang['inpr']='Selecionar nova prioridade'; $hesklang['incat']='Selecionar nova prioridade'; $hesklang['instat']='Selecionar novo estado'; $hesklang['tsst']='Estado do Chamado alterado para %s'; $hesklang['aass']='Auto-atribuição'; $hesklang['aaon']='Auto-atribuição de Chamados habilitado (clique para desabilitar)'; $hesklang['aaoff']='Auto-atribuição de Chamados desabilitado (clique para habilitar)'; $hesklang['uaaon']='Auto-atribuição foi habilitado para utilizador selecionado.'; $hesklang['uaaoff']='Auto-atribuição foi desabilitado para utilizador selecionado'; $hesklang['taasy']='Este ticket foi auto-atribuido a você'; $hesklang['can_view_unassigned']='Pode ver Chamados não atribuidos'; $hesklang['ycovtay']='Você pode ver apenas Chamados atribuidos a você'; $hesklang['in_progress']='Em progresso'; $hesklang['on_hold']='Em espera'; $hesklang['import_kb']='Importar este ticket em um artigo na base de conhecimento'; $hesklang['import']='Você está a importar um Chamado privado para artigo público.

    Certifique-se que apaga todas as informações privadas ou sensíveis do título e mensagem do artigo!'; $hesklang['tab_1']='Geral'; $hesklang['tab_2']='Help Desk'; $hesklang['tab_3']='Base de conhecimento'; $hesklang['tab_4']='Campos personalizados'; $hesklang['tab_5']='Misc'; $hesklang['disable']='Desativar'; $hesklang['dat']='Data & Tempo'; $hesklang['lgs']='Linguagem'; $hesklang['onc']='ON - Utilizadores'; $hesklang['ons']='ON - Todos'; $hesklang['viewvtic']='Ver Chamados'; $hesklang['reqetv']='Obrigatório E-mail para ver o Chamado'; $hesklang['banlim']='Limite de tentativa de login'; $hesklang['banmin']='Tempo banido (minutos)'; $hesklang['subnot']='Enviar notícia'; $hesklang['subnot2']='Mostrar aviso aos utilizadores que enviam tickets'; $hesklang['eseqid']='Sequencia de IDs'; $hesklang['sconfe']='Confirmar E-mail'; $hesklang['saass']='Auto-atribuir Chamados'; $hesklang['swyse']='Editor WYSIWYG'; $hesklang['hrts']='Avaliação HESK'; $hesklang['hrts2']='Mostrar link do script de avaliação no painel de administração'; $hesklang['emlpipe']='E-mail piping'; $hesklang['emlsend2']='Enviar E-mails usando'; $hesklang['phpmail']='PHP mail()'; $hesklang['smtp']='SMTP Server'; $hesklang['smtph']='SMTP Host'; $hesklang['smtpp']='SMTP Port'; $hesklang['smtpu']='SMTP Username'; $hesklang['smtpw']='SMTP Password'; $hesklang['smtpt']='SMTP Timeout'; $hesklang['other']='Outro'; $hesklang['features']='Características'; $hesklang['can_view_online']='Pode ver membros da equipe online'; $hesklang['online']='Online'; $hesklang['offline']='Offline'; $hesklang['onlinep']='Utilizadores Online'; // For display in footer $hesklang['sonline']='Utilizadores Online'; // For settings page $hesklang['sonline2']='Mostrar utilizadores online. Limite (minutos):'; // For settings page $hesklang['gb']='Por grupo'; $hesklang['dg']='Sem grupo'; $hesklang['err_dpi']='Base de dados %s não contém todas as tabelas HESK com prefixo %s, alterações não foram gravadas.'; $hesklang['err_dpi2']='Tabelas não encontradas:'; $hesklang['sme']='Erro no SMTP'; $hesklang['scl']='Log de conexão SMTP'; $hesklang['dnl']='Download'; $hesklang['dela']='Eliminar este anexo'; $hesklang['pda']='Você quer excluir permanentemente este anexo?'; $hesklang['thist12']='
  • %s | anexo %s removido por %s
  • '; // %s = date, deleted attachment, user making change $hesklang['mopt']='Mais opções'; $hesklang['lopt']='Menos opções'; $hesklang['meml']='Multiplos E-mails'; $hesklang['meml2']='Permitir que utilizadores entrem em contato com vários E-mails.'; // Added in version 2.4 $hesklang['catd']='(categoria eliminada)'; $hesklang['noopen']='Não foram encontrados Chamados abertos para esse endereço de E-mail.'; $hesklang['maxopen']='Você chegou ao máximo de tickets abertos (%d de %d). Por favor, espere até que seus tickets atuais estejam resolvidos antes da abertura de novos tickets.'; $hesklang['ntnote']='Alguém postou uma nota a um Chamado atribuído para mim'; $hesklang['cat_public']='Esta categoria é PÚBLICA (clique para convertê-la em privada)'; $hesklang['cat_private']='Esta categoria é PRIVADA (clique para convertê-la em pública)'; $hesklang['cat_aa']='Auto-atribuir tickets desta categoria.'; $hesklang['cat_type']='Tornar esta categoria privada'; $hesklang['responses']='Respostas'; $hesklang['caaon']='Foi habilitado Auto-atribuir para a categoria selecionada'; $hesklang['caaoff']='Foi desabilitado Auto-atribuir para a categoria selecionada'; $hesklang['cpub']='Tipo de categoria trocado para PÚBLICO'; $hesklang['cpriv']='Tipo de categoria trocado para PRIVADO'; $hesklang['cpric']='Os utilizadores não podem selecionar as categorias privadas, apenas Administradores!'; $hesklang['user_aa']='Auto-atribuir Chamados para este utilizador.'; $hesklang['attach_size']='Tamanho máximo do arquivo'; $hesklang['B']='B'; $hesklang['kB']='KB'; $hesklang['MB']='MB'; $hesklang['GB']='GB'; $hesklang['bytes']='bytes'; $hesklang['kilobytes']='kilobytes'; $hesklang['megabytes']='megabytes'; $hesklang['gigabytes']='gigabytes'; $hesklang['smtpssl']='Protocolo SSL'; $hesklang['smtptls']='Protocolo TLS'; $hesklang['oo']='Somente Abertos'; $hesklang['ool']='Listar somente os Chamados abertos em "Esquecí ID de ticket" por e-mail'; $hesklang['mop']='Chamados máximos abertos'; $hesklang['rord']='Ordenar Respondidos'; $hesklang['newbot']='Os mais novos no fim'; $hesklang['newtop']='Os mais novos no início'; $hesklang['ford']='Formulário de resposta'; $hesklang['formbot']='Mostrar formulário no fim'; $hesklang['formtop']='Mostrar formulário no início'; $hesklang['mysqlv']='Versão MySQL'; $hesklang['phpv']='Versão PHP'; $hesklang['csrt']='Hora atual do Centro de Ajuda:'; $hesklang['listp']='Listar artigos privados'; $hesklang['listd']='Listar os artigos apagados'; $hesklang['artp']='Artigos privados'; $hesklang['artd']='Artigos apagados'; $hesklang['kb_no_part']='Não há artigos privados na base de conhecimento.'; $hesklang['kb_no_dart']='Não há artigos apagados na base de conhecimento.'; $hesklang['attpri']='Você não tem acesso a este arquivo anexo.'; $hesklang['can_merge_tickets']='Combinar Chamadoss'; $hesklang['mer_selected']='Combinar Chamados selecionados'; $hesklang['merged']='Os Chamados selecionados foram combinados num único.'; $hesklang['merge_err']='Teve um problema ao combinar os Chamados:'; $hesklang['merr1']='Selecione ao menos 2 Chamados.'; $hesklang['merr2']='Chamado de destino não encontrado.'; $hesklang['merr3']='Chamado numa categoria que não tem acesso.'; $hesklang['tme']='Chamado %s foi combinado com este Chamado (%s).'; $hesklang['tme1']='Chamado %s foi combinado com o Chamado %s'; $hesklang['tme2']='Para aceder o Chamado %s insira o endereço de E-mail associado.'; $hesklang['eyou']='Utilize a página do perfil para editar a configuração.'; $hesklang['npea']='Você não tem permissão para editar este utilizador.'; $hesklang['duplicate_user']='Este nome de utilizador já existe, escolha um diferente.'; $hesklang['kw']='Senhas'; $hesklang['kw1']='(opcional - separado por um espaço, uma vírgula ou uma nova linha)'; $hesklang['type_not_allowed']='Os arquivos que tem a extesão %s não são aceites (%s)'; // %s changed to extension and file name: files ending with .exe are not accepted (test.exe) $hesklang['unread']='O cliente ainda não leu esta resposta.'; $hesklang['sticky']='Fazer deste artigo "Permanente"'; $hesklang['stickyon']='Mudar este artigo para "Permanente"'; $hesklang['stickyoff']='Mudar este artigo para "Normal"'; $hesklang['ason']='Artigo marcado como "Permanente"'; $hesklang['asoff']='Artigo marcado como "Normal"'; $hesklang['ts']='Tempo Dedicado'; $hesklang['start']='Iniciar / Parar'; $hesklang['reset']='Reinicia'; $hesklang['save']='Guardar'; $hesklang['hh']='Horas'; $hesklang['mm']='Minutos'; $hesklang['ss']='Segundos'; $hesklang['thist']='Histórico do Chamado'; $hesklang['thist13']='
  • %s | fundiu com ticket %s por %s
  • '; // %s = date, merged ticket ID, user making change $hesklang['thist14']='
  • %s | tempo de trabalho atualizada para %s por %s
  • '; // %s = date, new time worked, user making change $hesklang['thist15']='
  • %s | apresentado por %s
  • '; // %s = date, user making change $hesklang['thist16']='
  • %s | apresentado pelo POP3 buscar
  • '; $hesklang['twu']='Tempo dedicado no Chamado foi atualizado.'; $hesklang['autoss']='Início automático do temporizador ao abrir um Chamado'; $hesklang['ful']='Limite de anexo de arquivos'; $hesklang['ufl']='Pode anexar arquivos que terminam em:'; $hesklang['nat']='Número máximo de arquivos anexos:'; $hesklang['mfs']='Tamanho máximo do arquivo anexo:'; $hesklang['lps']='Sua preferência de idioma foi salvo'; $hesklang['sav']='Mostrar exibições do artigo'; $hesklang['sad']='Mostrar a data do artigo'; $hesklang['emp']='O PHP não tem suporte MySQL enabled (extensão mysqli obrigatório)'; $hesklang['epd']='[HESK] E-MAIL PIPING ESTA DESABILITADO NOS AJUSTES'; $hesklang['pfd']='[HESK] POP3 FETCHING ESTA DESABILITADO NOS AJUSTES'; $hesklang['pem']='[Piped email]'; // Default subject of piped tickets without subject $hesklang['pde']='[Cliente]'; // Default customer name for piped tickets without name $hesklang['tab_6']='E-mail'; $hesklang['pop3']='POP3 Fetching'; $hesklang['pop3h']='POP3 Host'; $hesklang['pop3p']='POP3 Porta'; $hesklang['pop3tls']='Protocolo TLS'; $hesklang['pop3u']='POP3 Nome de utilizador'; $hesklang['pop3w']='POP3 Senha'; $hesklang['pop3e']='POP3 error'; $hesklang['pop3log']='POP3 Conexão de registro'; $hesklang['mysqltest']='Teste de conexão MySQL'; $hesklang['smtptest']='Teste de conexão SMTP'; $hesklang['pop3test']='Teste de conexão POP3'; $hesklang['contest']='Testando conexão, isto pode demorar um pouco...'; $hesklang['conok']='Conexão com êxito!'; $hesklang['conokn']='No entanto, se o seu servidor requer utilizador e senha, o e-mail não será enviado!'; $hesklang['saving']='Gravando alterações, aguarde...'; $hesklang['sns']='as alterações foram gravadas, porém algumas funcionalidades foram desabilitadas por falha nos testes.'; $hesklang['looph']='Max Visitas'; $hesklang['loopt']='Intervalo de tempo'; $hesklang['didum']='Quis dizer %s?'; // %s changes to email; did you mean $hesklang['yfix']='Sim, trocar'; $hesklang['nole']='Não, deixar assim'; $hesklang['sconfe2']='Mostrar campo "Confirmar E-mail" no formulário do Chamado'; $hesklang['oln']='Nome anterior:'; $hesklang['nen']='Nome novo:'; $hesklang['use_form_below']='Utilize este formulário para enviar uma solicitação de suporte. Os campos obrigatórios estão marcados com'; $hesklang['esf']='Não foi possível enviar notificações por e-mail.'; $hesklang['qrr']='(Resposta citada eliminada)'; $hesklang['remqr']='Cortar resposta citada'; $hesklang['remqr2']='Eliminar a resposta citada dos e-mails dos clientes'; $hesklang['suge']='Detectar erros de digitação'; $hesklang['epro']='Provedores de E-mail'; $hesklang['email_noreply']='"De:" e-mail'; $hesklang['email_name']='"De:" nome'; $hesklang['vscl']='Limites de configuração do servidor'; $hesklang['fnuscphp']='Falha no envio dos anexos. Por favor, teste com um anexo menor ou sem anexo.'; $hesklang['redv']='restaurar a exibição padrão'; $hesklang['fatte1']='Os ajustes de arquivos anexos "Quantidade por Mensagem" é maior do que o servidor permite!'; $hesklang['fatte2']='Os ajustes de tamanho máximo do arquivo anexo é superior do que o servidor permite!'; $hesklang['fatte3']='O servidor não permite mensagens com esse tamanho. Tente reduzir o número de arquivos anexos ou o tamanho do arquivo permitido!'; $hesklang['embed']='Arquivos incorporados'; $hesklang['embed2']='Gravar ficheiros incorporados como arquivos anexos'; $hesklang['emrem']='(imagem eliminada)'; $hesklang['hdemo']='(OCULTO NA DEMO)'; $hesklang['ddemo']='Lamentamos, mas esta funcionalidade está desativada em modo DEMO!'; $hesklang['sdemo']='Salvo modificações somente se está desativado o modo DEMO!'; $hesklang['hud']='O HESK está utilizando a versão mais atual!'; $hesklang['hnw']='Atualização disponível'; $hesklang['getup']='Atualizar HESK'; $hesklang['updates']='Atualizações'; $hesklang['updates2']='Verificar automaticamente se há atualizações.'; // Added in version 2.5.0 $hesklang['attdel']='Este ficheiro foi excluído do servidor e não está mais disponível para download'; $hesklang['dsen']='Não foi possível enviar uma notificação de e-mail desta resposta para o cliente'; $hesklang['attrem']='* Alguns ficheiros anexados foram removidos *'; $hesklang['attnum']='Número máximo alcançado: %s'; // %s will show attachment name $hesklang['attsiz']='Ficheiro muito grande: %s'; // %s will show attachment name $hesklang['atttyp']='Tipo não permitido: %s'; // %s will show attachment name $hesklang['adf']='pasta Admin'; $hesklang['atf']='pasta Anexos'; $hesklang['err_adf']='A pasta administrador selecionado (%s) não existe!'; // %s will show folder name $hesklang['err_atf']='A pasta anexos selecionado (%s) não existe!'; // %s will show folder name $hesklang['err_atr']='A pasta anexos selecionado (%s) não é gravável!'; // %s will show folder name $hesklang['fatt']='Ficheiros anexados a esta mensagem:'; $hesklang['wrepo']='Por favor, escreva uma mensagem para a reabertura do Chamado.'; $hesklang['ktool']='» FAQ ferramentas'; $hesklang['uac']='Verify and update category article count'; $hesklang['acv']='count artigo foi verificado'; $hesklang['xyz']='número de artigos público, privado e projecto na categoria.'; $hesklang['reports_tab']='Relatórios'; // Tab title $hesklang['can_run_reports_full']='Pode executar relatórios (todos)'; $hesklang['can_export']='Pode exportar Chamados'; $hesklang['roo']=' (apenas Chamados atribuídos a você são incluídos no relatório) '; $hesklang['shu']='Links Curtos'; $hesklang['export']='Exportar Chamados'; // Tab title $hesklang['export_btn']='Chamados de exportação'; // Button title $hesklang['export_intro']='Esta ferramenta permite exportar os Chamados em uma planilha XML que pode ser aberto no Excel.'; $hesklang['stte']='Selecione Chamados para exportar'; $hesklang['dtrg']='Período'; $hesklang['sequentially']='Sequencialmente'; // Order tickets: Sequentially $hesklang['ede']='Não foi possível criar o diretório de exportação, por favor, crie manualmente uma pasta chamada exportação dentro da sua pasta de anexos e certificar-se de que é escrito pelo PHP (em Linux CHMOD para 777 - rwxrwxrwx) . '; $hesklang['eef']='Não foi possível criar o ficheiro de exportação, não tem permissão para escrever dentro do diretório de exportação.'; $hesklang['inite']='exportação Inicializar'; $hesklang['gXML']='ficheiro XML Gerando'; $hesklang['nrow']='Número de linhas exportadas: %d'; // %d will show number of rows exported $hesklang['cZIP']='Compressing file into a Zip archive'; $hesklang['eZIP']='Error creating Zip archive'; $hesklang['fZIP']='Terminado comprimir o ficheiro'; $hesklang['pmem']='o uso de memória de pico: %.2f Mb'; // %.2f will be replaced with number of Mb used $hesklang['ch2d']='» Clique aqui para fazer o download do ficheiro de exportação«'; $hesklang['n2ex']='Não há Chamados encontradas de acordo com seus critérios, não há nada para exportar.'; $hesklang['sp']='SPAM Prevenção'; // For settings page $hesklang['sit']='->Tipo de imagem'; $hesklang['sis']='Simples imagem'; $hesklang['rcpb']='Site key (Public key)'; $hesklang['rcpv']='Secret key (Private key)'; $hesklang['pop3keep']='Mantenha uma cópia'; // --> Text used by ReCaptcha $hesklang['recaptcha_error']='resposta Prevenção SPAM incorreta, por favor, tente novamente.'; // Added in version 2.6.0 $hesklang['ticket_closed']='[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Chamado Fechado/Resolvido'; $hesklang['ms01']='Jan'; $hesklang['ms02']='Fev'; $hesklang['ms03']='Mar'; $hesklang['ms04']='Abr'; $hesklang['ms05']='Mai'; $hesklang['ms06']='Jun'; $hesklang['ms07']='Jul'; $hesklang['ms08']='Ago'; $hesklang['ms09']='Set'; $hesklang['ms10']='Out'; $hesklang['ms11']='Nov'; $hesklang['ms12']='Dez'; $hesklang['sdf']='Formato data submetido'; $hesklang['lcf']='Actualizar formato data'; $hesklang['lcf0']='Descrição curta'; $hesklang['lcf1']='Data e hora'; $hesklang['lcf2']='estilo HESK'; $hesklang['ticket_tpl']='Modelos de Chamado'; $hesklang['can_man_ticket_tpl']='Gerir modelos de Chamado'; // Permission title $hesklang['ticket_tpl_man']='Gerir modelos de Chamado'; // Page and link title $hesklang['ticket_tpl_intro']='Criar e editar modelos de Chamado para submeter diretamente novos Chamados a partir do interface de admin.'; $hesklang['no_ticket_tpl']='Não há modelos de Chamado'; $hesklang['ticket_tpl_title']='Título'; $hesklang['delete_tpl']='Tem a certeza que deseja eliminar este modelo??'; $hesklang['new_ticket_tpl']='Adicionar ou Eliminar um modelo de Chamado'; $hesklang['ticket_tpl_add']='Criar um novo modelo de Chamado'; $hesklang['ticket_tpl_edit']='Editar modelo de Chamado selecionado'; $hesklang['save_ticket_tpl']='Guardar modelo de Chamado'; $hesklang['ticket_tpl_saved']='O seu modelo de Chamado foi guardado para utilização futura'; $hesklang['ticket_tpl_removed']='O modelo de Chamado seleccionado foi removido da base de dados'; $hesklang['ticket_tpl_not_found']='Modelo de Chamado não encontrado'; $hesklang['sel_ticket_tpl']='Selecione o modelo de Chamado que deseja editar'; $hesklang['ent_ticket_tpl_title']='Introduza o título do modelo'; $hesklang['ent_ticket_tpl_msg']='Introduza a mensagem do modelo'; $hesklang['ticket_tpl_id']='ID do modelo de Chamado não encontrado'; $hesklang['select_ticket_tpl']='Selecione um modelo de Chamado'; $hesklang['list_tickets_cat']='Listar todos os Chamados desta categoria'; $hesklang['def_msg']='[Não há mensagens]'; $hesklang['emlreqmsg']='Mensagem necessária'; $hesklang['emlreqmsg2']='Ignorar e-mails filtrados sem mensagem'; $hesklang['relart']='Artigos relacionados'; // Title of related articles box $hesklang['s_relart']='Artigos relacionados'; // On settings page $hesklang['tab_7']='Lista de Chamados'; $hesklang['fitl']='Campos da lista de Chamados'; $hesklang['submitted']='Submetido'; $hesklang['clickemail']='Vista'; $hesklang['set_pri_to']='Alterar prioridade para:'; // Action below the ticket list $hesklang['pri_set_to']='Prioridade foi definida para:'; $hesklang['cat_pri']='A categoria prioridade será utilizada quando os clientes não estão autorizados a seleccionar a prioridade e um Chamado é enviado a partir da interface do cliente.'; $hesklang['cat_pri_info']='Os clientes estão autorizados a seleccionar Prioridade, pelo que esta categoria será ignorada.

    Para usar categoria Prioridade em vez disso, desligue o seguinte recurso nas configurações HESK:'; $hesklang['def_pri']='Prioridade da categoria'; $hesklang['ch_cat_pri']='Definir prioridade da categoria'; $hesklang['cat_pri_ch']='Prioridade da categoria foi definida para:'; $hesklang['err_dbversion']='Versão muito antiga do MySQL:'; $hesklang['ip_whois']='IP whois'; $hesklang['ednote']='Editar notas da mensagem'; $hesklang['ednote2']='Nota da mensagem guardada'; $hesklang['perm_deny']='Permissão negada'; $hesklang['mis_note']='ID da nota não encontrada'; $hesklang['no_note']='Nota com este ID não encontrada'; $hesklang['sacl']='Guardar e continuar mais tarde'; $hesklang['reply_saved']='Mensagem de resposta guardada para mais tarde.'; $hesklang['submit_as']='Submeter como:'; $hesklang['sasc']='Submeter como resposta de Cliente'; $hesklang['creb']='Resposta do Cliente introduzida por:'; $hesklang['show_select']='Mostrar "Clique para seleccionar" como opção pré-definida'; // Settings $hesklang['mms']='Modo de Manutenção'; $hesklang['mmd']='Activar Modo de Manutenção'; // Customer notice $hesklang['mm1']='Manutenção em curso'; $hesklang['mm2']='Devido a manutenção programada o nosso HELPDESK está indisponível temporariamente.'; $hesklang['mm3']='Lamentamos o incómodo, pedindo que volte e tente mais tarde.'; // Staff notice $hesklang['mma1']='Modo de Manutenção está activo!'; $hesklang['mma2']='Clientes não podem usar o help desk.'; $hesklang['tools']='Ferramentas'; $hesklang['banemail']='E-mails Banidos'; $hesklang['banemail_intro']='Prevenir que determinados endereços de E-mail envie Chamados para o Sistema Help Desk.'; $hesklang['no_banemails']='Não há e-mails banidos.'; $hesklang['eperm']='Emails banidos permanentemente:'; $hesklang['bananemail']='Endereços de e-mail para banir'; $hesklang['savebanemail']='Banir este e-mail'; $hesklang['enterbanemail']='Introduza o endereço de e-mail que deseja banir.'; $hesklang['validbanemail']='Introduza um endereço de e-mail válido ( ou domínio de e-mail ('; $hesklang['email_banned']='Este endereço de e-mail %s foi banido e o Sistema não aceitará Chamados deste endereço.'; // %s will be replaced with email $hesklang['emailbanexists']='Este endereço de e-mail %s já está banido.'; // %s will be replaced with email $hesklang['email_unbanned']='E-mail ban eliminado'; $hesklang['banby']='Banido por'; $hesklang['delban']='Eliminar ban'; $hesklang['delban_confirm']='Eliminar este ban?'; $hesklang['baned_e']='Foi banido de apresentar novos chamados de suporte.'; $hesklang['baned_ip']='Foi banido deste help desk'; $hesklang['can_ban_emails']='Pode banir E-mails'; $hesklang['can_unban_emails']='Pode remover ban de E-mails (ativa pode banir e-mails)'; $hesklang['eisban']='Este endereço de e-mail encontra-se banido.'; $hesklang['click_unban']='Clique aqui para remover o ban.'; $hesklang['banip']='IPs banidos'; $hesklang['banip_intro']='Visitantes de endereços IP banidos não poderão ver ou submeter Chamados e fazer login no Sistema Help Desk.'; $hesklang['ipperm']='IPs banidos permanentemente:'; $hesklang['iptemp']='Bans por tentativas de Login falhadas:'; $hesklang['savebanip']='Banir este IP'; $hesklang['no_banips']='Não há IPs banidos.'; $hesklang['bananip']='Endereços IP para banir'; $hesklang['banex']='Exemplos:'; $hesklang['iprange']='Range de IP'; $hesklang['ippermban']='Banir este IP permanentemente'; $hesklang['enterbanip']='Introduza IP ou range que deseja banir.'; $hesklang['validbanip']='Introduza IP ou range válidos'; $hesklang['ip_banned']='O endereço IP %s foi banido e o HESK não aceita novos Chamados deste endereço IP.'; // %s will be replaced with IP $hesklang['ip_rbanned']='A range de IPs %s foi banida e o HESK não aceita novos Chamados desta range de IPs.'; // %s will be replaced with IP $hesklang['ipbanexists']='O endereço IP %s já está banido.'; // %s will be replaced with IP $hesklang['iprbanexists']='A range IP %s já está banida.'; // %s will be replaced with IP $hesklang['ip_unbanned']='Eliminado ban de IP'; $hesklang['ip_tempun']='Eliminado ban temporário de IP'; $hesklang['can_ban_ips']='Pode banir IPs'; $hesklang['can_unban_ips']='Pode remover ban de IPs (ativa pode banir IPs)'; $hesklang['ipisban']='O endereço IP está banido.'; $hesklang['m2e']='Expira em (minutos)'; $hesklang['info']='Informação'; $hesklang['sm_title']='Mensagens de Serviço'; $hesklang['sm_intro']='Mostra uma mensagem de serviço na área do Cliente, por exemplo para notificá-lo de problemas conhecidos e noticias importantes.'; $hesklang['can_service_msg']='Editar mensagens de serviço'; $hesklang['new_sm']='Nova mensagem de serviço'; $hesklang['edit_sm']='Editar mensagem de serviço'; $hesklang['ex_sm']='Mensagens de serviço existentes'; $hesklang['sm_author']='Autor'; $hesklang['sm_type']='Tipo'; $hesklang['sm_published']='Publicada'; $hesklang['sm_draft']='Rascunho'; $hesklang['sm_style']='Estilo'; $hesklang['sm_none']='Nenhum'; $hesklang['sm_success']='Sucesso'; $hesklang['sm_info']='Informação'; $hesklang['sm_notice']='Aviso'; $hesklang['sm_error']='Erro'; $hesklang['sm_save']='Guardar mensagem de serviço'; $hesklang['sm_preview']='Previsualizar mensagem de serviço'; $hesklang['sm_mtitle']='Título'; $hesklang['sm_msg']='Mensagem'; $hesklang['sm_e_title']='Introduza título da mensagem de serviço'; $hesklang['sm_e_msg']='Introduza mensagem de serviço'; $hesklang['sm_e_id']='ID da mensagem não encontrada'; $hesklang['sm_added']='Nova mensagem de serviço adicionada'; $hesklang['sm_deleted']='Mensagem de serviço eliminada'; $hesklang['sm_not_found']='Esta mensagem de serviço não existe'; $hesklang['no_sm']='Não há mensagens de serviço'; $hesklang['del_sm']='Eliminar esta mensagem de serviço?'; $hesklang['sm_mdf']='Guardada mensagem de serviço'; $hesklang['sska']='Mostrar artigo sugeridos'; $hesklang['taws']='Os seguintes artigos foram sugeridos:'; $hesklang['defaults']='Pré-definições'; $hesklang['pncn']='Selecione a opção de notificar o cliente no formulário de novo Chamado'; $hesklang['pncr']='Selecione a opção de notificar o cliente no formulário de resposta do Chamado'; $hesklang['pssy']='Mostrar os artigos da Base de Conhecimento que foram sugeridas aos clientes'; $hesklang['ccct']='Resolvido pelo cliente'; $hesklang['custnot']='Comunicar cliente quando'; $hesklang['notnew']='Novo Chamado de suporte foi submetido'; $hesklang['notclo']='Chamado de suporte foi marcado como Resolvido'; $hesklang['enn']='Excepções para filtragem de E-mail piping/POP3 se o assunto conter:'; $hesklang['spamn']='Aviso de SPAM'; $hesklang['spam_inbox']='Não recebeu o E-mail de confirmação?
    Foi enviada uma mensagem de confirmação para o seu endereço de e-mail.
    Se não receber em poucos minutos, por favor verifique se não foi filtrado para a pasta de LIXO ELETRÔNICO, LIXEIRA ou SPAM.
    Recomendamos que marque nossas mensagens como NÃO É SPAM para evitar problemas de comunicação no futuro.
    '; $hesklang['ekb_n']='NÃO, desactivar Base de Conhecimento'; $hesklang['ekb_y']='SIM, activar Base de Conhecimento'; $hesklang['ekb_o']='SIM, usar HESK só como Base de Conhecimento (desactivar help desk)'; $hesklang['kb_set']='Definições da Base de Conhecimento'; $hesklang['kbo1']='modo só-Base de Conhecimento'; $hesklang['kbo2']='

    Visitantes não podem criar novos Chamados de suporte e serão reencaminhados directamente para a Base de Conhecimento.'; $hesklang['fpass']='Esqueceu a Senha?'; $hesklang['passr']='Reposição da Senha'; $hesklang['passa']='Permite os Usuários reporem a senha pelo E-mail'; $hesklang['passe']='Introduza o seu endereço de e-mail'; $hesklang['passs']='Enviar link para reposição da senha'; $hesklang['noace']='Não há conta criada para o e-mail fornecido'; $hesklang['pemls']='Enviámos-lhe um e-mail com instruções sobre como fazer reposição da palavra-passe'; $hesklang['reset_password']='Reposição de Senha do Sistema de Help Desk'; // Email subject $hesklang['ehash']='Link de reposição expirado ou inválido'; $hesklang['ehaip']='Endereço IP errado. Senhas só podem ser repostas pelo IP que solicitou a sua reposição.'; $hesklang['resim']='Introduza a sua nova senha no formulário abaixo !'; $hesklang['permissions']='Permissões'; $hesklang['atype']='Tipo de Conta'; $hesklang['astaff']='Funcionário'; $hesklang['oon1']='Enviar só chamados abertos.'; $hesklang['oon2']='Enviar todos os meus chamados.'; $hesklang['anyown']='Qualquer proprietário'; $hesklang['pfr']='Outra tarefa de POP3 continua em execução.'; $hesklang['pjt']='Tarefa ultrapassou o tempo-limite'; $hesklang['pjt2']='minutos após início'; $hesklang['nkba']='Base de Conhecimento precisa de mais artigos para funcionar devidamente.

    Considere adicionar mais artigos à Base de Conhecimento para melhorar a pesquisa e os resultados de artigos sugeridos.'; $hesklang['saa']='Artigos em modo Sticky estão colocados no topo da lista de artigos'; $hesklang['yhbr']='Você foi bloqueado pelo sistema por %s minutos devido a excesso de respostas a um ticket.'; // Language for Google reCaptcha API version 2 // Supported language codes: // If your language is NOT in the supported langauges, leave 'en' $hesklang['RECAPTCHA']='pt-PT'; // Added in version 2.7.0 $hesklang['imap']='IMAP Fetching'; $hesklang['imaph']='IMAP Host'; $hesklang['imapp']='IMAP Port'; $hesklang['enc']='Encryption'; $hesklang['ssl']='SSL'; $hesklang['tls']='TLS'; $hesklang['none']='Nenhum'; $hesklang['imapu']='IMAP Username'; $hesklang['imapw']='IMAP Password'; $hesklang['imaptest']='Test IMAP connection'; $hesklang['ifd']='[HESK] IMAP FETCHING IS DISABLED IN SETTINGS'; $hesklang['iei']='[HESK] PHP IMAP extension is not installed.'; $hesklang['ifr']='Another IMAP fetching task is still in progress.'; $hesklang['arp']='Recarga Automática da Página'; $hesklang['arpp']='Recarregar a página com a lista de Chamados a cada:'; $hesklang['seconds']='segundos'; $hesklang['minutes']='minutos'; $hesklang['atbr']='Este Chamado precisa ser atribuído antes de poder ser respondido.'; $hesklang['attm']='Atribuir este Chamado para mim'; $hesklang['owneed']='Proprietário Necessário'; $hesklang['taat']='Este Chamado já está atribuído a %s.'; $hesklang['scoy']='Tem certeza de que deseja atribuí-lo a si mesmo?'; $hesklang['scot']='Tem certeza de que deseja atribuí-lo a %s?'; $hesklang['ycto']='SIM, mudar o proprietário'; $hesklang['ncto']='NÃO, manter o proprietário atual'; $hesklang['fass']='Exigir Proprietário'; $hesklang['req_sub']='Exigir Assunto'; $hesklang['req_msg']='Exigir Mensagem'; $hesklang['req_email']='Exigir E-mail'; $hesklang['default_subject']='Chamado de %s'; $hesklang['off-hide']='Ocultar no formulário do cliente'; $hesklang['not_valid_email']='Enter a valid e-mail address or leave this field empty'; $hesklang['write_down']='We recommend that you write down your Ticket ID for future reference.'; $hesklang['re_confirm1']='Disabling this will also disable "Require email to view tickets" under "Security". Proceed?'; $hesklang['re_confirm2']='Enabling this will also enable "Require email" under "Features". Proceed?'; $hesklang['can_email_tpl']='Editar modelos de E-mail'; $hesklang['et_title']='Modelos de E-mail'; $hesklang['et_intro']='Modifique E-mails enviados para o seu Suporte e Clientes'; $hesklang['file']='Arquivo'; $hesklang['efile']='Edição de Arquivo'; $hesklang['rdesc']='Descrição'; $hesklang['desc_forgot_ticket_id']='(Cliente) Esqueceu o Código de Identificação do Chamado'; $hesklang['desc_new_reply_by_staff']='(Cliente) Recebeu uma Nova Resposta do Chamado da Equipe de Suporte'; $hesklang['desc_new_ticket']='(Cliente) Chamado Recebido'; $hesklang['desc_ticket_closed']='(Cliente) Chamado Fechado/Resolvido'; $hesklang['desc_category_moved']='(Suporte) Chamado Movido para uma Nova Categoria'; $hesklang['desc_new_reply_by_customer']='(Suporte) Resposta do Chamado pelo Cliente'; $hesklang['desc_new_ticket_staff']='(Suporte) Novo Chamado Enviado'; $hesklang['desc_ticket_assigned_to_you']='(Suporte) Um Chamado foi atribuído a Você'; $hesklang['desc_new_pm']='(Suporte) Nova Mensagem Privada'; $hesklang['desc_new_note']='(Suporte) Nova resposta em um Chamado atribuído a Você'; $hesklang['desc_reset_password']='(Suporte) Redefinir sua Senha'; $hesklang['etfm']='One or more email templates are missing.

    Make sure you upload all email template files inside these two folders:

    /language/%s/html_emails'; $hesklang['etfw']='Some email templates are not writable.

    Make sure PHP has permission to write to all files inside these two folders:


    On Unix servers you might need to CHMOD email templates to 666 (rw-rw-rw-)'; $hesklang['et_e_id']='Missing template ID'; $hesklang['et_fm']='This email template file is missing'; $hesklang['et_fw']='This email template file is not writable'; $hesklang['et_save']='Save Changes'; $hesklang['updated_on']='Updated on'; $hesklang['ticket_url']='Ticket URL'; $hesklang['pm_url']='Private message URL'; $hesklang['et_num']='Number of Chamados'; $hesklang['et_list']='List of support tickets'; $hesklang['et_empty']='Email template cannot be empty'; $hesklang['et_saved']='Email template saved'; $hesklang['source']='Source'; $hesklang['select_category']='Selecione a Categoria'; $hesklang['select_category_text']='Em que podemos ajudar?'; $hesklang['select_category_staff']='Selecione Chamado Categoria'; $hesklang['scat']='Limite de seleção de categoria'; $hesklang['scat2']='(uma caixa de seleção mostrará se a contagem de categorias for maior)'; $hesklang['new_cf']='Novo Campo Personalizado'; $hesklang['cf_intro']='Use este recurso para adicionar Campos Personalizados ao formulário enviar um Chamado para que você possa coletar dados adicionais dos clientes.'; $hesklang['cf_public']='Público'; $hesklang['cf_private']='Somente Pessoal Autorizado'; $hesklang['cf_cust']='Para Clientes'; $hesklang['cf_all']='Todos'; $hesklang['cf_cat']='Selecionada'; $hesklang['cf_ctrl']='Dica: mantenha pressionada a tecla CTRL para selecionar várias categorias'; $hesklang['visibility']='Visibilidade'; $hesklang['cf_save']='Salvar Campo Personalizado'; $hesklang['ex_cf']='Campos Personalizados Ativos'; $hesklang['no_cf']='Nenhum Campo Personalizado Ativo'; $hesklang['del_cf']='Excluir este Campo Personalizado? Isso também excluirá todos os dados de Campos Personalizados salvos do banco de dados!'; $hesklang['cf_e_id']='ID Inválido'; $hesklang['edit_cf']='Editar Campo Personalizado'; $hesklang['cf_deleted']='Campo Personalizado Excluído'; $hesklang['cf_not_found']='Este Campo Personalizado não existe'; $hesklang['cf_added']='Um novo Campo Personalizado foi adicionado'; $hesklang['cf_nocat']='Selecione pelo menos uma categoria para este Campo Personalizado'; $hesklang['cf_mdf']='O campo Personalizado foi salvo.'; $hesklang['atl1']='Insira pelo menos uma opção.'; $hesklang['sch']='Escondido'; $hesklang['meml3']='Permitir que vários E-mails sejam inseridos'; $hesklang['dmin']='Data mínima aceita'; $hesklang['dmax']='Data máxima aceita'; $hesklang['d_day']='Dia(s)'; $hesklang['d_week']='Semana(s)'; $hesklang['d_month']='Mês(s)'; $hesklang['d_year']='Ano(s)'; $hesklang['d_any']='Qualquer data'; $hesklang['d_fixed']='Data fixa'; $hesklang['d_relative']='Data relativa'; $hesklang['d_mm']='A data mínima não pode ser superior à data máxima'; $hesklang['d_emin']='Data mínima para %s é %s'; $hesklang['d_emax']='Data máxima para %s é %s'; $hesklang['d_format']='Formato de exibição de data'; $hesklang['d_custom']='Formato personalizado'; $hesklang['d_ci']='ADVANCED USERS ONLY: a valid PHP date format, see PHP manual.'; $hesklang['cf_noe']='Enter a valid email address into %s'; $hesklang['cf_noem']='Enter one or more valid email addresses into %s'; $hesklang['cf_limit']='You have 50 active custom fields, no new can be created.'; $hesklang['can_resolve']='Pode resolver Chamados'; $hesklang['can_change_own_cat']='Alterar Categoria de Chamado (para permitido)'; $hesklang['can_submit_any_cat']='Pode enviar Chamados para qualquer categoria'; $hesklang['noauth_submit']='You are not authorized to submit tickets to this category!'; $hesklang['noauth_move']='You are not authorized to move tickets to this category!'; $hesklang['noauth_resolve']='You are not authorized to resolve tickets!'; $hesklang['force_ssl']='Force SSL connections'; $hesklang['d_ssl']='disabled - open this page with https:// to manage this option'; $hesklang['scno']='This status cannot be changed'; $hesklang['statuses']='Statuses'; $hesklang['statuses_intro']='Use esta ferramenta para adicionar status de Chamados personalizados ao seu Sistema de Help Desk'; $hesklang['color']='Cor'; $hesklang['csscl']='CSS classe ou cor'; $hesklang['clr_view']='Color visualização no texto'; $hesklang['cbc']='Alterável pelos Clientes'; $hesklang['ccc']='Os clientes podem alterar esse status?'; $hesklang['del_status']='Excluir este status?'; $hesklang['ex_status']='Status existentes'; $hesklang['status_hesk']='Status integrados (não podem ser modificados aqui)'; $hesklang['status_custom']='Status Personalizados'; $hesklang['status_custom_none']='Sem status personalizados. Você pode adicioná-los clicando em "Novo status personalizado" acima.'; $hesklang['status_save']='Salvar'; $hesklang['list_tkt_status']='Listar todos os Chamados com esse status'; $hesklang['new_status']='Novo status personalizado'; $hesklang['edit_status']='Editar status personalizado'; $hesklang['err_status']='Digite o nome do status'; $hesklang['status_added']='Um novo status personalizado foi adicionado'; $hesklang['status_e_id']='ID Inválido'; $hesklang['status_mdf']='O status personalizado foi salvo'; $hesklang['status_deleted']='Status personalizado excluído'; $hesklang['status_not_found']='Este status personalizado não existe'; $hesklang['status_not_empty']='Este status não pode ser removido porque existem Chamados com esse status'; $hesklang['status_limit']='Você tem 100 status personalizados, nenhum novo pode ser criado.'; $hesklang['public_link']='Link público'; $hesklang['frames']='Frames'; $hesklang['frames2']='Prevent loading HESK in frames on third party domains'; $hesklang['numsub']='Chamados enviados'; $hesklang['hidf']='Hidden inputs are not visible to customers on the Submit a ticket form (the value will still be visible on ticket details page if they are set as public). They behave as normal text fields for staff members.'; $hesklang['rcheck']='Não selecione uma opção padrão'; $hesklang['refresh_page']='Atualizar a página'; $hesklang['del_kba']='Delete this article'; $hesklang['del_kbaa']='Permanently delete this article'; $hesklang['hni1']='HESK not installed yet?'; $hesklang['hni2']='It appears that this help desk has not been properly installed and configured yet.'; $hesklang['hni3']='To install HESK, follow Instructions in the documentation'; $hesklang['cf']='Pasta de cache'; $hesklang['e_cdir']='Hesk will not be able to parse emails or cache results unless the cache folder exists and is writable.'; $hesklang['step1']='Step 1'; $hesklang['step2']='Step 2'; $hesklang['dffs']='When download completes, delete the file from server'; $hesklang['fd']='Export file deleted from server'; // Added in version 2.8.0 $hesklang['TZ']='Timezone'; $hesklang['thist17']='
  • %s | submitted by IMAP fetching
  • '; $hesklang['sir3']='Invisible reCAPTCHA'; $hesklang['invisible']='invisible'; $hesklang['imap_not']='PHP is not compiled with IMAP support'; $hesklang['imap_warning']='user %1$s has the same email address as your IMAP fetching email address: %2$s'; // %1$s = username, %2$s = email address $hesklang['pop3_warning']='user %1$s has the same email address as your POP3 fetching email address: %2$s'; // %1$s = username, %2$s = email address $hesklang['fetch_warning']='This could result in an email loop where new tickets are being created from user email notifications. Your fetching email address should be unique and not used by anyone else.'; $hesklang['can_view_ass_by']='Pode visualizar Chamados que ele/ela atribuiu a outras pessoas'; $hesklang['can_privacy']='Pode anonimizar Chamados'; $hesklang['confirm_anony']='Anonimizar este Chamado'; $hesklang['anon_selected']='Anonimizar Chamado selecionado'; $hesklang['privacy_anon_info']='Remove all personally-identifiable data and content from tickets (customer name, email, message, attachments, IP...), but keep tickets in the database for statistics (right to be forgotten).'; $hesklang['success_anon']='Ticket successfully anonymized'; $hesklang['num_tickets_anon']='Number of tickets anonymized: %d'; $hesklang['anon_IP']=''; // IP in anonymized tickets $hesklang['anon_name']='[Customer]'; // Customer name in anonymized tickets $hesklang['anon_email']=''; // Customer email in anonymized tickets $hesklang['anon_subject']='[Subject]'; // Ticket subject of anonymized tickets $hesklang['anon_message']='[Message]'; // Ticket message in anonymized tickets $hesklang['thist18']='
  • %s | anonymized by %s
  • '; $hesklang['print_selected']='Imprimir Chamados Selecionados'; $hesklang['with_selected']='Selecionar:'; $hesklang['assign_selected']='Atribuir Selecionado a:'; $hesklang['assign_no']='No owner selected, no changes made'; $hesklang['assign_1']='Selected tickets have been set to Unassigned.'; $hesklang['assign_2']='Ticket ID %1$s set to Unassigned'; // %1$s = ticket numerical ID $hesklang['assign_3']='%1$s error: already assigned to %2$s'; // %1$s = ticket tracking ID, %2$s = owner name $hesklang['assign_4']='%1$s assigned to %2$s'; // %1$s = ticket tracking ID, %2$s = owner name $hesklang['assign_5']='%1$s error: %2$s doesn\'t have access to ticket category'; // %1$s = ticket tracking ID, %2$s = owner name $hesklang['assign_log']='Resultado da atribuição de Chamados em massa:

    Assigned: %1$s
    Errors: %2$s

    '; // %1$s = number of tickets assigned, %2$s = number of errors, %3$s = log $hesklang['IP_addr']='IP address'; $hesklang['moret']='More options'; // More options button title $hesklang['btn_more']='More'; // More options button text $hesklang['btn_print']='Print'; $hesklang['btn_edit']='Edit'; $hesklang['btn_lock']='Lock ticket'; $hesklang['btn_unlock']='Unlock ticket'; $hesklang['btn_tag']='Tag ticket'; $hesklang['btn_resend']='Re-send email notification'; $hesklang['btn_untag']='Untag ticket'; $hesklang['btn_import_kb']='Import to Knowledgebase'; $hesklang['btn_anony']='Anonymize ticket'; $hesklang['btn_delt']='Delete ticket'; $hesklang['btn_delr']='Delete reply'; $hesklang['ernf']='Reply not found'; $hesklang['tns']='Ticket notifications were sent again'; $hesklang['rns']='Reply notifications were sent again'; $hesklang['fname']='First Name'; $hesklang['export_selected']='Exportar Chamados selecionados'; $hesklang['btn_export']='Export to XML for Excel'; $hesklang['recaptcha']='reCAPTCHA'; // Added in version 3.0.0 $hesklang['team']='Equipe'; $hesklang['sm_content']='Comente'; $hesklang['sm_settings']='Configurações'; $hesklang['wizard_back']='Voltar'; // Create/Edit sidebar button to go back a step $hesklang['wizard_next']='Próxima'; // Create/Edit sidebar button to go forward a step $hesklang['sm_go_to_settings']='Vá para as Configurações'; $hesklang['sm_return_to_editing']='Return to Editing'; $hesklang['email_tpl_title']='Título'; $hesklang['edit_email_template']='Edit email template'; $hesklang['err_no_settings_section']='No settings section was provided.'; $hesklang['this_field_is_required']='Este campo é obrigatório!'; $hesklang['reset_your_password']='Reset your password'; $hesklang['reset_password_instructions']='Please fill out the form below. We will send you a link to where you can reset your password.'; $hesklang['enter_email']='Enter email'; $hesklang['password_reset_check_your_email']='Verifique seu E-mail'; $hesklang['password_reset_link_sent']='Enviamos um link para você redefinir sua senha.'; $hesklang['back_to_login']='Voltar para login'; $hesklang['pager_first']='First'; $hesklang['pager_previous']='Prev'; $hesklang['pager_next']='Next'; $hesklang['pager_last']='Last'; $hesklang['new_team_member']='Novo Membro da Equipe'; $hesklang['role']='Cargo'; $hesklang['optional']='Optional'; $hesklang['edit_profile']='Editar Perfil'; $hesklang['assigned_to']='Atribuído a'; $hesklang['contact']='Contato'; $hesklang['unban_email']='Unban this email'; $hesklang['unban_ip']='Unban this IP'; $hesklang['show_previous_replies']='Show previous replies'; $hesklang['type_your_message']='Digite sua Mensagem'; // Used when there are no canned responses $hesklang['close_button_text']='Close'; $hesklang['create_new_ticket']='Criar Novo Chamado'; $hesklang['delete_article']='Delete article'; $hesklang['view_existing_tickets']='Visualizar Chamados Existentes'; $hesklang['how_can_we_help']='Olá, como podemos lhe ajudar?'; $hesklang['search_for_articles']='Search for articles'; $hesklang['submit_a_support_request']='Enviar um Chamado'; //$hesklang['verify_header']='SPAM Prevention'; $hesklang['ticket_details']='Detalhes do Chamado'; $hesklang['yes_title_case']='Sim'; $hesklang['no_title_case']='Não'; $hesklang['no_results_found']='No Results Found'; $hesklang['site_theme']='Site theme'; $hesklang['test_theme_folder']='Test theme folder'; $hesklang['test_theme_folder_description']='Testing the theme folder for valid themes. Only themes that pass all tests are properly installed.'; $hesklang['err_site_theme']='Please select Hesk theme'; $hesklang['confirm']='Confirm'; $hesklang['confirm_deletion']='Confirm Deletion'; $hesklang['confirm_delete_status']='Are you sure you want to delete this custom status?'; $hesklang['help_desk']='Iso Seguros'; // Displayed on staff sidebar menu // Added in version 3.1.0 $hesklang['TIMEAGO_LANG_FILE']='jquery.timeago.en.js'; // Name of the proper language file in folder /js/timeago/locales $hesklang['tdis']='Time display'; $hesklang['tdisd']='Date and time'; $hesklang['tdisa']='Tempo atrás (example: 5 hours ago)'; $hesklang['nav_templates']='Templates'; // Admin panel navigation item $hesklang['hide_replies']='Ocultar respostas de Chamados'; $hesklang['hide_replies_no']='Não se esconda, mostre sempre todas as respostas'; $hesklang['hide_replies_yes']='Ocultar todas as respostas, exceto a última:'; $hesklang['hide_replies_def']='Mostrar a última resposta da Equipe e quaisquer respostas subsequentes do cliente'; $hesklang['reply_by']='Resposta de'; // Reply by NAME $hesklang['btt']='Subir'; $hesklang['lwidth']='Limitar a largura do Chamado'; $hesklang['lwidtall']='Use toda a largura disponível'; $hesklang['lwidtpx']='Largura máxima em pixels:'; // 3-letter days of the week $hesklang['mon']='Seg'; $hesklang['tue']='Ter'; $hesklang['wed']='Qua'; $hesklang['thu']='Qui'; $hesklang['fri']='Sex'; $hesklang['sat']='Sáb'; $hesklang['sun']='Dom'; $hesklang['clear']='Limpar'; // delete field value $hesklang['first_day_of_week']='0'; // first day of week; 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, ... $hesklang['modules']='Módulos'; $hesklang['modules_demo']='This module is currently available only in %s'; // %s = Hesk cloud link $hesklang['see_demo']='Try the live demo here: %s'; // %s = Hesk demo link $hesklang['statistics']['tab']='Statistics'; $hesklang['statistics']['intro']='This report will give you insight into your help desk usage and staff performance.'; $hesklang['statistics']['ntsp']='No tickets in the selected time period.'; $hesklang['statistics']['pie_title_ro']='Open vs Resolved tickets'; $hesklang['statistics']['open']='Open'; $hesklang['statistics']['resolved']='Resolved'; $hesklang['statistics']['pie_title_as']='Open tickets: Assigned vs Unassigned'; $hesklang['statistics']['ass']='Assigned'; $hesklang['statistics']['unas']='Unassigned'; $hesklang['statistics']['pie_title_au']='Open tickets: Answered vs Unanswered'; $hesklang['statistics']['answered']='Answered'; $hesklang['statistics']['unanswered']='Unanswered'; $hesklang['statistics']['pie_title_so']='Status of open tickets'; $hesklang['statistics']['retic']='Chamados:'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_md']='Tickets per day of month'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_wd']='Tickets per weekday'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_hd']='Tickets per day hour'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_tfr']='Time to first staff reply'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_tfrc']='Tickets replied to within a time frame'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_ttr']='Time from submitting to resolving a ticket'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_ttrc']='Tickets resolved within a time frame'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_sr']='Staff replies'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_srt']='Staff replies per ticket'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_srtr']='Staff replies per ticket (resolved tickets only)'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_srt1']='Staff replies per ticket (tickets with at least 1 reply)'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_30']='30 minutes'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_1h']='1 hour'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_2h']='2 hours'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_4h']='4 hours'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_1d']='1 day'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_2d']='2 days'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_3d']='3 days'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_1w']='1 week'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_wp']='> 1 week'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_1m']='1 month'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_mp']='> 1 month'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis1']='% of tickets replied'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis2']='% of tickets resolved'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis3']='% of tickets'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis4']='Time to first reply'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis5']='Time to resolved'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis6']='Number of replies'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis7']='Number of tickets'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis8']='Weekday'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis9']='Hour'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis10']='Day of month'; $hesklang['statistics']['tr_0']='No reply'; $hesklang['statistics']['tr_1']='1 reply'; $hesklang['statistics']['tr_2']='2 replies'; $hesklang['statistics']['tr_5']='3-5 replies'; $hesklang['statistics']['tr_10']='6-10 replies'; $hesklang['statistics']['tr_99']='> 10 replies'; $hesklang['statistics']['average']='Average'; $hesklang['statistics']['atfr']='Average hours and minutes to first staff reply:'; $hesklang['statistics']['attr']='Average hours and minutes to resolve a ticket:'; $hesklang['statistics']['about']='about %s'; // approximate time; "about 5 days 3 hous" $hesklang['statistics']['na']='N/A'; $hesklang['statistics']['trept']='Total tickets staff replied to:'; $hesklang['statistics']['trnr']='Total tickets resolved without a staff reply:'; $hesklang['statistics']['tsr']='Total staff replies:'; $hesklang['statistics']['tsrt']='Average staff replies per ticket:'; $hesklang['statistics']['tsro']='Average staff replies per ticket (tickets with at least 1 staff reply):'; $hesklang['statistics']['tsrc']='Average staff replies required to resolve a ticket:'; $hesklang['statistics']['tsrr']='Average staff replies required to resolve a ticket (tickets with at least 1 staff reply):'; $hesklang['sep_1000']=','; // separator between every group of thousands: 1,000,000 $hesklang['sep_dec']='.'; // separator between full and decimal numbers: 0.99 $hesklang['and_more']='and much more...'; // last item in a list // Added in version 3.2.0 $hesklang['overdue_ticket']='[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Chamado Vencido'; $hesklang['ticket_escalated']='[#%%TRACK_ID%%] ESCALADO: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['escalate']['tab']='ESCALADO'; // Menu link $hesklang['escalate']['page_title']='ESCALADO Chamados'; // Page H2 title $hesklang['escalate']['intro']='This module will help you escalate tickets that are not attended to on time.'; $hesklang['escalate']['feat1']='Tickets not assigned, replied to, or resolved within a timeframe'; $hesklang['escalate']['feat2']='Chamados se aproximando da data de vencimento e Chamados vencidos'; $hesklang['escalate']['feat3']='automatically change ticket priority, re-assign a ticket, send an email notification'; $hesklang['escalate']['feat4']='apply rules based on ticket category, owner, status'; $hesklang['escalate']['prefix']='Escalated:'; // Email subject prefix, e.g. "Escalated: [XXX-XXX-XXXX] Test ticket" $hesklang['escalate']['active_rules']='Active rules'; $hesklang['escalate']['new']='New escalation rule'; $hesklang['escalate']['no_rules']='You do not have any escalation rules. Create one by clicking the "New escalation rule" button above.'; $hesklang['escalate']['title']='Rule title'; $hesklang['escalate']['titlet']='A descriptive title, for example: Re-assign tickets not replied to within a day'; $hesklang['escalate']['default_title']='Rule by %1$s'; // Default rule title; %1$s = user name $hesklang['escalate']['trigger']='Rule trigger'; $hesklang['escalate']['trigt']='Set the condition that will trigger (run) this rule.'; $hesklang['escalate']['hits']='Hits'; // How many times a rule has been triggered $hesklang['escalate']['step1']='Condition'; // Title of step 1 when creating/editing a rule $hesklang['escalate']['step2']='Action'; // Title of step 2 when creating/editing a rule $hesklang['escalate']['step3']='Apply to'; // Title of step 3 when creating/editing a rule $hesklang['escalate']['delete']='Delete this rule?'; $hesklang['escalate']['edit']='Editing escalation rule ID %1$s'; // %1$s = rule ID number $hesklang['escalate']['ifat']='A support ticket is:'; // If a ticket is not (resolved) within X (minutes) of submitting, then (resend notification) $hesklang['escalate']['nrep']='not replied to by staff'; $hesklang['escalate']['nrepc']='not replied to by customer'; $hesklang['escalate']['nass']='not assigned'; $hesklang['escalate']['nres']='not resolved'; $hesklang['escalate']['ndue']='approaching due date'; $hesklang['escalate']['odue']='overdue'; $hesklang['escalate']['within']='Dentro de:'; $hesklang['escalate']['minutes']='minutos'; $hesklang['escalate']['hours']='horas'; $hesklang['escalate']['days']='dias'; $hesklang['escalate']['weeks']='semanas'; $hesklang['escalate']['months']='meses'; $hesklang['escalate']['years']='anos'; $hesklang['escalate']['ofs']='of being submitted'; $hesklang['escalate']['resend']='Re-send email notifications:'; $hesklang['escalate']['force']='Always send, disregard staff settings'; $hesklang['escalate']['noforce']='Respect staff notifications settings'; $hesklang['escalate']['setpri']='Set priority to:'; $hesklang['escalate']['setsta']='Set status to:'; $hesklang['escalate']['assto']='Assign ticket to:'; $hesklang['escalate']['asm']='Another staff member'; $hesklang['escalate']['notify']='Notify staff members...'; $hesklang['escalate']['ato']='Apply to:'; $hesklang['escalate']['tic']='Tickets in category:'; $hesklang['escalate']['tat']='Tickets assigned to:'; $hesklang['escalate']['tws']='Tickets with status:'; $hesklang['escalate']['tall']='Apply this rule to existing and future tickets'; $hesklang['escalate']['tfn']='Apply this rule to future tickets only, ignore existing tickets'; $hesklang['escalate']['tfi']='Apply this rule only to tickets with ID higher than:'; $hesklang['escalate']['save']='Save rule'; $hesklang['escalate']['e_tt']='Time should be between 1 and 10000'; $hesklang['escalate']['e_a']='Select at least one action to perform on matching tickets'; $hesklang['escalate']['nocat']='Select at least one category'; $hesklang['escalate']['nouser']='Select at least one user'; $hesklang['escalate']['nostatus']='Select at least one status'; $hesklang['escalate']['nocata']='%1$s doesn\'t have access to these categories:'; // %1$s = user name $hesklang['escalate']['rule_added']='New rule has been created'; $hesklang['escalate']['mdf']='Rule settings have been saved'; $hesklang['escalate']['e_id']='No rule with this ID found'; $hesklang['escalate']['deleted']='Selected rule has been deleted'; $hesklang['escalate']['edit_notice']='changing the rule trigger will have no effect on any ticket already escalated by this rule (unless you reset the rule).'; $hesklang['escalate']['reset']='Reset this rule'; $hesklang['escalate']['reset2']='Are you sure you want to reset this rule?

    Rule hits will go to 0 and any ticket that matches this rule will be escalated again.'; $hesklang['escalate']['reset3']='Selected rule has been reset'; $hesklang['escalate']['log_title']='Rule #%1$s (%2$s)'; // Used in ticket history log. %1$s = rule ID, %2$s = rule title $hesklang['escalate']['thist1']='
  • %1$s | escalated by %2$s:
  • '; // Used in ticket history log. %1$s = date, %2$s = rule log title (above) $hesklang['escalate']['thist2']='
  • %1$s | - set priority to %2$s
  • '; // %1$s = date, %2$s = priority $hesklang['escalate']['thist3']='
  • %1$s | - assign to %2$s
  • '; // %1$s = date, %2$s = owner $hesklang['escalate']['thist4']='
  • %1$s | - send staff notification
  • '; $hesklang['escalate']['thist5']='
  • %1$s | - send staff notification (forced)
  • '; $hesklang['escalate']['thist6']='
  • %1$s | - error: %2$s doesn\'t have access to ticket category
  • '; // %1$s = date, %2$s = owner $hesklang['escalate']['thist7']='
  • %1$s | - error: %2$s doesn\'t have permission to view tickets
  • '; // %1$s = date, %2$s = owner $hesklang['escalate']['thist8']='
  • %1$s | - error: no other user who can view this ticket
  • '; // %1$s = date $hesklang['escalate']['thist9']='
  • %1$s | - notice: priority already set to %2$s
  • '; // %1$s = date, %2$s = priority $hesklang['escalate']['thist10']='
  • %1$s | - notice: already assigned to %2$s
  • '; // %1$s = date, %2$s = owner $hesklang['escalate']['thist11']='
  • %1$s | - notify: %2$s
  • '; // %1$s = date, %2$s = list of users $hesklang['escalate']['thist12']='
  • %1$s | - set status to %2$s
  • '; // %1$s = date, %2$s = status $hesklang['escalate']['thist13']='
  • %1$s | - notice: status already set to %2$s
  • '; // %1$s = date, %2$s = status $hesklang['escalate']['active']='Active'; // Is the rule active (live)? $hesklang['escalate']['activate']='Activate this rule (start using it)'; $hesklang['escalate']['activated']='Selected rule has been activated'; // %1$s = rule log title $hesklang['escalate']['deactivate']='Deactivate this rule (stop using it)'; $hesklang['escalate']['deactivated']='Selected rule has been deactivated'; // %1$s = rule log title $hesklang['escalate']['no_active']='No active escalation rules'; $hesklang['escalate']['matched']='Number of matching tickets found: %1$s '; // %1$s = number of tickets $hesklang['escalate']['tools']='Tools'; $hesklang['escalate']['test']='Simulate this rule'; $hesklang['escalate']['testa']='Simulate all rules'; $hesklang['escalate']['testaa']='Simulate all active rules'; $hesklang['escalate']['testr']='Simulation results'; $hesklang['escalate']['rsim']='Repeat simulation'; $hesklang['escalate']['tbef']='Before a rule is live, you need to activate it by clicking the checkbox in the "ACTIVE" column.

    We strongly recommend that you simulate each rule by clicking the %1$s (Simulate this rule) icon in the rules table to see how it will affect your existing tickets before activating it.

    Active rules are processed every %2$s minutes. A ticket can only be escalated once by each rule.'; // %1$s = replaced by icon, %2$s = number of minutes, usually 5 or more $hesklang['escalate']['sim']='SIMULATION MODE, no changes to the database'; $hesklang['escalate']['sic']='SIMULATION COMPLETE'; $hesklang['escalate']['r']='[RULE]'; $hesklang['escalate']['i']='[INFO]'; $hesklang['multopt']='Tip: hold down CTRL key to select multiple options'; $hesklang['desc_ticket_escalated']='(Staff) Ticket has been escalated'; // Email description in admin panel $hesklang['ticket_formatting_staff']='Formatação de Chamados (Equipe)'; $hesklang['ticket_formatting_plaintext']='TEXTO SIMPLES'; $hesklang['ticket_formatting_rich_text']='TEXTO PERSONALIZADO (HTML)'; $hesklang['due_date']='Data de Vencimento'; $hesklang['invalid_due_date']='An invalid due date was entered.'; $hesklang['thist19']='
  • %s | data de vencimento atualizada para %s por %s
  • '; // %s = date, new due date, user making change $hesklang['thist20']='
  • %s | due date removed by %s
  • '; // %s = date, user making change $hesklang['due_date_updated']='A Data de Vencimento do Chamado foi atualizada.'; $hesklang['menu_kb_manage']='Manage'; // Left admin menu Knowledgebase "Manage" tab $hesklang['menu_kb_view']='Visualizar'; // Left admin menu Knowledgebase "View" tab $hesklang['a_select']='Selecionar Tudo'; $hesklang['a_deselect']='Desmarcar Todos'; $hesklang['a_toggle']='Alternar Tudo'; $hesklang['ql_all']='Todos os Chamados'; $hesklang['ql_alo']='Todos os Chamados Abertos'; $hesklang['ql_fit']='Chamados Filtrados'; $hesklang['ql_a2m']='Atribuído a mim'; $hesklang['ql_a2o']='Atribuído a Outros'; $hesklang['ql_una']='Não Atribuído'; $hesklang['ql_due']='Próximo do Vencimento'; $hesklang['ql_ovr']='Vencido'; $hesklang['set_ds']='Exibir "próximo do vencimento"'; // Settings page (title of setting) $hesklang['set_ds2']='dias antes da data de vencimento'; $hesklang['not_aos']='Some open tickets you have access to are not shown due to your filters.'; $hesklang['ntoverdue']='Um Chamado está vencido com o proprietário:'; $hesklang['ovdcron']='ESTÁ COM DÚVIDA ? PROCURE O ADMINISTRADOR.'; //$hesklang['instructions']='Instructions'; $hesklang['desc_overdue_ticket']='(Suporte) Chamado Vencido'; $hesklang['overdue_starting']='Starting overdue tickets notification process'; $hesklang['overdue_sim']='Sending emails and updating tickets is disabled in SIMULATION mode.'; $hesklang['overdue_ticket_count']='Found %s tickets that are overdue.'; // %s = Number of tickets $hesklang['overdue_finished']='Finished Overdue Tickets. %s emails sent. %s emails failed to send.'; // %s = Successful emails, failed emails $hesklang['admin_css']='Admin CSS'; $hesklang['admin_css2']='Load an extra custom style file for the admin panel'; $hesklang['noval_cert']='Não valide certificados de servidor'; $hesklang['chg_cat']='Click to change ticket category'; $hesklang['tlan']='Idioma do Chamado'; $hesklang['uue']='Two or more staff members have the same email address. We recommend setting a unique email address for each user.'; $hesklang['flood']='Flood limit'; $hesklang['e_flood']='Ooops, you already submitted a reply just recently. We stopped this request to prevent reply flooding.'; $hesklang['cookies']='Cookies'; $hesklang['ukey']='URL Access Key'; // Key required to access certain files (like cron jobs) via an URL $hesklang['ukeyg']='Generate a random URL Access Key'; $hesklang['ukeym']='Error: to run this file via HTTP you must include your URL Access Key in the request. Example:'; $hesklang['ukeyw']='Error: wrong URL Access Key'; // Added in version 3.3.0 $hesklang['new_ticket_by_staff']='[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Chamado recebido: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['mfa_verification']='%%VERIFICATION_CODE%% é o seu código de verificação'; $hesklang['follow_up_email']='Be honest - how did we do?'; $hesklang['mfa']='Autenticação Multi-Fator (MFA)'; $hesklang['mfa_short']='MFA'; $hesklang['mfa_enabled_question']='MFA Enabled?'; $hesklang['mfa_required']='Exigir Autenticação Multi-Fator'; $hesklang['mfa_manage_profile']='Manage MFA'; $hesklang['mfa_disabled']='A autenticação Multi-Fator está desativada'; $hesklang['mfa_enabled']='A autenticação Multi-Fatorr está habilitada (%s)'; // %s = MFA type $hesklang['mfa_method_none']='Nenhum'; $hesklang['mfa_method_none_subtext']='Remova a autenticação Multi-Fator da sua conta.'; $hesklang['mfa_method_email']='E-mail'; $hesklang['mfa_method_email_subtext']='O Sistema enviará um E-mail com um código de login aleatório para %s ao fazer login.'; // %s = User's email address $hesklang['mfa_method_auth_app']='Autenticação Aplicativo'; $hesklang['mfa_method_auth_app_short']='App'; $hesklang['mfa_method_auth_app_subtext']='Use um aplicativo de smartphone, como Authy ou Google Authenticator, para gerar um código de login aleatório ao fazer login.'; $hesklang['mfa_step_method']='Método'; $hesklang['mfa_step_verification']='Verificação'; $hesklang['mfa_step_complete']='Completo'; $hesklang['mfa_introduction']='A autenticação Multi-Fator melhora a segurança da conta, exigindo que você verifique seu login usando um método de verificação adicional, como E-mail ou um aplicativo autenticador (como Authy ou Google Authenticator).'; $hesklang['mfa_reset_warning']='Você já tem a autenticação Multi-Fator habilitada. Concluir isso novamente redefinirá seu dispositivo de autenticação multifação (se ativado).'; $hesklang['mfa_select_method_colon']='Selecione um método de autenticação:'; $hesklang['mfa_verification_header']='Verificação - %s'; // %s = MFA type $hesklang['mfa_verification_email_intro']='Um e-mail foi enviado para %s contendo um código de verificação de seis dígitos. Digite o código que você recebeu por E-mail abaixo para continuar.'; // %s = User's email address $hesklang['mfa_verification_auth_app_intro']='» Etapa 1: Digitalize a imagem abaixo com o aplicativo de autenticação Multi-Fator em seu dispositivo móvel.'; $hesklang['mfa_verification_auth_app_cant_scan']='Não é possível digitalizar a imagem? Insira manualmente este código no seu dispositivo: %s'; // %s = Secret code $hesklang['mfa_verification_auth_app_enter_code']='» Etapa 2: Digite o código de 6 dígitos exibido em seu aplicativo para verificar seu dispositivo.'; $hesklang['mfa_verify']='Verificar'; $hesklang['mfa_invalid_method']='Método de autenticação Multi-Fator inválido foi recebido.'; $hesklang['mfa_invalid_verification_code']='O código inserido está incorreto ou expirou.'; $hesklang['mfa_configured']='Autenticação Multi-Fator foi ativada para sua conta!'; $hesklang['mfa_removed']='Autenticação Multi-Fator foi desativada da sua conta!'; $hesklang['mfa_verification_needed']='A autenticação Multi-Fator está habilitada para esta conta.'; $hesklang['mfa_verification_needed_email']='Por favor insira o código de verificação que foi enviado para seu endereço de E-mail.'; $hesklang['mfa_verification_needed_auth_app']='Insira o código exibido em seu aplicativo de autenticação.'; $hesklang['mfa_verification_code']='Código de verificação'; $hesklang['mfa_server_time_issue']='A hora do seu servidor parece imprecisa: %s'; // %s = exception message $hesklang['mfa_reset_to_default']='Redefinir a autenticação Multi-Fator'; $hesklang['mfa_reset_confirm']='Tem certeza de que deseja redefinir o MFA para este usuário?'; $hesklang['mfa_reset_yes']='Reiniciar'; $hesklang['mfa_reset']='A autenticação Multi-Fator foi redefinida para o usuário'; $hesklang['desc_mfa_verification']='(Suporte) Código de Autenticação Multi-Fator'; $hesklang['mfa_code']='Código:'; $hesklang['mfa_backup_codes_header']='GUARDE SEUS CÓDIGOS DE BACKUP!'; $hesklang['mfa_backup_codes_description']='Mantenha esses códigos de backup em algum lugar seguro, mas acessível. Caso você perca o acesso ao seu dispositivo MFA ou E-mail, você pode inserir um dos seguintes códigos de backup para fazer login.

    Trate esses códigos de backup como senhas. Você não poderá ver esses códigos novamente!'; $hesklang['mfa_verify_another_way']='Verifique sua conta de outra maneira'; // %s = masked email address $hesklang['mfa_verify_another_way_email']='Get a verification code at %s'; $hesklang['mfa_verify_another_way_code']='Enter one of your 8-character backup codes'; $hesklang['mfa_verify_another_way_admin']='Contact your helpdesk administrator for help'; $hesklang['mfa_verify_another_way_reset']='Reset your multi-factor authentication by uploading a file to the server'; $hesklang['mfa_send_another_email']='Send another email'; $hesklang['mfa_sent']='An email with a new verification code was sent to your email address'; $hesklang['mfa_backup_code']='Códigos de Backup'; $hesklang['mfa_backup_codes']='Códigos de Backup'; $hesklang['mfa_backup_codes_info']='Códigos de uso único para passar na verificação multifatorial quando não for possível acessar seu E-mail ou aplicativo autenticador. Depois de usar um código de backup para fazer login, esse código fica inativo.'; $hesklang['mfa_backup_codes_num']='Você pode obter um novo conjunto de 10 códigos alternativos sempre que desejar. Quando você cria um novo conjunto de códigos, o conjunto antigo fica automaticamente inativo.'; $hesklang['mfa_backup_codes_num2']='Número de seus códigos ativos: %s'; $hesklang['mfa_invalid_backup_code']='O código de backup inserido está incorreto ou já foi usado.'; $hesklang['mfa_del_codes']='Excluir meus códigos de backup'; $hesklang['mfa_del_codes2']='Todos os seus códigos alternativos foram excluídos.'; $hesklang['mfa_new_codes']='Gere novos códigos de backup'; $hesklang['mfa_new_codes2']='Novos códigos de backup foram gerados'; $hesklang['old_php_version']='Error: Versão PHP não suportada'; $hesklang['category_default_due_date']='DATA DE VENCIMENTO PADRÃO'; $hesklang['category_change_default_due_date']='Set Default Due Date'; $hesklang['category_leave_blank_for_no_default_due_date']='(deixe em branco para nenhuma data de vencimento padrão)'; $hesklang['category_default_due_date_updated']='Default due date has been updated.'; $hesklang['email_formatting']='Email formatting'; $hesklang['email_formatting_html_and_plaintext']='HTML with plain text alternative from plain text template (default)'; $hesklang['email_formatting_html_and_plaintext_auto']='HTML with plain text alternative generated from HTML template'; $hesklang['email_formatting_html']='HTML only'; $hesklang['email_formatting_plaintext']='Plain text only'; $hesklang['email_formatting_note']='Your selection in %1$s > %2$s > %3$s is set to: %4$s'; // %1$s = Settings, %2$s = Email, %3$s = Email formatting, %3$4 = setting description $hesklang['email_formatting_note0']='This means Hesk will ignore the HTML templates here.'; $hesklang['email_formatting_note1']='This means Hesk will ignore the plain text templates here.'; $hesklang['email_formatting_note2']='This means Hesk will generate plain text version of emails from your HTML templates and ignore the plain text templates here.'; $hesklang['etnu']='This email template is currently not used by Hesk based on your selection in %1$s > %2$s > %3$s'; // %1$s = Settings, %2$s = Email, %3$s = Email formatting $hesklang['edit_category']='Editar Categoria'; $hesklang['create_category']='Criar Categoria'; $hesklang['one_user_included']='1 usuário incluído'; $hesklang['one_user_excluded']='1 usuário excluído'; $hesklang['x_users_included']='%s uusuário incluído'; // %s = Number of users $hesklang['x_users_excluded']='%s usuário excluído'; // %s = Number of users $hesklang['aa_cat']='Atribuir Chamados automaticamente nesta categoria'; $hesklang['modify_autoassign_settings']='Modificar configurações de atribuição automática'; $hesklang['autoassign_on_all_users']='Sim, para qualquer usuário com acesso a esta categoria'; $hesklang['autoassign_on_select_users']='Sim, para usuários específicos'; $hesklang['autoassign_off']='Não, envie Chamados como não atribuídos'; $hesklang['autoassign_users']='Usuários a serem Incluídos/Excluídos na atribuição automática'; $hesklang['autoassign_selected_include']='Os usuários selecionados devem ser Incluídos na atribuição automática de Chamados nesta categoria'; $hesklang['autoassign_selected_exclude']='Os usuários selecionados devem ser Excluídos ao atribuir Chamados automaticamente nesta categoria'; $hesklang['cat_edited']='Category %s has been successfully edited'; $hesklang['search_for_user']='Search for user'; $hesklang['email_sending']='Enviar E-mails'; $hesklang['email_to_ticket']='E-mail para Chamado'; $hesklang['email_to_ticket_info']='Converting emails to tickets requires some server-side setup. For details, please see this knowledgebase guide.'; // %s = link to article $hesklang['from_warning2']='Hesk is using a SMTP server to send email notifications. Your %1$s should be set to %2$s'; // %1$s = "From email" text, %2$s = email address $hesklang['nofex']='Missing file extension'; $hesklang['block_ignore']='Email to ticket - Ignore emails and prevent loops'; $hesklang['block_noreply']='Do not reply'; $hesklang['block_noreply2']='Ignore emails sent from "do not reply" email addresses'; $hesklang['block_returned']='Returned'; $hesklang['block_returned2']='Ignore returned emails, such as delivery status notifications and automated replies'; $hesklang['block_duplicate']='Duplicates'; $hesklang['block_duplicate2']='Ignore emails with the same message sent within "%s" seconds'; // %s = "Timeframe" $hesklang['loop_info']='emails received from the same email address within "%s" seconds'; $hesklang['thist21']='
  • %s | overdue email notification sent
  • '; // %s = date $hesklang['thist22']='
  • %s | follow-up email sent
  • '; // %s = date $hesklang['elevator_header']='Entrando na Área Segura'; $hesklang['elevator_intro']='You are about to enter a secure area.'; $hesklang['elevator_enter_password']='Por favor, digite sua senha para continuar.'; $hesklang['elevator_duration_setting_title']='Duração da Área Segura'; $hesklang['desc_survey']='(Customer) Follow-up (survey) email'; // Email description $hesklang['satisfaction']['tab']='Satisfaction'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['title']='Customer Satisfaction Survey'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['intro']='Send your customers a follow-up satisfaction survey to gather feedback about their experience with your help desk.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['tab1']='Settings'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['tab2']='Opt-out'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['enable']='Enable follow-up emails:'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['enabled']='Customer Satisfaction Surveys are enabled.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['disabled']='Customer Satisfaction Surveys are currently disabled.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['url']='Survey URL address:'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['send']='Follow-up email delay:'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['at_least']='Wait at least'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['after']='after the ticket is resolved before sending the email'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['h1']='How to use this tool?'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['h2']='First, create a customer satisfaction survey in your favorite survey tool. If you are unsure what tool to use or what questions to ask, we have a guide available here.'; // %s = link to article $hesklang['satisfaction']['h3']='When your survey is ready, enable follow-up emails using the form below. Hesk will process resolved tickets with at least one staff reply once per hour and send your survey link to your customers.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['e_url']='Enter a valid survey URL address. This is the URL your customers will be sent to.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['as']='Enter a valid survey URL address. This is the URL your customers will be sent to.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['oo1']='This page lists email addresses that follow-up emails will not be sent to.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['oo2']='Your customers are able to opt-out from receiving survey emails by clicking a link in the email. Alternatively, you can manually add email addresses on this page.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['ooe']='Email address to opt-out'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['ooe2']='Enter the email address you wish to opt-out from receiving survey emails.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['ooe3']='This email address %s is already opted out from receiving survey emails.'; // %s will be replaced with email $hesklang['satisfaction']['btn_oo']='Opt-out this email'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['oob']='Opted out by'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['no_oo']='No customer has opted out of receiving survey emails.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['oor']='Remove'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['oor2']='Email removed from opt-out'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['oor3']='Confirm removal'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['oor4']='When removed from opt-out, this user will again receive follow-up emails.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['optedout']='The email address %s was opted out of receiving survey emails.'; // %s will be replaced with email $hesklang['satisfaction']['mit']='Missing or invalid survey ID'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['starting']='Starting customer satisfaction survey notification process'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['tc']='Found %s closed tickets that did not have satisfaction survey sent.'; // %s = Number of tickets $hesklang['satisfaction']['finished']='Finished Customer Satisfaction Survey. Emails sent: %1$s. Emails failed to send: %2$s. Tickets without an email: %3$s. Tickets with opt-out email: %4$s.'; // %1$s = successful emails, %2$s = failed emails, %3$s = number of tickets without an email, %4$s = number of tickets with opt-out users $hesklang['satisfaction']['oo']='Ignoring, this customer does not wish to receive survey emails.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['ne']='Ignoring, this ticket is without an email address'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['feat1']='Create your survey using any third-party tool, such as Google Forms'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['feat2']='set up your survey URL, preferences, and limitations inside this module'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['feat3']='when you resolve a ticket, Hesk will email your customer the link to the survey'; $hesklang['dfor']='Date format'; $hesklang['dtfor']='Date and Time'; $hesklang['cdfor']='Date select format'; $hesklang['custom']='Custom'; $hesklang['jsc_notice']='The date selection doesn\'t support PHP-style date formatting. Select one of the pre-configured options or click the %s icon below to see available display options.'; // %s = replaced by icon $hesklang['lcf3']='Date only'; // Display: "Date only" $hesklang['epdd']='Error parsing due_date parameter:'; $hesklang['edit_pass']='Editar Senha'; $hesklang['save_pass']='Salvar Senha'; $hesklang['cur_pass']='Senha Atual'; $hesklang['cur_pass2']='Você deve fornecer sua senha atual para alterá-la.'; $hesklang['cur_pass3']='Após uma atualização de senha bem-sucedida, você será redirecionado para a página de login, onde poderá fazer login com sua nova senha.'; $hesklang['pass_len']='A senha não deve exceder 64 caracteres'; $hesklang['pass_login']='Faça login novamente após alterar sua senha.'; $hesklang['bf_int']='Você foi desconectado devido a muitas tentativas de verificação malsucedidas'; $hesklang['tst_cnt']='Número de e-mails que seu servidor de e-mail enviará para Hesk: %s'; // %s = number of emails $hesklang['wrn_imap']='You have many unread emails in your mailbox (%1$s). Hesk will turn all these emails into tickets.

    You may want to mark existing emails as read before enabling %2$s or use a new email account for Hesk.'; // %1$s = number of emails, %2$s = IMAP or POP3 fetching $hesklang['wrn_pop3']='You have many emails in your mailbox (%1$s). Hesk will turn all these emails into tickets.

    You may want to delete existing emails before enabling %2$s or use a new email account for Hesk.'; // %1$s = number of emails, %2$s = IMAP or POP3 fetching $hesklang['search_due_date_specific']='Data'; // Due on (date) $hesklang['search_due_date_range']='Vencimento em'; // Due in (X days) $hesklang['attachment_add_files']='Adicionar Arquivo'; $hesklang['attachment_max_exceeded']='This file will not be uploaded becuase you have already uploaded the maximum number of files allowed.'; $hesklang['attachment_viewer_message']= "Arraste os arquivos aqui ou clique no botão 'Adicionar Arquivo' abaixo para selecionar os arquivos para upload."; $hesklang['attachment_invalid_type_message']='Sorry, but the file type you tried to upload is not allowed.'; $hesklang['attachment_upload_error']='An error occurred when trying to upload. Please try again later.'; $hesklang['attachment_too_large']='This attachment is larger than the max filesize permitted.'; $hesklang['attachment_cancel']='Cancel'; $hesklang['attachment_confirm_cancel']='Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?'; $hesklang['attachment_remove']='Remove attachment'; $hesklang['attachment_too_many_uploads']='Too many attachments have been uploaded from your location in a short period of time. Please try your request again later.'; $hesklang['sub_note']='Submit note'; $hesklang['can_view_users']='Ver todos os usuários (mas não gerenciá-los)'; $hesklang['welcome1']='Hey there, you seem to be new here. Welcome!'; $hesklang['welcome2']='To help you get started, check out the %s.'; // %s = Hesk online Quick Start Guide (below) $hesklang['welcome3']='Hesk online Quick Start Guide'; $hesklang['tmce1']='Use Ctrl+Right click to access spellchecker'; $hesklang['tmce2']='Hold the Control (Ctrl) key and right-click on the misspelled word to access the spellchecker.'; $hesklang['desc_new_ticket_by_staff']='(Cliente) Novo Chamado Enviado pela Equipe de Suporte'; $hesklang['mod_et_h']='You can modify email templates under %1$s > %2$s'; // %1$s = Tools, %2$s = Email templates link $hesklang['set_lang']='Set language to'; $hesklang['ouwa']='

    Somente usuários com acesso a esta categoria estão listados abaixo.

    Para adicionar membros da equipe a esta categoria, edite suas permissões na página %s '; // %s = Team $hesklang['previous_tickets']='Chamados Anteriores'; $hesklang['no_previous']='Nenhum Chamado anterior de: %s'; // %s = email address $hesklang['all_previous']='List all previous tickets'; $hesklang['confirm_delete_ticket']='Are you sure you want to permanently delete this ticket?'; $hesklang['confirm_delete_reply']='Are you sure you want to permanently delete this reply?'; $hesklang['select_new_category']='Number of tickets in this category: %s

    Please select a new category to transfer these tickets to:'; // %s = Number of tickets $hesklang['deleting_user_with_tickets']='Number of tickets assigned to this user: %1$s
    Number of open tickets assigned to this user: %2$s

    Open tickets will be unassigned after deleting this user.'; // %1$s = total tickets, %2$s = open tickets //$hesklang['hlic']='HESK license'; //$hesklang['hlic_free']='FREE'; //$hesklang['hlic_buyl']='Buy a License'; $hesklang['hlic_paid']='Licensed'; $hesklang['antdemo']='Submitting tickets from the admin panel has been disabled in the demo mode.

    Please use the public side to submit a test ticket.'; // Added in version 3.4.0 $hesklang['email_authentication_method']='Authentication method'; $hesklang['email_authentication_method_username_password']='Basic (Username / Password)'; $hesklang['email_authentication_method_oauth']='OAuth'; $hesklang['email_authentication_method_oauth_disabled']='OAuth - No verified OAuth providers configured.'; $hesklang['email_authentication_method_oauth_link']='Manage OAuth providers'; // Links to "OAuth Providers" tools page $hesklang['email_oauth_auth_url']='URL do terminal de autorização'; $hesklang['email_oauth_token_url']='URL do ponto final do token'; $hesklang['email_oauth_client_id']='ID do Cliente'; $hesklang['email_oauth_client_secret']='Segredo do cliente'; $hesklang['email_oauth_scope']='Escopo'; $hesklang['oauth_error_invalid_state']='O estado do OAuth não corresponde ao estado enviado ao provedor OAuth.'; $hesklang['oauth_error_unknown']='Ocorreu um erro desconhecido ao tentar salvar tokens OAuth.'; $hesklang['oauth_error_no_token']='Token de acesso ausente na resposta JSON.'; $hesklang['oauth_error_retrieve']='Não foi possível recuperar um token de acesso. Confirme as configurações do seu provedor OAuth e salve-as novamente para adquirir um novo token.'; $hesklang['email_oauth_provider']='Provedor OAuth'; $hesklang['email_oauth_providers']='Provedores OAuth'; $hesklang['email_oauth_provider_guide']='Antes de usar o OAuth, você deve registrar um provedor OAuth. Para obter detalhes, consulte this knowledgebase guide.'; // %s = link to article $hesklang['email_oauth_provider_uri']='Seu URI de redirecionamento OAuth para Hesk é:
    %s'; // %s = URL of the oauth_providers.php file $hesklang['email_oauth_providers_intro']='Use esta ferramenta para adicionar provedores OAuth ao seu Sistema de Help Desk'; $hesklang['email_oauth_provider_name']='Nome'; // OAuth provider name $hesklang['email_oauth_new_provider']='Novo Provedor'; $hesklang['email_oauth_edit_provider']='Editar Provedor'; $hesklang['email_oauth_provider_being_used_for']='USADO PARA'; $hesklang['email_oauth_providers_none']='Nenhum provedor OAuth foi salvo. Você pode adicioná-los clicando em “Novo Provedor” acima..'; $hesklang['email_oauth_provider_cannot_be_deleted']='This provider cannot be removed because it is being used by the help desk.'; $hesklang['email_oauth_confirm_delete_provider']='Are you sure you want to delete this OAuth provider?'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_saved']='OAuth provider has been saved'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_use']='You can now select this provider in %s > %s'; // %s = Settings, %s = Email $hesklang['oauth_provider_err_name']='Enter the provider name'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_err_auth_url']='Enter a valid authorization URL'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_err_token_url']='Enter a valid token URL'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_err_client_id']='Enter the client ID'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_err_client_secret']='Enter the client secret'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_err_scope']='Enter the scope'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_deleted']='OAuth provider deleted'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_not_found']='This OAuth provider does not exist'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_verified']='VERIFICADO'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_click_to_verify']='Clicar para verificar'; $hesklang['can_due_date']='Pode definir a data de vencimento'; // Permission to set and modify due date $hesklang['can_due_date_e']='You do not have permission to set due dates'; // DO NOT CHANGE BELOW if (!defined('IN_SCRIPT')) die('PHP syntax OK!');PKs3Ye܁wwpt/emails/ticket_closed.txtnu[%%NAME%%, O seu Chamado (ID: %%TRACK_ID%%), com o assunto "%%SUBJECT%%", foi atualizado para Fechado/Resolvido. Você pode verificar o status do seu Chamado aqui: %%TRACK_URL%% *ESSE É UM E-MAIL AUTOMÁTICO, ENVIADA PELO SISTEMA DE GESTÃO DE CHAMADOS DA ISO SEGUROS, POR FAVOR NÃO RESPONDER.* Atenciosamente, Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros. %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Ypt/emails/new_note.txtnu[Olá, Uma nova resposta foi incluída ao Chamado %%TRACK_ID%% que está atribuído a você. Assunto: "%%SUBJECT%%". Resposta de %%NAME%%. Mensagem do Chamado: %%MESSAGE%% Você pode gerir este Chamado aqui: %%TRACK_URL%% *ESSE É UM E-MAIL AUTOMÁTICO, ENVIADA PELO SISTEMA DE GESTÃO DE CHAMADOS DA ISO SEGUROS, POR FAVOR NÃO RESPONDER.* Atenciosamente, Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros. %%SITE_URL%%PKs3YXpt/emails/reset_password.txtnu[Olá %%NAME%%, Houve uma solicitação para redefinir sua senha! Se você não fez esta solicitação, ignore este e-mail. Caso contrário, clique no link abaixo para alterar sua senha, lembrando que essa solicitação expira em 2 horas: %%PASSWORD_RESET%% *ESSE É UM E-MAIL AUTOMÁTICO, ENVIADA PELO SISTEMA DE GESTÃO DE CHAMADOS DA ISO SEGUROS, POR FAVOR NÃO RESPONDER.* Atenciosamente, Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros. %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Y@(pt/emails/index.htmnu[ 403 Forbidden


    You don't have permission to access this folder.

    PKs3Y\pt/emails/category_moved.txtnu[Olá, O Chamado %%TRACK_ID%% foi movido para uma Nova Categoria. Detalhes do Chamado: Assunto: %%SUBJECT%% Código de Identificação do Chamado: %%TRACK_ID%% Você pode gerir este Chamado aqui: %%TRACK_URL%% *ESSE É UM E-MAIL AUTOMÁTICO, ENVIADA PELO SISTEMA DE GESTÃO DE CHAMADOS DA ISO SEGUROS, POR FAVOR NÃO RESPONDER.* Atenciosamente, Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros. %%SITE_URL%%PKs3YY7$pt/emails/ticket_assigned_to_you.txtnu[Olá, O Chamado %%TRACK_ID%% foi direcionado para o seu atendimento. Detalhes do Chamado: Assunto do Chamado: %%SUBJECT%% Código de Identificação do Chamado: %%TRACK_ID%% MENSAGEM: %%MESSAGE%% Você pode gerir este Chamado aqui: %%TRACK_URL%% *ESSE É UM E-MAIL AUTOMÁTICO, ENVIADA PELO SISTEMA DE GESTÃO DE CHAMADOS DA ISO SEGUROS, POR FAVOR NÃO RESPONDER.* Atenciosamente, Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros. %%SITE_URL%%PKs3YD1xjj#pt/emails/new_reply_by_customer.txtnu[Olá, O Chamado: %%TRACK_ID%% foi respondido pelo Cliente. Assunto: "%%SUBJECT%%". MENSAGEM: %%MESSAGE%% Você pode gerir este Chamado aqui: %%TRACK_URL%% *ESSE É UM E-MAIL AUTOMÁTICO, ENVIADA PELO SISTEMA DE GESTÃO DE CHAMADOS DA ISO SEGUROS, POR FAVOR NÃO RESPONDER.* Atenciosamente, Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros. %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Y^^!pt/emails/new_ticket_by_staff.txtnu[%%NAME%%, Seu Chamado "%%SUBJECT%%" foi enviado. Respondemos a todos os Chamados o mais rápido possível, caso a resposta para o seu Chamado demore, não se preocupe que iremos enviar um E-mail comunicando. Código de Identificação do Chamado: %%TRACK_ID%% Você pode acessar ao Chamado aqui: %%TRACK_URL%% Você receberá uma notificação por E-mail quando nossa equipe responder ao seu Chamado. *ESSE É UM E-MAIL AUTOMÁTICO, ENVIADA PELO SISTEMA DE GESTÃO DE CHAMADOS DA ISO SEGUROS, POR FAVOR NÃO RESPONDER.* Atenciosamente, Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros. %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Y;pt/emails/survey.txtnu[Dear %%NAME%%, We're reaching out regarding your recent ticket "%%SUBJECT%%". To help us serve you better, we'd love to hear about your experience with our support team. Please let us know how easy was it to get your issue resolved: %%SURVEY_URL%% We appreciate your feedback. And as always, if there's anything else we can do for you in the future – please don't hesitate to reach back out again. Thanks, %%SITE_TITLE%% %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Y΍zzpt/emails/overdue_ticket.txtnu[Olá, O Chamado %%TRACK_ID%% está prestes a vencer. Detalhes do Chamado: Assunto: "%%SUBJECT%%". MENSAGEM: %%MESSAGE%% Você pode gerir este Chamado aqui: %%TRACK_URL%% *ESSE É UM E-MAIL AUTOMÁTICO, ENVIADA PELO SISTEMA DE GESTÃO DE CHAMADOS DA ISO SEGUROS, POR FAVOR NÃO RESPONDER.* Atenciosamente, Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros. %%SITE_URL%%PKs3YJS55pt/emails/new_ticket.txtnu[Prezado(a) %%NAME%%, O seu Chamado "%%SUBJECT%%" foi enviado. Código de Identificação do Chamado: %%TRACK_ID%% Você pode acompanhar o status do Chamado clicando aqui: %%TRACK_URL%% A nossa equipe sempre responde a todos os Chamados enviados o mais rápido possível, você receberá E-mails de notificação sempre que houver uma resposta ao seu Chamado. *ESSE É UM E-MAIL AUTOMÁTICO, ENVIADA PELO SISTEMA DE GESTÃO DE CHAMADOS DA ISO SEGUROS, POR FAVOR NÃO RESPONDER.* Atenciosamente, Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros. %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Y۪[[pt/emails/mfa_verification.txtnu[Olá, %%NAME%%, Abaixo está o seu código de verificação de autenticação Multi-Fator. Este código expira em 20 minutos. %%VERIFICATION_CODE%% *ESSE É UM E-MAIL AUTOMÁTICO, ENVIADA PELO SISTEMA DE GESTÃO DE CHAMADOS DA ISO SEGUROS, POR FAVOR NÃO RESPONDER.* Atenciosamente, Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros. %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Y~H]]pt/emails/new_pm.txtnu[Olá, Você recebeu uma nova mensagem privada de %%NAME%% com o seguinte assunto: %%SUBJECT%% Você pode gerir este Chamado aqui: %%TRACK_URL%% *ESSE É UM E-MAIL AUTOMÁTICO, ENVIADA PELO SISTEMA DE GESTÃO DE CHAMADOS DA ISO SEGUROS, POR FAVOR NÃO RESPONDER.* Atenciosamente, Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros. %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Y8,55pt/emails/ticket_escalated.txtnu[Hello, A support ticket has been escalated by %%ESCALATED_BY_RULE%%: Subject: %%SUBJECT%% Category: %%CATEGORY%% Priority: %%PRIORITY%% Status: %%STATUS%% Assigned to: %%OWNER%% Tracking ID: %%TRACK_ID%% You can view this ticket here: %%TRACK_URL%% Regards, %%SITE_TITLE%% %%SITE_URL%%PKs3YF!{{ pt/emails/new_reply_by_staff.txtnu[%%NAME%%, A nossa equipe já respondeu o seu Chamado: %%TRACK_ID%% Assunto: "%%SUBJECT%%". Mensagem de resposta: %%MESSAGE%% Você pode acessar ao Chamado aqui: %%TRACK_URL%% *ESSE É UM E-MAIL AUTOMÁTICO, ENVIADA PELO SISTEMA DE GESTÃO DE CHAMADOS DA ISO SEGUROS, POR FAVOR NÃO RESPONDER.* Atenciosamente, Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros. %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Yo <pt/emails/new_ticket_staff.txtnu[Olá, Um novo Chamado foi enviado. Veja os detalhes deste Novo Chamado: Assunto do Chamado: %%SUBJECT%%. Código de Identificação do Chamado: %%TRACK_ID%% MENSAGEM: %%MESSAGE%% Você pode gerir este Chamado aqui: %%TRACK_URL%% *ESSE É UM E-MAIL AUTOMÁTICO, ENVIADA PELO SISTEMA DE GESTÃO DE CHAMADOS DA ISO SEGUROS, POR FAVOR NÃO RESPONDER.* Atenciosamente, Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros. %%SITE_URL%%PKs3YԨrrpt/emails/forgot_ticket_id.txtnu[%%NAME%%, Conforme solicitado, segue todos os Chamados cadastrados no nosso sistema com o seu endereço de E-mail. Total de Chamados encontrados: %%NUM%% %%LIST_TICKETS%% *ESSE É UM E-MAIL AUTOMÁTICO, ENVIADA PELO SISTEMA DE GESTÃO DE CHAMADOS DA ISO SEGUROS, POR FAVOR NÃO RESPONDER.* Atenciosamente, Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros. %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Yl? pt/help_files/misc.htmlnu[ Interactive help for Hesk settings

    Interactive help for Hesk settings



    Select your help desk timezone.

    If no valid timezone is selected, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) will be used.


    Close window











    Time format

    This is PHP date syntax for time of day displayed by Hesk.

    For full syntax to use see PHP date manual. Few examples you can use:

    Setting Result
    H:i 14:35
    H:i:s 14:35:53
    g:ia 2:35pm


    Close window









    Date format

    This is PHP date syntax for dates displayed by Hesk, except for the Javascript datepicker.

    For full syntax to use see PHP date manual. Few examples you can use:

    Setting Result
    Y-m-d 2012-12-31
    d/m/Y 31/12/2012
    m-d-Y 12-31-2012
    j-M-Y 31-Dec-2012


    Close window









    Date and Time format

    This is PHP date syntax for timestamps displayed by Hesk.

    For full syntax to use see PHP date manual. Few examples you can use:

    Setting Result
    Y-m-d H:i:s 2012-12-31 14:35:53
    d/m/Y H:i:s 31/12/2012 14:35:53
    m-d-Y H:i:s 12-31-2012 14:35:53
    j-M-Y H:i:s 31-Dec-2012 14:35:53
    j-M-Y g:ia 31-Dec-2012 2:35pm


    Close window









    Time display

    Select your preferred time display:

    Date and time: time will be displayed using the Time format setting on the Misc settings page.

    Time ago: time will be in a descriptive format. Examples:
    2 minutes ago
    about an hour ago
    6 days ago

    When Time ago is selected, you can click on (or hover your mouse cursor over) the time display to see the actual date and time.

    In some places, the date and time will always be displayed, regardless of setting.


    Close window









    Date select format

    This is the date syntax for the Javascript date select tool displayed by Hesk.

    Supported syntax:

    Syntax Description Example
    dd Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros 01 to 31
    d Day of the month without leading zeros 1 to 31
    DD A full textual representation of the day of the week Sunday through Saturday
    D A textual representation of a day, three letters Sun through Sat
    mm Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros 01 through 12
    m Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros 1 through 12
    MM A full textual representation of a month January through December
    M A short textual representation of a month, three letters Jan through Dec
    yyyy A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits 1999 or 2022
    yy A two digit representation of a year 99 or 22


    Close window









    IP whois

    URL of the service you use for IP whois query.

    {IP} tag will be replaced with customer IP address.



    Close window


    Maintenance mode

    Put the help desk in maintenance mode.

    Customer will not be able to use any help desk functions. Staff will be able to access and use the help desk normally.

    Note: Maintenance mode is activated automatically if the /install folder is present.

    Important: POP3 fetching will not be active, but email piping will (to avoid lost customer emails).



    Close window






    Admin link

    If selected a link to admin panel will be displayed on the bottom of your help desk index page.

    Submit notice

    If checked, the Submit a ticket form will show a note (at the bottom) saying the customer should double-check all the information entered and that their IP address is being logged for security purposes.


    Close window


    Online Users

    If checked HESK will show a list of users online in the last X minutes at the bottom of the help desk (in staff interface only).


    If checked HESK will automatically check for updates whenever you open the settings page.

    For automatic update check to work your server must be connected to the Internet and have either cURL or allow_url_fopen enabled.

    If disabled or required functions are missing, a manual "Check for updates" links will appear.



    Close window















    PKs3YWBB pt/help_files/knowledgebase.htmlnu[ Interactive help for Hesk settings

    Interactive help for Hesk settings


    » Knowledgebase settings


    Enable Knowledgebase

    Use this setting to turn HESK Knowledgebase functionality on or off.

    Available options are:

    • YES, enable Knowledgebase
      Enables Knowledgebase functionality for HESK
    • YES, use HESK as a Knowledgebase only (disable help desk)
      Enables Knowledgebase, but disables help desk functionality (posting new support tickets). Use this option if you wish to use HESK as a Knowledgebase, not a fully-featured help desk.

      Note that support tickets may still be submitted by staff or by email piping/POP3 fetching if enabled. Customers can view and reply to tickets.
    • NO, disable Knowledgebase
      Disables Knowledgebase functionality for HESK


    Close window







    WYSIWYG Editor

    This will enable a What You See Is What You Get type editor (a rich-text editor) for the knowledgebase articles rather than a simple text editor.

    Suggest KB articles

    If set to YES Hesk will match ticket subject and message against knowledgebase articles and recommend customers to read matching articles before submitting a new support ticket.


    Close window


    Enable KB rating

    Set to YES to allow customers to rate knowledgebase articles as Helpful or Not helpful

    Enable KB search

    Enabling this feature will show a search form on top of help desk customer interface and allow them to use the search form to search your knowledgebase.

    You can choose to display a small search box (located in the top right corner) or a large one (more visible, covers entire page width).


    Close window


    Show article views

    Set to YES to display number of knowledgebase article views publicly (views are always visible from staff control panel).

    Show article date

    Set to YES to display knowledgebase article submission date publicly (date is always visible from staff control panel).


    Close window


    Max search results

    This is the maximum matching results Hesk will return when someone searches the knowledgebase.

    Article preview length

    Maximum length (number of chars) of knowledgebase article content that will be displayed in article list when browsing knowledgebase categories.


    Close window


    Categories in row

    Number of (sub)categories to be displayed in table row when browsing knowledgebase.

    Subcategory articles

    Number of (preview) articles listed in subcategory display.


    Close window


    Show popular articles

    Number of popular (most visited) articles shown on help desk index and knowledgebase index pages. Set to 0 to disable listing popular articles.

    Show latest articles

    Number of latest (most recently submitted) articles shown on help desk index and knowledgebase index pages. Set to 0 to disable listing latest articles.


    Close window





    Related Articles

    Set to the number of related articles that should be listed below each Knowledgebase article.

    To disable listing related articles, set to 0


    Close window















    PKs3YyR33pt/help_files/email.htmlnu[ Interactive help for Hesk settings

    Interactive help for Hesk settings


    Email sender

    Select wether HESK should send emails usign PHP mail() function or using a manually setup SMTP server.

    PHP mail() should work on most setups, if it doesn't you may try setting up a SMTP server instead.

    Available SMTP variables:

    SMTP Host - hostname of your SMTP server, usually localhost or
    SMTP Port - your SMTP port, usually 25
    SMTP Timeout - SMTP timeout in seconds
    Encryption - enable if your SMTP server requires encrypted connections
    SMTP Username - your SMTP username (if used)
    SMTP Password - your SMTP password (if used)


    Close window







    Email Piping

    Enables email piping (creating tickets from emails).

    This option just enables piping functionality in HESK, for complete email piping setup please refer to the readme.html file.


    Close window





    POP3 Fetching

    This setting enables or disables POP3 Fetching - creating tickets from emails by connecting to an email account using POP3 connection.

    For instructions on how to setup POP3 Fetching please see the readme.html file.

    Available variables are:

    Task Timeout - number of minutes to wait for an existing POP3 fetching job to complete. No new fetching jobs will start until the timeout is reached. Set to 0 to disable timeouts and always start a new fetching job.

    POP3 Host - hostname of your POP3 server, usually
    POP3 Port - your POP3 port, usually 110. Gmail for example uses 995
    TLS Protocol - enable if your POP3 server requires TLS protocol
    Keep a copy - if enabled HESK will not delete mail from POP3 server
    POP3 Username - your POP3 username
    POP3 Password - your POP3 password


    Close window





    IMAP Fetching

    This setting enables or disables IMAP Fetching - creating tickets from emails by connecting to an email account using IMAP connection.

    For instructions on how to setup IMAP Fetching please see the readme.html file.

    Available variables are:

    Task Timeout - number of minutes to wait for an existing IMAP fetching job to complete. No new fetching jobs will start until the timeout is reached. Set to 0 to disable timeouts and always start a new fetching job.

    IMAP Host - hostname of your IMAP server, usually
    IMAP Port - your IMAP port, usually 143 for non-encrypted and 993 for SSL/TLS
    Encryption - set required IMAP encryption
    Keep a copy - if enabled HESK will not delete mail from IMAP server
    IMAP Username - your IMAP username
    IMAP Password - your IMAP password


    Close window





    Do not validate server certificates

    If checked, Hesk will not validate certificates from the TLS/SSL server.

    Certificate validation usually needs to be skipped if the server uses self-signed certificates.

    We strongly recommend that you do not disable certificate validation on production servers and when connecting to third-party servers as it makes you vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.


    Close window












    Do not reply

    If checked, Hesk will try to detect emails sent from "Do not reply" email addresses and ignore them.



    Close window













    If checked, Hesk will try to detect and ignore returned emails.

    For example, it will ignore emails sent from and emails with a subject such as "Returned mail", "Undeliverable", "Out of Office" or similar.


    Close window













    If checked, Hesk will detect and ignore an email if Hesk has already processed an email with the same message within "Timeframe" seconds.

    When testing email to ticket functionality, either disable this setting or send test emails with unique messages.


    Close window











    Email Loops

    Settings to help detect email loops created from autoresponders or undeliverable email.

    Any number of emails higher than Max Hits from an email address within Timeframe seconds will be ignored by email piping.

    Set Max Hits to 0 to disable loop detection.


    Close window









    Detect email typos

    This function will try to detect common email domain name misspelling and suggest a corrected version.

    For example if customer enters HESK will detect it and suggest instead.

    HESK will compare email domains to the domains listed in Email providers list.


    Email providers

    A list of common email providers your customers use. HESK will use this list to try to detect mistyped email addresses.

    Enter one domain per line, without the @ sign.

    You can enter any number of common domain names, but try not to overdo it - enter just the most common ones.


    Close window





    Notify customer when

    Select when HESK should send an email notification to customers:

    • when customer submits a new support ticket

      Note: if ticket is submitted over email (email piping or POP3 fetching), HESK can skip sending new ticket notification to the customer if the email subject contains one of the tags listed in the text box (one tag per line).

      You can use this to prevent automatic replies to emails detected as possible SPAM by your server SPAM filter.
    • when a support ticket is marked as Resolved (without replying)


    Note that notification preferences are set individually per ticket when staff replies to a ticket or when staff submits a ticket from the admin interface.


    Close window









    Strip quoted reply

    This function deletes quoted replies from all customer emails before they are converted into a ticket using Email piping or POP3 Fetching.

    All emails sent to customers will start with this line:

    ------ Reply above this line ------

    Any text below this line will be removed when and email is imported into ticket reply.


    Close window





    Require message

    If enabled, emails from email piping or POP3 fetching will be ignored if they contain no message.

    If disabled, even emails with no message will be turned into tickets.


    Close window





    Embedded files

    Enable if you wish HESK to save embedded email files (for example embedded images) as attachments when importing tickets over Email piping or POP3 Fetching.

    Files over maximum allowed attachments limit will be ignored.

    Note that with HESK file attachments have priority over embedded files. For example if you allow 2 file attachments and receive an email with 1 file attachment and 3 embedded images, HESK will save the file attachment and first embedded image, the rest will be ignored.


    Close window





    Multiple emails

    If a customer tries to enter several emails (separated by comma) into the Email field when submitting a ticket HESK will only use the first email by default and ignore any other emails.

    To allow customers to enter multiple emails enable this feature by checking the box.


    Close window





    Confirm email

    If selected, the "Submit a ticket" form will show a "Confirm email" field forcing the customer to type the email address twice. This helps avoid typos in email addresses.


    Close window





    Open only

    If checked then the "Forgot ticket ID" email (email sent to remind customers of their ticket tracking ID number) will only list open tickets and ignore resolved ones.


    Close window





    Email formatting

    Determines which email formats are included when sending out emails. Options include:

    HTML with plain text alternative from plain text template (default) - emails will be sent as HTML. Hesk plain text email template content will be used for the alternative text in the email (multipart/alternative).
    HTML with plain text alternative generated from HTML template - emails will be sent as HTML. The alternative text in the email (multipart/alternative) will be generated by converting the HTML template to plain text. Hesk plain text email templates will be ignored.
    HTML only - emails will be sent as HTML only without multipart/alternative.
    Plain text only - emails will be sent as plain text.


    Close window















    PKs3Y@(pt/help_files/index.htmnu[ 403 Forbidden


    You don't have permission to access this folder.

    PKs3YN1C pt/help_files/ticket_list.htmlnu[ Interactive help for Hesk settings

    Interactive help for Hesk settings


    » Fields in ticket list

    Choose what fields you wish to have displayed in HESK ticket list.

    Note that any custom fields need to be saved first before they appear in this list.

    If no fields are selected, the Tracking ID field will be selected automatically.

    At least one of these three fields must be shown: ID, Tracking ID, Subject


    Close window





    Date format in list of tickets

    Select how you would like date columns (submitted, updated) in ticket list show information.

    Setting Result Example
    HESK Style HH:mm if updated today
    Yesterday if updated yesterday
    DD MMM YY if updated before yesterday
    26 Sep 14
    Date and time As set in Settings > Misc > Date and time 2014-09-26 14:35:12
    Date only As set in Settings > Misc > Date format 2014-09-26
    Short descriptive number + abbreviated time 1w2d (1 week 2 days)
    30s (30 seconds)
    2d6h (2 days 6 hours)
    Custom PHP Date syntax, see PHP manual  


    Close window















    PKs3YpnS7pt/help_files/general.htmlnu[ Interactive help for Hesk settings

    Interactive help for Hesk settings


    » General settings

    Website title

    A short title of your website, for example "My lovely website". This will be used as the title of the link that is displayed in the top left corner of the customer interface to enable them to return to your website.

    Website URL

    URL of your website, for example "". Make sure this is a valid URL and you start it with either http:// or https:// . This will be used as the URL of the link that is be displayed in top left corner of customer interface and enable them to return to your website.


    Close window


    Webmaster email

    Default webmaster email address. Make sure you enter a valid email address, it can be the same as Support email.


    Close window


    "From:" email

    Your "From:" email address. This is the email address that will be shown as email sender (From: header) in all emails sent by HESK. Usually it is an email you don't read and don't reply to. Make sure you enter a valid email address, it can be the same as Support email but it is recommended to use a different one.

    "From:" name

    This is the name that will be shown as email sender (From:) in all emails sent by HESK. If no name is set the email From: header will only show your From: email address.

    Site theme

    This is the theme that will be used across all customer-facing HESK pages. All properly installed themes will be displayed in the drop-down box. The "Test theme folder" button will help you troubleshoot non-working themes.

    Admin CSS

    Here you can specify the URL of a custom CSS file that will be included in the admin panel.

    Use your custom CSS file to overwrite the HESK default admin panel style or add additional CSS rules without modifying the source files.


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    » Language settings

    Default Language

    If you have several languages installed for Hesk this will be the default language. All properly installed languages are displayed in the drop-down box. Please refer to the readme.html file for instructions on how to install more languages. The "Test language folder" link will help you troubleshoot non-working language installations.

    If multiple languages are enabled you can set your preferred language on the "Profile" page.

    Multiple languages

    Enabling this setting will allow your users and staff to choose their preferred language from the list of installed languages. Do not enable this feature unless you provide support in all of the installed languages!


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    » Database settings

    Database host

    Database host server, "localhost" works for most users. Do NOT change this unless you know what your MySQL host is. Ask your hosting company if not sure or if you are having problems connecting to the MySQL database.

    Database name

    The name of your MySQL database. You should create one in your web hosting control panel or ask your hosting company for this info.

    Database username

    The username you use to connect to your MySQL database. You should create a MySQL user in your web hosting control panel or ask your hosting company for this info


    Close window


    Database password

    The password you use to connect to MySQL database. You should create a MySQL user in your web hosting control panel or ask your hosting company for this info

    Table prefix

    The prefix that will be added to all table names. If set to hesk_ table "users" will actually be named "hesk_users" in your database. This is useful if you want to run multiple installs of Hesk using one MySQL database, just give each install a unique table prefix name (hesk1_, hesk2_, hesk3_, ...)


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    PKs3YAF{ffpt/help_files/helpdesk.htmlnu[ Interactive help for Hesk settings

    Interactive help for Hesk settings


    » Help desk settings

    Help desk title

    Title of your support desk, for example "My company Help Desk"

    Hesk URL

    URL of the folder where your Hesk will be installed. Do NOT add a trailing / to the URL!
    WRONG: (don't end the URL with a / )


    Close window


    Admin folder

    Name of the folder, where admin files are located.

    The folder needs to exist within the main HESK folder. On most systems names are CaSe SeNSiTiVe.

    Allowed chars (other will be removed): a-z A-Z 0-9 _ -

    Default: admin

    Attachments folder

    Name of the folder, where attachments will be stored.

    The folder needs to exist within the main HESK folder and be writable by PHP. On most systems names are CaSe SeNSiTiVe.

    Allowed chars (other will be removed): a-z A-Z 0-9 _ -

    Default: attachments


    Close window








    Cache folder

    Name of the folder where cache and temporary files will be stored.

    The folder needs to exist within the main HESK folder and be writable by PHP. On most systems names are CaSe SeNSiTiVe.

    Allowed chars (other will be removed): a-z A-Z 0-9 _ -

    Default: cache


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    Listings per page

    The default number of tickets listed per page in admin panel. Use digits only.

    Print font size

    Font size on the "Printer friendly version" pages of support tickets


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    Autoclose tickets

    If a ticket has no activity from the customer for X days it automatically closes. Set to 0 to disable autoclose.

    Max open

    A maximum number of open tickets a customer may have. When this limit is reached the customer will not be able to submit new tickets until existing ones are resolved. Affects only tickets submitted via online form.

    Set to 0 to disable limiting maximum open tickets.


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    Show as "due soon"

    Set the number of days before the due date when a ticket will show as "Due soon" in the list of tickets.

    Can be set to a value between 1 and 999 days. Default setting: 7 days.


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    Reply order

    Choose whether you want most recent replies to appear at top or at bottom of the ticket page.

    Reply form

    Choose whether you want the Add a reply form to appear at top or at bottom of the ticket page.


    Close window


    Hide ticket replies

    When viewing a ticket with many replies, Hesk can hide old replies and only show the newest ones.

    This allows staff members to view the latest replies to a ticket without having to scroll past numerous old ones.

    Staff can view the hidden replies at any time by clicking the "Show previous replies" link.


    Close window










    Limit ticket width

    The desired maximum width of the text portion of a ticket (message and replies).

    Select either full width (text will stretch to the entire available screen width) or maximum content width in pixels.

    Line length is an important factor for comfortable readability, especially if you expect prolonged reading.


    Close window










    Allow automatic login

    If set to YES staff will have an option to automatically login to their account every time they open HESK administration panel from their computer. If disabled HESK will only be able to remember usernames, not passwords.

    Auto-assign tickets

    Tickets will automatically be assigned to a staff member when submitted.

    Several factors are taken into account when assigning tickets automatically, such as ticket category and number of currently open assigned tickets.


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    Require email

    Do you require customers to enter their email address when submitting a ticket?

    OFF = do not require an email address
    ON = require an email address


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    Require owner

    If set to ON tickets will need to be assigned before staff can reply to them.

    This helps prevent multiple staff working on the same ticket by mistake as it forces them to assign the ticket to themselves before starting to work on it.


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    Require subject

    Customers can enter a ticket subject or it can be generated automatically.

    OFF = do not require a ticket subject
    ON = require a ticket subject
    Hide in customer form = hide "Subject" form field from customer side*

    * customers will still be able to see the automatically generated subject


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    Require message

    Do you require customers to write a message when submitting a new support ticket?

    OFF = do not require a message
    ON = message is required
    Hide in customer form = hide "Message" form field from customer side

    * if a staff members edits a ticket and writes a message, customers will be able to see it


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    Customer resolve

    Choose whether customers may mark tickets as resolved.

    If disabled, ticket will only be resolvable by staff and automatically for inactivity.


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    Reopen tickets

    Set to ON to allow customers to reopen a ticket once it has been closed. When set to OFF once closed the customer will have to open a new ticket.

    Reply rating

    If set to ON customers will be able to mark staff replies as Helpful or Not helpful. This customer feedback will be used to rate staff.

    Customer priority

    If set to ON customers will be able to set priority/urgency for their tickets ranging from Low to High. If set to OFF all tickets will be submitted with the default priority (Low) and only staff will be able to change the priority level to a higher one.


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    Sequential IDs

    If enabled, all tickets will also show a sequential ID number. This should allow easier customer-staff communication about a ticket (saying ticket ID 45 rather than ticket ID GHS-G5E-A6T8). However, only staff will be able to view tickets by sequential numbers.


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    Time worked

    Track time spent working on a ticket.

    When enabled, the admin ticket reply form will show a time counter for tracking time spent working on the ticket.


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    SPAM Notice

    When customer submits a new ticket, the success message will include a notice saying the customer should check inside the SPAM folder if the confirmation email does not arrive.

    The notice will not be show in disabled OR if the Notify customer when: They submit a new support ticket is disabled.

    The notice message may be notified in the HESK language file.


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    List usernames

    If set to ON staff usernames be listed in a select box on the admin login page and they will only need to type their password in. Recommended setting: OFF (staff will have to type both their username and password to login)


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    Debug mode

    Turns ON/OFF the debug mode. In normal usage debug mode should be turned OFF. Turn ON only if you are having problems and Hesk is not working properly. Don't forget to turn back OFF when Hesk is working normally again.


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    Short links

    If turned ON, website links longer than 70 chars will be shortened for display.

    For example a link like this:

    Would be displayed as: ... long_value


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    - - Click to Select - -

    If checked, "- - Click to Select --" will be the default selection for ticket category and/or priority when submitting a new ticket.


    Close window







    Category select limit

    Used when submitting new tickets.

    If the number of help desk categories (departments) is lower or equal to this setting, ticket category will be selected by clicking on a link.

    If the number of categories is higher than this limit, a drop-down select box will be used instead to select a ticket category.


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    Ticket Formatting

    Sets the type of editor when creating / editing tickets.

    Plaintext = Plain text (default)
    Rich Text (HTML) = Allows rich text (bold, lists, etc) via a WYSIWYG editor


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    Use anti-SPAM image

    Toggles use of the anti-SPAM security image (captcha).

    Value Meaning
    OFF anti-SPAM images disabled
    ON - Customers   only customers will be required to solve the image
    ON - All both customer and staff will be required to solve it
    Image type
    Simple image   a very basic image generated by PHP (GD library required)
    A simple image is not effective against advanced robots, consider using an anti-SPAM questions or ReCaptcha instead!
    ReCaptcha   use a free service by Google (requires registration)


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    ReCaptcha is a free anti-bot service by Google.

    To use ReCaptcha you will need to:

    1. Register for ReCaptcha
    2. Click Get reCAPTCHA
    3. Enter your website details in the Register a new site form
    4. Copy the Site key into HESK settings
    5. Copy the Secret key into HESK settings
    6. Save HESK settings
    7. Try submitting a new ticket through the customer interface to verify reCAPTCHA works fine.


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    Use anti-SPAM question

    Toggles use of the anti-SPAM security question. This is a very simple yet quite effective way of combating spammers (not if they decide to target your website specifically but it should block all the spambots travelling the web). The idea is to create a unique question that only humans can answer to. You can use HTML code in the question. Answers are not CaSe SeNSiTiVe. Some examples:

    -> Question -> Answer
    What color is water? Blue
    What is the next number after four? (use only digits) 5
    Type access code ABCDE here: ABCDE
    Access code: (find it on the bottom of our links page) Somecode

    Warning! DO NOT use these examples, use a unique question that will only be used on your website!


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    Login attempts limit & Ban time (minutes)

    This feature limits brute-force attacks to either login to HESK or view tickets.

    After Login attempts limit number of failed attempts to view a ticket or login to HESK the IP address will be banned for Ban time (minutes).

    To disable failed login attempts limiting, set value to 0 (NOT recommended!).


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    Flood limit (seconds)

    This feature helps prevent submitting too many ticket replies (accidental or malicious reply flooding).

    Set to the minimum number of seconds that must pass between two ticket replies from the same person.

    To disable this feature, set the value to 0.


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    Password reset

    If enabled, users will be able to reset their forgotten password over email.


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    View tickets

    If enabled (checked), customers will need to enter both their email address and ticket tracking ID to view the contents of a tickets. If disabled, only entering ticket tracking ID will suffice.


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    Enable to prevent HESK being loaded in frames on third party websites. This helps combat "clickjacking" attempts.

    When enabled, HESK will send a X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN HTTP header to the browser.

    If you want to display HESK inside a frame on a website under a different domain name than the one HESK is installed under, disable this feature.

    In the case above, you may also need to set Cookies setting to None and use https:// connections!


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    This setting controls the SameSite attribute of HTTP cookies. For a detailed explanation, please see this article.

    In short:

    Strict - cookies will only be sent to requests under your domain name. Following an email link, for example, may force you to log in again.

    Lax - default Hesk value. Cookies are not sent on normal cross-site subrequests (for example, to load images or frames into a third-party site) but are sent when a user is navigating to the origin site (i.e., when following a link).

    None - cookies will be sent to any request, but only under a secure (https://) connection. Use this setting if you show Hesk in a frame on a third-party domain.

    If you want to display HESK inside a frame on a website under a different domain name than the one HESK is installed under, set it to None and use https:// connections.


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    You can force HESK to use secure connections (https versus http).

    To manage this setting, first manually open the admin_settings_help_desk.php file in your browser using https://, for example:

    This is to ensure that SSL is properly configured and working on the server before setting HESK to force it.


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    URL Access Key

    Use the URL Access Key to prevent unauzhorized web-access to your Hesk cron files, such as:
    - /inc/mail/hesk_imap.php,
    - /inc/mail/hesk_pop3.php,
    - /cron/email_overdue_tickets.php, etc.

    When an access key is set and someone wants to access any of those files via an URL address (web browser), they will need to specify the correct key by appending ?key=XXXXXXXX to the URL address. Example:

    Your access key should be a random string at least 20 chars long. Valid access key chars are: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ . -

    The access key is not used when cron files are accessed over command-line interface, only when served over http(s).

    If you leave the URL Access Key empty, it will not be required/used.


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    Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

    Use multi-factor authentication to require users to authenticate with their password along with a secondary authentication method.

    - Enabling "Require Multi-Factor Authentication" will enable MFA for both new and existing users.

    - Disabling "Require Multi-Factor Authentication" will not disable MFA for existing users; it will only affect new users.


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    Secure Area Duration

    Specifies how long users are permitted to access areas which require security verification before having to enter their MFA token / password again.

    This timer is reset when a user logs out.


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    » Attachments

    Use attachments

    Select YES to enable file attachments. If enabled customers and support staff will have the option to attach files to support tickets.

    NOTE: If and how file attachments will work depends on your server settings, please refer to readme.html for considerations and possible limitations of file attachments on your server.

    Number per post

    Number of file attachments allowed per post. Optimal range is around 1 to 4. This setting is only available if "Use attachments" is set to YES.


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    Maxmimum file size

    Maximum size of attached files. Note that the maximum upload file size is limited by your server settings, please refer to readme.html for more information on file attachment limits. This setting is only available if "Use attachments" is set to YES.

    Allowed file types

    Allowed file extensions for attaching files. To add more extensions use the same formatting .ext and separate them with a comma. This setting is only available if "Use attachments" is set to YES.


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    PKs3Y[`pt/help_files/help_style.cssnu[body { margin:5px 5px; padding:0; background:#fff; color: black; font : 68.8%/1.5 Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align:left; } p { color : black; font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 1.0em; } h3 { color : #AF0000; font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.0em; text-align:center; } .section { color: #74804e; font-weight: bold; } .title { color : black; font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.0em; } .wrong {color : red;} .correct {color : green;}PKs3YW pt/help_files/custom.htmlnu[ Interactive help for Hesk settings

    Interactive help for Hesk settings


    » Custom fields

    Custom fields can be used to collect additional information from your customers. You can enable up to 20 custom fields by selecting YES in the Enable column. Once a field is enabled you have several options to set.

    » Type
    Choose field type. It can be one of the following options:

    • Text field - a normal one-line text field (<input type="text">)
    • Large text box - text area, a larger text field with multiple lines (<textarea></textarea>)
    • Radio button - a radio button with at least two options (<input type="radio">)
    • Select box - a drop-down select box with at least two options (<select></select>)
    • Checkbox - checkbox with at least two options (<input type="checkbox">). Multiple options can be chosen (ticked).

    » Required
    Check to make the custom field a required, otherwise it is an optional one.

    » Field name
    Give the custom field a unique name that what will be displayed next to the field, for example "Postal address".

    » Location
    Choose whether the custom field should be displayed before or after the "Message" field when submitting a new support ticket.

    » Options
    Options you can set for each field depending on the selected Type:

    • Text field - you can set maximum input length (in chars) and default value
    • Large text box - you can set number of rows and columns (<textarea rows="Y" cols="X">)
    • Radio button - list radio button options, one per line
    • Select box - list select box options, one per line


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    PKs3YPokk pt/html_emails/ticket_closed.txtnu[


    O seu Chamado (ID: %%TRACK_ID%%), com o assunto "%%SUBJECT%%", foi atualizado para Fechado/Resolvido.

    Você pode verificar o status do seu Chamado aqui:




    Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros.



    Uma nova resposta foi incluída ao Chamado %%TRACK_ID%% que está atribuído a você.

    Assunto: "%%SUBJECT%%".

    Resposta de %%NAME%%.

    Mensagem do Chamado: %%MESSAGE%%

    Você pode gerir este Chamado aqui:




    Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros.


    Olá %%NAME%%,

    Houve uma solicitação para redefinir sua senha!

    Se você não fez esta solicitação, ignore este e-mail.

    Caso contrário, clique no link abaixo para alterar sua senha, lembrando  que essa solicitação expira em 2 horas: 




    Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros.

    PKs3Y@(pt/html_emails/index.htmnu[ 403 Forbidden


    You don't have permission to access this folder.



    O Chamado %%TRACK_ID%% foi movido para uma Nova Categoria. 

    Detalhes do Chamado:
    Assunto: %%SUBJECT%%
    Código de Identificação do Chamado: %%TRACK_ID%%

    Você pode gerir este Chamado aqui:




    Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros.



    O Chamado %%TRACK_ID%% foi direcionado para o seu atendimento.

    Detalhes do Chamado:
    Assunto: "%%SUBJECT%%".

    Você pode gerir este Chamado aqui:



    Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros.



    O Chamado: %%TRACK_ID%% foi respondido pelo Cliente.

    Assunto: "%%SUBJECT%%".

    Você pode gerir este Chamado aqui:



    Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros.



    Seu Chamado "%%SUBJECT%%" foi enviado.

    Respondemos a todos os Chamados o mais rápido possível, caso a resposta para o seu Chamado demore, não se preocupe que iremos enviar um E-mail comunicando.

    Código de Identificação do Chamado: %%TRACK_ID%%

    Você pode acessar ao Chamado aqui:


    Você receberá uma notificação por E-mail quando nossa equipe responder ao seu Chamado.



    Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros.


    Dear %%NAME%%,

    We're reaching out regarding your recent ticket %%SUBJECT%%. To help us serve you better, we'd love to hear about your experience with our support team.

    Please let us know how easy was it to get your issue resolved by clicking here.

    We appreciate your feedback. And as always, if there's anything else we can do for you in the future – please don't hesitate to reach back out again.





    O Chamado  %%TRACK_ID%%  está prestes a vencer.

    Detalhes do Chamado:
    Assunto: "%%SUBJECT%%".

    Você pode acessar ao Chamado aqui:




    Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros.



    O seu Chamado "%%SUBJECT%%" foi enviado.

    Código de Identificação do Chamado: %%TRACK_ID%%

    Você pode acompanhar o status do Chamado clicando aqui:


    A nossa equipe sempre responde a todos os Chamados enviados o mais rápido possível, você receberá E-mails de notificação sempre que houver uma resposta ao seu Chamado. 



    Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros.


    Olá, %%NAME%%.

    Segue o seu código de verificação de Autenticação Multi-Fator.
    Este código expira em 20 minutos.




    Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros.



    Você recebeu uma nova mensagem privada de %%NAME%% com o seguinte assunto:


    Você pode gerir este Chamado aqui:




    Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros.



    A support ticket has been escalated by %%ESCALATED_BY_RULE%%:


    Subject: %%SUBJECT%%

    Category: %%CATEGORY%%

    Priority: %%PRIORITY%%

    Status: %%STATUS%%

    Assigned to: %%OWNER%%

    Tracking ID: %%TRACK_ID%%


    You can view this ticket here:



    PKs3Y %pt/html_emails/new_reply_by_staff.txtnu[


    A nossa equipe já respondeu o seu Chamado: %%TRACK_ID%%

    Assunto: "%%SUBJECT%%".

    Mensagem de resposta: %%MESSAGE%%

    Você pode acessar ao Chamado aqui:




    Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros.



    Um novo Chamado foi enviado. 

    Veja os detalhes deste Novo Chamado:
    Assunto do Chamado: %%SUBJECT%%.
    Código de Identificação do Chamado: %%TRACK_ID%%


    Você pode gerir este Chamado aqui:




    Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros.



    Conforme solicitado, segue todos os Chamados cadastrados no nosso sistema com o seu endereço de E-mail. 

    Total de Chamados encontrados: %%NUM%%




    Equipe de Suporte da Iso Seguros.

    PKs3Y en/index.htmnu[ 403 Forbidden


    You don't have permission to access this folder.

    PKs3Y|XĚ en/text.phpnu[ CONTRIBUTORS * * Klemen Stirn ( * Mike Koch ( * * ==> HOW TO TRANSLATE THIS FILE * * * * ==> HOW TO CUSTOMIZE TEXT * * Do NOT customize text inside here, it will be overwritten by updates! * * Follow this guide instead: * * * ==> IMPORTANT: FILE ENCODING * * This file *must* be saved in UTF-8 encoding without byte order mark (BOM) * Test chars: àáâãäåæ * * * */ // Native name of language, for example: Deutsch $hesklang['LANGUAGE']='English'; // English name of language, for example: German $hesklang['LANGUAGE_EN']='English'; // Language encoding. It MUST be set to UTF-8 for all languages! $hesklang['ENCODING']='UTF-8'; // MySQL utf8 collation. Do not change if not sure what to use. $hesklang['_COLLATE']='utf8_unicode_ci'; // This is the email break line that will be used in email piping $hesklang['EMAIL_HR']='------ Reply above this line ------'; // EMAIL SUBJECTS $hesklang['new_ticket_staff'] = '[#%%TRACK_ID%%] New ticket: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['ticket_received'] = '[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Ticket received: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['ticket_assigned_to_you'] = '[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Ticket assigned: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['new_reply_by_customer'] = '[#%%TRACK_ID%%] New reply to: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['new_reply_by_staff'] = '[#%%TRACK_ID%%] New reply to: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['category_moved'] = '[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Ticket moved: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['new_note'] = '[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Note added to: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['new_pm'] = 'New private message: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['forgot_ticket_id'] = 'List of your support tickets'; $hesklang['ticket_closed'] = '[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Ticket closed/resolved'; // New in 2.6.0 $hesklang['overdue_ticket'] = '[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Ticket overdue'; // New in 3.2.0 $hesklang['ticket_escalated'] = '[#%%TRACK_ID%%] ESCALATED: %%SUBJECT%%'; // New in 3.2.0 $hesklang['new_ticket_by_staff'] = '[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Ticket received: %%SUBJECT%%'; // New in 3.3.0 $hesklang['mfa_verification'] = '%%VERIFICATION_CODE%% is your verification code'; // New in 3.3.0 $hesklang['follow_up_email'] = 'Be honest - how did we do?'; // New in 3.3.0 // ERROR MESSAGES $hesklang['cant_connect_db']='Can\'t connect to database!'; $hesklang['invalid_action']='Invalid action'; $hesklang['select_username']='Please select your username'; $hesklang['enter_pass']='Please enter your password'; $hesklang['cant_sql']='Can\'t execute SQL'; $hesklang['contact_webmsater']='Please notify webmaster at'; $hesklang['mysql_said']='MySQL said'; $hesklang['wrong_pass']='Wrong password.'; $hesklang['session_expired']='Your session has expired, please login using the form below.'; $hesklang['attempt']='Invalid attempt!'; $hesklang['not_authorized_tickets']='You are not authorized to view tickets inside this category!'; $hesklang['must_be_admin']='You are not authorized to view this page! To view this page you must be logged in as an administrator.'; $hesklang['no_session']='Can\'t start a new session!'; $hesklang['error']='Error'; $hesklang['int_error']='Internal script error'; $hesklang['no_trackID']='No tracking ID'; $hesklang['status_not_valid']='Status not valid'; $hesklang['trackID_not_found']='Tracking ID not found'; $hesklang['select_priority']='Please select priority'; $hesklang['ticket_not_found']='Ticket not found! Please make sure you have entered the correct tracking ID!'; $hesklang['no_selected']='No tickets selected, nothing to change'; $hesklang['id_not_valid']='This is not a valid ID'; $hesklang['enter_id']='Please enter tracking ID'; $hesklang['enter_name']='Please enter customer name'; $hesklang['enter_date']='Please enter the date you want to search in'; $hesklang['date_not_valid']='This is not a valid date. Please enter date in YYYY-MM-DD format.'; $hesklang['enter_subject']='Please enter ticket subject'; $hesklang['invalid_search']='Invalid search action'; $hesklang['choose_cat_ren']='Please choose a category to be renamed'; $hesklang['cat_ren_name']='Please write new category name'; $hesklang['cat_not_found']='Category not found'; $hesklang['enter_cat_name']='Please enter category name'; $hesklang['no_cat_id']='No category ID'; $hesklang['cant_del_default_cat']='You cannot delete the default category, you can only rename it'; $hesklang['no_valid_id']='No valid user ID'; $hesklang['user_not_found']='User not found'; $hesklang['enter_real_name']='Please enter user real name'; $hesklang['enter_valid_email']='Please enter a valid email address'; $hesklang['enter_username']='Please enter username (login)'; $hesklang['asign_one_cat']='Please assign user to at least one category!'; $hesklang['confirm_user_pass']='Please confirm password'; $hesklang['passwords_not_same']='The two passwords entered are not the same!'; $hesklang['cant_del_admin']='You cannot delete the default administrator!'; $hesklang['cant_del_own']='You cannot delete the profile you are logged in as!'; $hesklang['enter_your_name']='Please enter your name'; $hesklang['enter_message']='Please enter your message'; $hesklang['sel_app_cat']='Please select the appropriate category'; $hesklang['sel_app_priority']='Please select the appropriate priority'; $hesklang['enter_ticket_subject']='Please enter your ticket subject'; $hesklang['user_not_found_nothing_edit']='User not found or nothing to change'; // ADMIN PANEL $hesklang['administrator']='Administrator'; $hesklang['login']='Login'; $hesklang['user']='User'; $hesklang['username']='Username'; $hesklang['pass']='Password'; $hesklang['confirm_pass']='Confirm password'; $hesklang['logged_out']='Logged out'; $hesklang['logout']='Logout'; $hesklang['logout_success']='You have been successfully logged out!'; $hesklang['click_login']='Click here to login'; $hesklang['back']='Go back'; $hesklang['displaying_pages']='Displaying %d tickets. Pages:'; $hesklang['trackID']='Tracking ID'; $hesklang['timestamp']='Timestamp'; $hesklang['name']='Name'; $hesklang['subject']='Subject'; $hesklang['status']='Status'; $hesklang['priority']='Priority'; $hesklang['open_action']='Open ticket'; // Open ACTION $hesklang['close']='Closed'; // Closed ticket STATUS $hesklang['any_status']='Any status'; $hesklang['high']='High'; $hesklang['medium']='Medium'; $hesklang['low']='Low'; $hesklang['del_selected']='Delete selected tickets'; $hesklang['manage_cat']='Manage categories'; $hesklang['profile']='Your profile'; $hesklang['show_tickets']='Show tickets'; $hesklang['sort_by']='Sort by'; $hesklang['date_posted']='Date posted'; $hesklang['category']='Category'; $hesklang['any_cat']='Any category'; $hesklang['order']='Order'; $hesklang['ascending']='ascending'; $hesklang['descending']='descending'; $hesklang['display']='Display'; $hesklang['tickets_page']='tickets per page'; $hesklang['find_ticket']='Find ticket'; $hesklang['yyyy_mm_dd']='YYYY-MM-DD'; $hesklang['results_page']='results per page'; $hesklang['opened']='opened'; // The ticket has been OPENED $hesklang['ticket']='Ticket'; $hesklang['tickets']='Tickets'; $hesklang['ticket_been']='This ticket has been'; $hesklang['view_ticket']='View ticket'; $hesklang['open_tickets']='Open tickets'; $hesklang['remove_statement']='Remove "Powered by" statement'; $hesklang['click_info']='Click here for more info'; $hesklang['reply_added']='Reply added'; $hesklang['ticket_marked']='This ticket has been marked'; $hesklang['ticket_status']='Ticket status'; $hesklang['replies']='Replies'; $hesklang['date']='Date'; $hesklang['email']='Email'; $hesklang['ip']='IP'; $hesklang['message']='Message'; $hesklang['add_reply']='Add reply'; $hesklang['change_priority']='Change priority to'; $hesklang['attach_sign']='Attach signature'; $hesklang['profile_settings']='Profile settings'; $hesklang['submit_reply']='Submit reply'; $hesklang['support_panel']='Support panel'; $hesklang['ticket_trackID']='Ticket tracking ID'; $hesklang['c2c']='Click to continue'; $hesklang['tickets_deleted']='Tickets deleted'; $hesklang['confirm_del_cat']='Are you sure you want to remove this category?'; $hesklang['remove']='Remove'; $hesklang['max_chars']='max 40 chars'; $hesklang['ren_cat']='Rename category'; $hesklang['to']='to'; $hesklang['cat_added']='Category added'; $hesklang['cat_name_added']='Category %s has been successfully added'; $hesklang['cat_renamed']='Category renamed'; $hesklang['cat_renamed_to']='Selected category has been successfully renamed to'; $hesklang['cat_removed']='Category removed'; $hesklang['cat_removed_db']='Selected category has been successfully removed from the database'; $hesklang['sure_remove_user']='Are you sure you want to remove this user?'; $hesklang['manage_users']='Manage users'; $hesklang['users_intro']='Here you are able to manage users who can login to the admin panel and answer tickets. Administrators can view/edit tickets in any category and have access to all functions of the admin panel (manage users, manage categories, ...) while other users may only view and reply to tickets within their categories.'; $hesklang['yes']='YES'; $hesklang['no']='NO'; $hesklang['edit']='Edit'; $hesklang['add_user']='Add new user'; $hesklang['req_marked_with']='Required fields are marked with'; $hesklang['real_name']='Real name'; $hesklang['sign_extra']='HTML code is not allowed. Links will be clickable.'; $hesklang['create_user']='Create user'; $hesklang['editing_user']='Editing user'; $hesklang['user_added']='User added'; $hesklang['user_added_success']='New user %s with password %s has been successfully added'; $hesklang['user_removed']='User removed'; $hesklang['sel_user_removed']='Selected user has been successfully removed from the database'; $hesklang['profile_for']='Profile for'; $hesklang['new_pass']='New password'; $hesklang['update_profile']='Update profile'; $hesklang['notify_new_posts']='Notify me of new tickets and posts within my categories'; $hesklang['profile_updated']='Profile updated'; $hesklang['profile_updated_success']='This profile has been successfully updated'; $hesklang['view_profile']='View profile'; $hesklang['new_ticket_submitted']='New support ticket submitted'; $hesklang['user_profile_updated_success']='This user profile has been updated successfully'; $hesklang['printer_friendly']='Printer friendly version'; $hesklang['end_ticket']='--- End of ticket ---'; // CUSTOMER INTERFACE $hesklang['your_ticket_been']='Your ticket has been'; $hesklang['submit_ticket']='Submit a ticket'; $hesklang['before_submit']='Before submitting please make sure of the following'; $hesklang['all_info_in']='All necessary information has been filled out'; $hesklang['all_error_free']='All information is correct and error-free'; $hesklang['we_have']='We have'; $hesklang['recorded_ip']='recorded as your IP Address'; $hesklang['recorded_time']='recorded the time of your submission'; $hesklang['save_changes']='Save changes'; $hesklang['reply_submitted']='Reply submitted'; $hesklang['reply_submitted_success']='Your reply to this ticket has been successfully submitted'; $hesklang['view_your_ticket']='View your ticket'; $hesklang['ticket_submitted']='Ticket submitted'; $hesklang['ticket_submitted_success']='Your ticket has been successfully submitted! Ticket ID'; $hesklang['your_ticket']='Your ticket'; // ADDED IN HESK VERSION 0.94 $hesklang['check_updates']='Make sure you always have installed the latest version of Hesk!'; $hesklang['check4updates']='Check for updates'; $hesklang['open']='New'; $hesklang['wait_reply']='Waiting reply'; $hesklang['replied']='Replied'; $hesklang['closed']='Resolved'; // Ticket has been RESOLVED $hesklang['last_replier']='Last replier'; $hesklang['staff']='Staff'; $hesklang['customer']='Customer'; $hesklang['close_selected']='Mark selected tickets Resolved'; $hesklang['execute']='Execute'; $hesklang['saved_replies']='Canned responses'; $hesklang['manage_saved']='Canned responses'; $hesklang['manage_intro']='Here you can add and manage canned responses. These are commonly used replies which are more or less the same for every customer. You should use canned responses to avoid typing the same reply to different customers numerous times.'; $hesklang['no_saved']='No canned responses'; $hesklang['delete_saved']='Are you sure you want to delete this canned response?'; $hesklang['new_saved']='Add or Edit a canned response'; $hesklang['canned_edit']='Edit selected canned response'; $hesklang['saved_title']='Title'; $hesklang['save_reply']='Save response'; $hesklang['saved']='Response saved'; $hesklang['your_saved']='Your canned response has been saved for future use'; $hesklang['ent_saved_title']='Please enter reply title'; $hesklang['ent_saved_msg']='Please enter reply message'; $hesklang['saved_removed']='Canned response removed'; $hesklang['saved_rem_full']='Selected canned response has been removed from the database'; $hesklang['clip_alt']='This post has attachments'; $hesklang['attachments']='Attachments'; $hesklang['fill_all']='Missing required field'; $hesklang['file_too_large']='Your file %s is too large'; $hesklang['created_on']='Created on'; $hesklang['tickets_closed']='Tickets closed'; $hesklang['num_tickets_closed']='%d tickets have been closed'; $hesklang['select_saved']='Select a canned response'; $hesklang['select_empty']='Select / Empty'; $hesklang['insert_special']='Insert special tag (will be replaced with customer info)'; $hesklang['move_to_catgory']='Move ticket to'; $hesklang['move']='Move'; $hesklang['moved']='Ticket moved'; $hesklang['moved_to']='This ticket has been moved to the new category'; $hesklang['url']='URL'; $hesklang['all_not_closed']='All but closed'; $hesklang['chg_all']='Change all'; $hesklang['settings']='Settings'; $hesklang['settings_intro']='Use this tool to configure your help desk. For more information about all settings and options click the help sign or refer to the readme.html file.'; $hesklang['all_req']='All fields (except disabled ones) are required!'; $hesklang['wbst_title']='Website title'; $hesklang['wbst_url']='Website URL'; $hesklang['email_wm']='Webmaster email'; $hesklang['max_listings']='Listings per page'; $hesklang['print_size']='Print font size'; $hesklang['debug_mode']='Debug mode'; $hesklang['on']='ON'; $hesklang['off']='OFF'; $hesklang['use_secimg']='Use anti-SPAM image'; $hesklang['secimg_no']='Not available'; $hesklang['attach_use']='Use attachments'; $hesklang['attach_num']='Number per post'; $hesklang['attach_type']='Allowed file types'; $hesklang['place_after']='After Message'; $hesklang['place_before']='Before Message'; $hesklang['custom_f']='Custom field'; $hesklang['custom_u']='Use this field'; $hesklang['custom_n']='Field name'; $hesklang['custom_l']='Maximum length (chars)'; $hesklang['db_host']='Database host'; $hesklang['db_name']='Database name'; $hesklang['db_user']='Database username'; $hesklang['db_pass']='Database password'; $hesklang['err_sname']='Please enter your website title'; $hesklang['err_surl']='Please enter your website URL. Make sure it is a valid URL (start with http:// or https://)'; $hesklang['err_wmmail']='Please enter a valid webmaster email'; $hesklang['err_nomail']='Please enter a valid noreply email'; $hesklang['err_htitle']='Please enter the title of your support desk'; $hesklang['err_hurl']='Please enter your Hesk folder url. Make sure it is a valid URL (start with http:// or https://)'; $hesklang['err_lang']='Please select Hesk language'; $hesklang['err_nolang']='The language file specified doesn\'t exist in the language folder! Make sure the file is uploaded before changing the language setting.'; $hesklang['err_max']='Please enter maximum listings displayed per page'; $hesklang['err_psize']='Please enter the print font size'; $hesklang['err_dbhost']='Please enter your MySQL database host'; $hesklang['err_dbname']='Please enter your MySQL database name'; $hesklang['err_dbuser']='Please enter your MySQL database username'; $hesklang['err_dbpass']='Please enter your MySQL database password'; $hesklang['err_dbsele']='Could not select MySQL database, please double-check database NAME'; $hesklang['err_openset']='Can\'t open file for writing. Please CHMOD this file to 666 (rw-rw-rw-)'; $hesklang['set_saved']='Settings saved'; $hesklang['set_were_saved']='Your settings have been successfully saved'; $hesklang['sec_img']='Security image'; $hesklang['sec_miss']='Please enter the security number'; $hesklang['sec_wrng']='Wrong security number'; $hesklang['submit_problems']='Please go back and correct the following problems'; $hesklang['cat_order']='Category order'; $hesklang['reply_order']='Canned response order'; $hesklang['move_up']='Move up'; $hesklang['move_dn']='Move down'; $hesklang['cat_move_id']='Missing category ID'; $hesklang['reply_move_id']='Missing canned response ID'; $hesklang['forgot_tid']='Forgot tracking ID?'; $hesklang['tid_send']='Send me my tracking ID'; $hesklang['tid_not_found']='No tickets with your email address were found'; $hesklang['tid_sent']='Tracking ID sent'; $hesklang['tid_sent2']='An email with details about your tickets has been sent to your address'; $hesklang['check_spambox']='Be sure to also check for the email inside your SPAM/Junk mailbox!'; $hesklang['reply_not_found']='Canned response not found'; $hesklang['exists']='Exists'; $hesklang['no_exists']='Doesn\'t exist'; $hesklang['writable']='Writable'; $hesklang['not_writable']='Not writable'; $hesklang['disabled']='disabled'; $hesklang['e_settings']='You will not be able to save your settings unless this file is writable by the script. Please refer to the readme file for further instructions!'; $hesklang['e_attdir']='You will not be able to use file attachments unless the attachments folder exists and is writable by the script.'; $hesklang['e_save_settings']='Unable to save your settings because file is not writable by the script.'; $hesklang['e_attach']='Disabled because your attachments directory is not writable by the script.'; $hesklang['go']='Go'; // ADDED OR CHANGED IN VERSION 2.0 $hesklang['v']='HESK version'; $hesklang['check_status']='Checking status'; $hesklang['sub_support']='Submit a ticket'; $hesklang['open_ticket']='Submit a new issue to a department'; $hesklang['vet']='View tickets you submitted in the past'; $hesklang['enter_user']='Please enter your username'; $hesklang['remember_user']='Remember my username'; $hesklang['wrong_user']='Wrong username'; $hesklang['no_permission']='You don\'t have permission to perform this task, please login with an account that has.'; $hesklang['tickets_on_pages']='Number of tickets: %d | Number of pages: %d'; // First %d is replaced with number of tickets, second %d with number of pages $hesklang['jump_page']=' | Jump to page:'; $hesklang['no_tickets_open']='No unresolved tickets found'; $hesklang['no_tickets_crit']='No tickets found matching your criteria'; $hesklang['confirm_execute']='Are you sure you want to continue?'; $hesklang['legend']='Legend'; $hesklang['main_page']='Home'; $hesklang['menu_users']='Users'; $hesklang['menu_cat']='Categories'; $hesklang['menu_profile']='Profile'; $hesklang['menu_kb']='Knowledgebase'; // Admin MENU item $hesklang['kb_text']='Knowledgebase'; // Item visible to customers $hesklang['viewkb']='View entire Knowledgebase'; $hesklang['kb']='Manage Knowledgebase'; $hesklang['kb_intro']='Knowledgebase is a collection of answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) and articles which provide self-help resources to your customers. A comprehensive and well-written knowledgebase can drastically reduce the number of support tickets you receive and save a lot of your time. You can arrange articles into categories and sub categories.'; // Description in ADMIN panel $hesklang['kb_is']='Knowledgebase is a categorized collection of answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) and articles. You can read articles in this category or select a subcategory that you are interested in.'; // Description for CUSTOMERS $hesklang['new_kb_art']='New knowledgebase article'; $hesklang['kb_cat']='Category'; $hesklang['kb_subject']='Subject'; $hesklang['kb_content']='Contents'; $hesklang['kb_type']='Type'; $hesklang['kb_published']='Published'; $hesklang['kb_published2']='The article is viewable to everyone in the knowledgebase.'; $hesklang['kb_private']='Private'; $hesklang['kb_private2']='Private articles can only be read by staff.'; $hesklang['kb_draft']='Draft'; $hesklang['kb_draft2']='The article is saved but not yet published. It can only be read by staff
    who has permission to manage knowledgebase articles.'; $hesklang['kb_links']='Warning!
    Enter valid code without <head> and <body> tags, just content!
    '; $hesklang['kb_ehtml']='This is HTML code (I will enter valid (X)HTML code)'; $hesklang['kb_dhtml']='This is plain text (links will be clickable)'; $hesklang['kb_save']='Save article'; $hesklang['kb_e_subj']='Enter article subject!'; $hesklang['kb_e_cont']='Write article contents!'; $hesklang['kb_art_added']='Article added'; $hesklang['your_kb_added']='A new knowledgebase article has been successfully added'; $hesklang['kb_art_deleted']='Article deleted'; $hesklang['your_kb_deleted']='Selected knowledgebase article has been successfully deleted'; $hesklang['kb_art_mod']='Article modified'; $hesklang['your_kb_mod']='Your changes to the selected article have been saved successfully'; $hesklang['kb_cat_new']='New knowledgebase category'; $hesklang['kb_cat_parent']='Parent category'; $hesklang['kb_cat_sub']='Subcategories'; $hesklang['kb_cat_title']='Category title'; $hesklang['kb_cat_published']='The category is viewable to everyone in the knowledgebase.'; $hesklang['kb_cat_private']='The category can only be read by staff.'; $hesklang['kb_cat_add']='Add category'; $hesklang['kb_cat_e_title']='Enter category title!'; $hesklang['kb_cat_added']='Category added'; $hesklang['kb_cat_added2']='A new category has been successfully added to the knowledgebase'; $hesklang['kb_cat_man']='Manage knowledgebase category'; $hesklang['kb_cat_edit']='Edit category details'; $hesklang['kb_cat_inv']='Invalid category'; $hesklang['kb_cat_art']='Articles in this category'; $hesklang['kb_p_art']='+ Article'; $hesklang['kb_p_art2']='add a new article to the selected category.'; $hesklang['kb_add_art']='Add Article'; $hesklang['kb_p_cat']='+ Category'; $hesklang['kb_p_cat2']='create a new sub-category inside the selected category.'; $hesklang['kb_add_cat']='Add Category'; $hesklang['kb_p_man']='Manage'; $hesklang['kb_p_man2']='manage selected category (edit, delete, manage articles).'; $hesklang['kb_main']='The main knowledgebase category cannot be deleted or moved.'; $hesklang['kb_no_art']='There are no articles in this category.'; $hesklang['author']='Author'; $hesklang['views']='Views'; $hesklang['delete']='Delete'; $hesklang['rating']='Rating'; $hesklang['votes']='Votes'; $hesklang['kb_rated']='Article rated %s/5.0'; $hesklang['kb_not_rated']='Article not rated yet'; $hesklang['del_art']='Are you sure you want to delete selected article?'; $hesklang['kb_art_id']='Missing or invalid article ID!'; $hesklang['kb_art_edit']='Edit article'; $hesklang['revhist']='Revision history'; $hesklang['kb_order']='Order'; $hesklang['kb_delcat']='Are you sure you want to delete this category?'; $hesklang['kb_cat_mod']='Category modified'; $hesklang['your_cat_mod']='Your changes to the selected category have been saved successfully'; $hesklang['kb_cat_del']='Knowledgebase category deleted'; $hesklang['kb_cat_dlt']='The selected knowledgebase category has been deleted.'; $hesklang['allowed_cat']='Categories'; $hesklang['allow_feat']='Features'; $hesklang['can_view_tickets']='View tickets'; $hesklang['can_reply_tickets']='Reply to tickets'; $hesklang['can_assign_tickets']='Assign tickets'; $hesklang['can_del_tickets']='Delete tickets'; $hesklang['can_edit_tickets']='Edit ticket replies'; $hesklang['can_man_kb']='Manage knowledgebase'; $hesklang['can_man_users']='Manage users'; $hesklang['can_man_cat']='Manage categories'; $hesklang['can_man_canned']='Manage canned responses'; $hesklang['can_man_settings']='Manage help desk settings'; $hesklang['can_del_notes']='Delete any ticket notes'; $hesklang['dan']='users can delete their own ticket notes, select this only if you wish to allow this user to also be able to delete notes from other users'; $hesklang['in_all_cat']='in allowed categories only'; $hesklang['admin_can']='(access to all features and categories)'; $hesklang['staff_can']='(you can limit features and categories)'; $hesklang['asign_one_feat']='Please assign at least one feature to this user!'; $hesklang['na_view_tickets']='You are not authorized to view tickets'; $hesklang['support_notice']='Sorry, this section can only be hidden when you purchase a HESK license!'; $hesklang['rart']='Was this article helpful?'; $hesklang['r']='Was this reply helpful?'; $hesklang['tyr']='Thank you for rating'; $hesklang['cw']='Close Window'; $hesklang['cw2']='Close window and submit ticket'; $hesklang['rh']='Rated as helpful'; $hesklang['rnh']='Rated as not helpful'; $hesklang['ar']='Already rated'; $hesklang['rated']='User rated %s/5.0 (%s votes)'; $hesklang['not_rated']='User not rated yet'; $hesklang['rdis']='Rating has been disabled'; $hesklang['kbdis']='Knowledgebase is disabled'; $hesklang['kbpart']='Sorry, you don\'t have permission to access this article'; $hesklang['m']='More topics'; $hesklang['noa']='No articles yet'; $hesklang['noac']='No articles yet in this category'; $hesklang['dta']='Date added'; $hesklang['aid']='Article ID'; $hesklang['as']='Solution'; $hesklang['search']='Search'; $hesklang['nosr']='No matching articles found. Try browsing the knowledgebase or submit a new support ticket.'; $hesklang['rv']='Reset views'; $hesklang['rr']='Reset votes (ratings)'; $hesklang['opt']='Options'; $hesklang['delcat']='Delete category'; $hesklang['move1']='Move articles to parent category'; $hesklang['move2']='Delete articles in this category'; $hesklang['sc']='Suggested knowledgebase articles'; $hesklang['not']='Tickets'; // Number of all tickets in category $hesklang['graph']='Graph'; $hesklang['lu']='List usernames'; $hesklang['aclose']='Autoclose tickets'; $hesklang['aclose2']='days after last staff reply'; $hesklang['s_ucrt']='Reopen tickets'; $hesklang['urate']='Reply ratings'; $hesklang['hesk_url']='Help desk URL'; $hesklang['hesk_title']='Help desk title'; $hesklang['cid']='Case Tracking ID'; $hesklang['tfor']='Time format'; $hesklang['prefix']='Table prefix'; $hesklang['s_kbs']='Enable KB search'; $hesklang['s_kbr']='Enable KB rating'; $hesklang['s_maxsr']='Max search results'; $hesklang['s_suggest']='Suggest KB articles'; $hesklang['s_spop']='Show popular articles'; $hesklang['s_slat']='Show latest articles'; $hesklang['s_onin']='on help desk index page'; $hesklang['s_onkb']='on Knowledgebase index page'; $hesklang['s_scol']='Categories in row'; $hesklang['s_ptxt']='Article preview length'; $hesklang['s_psubart']='Subcategory articles'; $hesklang['enable']='Enable'; $hesklang['s_type']='Type'; $hesklang['custom_r']='Required'; $hesklang['custom_place']='Location'; $hesklang['custom_use']='Custom fields'; $hesklang['stf']='Text field'; $hesklang['stb']='Large text box'; $hesklang['srb']='Radio button'; $hesklang['ssb']='Select box'; $hesklang['db']='Database'; $hesklang['hd']='Help desk settings'; $hesklang['gs']='General settings'; $hesklang['cwin']='Close window'; $hesklang['defw']='Default value'; $hesklang['ok']='OK'; $hesklang['ns']='These are available options for this custom field. To save changes click OK and Save changes button on the admin settings page!'; $hesklang['rows']='Rows (height)'; $hesklang['cols']='Columns (width)'; $hesklang['opt2']='Options for this radio button, enter one option per line (each line will create a new radio button value to choose from). You need to enter at least two options!'; $hesklang['opt3']='Options for this select box, enter one option per line (each line will be a choice your customers can choose from). You need to enter at least two options!'; $hesklang['atl2']='Enter at least two options (one per line)!'; $hesklang['notes']='Notes'; $hesklang['noteby']='Note by'; $hesklang['delnote']='Delete note'; $hesklang['noteerr']='Note already deleted or wrong parameters'; $hesklang['s']='Submit'; $hesklang['nhid']='Notes are hidden from customers!'; $hesklang['delt']='Delete this post'; $hesklang['edtt']='Edit post'; $hesklang['edt1']='Post modified'; $hesklang['edt2']='Changes to the selected post have been saved'; $hesklang['dele']='Delete this ticket'; $hesklang['repd']='Post deleted'; $hesklang['repl']='Selected post has been deleted'; $hesklang['tickets_found']='Search results'; $hesklang['al']='Admin link'; $hesklang['ap']='Go to Administration Panel'; $hesklang['dap']='Display a link to admin panel from help desk index'; $hesklang['q_miss']='Please answer the anti-SPAM question'; $hesklang['use_q']='Use anti-SPAM question'; $hesklang['err_qask']='Enter an anti-SPAM question'; $hesklang['err_qans']='Enter answer to the anti-SPAM question'; $hesklang['genq']='Generate a random question'; // Added or modified in version 2.1 $hesklang['amo']='Add more'; $hesklang['delatt']='Delete selected attachment?'; $hesklang['kb_att_rem']='Selected attachment has been removed'; $hesklang['inv_att_id']='Invalid attachment ID!'; $hesklang['scb']='Checkbox'; $hesklang['autologin']='Log me on automatically each visit'; $hesklang['just_user']='Remember just my username'; $hesklang['nothx']='No, thanks'; $hesklang['pinfo']='Profile information'; $hesklang['sig']='Signature'; $hesklang['pref']='Preferences'; $hesklang['aftrep']='After replying to a ticket'; $hesklang['showtic']='Show the ticket I just replied to'; $hesklang['gomain']='Return to main administration page'; $hesklang['shownext']='Open next ticket that needs my reply'; $hesklang['rssn']='Showing next ticket that needs your attention'; $hesklang['mrep']='Replace message'; $hesklang['madd']='Add to the bottom'; $hesklang['priv']='Private categories and articles viewable to staff only are marked with *'; $hesklang['inve']='Invalid email file'; $hesklang['emfm']='Missing email file'; $hesklang['hesk_lang']='Default Language'; $hesklang['s_mlang']='Multiple languages'; $hesklang['s_mlange']='Enable only if you provide support in all installed languages!'; $hesklang['s_inl']='Test language folder'; $hesklang['ta']='Test again'; $hesklang['alo']='Allow automatic login'; $hesklang['chol']='Preferred Language'; $hesklang['mmdl']='Make this my preferred Language'; $hesklang['warn']='WARNING'; $hesklang['dmod']='Debug mode is enabled. Make sure you disable debug mode in settings once HESK is installed and working properly.'; $hesklang['kb_spar']='Category can\'t be it\'s own parent category!'; $hesklang['mysql_root']='Your MySQL password is empty, are you sure you want to login with root user? This is a significant security risk!'; $hesklang['chg']='Change'; $hesklang['chpri']='Priority changed'; $hesklang['chpri2']='Ticket\'s priority has been changed to %s'; $hesklang['selcan']='Select the canned response you would like to edit'; $hesklang['q_wrng']='Wrong anti-SPAM answer'; $hesklang['cndupl']='You already have a category with that name. Choose a unique name for each category.'; $hesklang['wsel']='Select the field you want to search by'; // Added or modified in version 2.2 $hesklang['eto']='Invalid request'; $hesklang['id']='ID'; $hesklang['geco']='Generate Direct Link'; $hesklang['genl2']='Use this link to preselect category in the "Submit a ticket" form.'; $hesklang['exa']='Examples'; $hesklang['small']='Small Box'; $hesklang['large']='Large Box'; $hesklang['cpri']='Customer priority'; $hesklang['owner']='Owner'; $hesklang['unas']='Unassigned'; $hesklang['assi']='Assign'; $hesklang['asst']='Assign to'; $hesklang['asst2']='Assign this ticket to'; $hesklang['asss']='Assign to self'; $hesklang['asss2']='Assign this ticket to myself'; $hesklang['can_assign_self']='Can assign tickets to self'; $hesklang['can_assign_others']='Can assign tickets to others'; $hesklang['can_view_ass_others']='Can view tickets assigned to others'; $hesklang['unoa']='Selected user doesn\'t have access to this category'; $hesklang['tasi']='Owner Assigned'; $hesklang['tasy']='This ticket has been assigned to you'; $hesklang['taso']='This ticket has been assigned to the selected user'; $hesklang['tasy2']='Assigned to me'; $hesklang['taso2']='Assigned to other staff'; $hesklang['nose']='Select the new Owner'; $hesklang['onasc']='This owner doesn\'t have access to the selected category.'; $hesklang['tunasi']='Ticket Unassigned'; $hesklang['tunasi2']='Ticket is without an owner and ready to be assigned again'; $hesklang['note']='Note'; $hesklang['success']='Success'; $hesklang['nyt']='This ticket is assigned to'; $hesklang['noch']='No changes have been made'; $hesklang['orch']='Display order has been modified'; $hesklang['rfm']='Required information missing:'; $hesklang['repl0']='Insufficient permissions to perform this task'; $hesklang['repl1']='This post doesn\'t exist'; $hesklang['reports']='Reports'; $hesklang['reports_intro']='The reports section lets you run several reports and see ticket statistics in a chosen date range.'; $hesklang['refi']='Reset form data'; $hesklang['dich']='Discard Changes'; $hesklang['dire']='Display Report'; $hesklang['m1']='January'; $hesklang['m2']='February'; $hesklang['m3']='March'; $hesklang['m4']='April'; $hesklang['m5']='May'; $hesklang['m6']='June'; $hesklang['m7']='July'; $hesklang['m8']='August'; $hesklang['m9']='September'; $hesklang['m10']='October'; $hesklang['m11']='November'; $hesklang['m12']='December'; $hesklang['d1']='Monday'; $hesklang['d2']='Tuesday'; $hesklang['d3']='Wednesday'; $hesklang['d4']='Thursday'; $hesklang['d5']='Friday'; $hesklang['d6']='Saturday'; $hesklang['d0']='Sunday'; $hesklang['mo']='Mo'; $hesklang['tu']='Tu'; $hesklang['we']='We'; $hesklang['th']='Th'; $hesklang['fr']='Fr'; $hesklang['sa']='Sa'; $hesklang['su']='Su'; $hesklang['from']='From'; $hesklang['cinv']='Invalid date'; $hesklang['cinv2']='Accepted format is mm/dd/yyyy'; $hesklang['cinm']='Invalid month value'; $hesklang['cinm2']='Allowed range is'; $hesklang['cind']='Invalid day of month value'; $hesklang['cind2']='Allowed range for selected month is'; $hesklang['month']='Month'; $hesklang['ocal']='Open Calendar'; $hesklang['ca01']='Previous Year'; $hesklang['ca02']='Previous Month'; $hesklang['ca03']='Next Month'; $hesklang['ca04']='Next Year'; $hesklang['ca05']='Close Calendar'; $hesklang['cdr']='Choose date range:'; $hesklang['r1']='Today'; $hesklang['r2']='Yesterday'; $hesklang['r3']='This month'; $hesklang['r4']='Last month'; $hesklang['r5']='Last 30 days'; $hesklang['r6']='This week (Mon-Sun)'; $hesklang['r7']='Last week (Mon-Sun)'; $hesklang['r8']='This business week (Mon-Fri)'; $hesklang['r9']='Last business week (Mon-Fri)'; $hesklang['r10']='This year'; $hesklang['r11']='Last year'; $hesklang['r12']='All time'; $hesklang['datetofrom']='"Date From" cannot be higher than "Date to". The dates have been switched.'; $hesklang['t1']='Tickets per day'; $hesklang['t2']='Tickets per month'; $hesklang['t3']='Tickets per user'; $hesklang['t4']='Tickets per category'; $hesklang['ticass']='Assigned tickets'; $hesklang['ticall']='Replied to tickets'; $hesklang['totals']='Totals'; $hesklang['all']='All'; $hesklang['atik']='New tickets'; $hesklang['kbca']='You already have a knowledgebase category with this name.'; $hesklang['menu_msg']='Mail'; $hesklang['menu_can']='Canned'; $hesklang['m_re']='Re:'; // Mail reply subject prefix, like "Re: Original subject" $hesklang['m_fwd']='Fwd:'; // Mail forward subject prefix, like "Fwd: Original subject" $hesklang['m_h']='Private messages'; $hesklang['m_intro']='Use private messages to send quick messages to other staff members within the HESK.'; $hesklang['e_udel']='(User deleted)'; $hesklang['new_mail']='New private message'; $hesklang['m_send']='Send message'; $hesklang['m_rec']='Select message recipient'; $hesklang['m_inr']='Invalid message recipient'; $hesklang['m_esu']='Enter private message subject'; $hesklang['m_pms']='Your private message has been sent'; $hesklang['pg']='Show page'; $hesklang['npm']='No private messages in this folder.'; $hesklang['m_ena']='You don\'t have permission to read this message.'; $hesklang['mau']='Mark as unread'; $hesklang['mo1']='Mark selected messages as read'; $hesklang['mo2']='Mark selected messages as unread'; $hesklang['mo3']='Delete selected messages'; $hesklang['delm']='Delete this message'; $hesklang['e_tid']='Error generating a unique ticket ID, please try submitting the form again later.'; $hesklang['smmr']='Selected messages have been marked as read'; $hesklang['smmu']='Selected messages have been marked as unread'; $hesklang['smdl']='Selected messages have been deleted'; $hesklang['show']='Show'; $hesklang['s_my']='Assigned to me'; $hesklang['s_ot']='Assigned to others'; $hesklang['s_un']='Unassigned tickets'; $hesklang['s_for']='Search for'; $hesklang['s_in']='Search in'; $hesklang['s_incl']='Search within'; $hesklang['find_ticket_by']='Find a ticket'; $hesklang['e_nose']='No assignment status selected, showing all tickets.'; $hesklang['fsq']='Enter your search query'; $hesklang['topen']='Open'; // Not-resolved tickets $hesklang['nms']='No messages selected, nothing to change'; $hesklang['tlo']='Lock ticket'; $hesklang['tul']='Unlock ticket'; $hesklang['loc']='Locked'; $hesklang['isloc']='Customers cannot reply to or re-open locked tickets. When locked ticket is marked as resolved.'; $hesklang['tlock']='Ticket has been locked'; $hesklang['tunlock']='Ticket has been unlocked'; $hesklang['tislock']='This ticket has been locked, the customer will not be able to post a reply.'; $hesklang['tislock2']='This ticket has been locked, you cannot post a reply.'; $hesklang['nsfo']='No relevant articles found.'; $hesklang['elocked']='This ticket has been locked or deleted.'; $hesklang['nti2']='Insert a new ticket'; $hesklang['nti3']='Use this form to create a new ticket in a customer\'s name. Enter customer information in the form (customer name, customer email, ...) and NOT your name! Ticket will be created as if the customer submitted it.'; $hesklang['addop']='Options'; $hesklang['seno']='Send email notification to the customer'; $hesklang['otas']='Show the ticket after submission'; $hesklang['notn']='Notifications'; $hesklang['nomw']='The help desk will send an email notification when:'; $hesklang['nwts']='A new ticket is submitted with owner:'; $hesklang['ncrt']='Client responds to a ticket with owner:'; $hesklang['ntam']='A ticket is assigned to me'; $hesklang['npms']='A private message is sent to me'; $hesklang['support_remove']='A lot of time and effort went into developing HESK. Support HESK by purchasing a license that will remove the credits links Powered by Help Desk Software HESK from your helpdesk'; $hesklang['ycvtao']='You are not allowed to view tickets assigned to others'; $hesklang['password_not_valid']='Password must be at least 5 chars long'; $hesklang['lkbs']='Loading knowledgebase suggestions...'; $hesklang['auto']='(automatically)'; // Added or modified in version 2.3 $hesklang['unknown']='Unknown'; $hesklang['pcer']='Please correct the following errors:'; $hesklang['seqid']='Ticket number'; $hesklang['close_action']='Mark as Resolved'; // Close ACTION $hesklang['archived']='Tagged'; $hesklang['archived2']='Tagged Ticket'; $hesklang['add_archive']='Tag this ticket'; $hesklang['add_archive_quick']='Tag selected tickets'; $hesklang['remove_archive']='Untag this ticket'; $hesklang['remove_archive_quick']='Untag selected tickets'; $hesklang['added_archive']='Ticket Tagged'; $hesklang['removed_archive']='Ticket Untagged'; $hesklang['added2archive']='Ticket has been tagged'; $hesklang['removedfromarchive']='Ticket has been untagged'; $hesklang['num_tickets_tag']='%d tickets have been tagged'; $hesklang['num_tickets_untag']='%d tickets have been untagged'; $hesklang['can_add_archive']='Can tag tickets'; $hesklang['disp_only_archived']='Only tagged tickets'; $hesklang['search_only_archived']='Only tagged tickets'; // START abbreviatons used in "last updated" column $hesklang['abbr']['year']='y'; $hesklang['abbr']['month']='mo'; $hesklang['abbr']['week']='w'; $hesklang['abbr']['day']='d'; $hesklang['abbr']['hour']='h'; $hesklang['abbr']['minute']='m'; $hesklang['abbr']['second']='s'; // END abberviations $hesklang['cnsm']='Cound not send the message to:'; $hesklang['yhbb']='You have been locked out the system for %s minutes because of too many login failures.'; $hesklang['pwdst']='Password Strength'; $hesklang['tid_mail']='No worries! Enter your Email address and we will send you your tracking ID right away:'; $hesklang['rem_email']='Remember my email address'; $hesklang['eytid']='Enter your ticket tracking ID.'; $hesklang['enmdb']='The email address you entered doesn\'t match the one in the database for this ticket ID.'; $hesklang['confemail']='Confirm Email'; $hesklang['confemail2']='Please confirm your Email address'; $hesklang['confemaile']='The two email addresses are not identical'; $hesklang['taso3']='Assigned to:'; $hesklang['sec_enter']='Type the number you see in the picture below.'; $hesklang['reload']='Reload image'; $hesklang['verify_q']='SPAM Prevention:'; // For anti-spam question $hesklang['verify_i']='SPAM Prevention:'; // For anti-spam image (captcha) $hesklang['vrfy']='Test passed'; $hesklang['last_update']='Updated'; $hesklang['cot']='Don\'t force Critical tickets on top'; $hesklang['def']='Make this my default view'; $hesklang['gbou']='These tickets are Unassigned:'; $hesklang['gbom']='Tickets assigned to me:'; $hesklang['gboo']='Tickets assigned to %s:'; $hesklang['select']=' - - Click to Select - - '; $hesklang['chngstatus']='Change status to'; $hesklang['perat']='%s of all tickets'; // will change to "23% of all tickets" $hesklang['viewart']='View this article'; $hesklang['chdp']='Please change the default password on your Profile page!'; $hesklang['chdp2']='Change your password, you are using the default one!'; $hesklang['security']='Security'; $hesklang['kb_i_art']='New Article'; $hesklang['kb_i_art2']='Insert an Article'; $hesklang['kb_i_cat']='New Category'; $hesklang['kb_i_cat2']='Insert a Category'; $hesklang['gopr']='View Knowledgebase'; $hesklang['kbstruct']='Knowledgebase structure'; $hesklang['cancel']='Cancel'; $hesklang['sh']='Hide Message'; $hesklang['goodkb']='How to write good knowledgebase articles?'; $hesklang['catset']='Category Settings'; $hesklang['inpr']='Select the new Priority'; $hesklang['incat']='Select the new Category'; $hesklang['instat']='Select the new Status'; $hesklang['tsst']='Ticket status has been set to %s'; $hesklang['aass']='Auto-assign'; $hesklang['aaon']='Auto-assign of tickets enabled (click to disable)'; $hesklang['aaoff']='Auto-assign of tickets disabled (click to enable)'; $hesklang['uaaon']='Auto-assign has been enabled for selected user'; $hesklang['uaaoff']='Auto-assign has been disabled for selected user'; $hesklang['taasy']='This ticket has been auto-assigned to you'; $hesklang['can_view_unassigned']='Can view unassigned tickets'; $hesklang['ycovtay']='You can only view tickets assigned to you'; $hesklang['in_progress']='In Progress'; $hesklang['on_hold']='On Hold'; $hesklang['import_kb']='Import this ticket into a Knowledgebase article'; $hesklang['import']='You are importing a private ticket into a public article.

    Make sure you delete any private or sensitive information from the article subject and message!'; $hesklang['tab_1']='General'; $hesklang['tab_2']='Help Desk'; $hesklang['tab_3']='Knowledgebase'; $hesklang['tab_5']='Misc'; $hesklang['disable']='Disable'; $hesklang['dat']='Date & Time'; $hesklang['lgs']='Language'; $hesklang['onc']='ON - Customers'; $hesklang['viewvtic']='View tickets'; $hesklang['reqetv']='Require email to view a ticket'; $hesklang['banlim']='Login attempts limit'; $hesklang['banmin']='Ban time (minutes)'; $hesklang['subnot']='Submit notice'; $hesklang['subnot2']='Show notice to customers submitting tickets'; $hesklang['eseqid']='Sequential IDs'; $hesklang['sconfe']='Confirm email'; $hesklang['saass']='Auto-assign tickets'; $hesklang['swyse']='WYSIWYG Editor'; $hesklang['hrts']='Rate HESK'; $hesklang['hrts2']='Show Rate this script link in admin panel'; $hesklang['emlpipe']='Email Piping'; $hesklang['emlsend2']='Send emails using'; $hesklang['phpmail']='PHP mail()'; $hesklang['smtp']='SMTP Server'; $hesklang['smtph']='SMTP Host'; $hesklang['smtpp']='SMTP Port'; $hesklang['smtpu']='SMTP Username'; $hesklang['smtpw']='SMTP Password'; $hesklang['smtpt']='SMTP Timeout'; $hesklang['other']='Other'; $hesklang['features']='Features'; $hesklang['can_view_online']='Can view online staff members'; $hesklang['online']='Online'; $hesklang['offline']='Offline'; $hesklang['onlinep']='Users Online'; // For display $hesklang['sonline']='Users Online'; // For settings page $hesklang['sonline2']='Show online users. Limit (minutes):'; // For settings page $hesklang['gb']='Group by'; $hesklang['dg']='Don\'t group'; $hesklang['err_dpi']='Database %s does not contain all HESK tables with prefix %s, no changes saved.'; $hesklang['err_dpi2']='Tables not found:'; $hesklang['sme']='SMTP error'; $hesklang['scl']='SMTP connection log'; $hesklang['dnl']='Download'; $hesklang['dela']='Delete this attachment'; $hesklang['pda']='Do you want to permanently delete this attachment?'; $hesklang['mopt']='More options'; $hesklang['lopt']='Less options'; $hesklang['meml']='Multiple emails'; $hesklang['meml2']='Allow customers to enter multiple contact emails'; // Added or modified in version 2.4 $hesklang['catd']='(category deleted)'; $hesklang['noopen']='No open tickets found for this email address.'; $hesklang['maxopen']='You have reached maximum open tickets (%d of %d). Please wait until your existing tickets are resolved before opening new tickets.'; $hesklang['ntnote']='Someone adds a note to a ticket assigned to me'; $hesklang['cat_public']='This category is PUBLIC (click to make private)'; $hesklang['cat_private']='This category is PRIVATE (click to make public)'; $hesklang['cat_aa']='Auto-assign tickets in this category.'; $hesklang['cat_type']='Make this category private (only staff can select it).'; $hesklang['caaon']='Auto-assign has been enabled for selected category'; $hesklang['caaoff']='Auto-assign has been disabled for selected category'; $hesklang['cpub']='Category type changed to PUBLIC'; $hesklang['cpriv']='Category type changed to PRIVATE'; $hesklang['cpric']='Customers cannot select private categories, only staff can!'; $hesklang['user_aa']='Auto-assign tickets to this user.'; $hesklang['attach_size']='Maximum file size'; $hesklang['B']='B'; $hesklang['kB']='kB'; $hesklang['MB']='MB'; $hesklang['GB']='GB'; $hesklang['bytes']='bytes'; $hesklang['kilobytes']='kilobytes'; $hesklang['megabytes']='megabytes'; $hesklang['gigabytes']='gigabytes'; $hesklang['smtpssl']='SSL Protocol'; $hesklang['smtptls']='TLS Protocol'; $hesklang['oo']='Open only'; $hesklang['ool']='List only open tickets in "Forgot tracking ID" email'; $hesklang['mop']='Max open tickets'; $hesklang['rord']='Reply order'; $hesklang['newbot']='Newest reply at bottom'; $hesklang['newtop']='Newest reply at top'; $hesklang['ford']='Reply form'; $hesklang['formbot']='Show form at bottom'; $hesklang['formtop']='Show form at top'; $hesklang['mysqlv']='MySQL version'; $hesklang['phpv']='PHP version'; $hesklang['csrt']='Current HESK time:'; $hesklang['listp']='List private articles'; $hesklang['listd']='List article drafts'; $hesklang['artp']='Private articles'; $hesklang['artd']='Article drafts'; $hesklang['kb_no_part']='No private articles in the knowledgebase.'; $hesklang['kb_no_dart']='No article drafts in the knowledgebase.'; $hesklang['attpri']='You don\'t have access to this attachment.'; $hesklang['can_merge_tickets']='Merge tickets'; $hesklang['mer_selected']='Merge selected tickets'; $hesklang['merged']='Selected tickets have been merged into one.'; $hesklang['merge_err']='There was a problem merging tickets:'; $hesklang['merr1']='select at least two tickets.'; $hesklang['merr2']='target ticket not found.'; $hesklang['merr3']='ticket in a category you don\'t have access to.'; $hesklang['tme']='Ticket %s has been merged with this ticket (%s).'; $hesklang['tme1']='Ticket %s has been merged with ticket %s'; $hesklang['tme2']='To access ticket %s enter associated email address.'; $hesklang['eyou']='Use Profile page to edit your settings.'; $hesklang['npea']='You don\'t have permission to edit this user.'; $hesklang['duplicate_user']='User with this username already exists, choose a different username.'; $hesklang['kw']='Keywords'; $hesklang['kw1']='(optional - separate by space, comma or new line)'; $hesklang['type_not_allowed']='Files ending with %s are not accepted (%s)'; // Files ending with .exe are not accepted (test.exe) $hesklang['unread']='Customer hasn\'t read this reply yet.'; $hesklang['sticky']='Make this article "Sticky"'; $hesklang['stickyon']='Change article to "Sticky"'; $hesklang['stickyoff']='Change article to "Normal"'; $hesklang['ason']='Article marked as "Sticky"'; $hesklang['asoff']='Article marked as "Normal"'; $hesklang['ts']='Time worked'; $hesklang['start']='Start / Stop'; $hesklang['reset']='Reset'; $hesklang['save']='Save'; $hesklang['hh']='Hours'; $hesklang['mm']='Minutes'; $hesklang['ss']='Seconds'; $hesklang['twu']='Time worked on ticket has been updated.'; $hesklang['autoss']='Automatically start timer when I open a ticket'; $hesklang['ful']='File upload limits'; $hesklang['ufl']='You may upload files ending with:'; $hesklang['nat']='Maximum number of attachments:'; $hesklang['mfs']='Maximum size per attachment:'; $hesklang['lps']='Your language preference has been saved'; $hesklang['sav']='Show article views'; $hesklang['sad']='Show article date'; $hesklang['epd']='[HESK] EMAIL PIPING IS DISABLED IN SETTINGS'; $hesklang['pfd']='[HESK] POP3 FETCHING IS DISABLED IN SETTINGS'; $hesklang['pem']='[Piped email]'; // Default subject of piped tickets without subject $hesklang['pde']='[Customer]'; // Default customer name for piped tickets without name $hesklang['tab_6']='Email'; $hesklang['pop3']='POP3 Fetching'; $hesklang['pop3h']='POP3 Host'; $hesklang['pop3p']='POP3 Port'; $hesklang['pop3tls']='TLS Protocol'; $hesklang['pop3u']='POP3 Username'; $hesklang['pop3w']='POP3 Password'; $hesklang['pop3e']='POP3 error'; $hesklang['pop3log']='POP3 connection log'; $hesklang['mysqltest']='Test MySQL connection'; $hesklang['smtptest']='Test SMTP connection'; $hesklang['pop3test']='Test POP3 connection'; $hesklang['contest']='Testing connection, this can take a while...'; $hesklang['conok']='Connection successful!'; $hesklang['conokn']='However, if your server requires username and password email will not be sent!'; $hesklang['saving']='Saving settings, please wait...'; $hesklang['sns']='Settings were saved, but some functions were disabled because of failed tests.'; $hesklang['loops']='Email Loops'; $hesklang['looph']='Max Hits'; $hesklang['loopt']='Timeframe'; $hesklang['didum']='Did you mean %s?'; // Did you mean $hesklang['yfix']='Yes, fix it'; $hesklang['nole']='No, leave it'; $hesklang['sconfe2']='Show a "Confirm email" field on the submit a ticket form'; $hesklang['oln']='Old name:'; $hesklang['nen']='New name:'; $hesklang['use_form_below']='Use this form to submit a support request. Required fields are marked with'; $hesklang['esf']='Could not send email notifications.'; $hesklang['qrr']='(quoted reply removed)'; $hesklang['remqr']='Strip quoted reply'; $hesklang['remqr2']='Delete quoted reply from customer emails'; $hesklang['suge']='Detect email typos'; $hesklang['epro']='Email providers'; $hesklang['email_noreply']='»From:« email'; $hesklang['email_name']='»From:« name'; $hesklang['vscl']='Server configuration limits'; $hesklang['fnuscphp']='File upload failed, try with a smaller or no file attachment.'; $hesklang['redv']='reset default view'; $hesklang['fatte1']='Your attachments setting "Number per post" is larger than what your server allows!'; $hesklang['fatte2']='Your maximum attachment file size is larger than what your server allows!'; $hesklang['fatte3']='Your server does not allow large enough posts, try reducing number of attachments or allowed file size!'; $hesklang['embed']='Embedded files'; $hesklang['embed2']='Save embedded files as attachments'; $hesklang['emrem']='(image removed)'; $hesklang['hdemo']='(HIDDEN IN DEMO)'; $hesklang['ddemo']='Sorry, this function has been disabled in DEMO mode!'; $hesklang['sdemo']='Saving changes has been disabled in DEMO mode'; $hesklang['hud']='HESK is up to date'; $hesklang['hnw']='Update available'; $hesklang['getup']='Update HESK'; $hesklang['updates']='Updates'; $hesklang['updates2']='Automatically check for HESK updates.'; // Added or modified in version 2.5.0 $hesklang['emp']='Your PHP does not have MySQL support enabled (mysqli extension required)'; $hesklang['attdel']='This file has been deleted from the server and is no longer available for download'; $hesklang['cannot_move_tmp']='Cannot move file to the attachments folder'; $hesklang['dsen']='Don\'t send email notification of this reply to the customer'; $hesklang['attrem']='* Some attached files have been removed *'; $hesklang['attnum']='Max number reached: %s'; // %s will show attachment name $hesklang['attsiz']='File too large: %s'; // %s will show attachment name $hesklang['atttyp']='Type not allowed: %s'; // %s will show attachment name $hesklang['adf']='Admin folder'; $hesklang['atf']='Attachments folder'; $hesklang['err_adf']='The selected admin folder (%s) does not exist!'; // %s will show folder name $hesklang['err_atf']='The selected attachments folder (%s) does not exist!'; // %s will show folder name $hesklang['err_atr']='The selected attachments folder (%s) is not writable!'; // %s will show folder name $hesklang['fatt']='Files attached to this message:'; $hesklang['wrepo']='Please write a reply after re-opening the ticket.'; $hesklang['uac']='Verify and update category article count'; $hesklang['acv']='Article count has been verified'; $hesklang['xyz']='number of public, private and draft articles in category.'; $hesklang['crt']='Report type'; $hesklang['can_run_reports']='Can run reports (own)'; $hesklang['can_run_reports_full']='Can run reports (all)'; $hesklang['can_export']='Can export tickets'; $hesklang['roo']='(only tickets assigned to you are included in the report)'; $hesklang['shu']='Short links'; $hesklang['export_btn']='Export tickets'; // Button title $hesklang['export_intro']='This tool allows you to export tickets into an XML spreadsheet that can be opened in Excel.'; $hesklang['stte']='Select tickets to export'; $hesklang['dtrg']='Date range'; $hesklang['sequentially']='Sequentially'; // Order tickets: Sequentially $hesklang['ede']='Cannot create export directory, please manually create a folder called export inside your attachments folder and make sure it is writable by PHP (on Linux CHMOD it to 777 - rwxrwxrwx).'; $hesklang['eef']='Cannot create export file, no permission to write inside the export directory.'; $hesklang['inite']='Initializing export'; $hesklang['gXML']='Generating XML file'; $hesklang['nrow']='Number of rows exported: %d'; // %d will show number of rows exported $hesklang['cZIP']='Compressing file into a Zip archive'; $hesklang['eZIP']='Error creating Zip archive'; $hesklang['fZIP']='Finished compressing the file'; $hesklang['pmem']='Peak memory usage: %.2f Mb'; // %.2f will be replaced with number of Mb used $hesklang['ch2d']='» CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE EXPORT FILE «'; $hesklang['n2ex']='No tickets found matching your criteria, nothing to export!'; $hesklang['sp']='SPAM Prevention'; // For settings page $hesklang['sis']='Simple image'; $hesklang['pop3keep']='Keep a copy'; $hesklang['err_dbconn']='Could not connect to MySQL database using provided information!'; $hesklang['s_inle']='Testing the language folder for valid languages. Only languages that pass all tests are properly installed.'; $hesklang['ask']='Search help:'; $hesklang['beta']='(TEST VERSION)'; $hesklang['maxpost']='You probably tried to submit more data than this server accepts.

    Please try submitting the form again with smaller or no attachments.'; // --> Ticket history log // Unless otherwise specified, first %s will be replaced with date and second with name/username $hesklang['thist1']='
  • %s | moved to category %s by %s
  • '; // %s = date, new category, user making change $hesklang['thist2']='
  • %s | assigned to %s by %s
  • '; // %s = date, assigned user, user making change $hesklang['thist3']='
  • %s | closed by %s
  • '; $hesklang['thist4']='
  • %s | opened by %s
  • '; $hesklang['thist5']='
  • %s | locked by %s
  • '; $hesklang['thist6']='
  • %s | unlocked by %s
  • '; $hesklang['thist7']='
  • %s | ticket created by %s
  • '; $hesklang['thist8']='
  • %s | priority changed to %s by %s
  • '; // %s = date,new priority, user making change $hesklang['thist9']='
  • %s | status changed to %s by %s
  • '; // %s = date, new status, user making change $hesklang['thist10']='
  • %s | automatically assigned to %s
  • '; $hesklang['thist11']='
  • %s | submitted by email piping
  • '; $hesklang['thist12']='
  • %s | attachment %s deleted by %s
  • '; // %s = date, deleted attachment, user making change $hesklang['thist13']='
  • %s | merged with ticket %s by %s
  • '; // %s = date, merged ticket ID, user making change $hesklang['thist14']='
  • %s | time worked updated to %s by %s
  • '; // %s = date, new time worked, user making change $hesklang['thist15']='
  • %s | submitted by %s
  • '; $hesklang['thist16']='
  • %s | submitted by POP3 fetching
  • '; // --> Knowledgebase articles log // First %s will be replaced with date and second with user making changes $hesklang['revision1']='
  • %s | submitted by %s
  • '; $hesklang['revision2']='
  • %s | modified by %s
  • '; // Added or modified in version 2.5.3 $hesklang['close_this_ticket']='Mark this ticket Resolved'; // Added or modified in version 2.6.0 $hesklang['ms01']='Jan'; $hesklang['ms02']='Feb'; $hesklang['ms03']='Mar'; $hesklang['ms04']='Apr'; $hesklang['ms05']='May'; $hesklang['ms06']='Jun'; $hesklang['ms07']='Jul'; $hesklang['ms08']='Aug'; $hesklang['ms09']='Sep'; $hesklang['ms10']='Oct'; $hesklang['ms11']='Nov'; $hesklang['ms12']='Dec'; $hesklang['sdf']='Submitted date format'; $hesklang['lcf']='Updated date format'; $hesklang['lcf0']='Short descriptive'; $hesklang['lcf1']='Date and time'; $hesklang['lcf2']='HESK style'; $hesklang['ticket_tpl']='Ticket templates'; $hesklang['can_man_ticket_tpl']='Manage ticket templates'; // Permission title $hesklang['ticket_tpl_man']='Manage ticket templates'; // Page/link title $hesklang['ticket_tpl_intro']='Create and edit ticket templates that you can use to quickly submit new tickets from the admin interface.'; $hesklang['no_ticket_tpl']='No ticket templates'; $hesklang['ticket_tpl_title']='Title'; $hesklang['delete_tpl']='Are you sure you want to delete this template?'; $hesklang['new_ticket_tpl']='Add or Edit a ticket template'; $hesklang['ticket_tpl_edit']='Edit selected ticket template'; $hesklang['save_ticket_tpl']='Save ticket template'; $hesklang['ticket_tpl_saved']='Your ticket template has been saved for future use'; $hesklang['ticket_tpl_removed']='Selected ticket template has been removed from the database'; $hesklang['ticket_tpl_not_found']='Ticket template not found'; $hesklang['sel_ticket_tpl']='Select the ticket template you would like to edit'; $hesklang['ent_ticket_tpl_title']='Please enter template title'; $hesklang['ent_ticket_tpl_msg']='Please enter template message'; $hesklang['ticket_tpl_id']='Missing ticket template ID'; $hesklang['select_ticket_tpl']='Select a ticket template'; $hesklang['list_tickets_cat']='List all tickets in this category'; $hesklang['def_msg']='[No message]'; $hesklang['emlreqmsg']='Require message'; $hesklang['emlreqmsg2']='Ignore piped/fetched emails with no message'; $hesklang['relart']='Related articles'; // Title of related articles box $hesklang['s_relart']='Related articles'; // On settings page $hesklang['tab_7']='Ticket list'; $hesklang['fitl']='Fields in ticket list'; $hesklang['submitted']='Submitted'; $hesklang['clickemail']='View'; $hesklang['set_pri_to']='Set priority to:'; // Action below the ticket list $hesklang['pri_set_to']='Priority has been set to:'; $hesklang['cat_pri']='The category priority will be used when customers are not allowed to select priority and a ticket is submitted from the customer interface.'; $hesklang['cat_pri_info']='Your customers are allowed to select priority, so category priority will be ignored.

    To use category priority instead, turn OFF the following feature in HESK settings:'; $hesklang['def_pri']='Category priority:'; $hesklang['ch_cat_pri']='Set category priority'; $hesklang['cat_pri_ch']='Category priority has been set to:'; $hesklang['err_dbversion']='Too old MySQL version:'; // %s will be replaced with MySQL version $hesklang['signature_max']='Signature (max 1000 chars)'; $hesklang['signature_long']='User signature is too long! Please limit the signature to 1000 chars'; $hesklang['ip_whois']='IP WHOIS'; $hesklang['ednote']='Edit note message'; $hesklang['ednote2']='Note message saved'; $hesklang['perm_deny']='Permission denied'; $hesklang['mis_note']='Missing note ID'; $hesklang['no_note']='Note with this ID not found'; $hesklang['sacl']='Save and continue later'; $hesklang['reply_saved']='Your reply message has been saved for later.'; $hesklang['submit_as']='Submit as:'; $hesklang['sasc']='Submit as Customer reply'; $hesklang['creb']='Customer reply entered by:'; $hesklang['show_select']='Show "Click to select" as default option'; // Settings $hesklang['mms']='Maintenance mode'; $hesklang['mmd']='Enable maintenance mode'; // Customer notice $hesklang['mm1']='Maintenance in progress'; $hesklang['mm2']='In order to perform scheduled maintenance, our help desk has shut down temporarily.'; $hesklang['mm3']='We apologize for the inconvenience and ask that you please try again later.'; // Staff notice $hesklang['mma1']='Maintenance mode is active!'; $hesklang['mma2']='Customers are not able to use the help desk.'; $hesklang['tools']='Tools'; $hesklang['banemail_intro']='Prevent certain email addresses from submitting tickets to your help desk.'; $hesklang['no_banemails']='No emails are being banned.'; $hesklang['eperm']='Permanent email bans:'; $hesklang['bananemail']='Email address to ban'; $hesklang['savebanemail']='Ban this email'; $hesklang['enterbanemail']='Enter the email address you wish to ban.'; $hesklang['validbanemail']='Enter a valid email address ( or email domain ('; $hesklang['email_banned']='The email address %s was banned and HESK will no longer accept tickets from this address.'; // %s will be replaced with email $hesklang['emailbanexists']='The email address %s is already banned.'; // %s will be replaced with email $hesklang['email_unbanned']='Email ban deleted'; $hesklang['banby']='Banned by'; $hesklang['delban_confirm']='Delete this ban?'; $hesklang['baned_e']='You have been banned from submitting new support tickets.'; $hesklang['baned_ip']='You have been banned from this help desk'; $hesklang['can_ban_emails']='Can ban emails'; $hesklang['can_unban_emails']='Can unban emails (enables Can ban emails)'; $hesklang['eisban']='This email address is banned.'; $hesklang['click_unban']='Click here to unban.'; $hesklang['banip_intro']='Visitors from banned IP addresses will not be able to view or submit tickets and login into the help desk.'; $hesklang['ipperm']='Permanent IP bans:'; $hesklang['iptemp']='Login failure bans:'; $hesklang['savebanip']='Ban this IP'; $hesklang['no_banips']='No IPs are being banned.'; $hesklang['bananip']='IP address to ban'; $hesklang['banex']='Examples:'; $hesklang['iprange']='IP range'; $hesklang['ippermban']='Ban this IP permanently'; $hesklang['enterbanip']='Enter the IP address or range you wish to ban.'; $hesklang['validbanip']='Enter a valid IP address or IP range'; $hesklang['ip_banned']='The IP address %s was banned and HESK will no longer accept tickets from this IP address.'; // %s will be replaced with ip $hesklang['ip_rbanned']='The IP range %s was banned and HESK will no longer accept tickets from this IP range.'; // %s will be replaced with ip $hesklang['ipbanexists']='The IP address %s is already banned.'; // %s will be replaced with ip $hesklang['iprbanexists']='The IP range %s is already banned.'; // %s will be replaced with ip $hesklang['ip_unbanned']='IP ban deleted'; $hesklang['ip_tempun']='Temporary IP ban deleted'; $hesklang['can_ban_ips']='Can ban ips'; $hesklang['can_unban_ips']='Can unban ips (enables Can ban ips)'; $hesklang['ipisban']='This IP address is banned.'; $hesklang['m2e']='Expires in (minutes)'; $hesklang['info']='Info'; $hesklang['sm_intro']='Display a service message in the customer area, for example to notify them about known issues and important news.'; $hesklang['can_service_msg']='Edit service messages'; $hesklang['new_sm']='New service message'; $hesklang['edit_sm']='Edit service message'; $hesklang['ex_sm']='Existing service messages'; $hesklang['sm_author']='Author'; $hesklang['sm_type']='Type'; $hesklang['sm_published']='Published'; $hesklang['sm_draft']='Draft'; $hesklang['sm_style']='Style'; $hesklang['sm_none']='None'; $hesklang['sm_success']='Success'; $hesklang['sm_info']='Info'; $hesklang['sm_notice']='Notice'; $hesklang['sm_error']='Error'; $hesklang['sm_mtitle']='Title'; $hesklang['sm_msg']='Message'; $hesklang['sm_e_title']='Enter service message title'; $hesklang['sm_e_msg']='Enter service message'; $hesklang['sm_e_id']='Missing message ID'; $hesklang['sm_added']='A new service message has been added'; $hesklang['sm_deleted']='Service message deleted'; $hesklang['sm_not_found']='This service message does not exist'; $hesklang['no_sm']='No service messages'; $hesklang['del_sm']='Delete this service message?'; $hesklang['sm_mdf']='Service message has been saved'; $hesklang['sska']='Show suggested articles'; $hesklang['taws']='These articles were suggested:'; $hesklang['defaults']='Defaults'; $hesklang['pncn']='Select notify customer option in the new ticket form'; $hesklang['pncr']='Select notify customer option in the ticket reply form'; $hesklang['pssy']='Show what knowledgebase articles were suggested to customers'; $hesklang['ccct']='Customer resolve'; $hesklang['custnot']='Notify customers when'; $hesklang['notnew']='A new support ticket is submitted'; $hesklang['notclo']='A support ticket is marked Resolved'; $hesklang['spamn']='SPAM notice'; $hesklang['spam_inbox']='No confirmation email?
    We sent a confirmation message to your email address. If you do not receive it within a few minutes, please check your Junk, Bulk or Spam folders. Mark the message as Not SPAM to avoid problems receiving our correspondence in the future.
    '; $hesklang['s_ekb']='Enable Knowledgebase'; $hesklang['ekb_n']='NO, disable Knowledgebase'; $hesklang['ekb_y']='YES, enable Knowledgebase'; $hesklang['ekb_o']='YES, use HESK as a Knowledgebase only (disable help desk)'; $hesklang['kb_set']='Knowledgebase settings'; $hesklang['kbo1']='Knowledgebase-only mode'; $hesklang['kbo2']='

    Visitors cannot submit new support tickets and are taken directly to the knowledgebase.'; $hesklang['fpass']='Forgot your password?'; $hesklang['passr']='Password reset'; $hesklang['passa']='Allow users to reset a forgot password over email'; $hesklang['passe']='Enter your email address'; $hesklang['noace']='No account with that email address was found'; $hesklang['pemls']='We sent you an email with instructions on how to reset your password'; $hesklang['reset_password']='Reset your help desk password'; // Email subject $hesklang['ehash']='Invalid or expired password reset link'; $hesklang['ehaip']='Wrong IP address. Passwords may only be reset from the IP address that requested password reset.'; $hesklang['resim']='Setup your new password in the form below!'; $hesklang['permissions']='Permissions'; $hesklang['atype']='Account type'; $hesklang['astaff']='Staff'; $hesklang['oon1']='Send me only open tickets'; $hesklang['oon2']='Send me all my tickets'; $hesklang['anyown']='Any owner'; $hesklang['pfr']='Another POP3 fetching task is still in progress.'; $hesklang['pjt']='Task timeout'; $hesklang['pjt2']='minutes after start'; $hesklang['nkba']='Knowledgebase search requires enough unique articles to work properly.

    Consider adding more articles to the knowledgebase to improve search and article suggestion results.'; $hesklang['saa']='Sticky articles are displayed at the top of articles list'; $hesklang['yhbr']='You have been locked out the system for %s minutes because of too many replies to a ticket.'; // Language for Google reCaptcha API version 2 // Supported language codes: // If your language is NOT in the supported langauges, leave 'en' $hesklang['RECAPTCHA']='en'; // Added or modified in version 2.7.0 $hesklang['imap']='IMAP Fetching'; $hesklang['imaph']='IMAP Host'; $hesklang['imapp']='IMAP Port'; $hesklang['enc']='Encryption'; $hesklang['ssl']='SSL'; $hesklang['tls']='TLS'; $hesklang['none']='None'; $hesklang['imapu']='IMAP Username'; $hesklang['imapw']='IMAP Password'; $hesklang['imaptest']='Test IMAP connection'; $hesklang['ifd']='[HESK] IMAP FETCHING IS DISABLED IN SETTINGS'; $hesklang['iei']='[HESK] PHP IMAP extension is not installed.'; $hesklang['ifr']='Another IMAP fetching task is still in progress.'; $hesklang['arp']='Auto reload page'; $hesklang['arpp']='Automatically reload page with ticket list every:'; $hesklang['seconds']='seconds'; // Reload page every X 'seconds' $hesklang['minutes']='minutes'; // Reload page every X 'minutes' $hesklang['atbr']='This ticket needs to be assigned before it can be replied to.'; $hesklang['attm']='Assign this ticket to me'; $hesklang['owneed']='Owner needed'; $hesklang['taat']='This ticket is already assigned to %s.'; $hesklang['scoy']='Are you sure you want to assign it to yourself?'; $hesklang['scot']='Are you sure you want to assign it to %s?'; $hesklang['ycto']='YES, change the owner'; $hesklang['ncto']='NO, keep current owner'; $hesklang['fass']='Require owner'; $hesklang['req_sub']='Require subject'; $hesklang['req_msg']='Require message'; $hesklang['req_email']='Require email'; $hesklang['default_subject']='Ticket from %s'; // Default ticket subject, %s will be replaced with name $hesklang['off-hide']='Hide in customer form'; $hesklang['ons']='ON - Everyone'; // For admin settings page $hesklang['not_valid_email']='Enter a valid email address or leave this field empty'; $hesklang['write_down']='We recommend that you write down your Ticket ID for future reference.'; $hesklang['re_confirm1']='Disabling this will also disable "Require email to view tickets" under "Security". Proceed?'; $hesklang['re_confirm2']='Enabling this will also enable "Require email" under "Features". Proceed?'; $hesklang['can_email_tpl']='Edit email templates'; // Staff permission $hesklang['et_intro']='Modify emails that are sent to your staff and customers'; $hesklang['file']='File'; $hesklang['efile']='Editing file'; $hesklang['desc_forgot_ticket_id'] = '(Customer) Forgot ticket tracking ID'; $hesklang['desc_new_reply_by_staff'] = '(Customer) New staff reply'; $hesklang['desc_new_ticket'] = '(Customer) Ticket received'; $hesklang['desc_ticket_closed'] = '(Customer) Ticket closed/resolved'; $hesklang['desc_category_moved'] = '(Staff) Ticket moved to a new category'; $hesklang['desc_new_reply_by_customer'] = '(Staff) New customer reply'; $hesklang['desc_new_ticket_staff'] = '(Staff) New ticket submitted'; $hesklang['desc_ticket_assigned_to_you'] = '(Staff) A ticket was assigned to you'; $hesklang['desc_new_pm'] = '(Staff) New private message'; $hesklang['desc_new_note'] = '(Staff) New note on a ticket assigned to you'; $hesklang['desc_reset_password'] = '(Staff) Reset your password'; $hesklang['et_e_id']='Missing template ID'; $hesklang['et_fm']='This email template file is missing'; $hesklang['et_fw']='This email template file is not writable'; $hesklang['updated_on']='Updated on'; $hesklang['ticket_url']='Ticket URL'; $hesklang['pm_url']='Private message URL'; $hesklang['et_num']='Number of tickets'; $hesklang['et_list']='List of support tickets'; $hesklang['et_empty']='Email template cannot be empty'; $hesklang['et_saved']='Email template saved'; $hesklang['source']='Source'; $hesklang['select_category']='Select a category'; $hesklang['select_category_text']='What can we help you with?'; $hesklang['select_category_staff']='Select ticket category'; $hesklang['scat']='Category select limit'; $hesklang['scat2']='(a select box will show if category count is higher)'; $hesklang['new_cf']='New custom field'; $hesklang['cf_intro']='Use this feature to add custom fields to the Submit a ticket form so you can collect additional data from customers.'; $hesklang['cf_public']='Public'; $hesklang['cf_private']='Staff only'; $hesklang['cf_cust']='For customers'; $hesklang['cf_all']='All'; $hesklang['cf_cat']='Selected'; $hesklang['cf_ctrl']='Tip: hold down CTRL key to select multiple categories'; $hesklang['visibility']='Visibility'; $hesklang['cf_save']='Save custom field'; $hesklang['ex_cf']='Active custom fields'; $hesklang['no_cf']='No active custom fields'; $hesklang['del_cf']='Delete this custom field? This will also delete any saved custom field data from the database!'; $hesklang['cf_e_id']='Invalid ID'; $hesklang['edit_cf']='Edit custom field'; $hesklang['cf_deleted']='Custom field deleted'; $hesklang['cf_not_found']='This custom field does not exist'; $hesklang['err_custname']='Enter custom field name'; $hesklang['cf_added']='A new custom field has been added'; $hesklang['cf_nocat']='Select at least one category for this custom field'; $hesklang['cf_mdf']='Custom field has been saved'; $hesklang['opt4']='Options for this checkbox, enter one option per line. Each line will be a choice your customers can choose from, multiple choices are possible.'; $hesklang['atl1']='Enter at least one option.'; $hesklang['sch']='Hidden'; $hesklang['meml3']='Allow multiple emails to be entered'; $hesklang['dmin']='Minimum accepted date'; $hesklang['dmax']='Maximum accepted date'; $hesklang['d_day']='day(s)'; $hesklang['d_week']='week(s)'; $hesklang['d_month']='month(s)'; $hesklang['d_year']='year(s)'; $hesklang['d_any']='Any date'; $hesklang['d_fixed']='Fixed date'; $hesklang['d_relative']='Relative date'; $hesklang['d_mm']='Minimum date may not be higher than maximum date'; $hesklang['d_emin']='Minimum date for %s is %s'; // Minimum date for FIELD_NAME is DATE $hesklang['d_emax']='Maximum date for %s is %s'; // Maximum date for FIELD_NAME is DATE $hesklang['d_format']='Date display format'; $hesklang['d_custom']='Custom format'; $hesklang['d_ci']='ADVANCED USERS ONLY: a valid PHP date format, see PHP manual.'; $hesklang['cf_noe']='Enter a valid email address into %s'; $hesklang['cf_noem']='Enter one or more valid email addresses into %s'; $hesklang['cf_limit']='You have 50 active custom fields, no new can be created.'; $hesklang['can_resolve']='Can resolve tickets'; $hesklang['can_change_cat']='Change ticket category (to any)'; $hesklang['can_change_own_cat']='Change ticket category (to allowed)'; $hesklang['can_submit_any_cat']='Can submit tickets to any category'; $hesklang['noauth_submit']='You are not authorized to submit tickets to this category!'; $hesklang['noauth_move']='You are not authorized to move tickets to this category!'; $hesklang['noauth_resolve']='You are not authorized to resolve tickets!'; $hesklang['force_ssl']='Force SSL connections'; $hesklang['d_ssl']='disabled - open this page with https:// to manage this option'; $hesklang['enn']='Except for tickets from emails if email subject contains:'; $hesklang['scno']='This status cannot be changed'; $hesklang['statuses']='Statuses'; $hesklang['statuses_intro']='Use this tool to add custom ticket statuses to your help desk'; $hesklang['color']='Color'; $hesklang['csscl']='CSS class or color'; $hesklang['clr_view']='Color preview on text'; $hesklang['cbc']='Changeable by customers'; $hesklang['ccc']='Can customers change this status?'; $hesklang['del_status']='Delete this status?'; $hesklang['ex_status']='Existing statuses'; $hesklang['status_hesk']='Built-in Statuses (cannot be modified here)'; $hesklang['status_custom']='Custom Statuses'; $hesklang['list_tkt_status']='List all tickets with this status'; $hesklang['new_status']='New custom status'; $hesklang['edit_status']='Edit custom status'; $hesklang['err_status']='Enter the status name'; $hesklang['status_added']='A new custom status has been added'; $hesklang['status_e_id']='Invalid ID'; $hesklang['status_mdf']='Custom status has been saved'; $hesklang['status_deleted']='Custom status deleted'; $hesklang['status_not_found']='This custom status does not exist'; $hesklang['status_not_empty']='This status cannot be removed because tickets with this status exist'; $hesklang['status_limit']='You have 100 custom statuses, no new can be created.'; $hesklang['public_link']='Public link'; // Link to the public KB article in the private KB pages $hesklang['frames']='Frames'; $hesklang['frames2']='Prevent loading HESK in frames on third party domains'; $hesklang['numsub']='Submitted tickets'; // Will show how many tickets this user submitted $hesklang['hidf']='Hidden inputs are not visible to customers on the Submit a ticket form (the value will still be visible on ticket details page if they are set as public). They behave as normal text fields for staff members.'; $hesklang['rcheck']='Do not select a default option'; $hesklang['refresh_page']='Refresh this page'; $hesklang['banip']='Ban IPs'; $hesklang['del_kba']='Delete this article'; $hesklang['del_kbaa']='Permanently delete this article'; $hesklang['hni1']='HESK not installed yet?'; $hesklang['hni2']='It appears that this help desk has not been properly installed and configured yet.'; $hesklang['cf']='Cache folder'; $hesklang['e_cdir']='Hesk will not be able to parse emails or cache results unless the cache folder exists and is writable.'; $hesklang['step1']='Step 1'; $hesklang['step2']='Step 2'; $hesklang['dffs']='When download completes, delete the file from server'; $hesklang['fd']='Export file deleted from server'; // Added or modified in version 2.8.0 $hesklang['TZ']='Timezone'; $hesklang['thist17']='
  • %s | submitted by IMAP fetching
  • '; $hesklang['sir3']='Invisible reCAPTCHA'; $hesklang['invisible']='invisible'; $hesklang['rcpb']='Site key'; $hesklang['rcpv']='Secret key'; $hesklang['recaptcha_error']='Could not validate reCAPTCHA SPAM protection.'; $hesklang['imap_not']='PHP is not compiled with IMAP support'; $hesklang['imap_warning']='user %1$s has the same email address as your IMAP fetching email address: %2$s'; // %1$s = username, %2$s = email address $hesklang['pop3_warning']='user %1$s has the same email address as your POP3 fetching email address: %2$s'; // %1$s = username, %2$s = email address $hesklang['fetch_warning']='This could result in an email loop where new tickets are being created from user email notifications. Your fetching email address should be unique and not used by anyone else.'; $hesklang['can_view_ass_by']='Can view tickets he/she assigned to others'; $hesklang['can_privacy']='Can anonymize tickets'; $hesklang['confirm_anony']='Anonymize this ticket'; $hesklang['anon_selected']='Anonymize selected tickets'; $hesklang['privacy_anon_info']='Remove all personally-identifiable data and content from tickets (customer name, email, message, attachments, IP...), but keep tickets in the database for statistics (right to be forgotten).'; $hesklang['success_anon']='Ticket successfully anonymized'; $hesklang['num_tickets_anon']='Number of tickets anonymized: %d'; $hesklang['num_tickets_deleted']='Number of tickets deleted: %d'; $hesklang['anon_IP']=''; // IP in anonymized tickets $hesklang['anon_name']='[Customer]'; // Customer name in anonymized tickets $hesklang['anon_email']=''; // Customer email in anonymized tickets $hesklang['anon_subject']='[Subject]'; // Ticket subject of anonymized tickets $hesklang['anon_message']='[Message]'; // Ticket message in anonymized tickets $hesklang['thist18']='
  • %s | anonymized by %s
  • '; $hesklang['print_selected']='Print selected tickets'; $hesklang['with_selected']='With selected:'; $hesklang['assign_selected']='Assign selected to:'; $hesklang['assign_no']='No owner selected, no changes made'; $hesklang['assign_1']='Selected tickets have been set to Unassigned.'; $hesklang['assign_2']='Ticket ID %1$s set to Unassigned'; // %1$s = ticket numerical ID $hesklang['assign_3']='%1$s error: already assigned to %2$s'; // %1$s = ticket tracking ID, %2$s = owner name $hesklang['assign_4']='%1$s assigned to %2$s'; // %1$s = ticket tracking ID, %2$s = owner name $hesklang['assign_5']='%1$s error: %2$s doesn\'t have access to ticket category'; // %1$s = ticket tracking ID, %2$s = owner name $hesklang['assign_log']='Bulk ticket assign result:

    Assigned: %1$s
    Errors: %2$s

    '; // %1$s = number of tickets assigned, %2$s = number of errors, %3$s = log $hesklang['IP_addr']='IP address'; $hesklang['moret']='More options'; // More options button title $hesklang['btn_more']='More'; // More options button text $hesklang['btn_print']='Print'; $hesklang['btn_edit']='Edit'; $hesklang['btn_lock']='Lock ticket'; $hesklang['btn_unlock']='Unlock ticket'; $hesklang['btn_tag']='Tag ticket'; $hesklang['btn_resend']='Re-send email notification'; $hesklang['btn_untag']='Untag ticket'; $hesklang['btn_import_kb']='Import to Knowledgebase'; $hesklang['btn_anony']='Anonymize ticket'; $hesklang['btn_delt']='Delete ticket'; $hesklang['btn_delr']='Delete reply'; $hesklang['ernf']='Reply not found'; $hesklang['tns']='Ticket notifications were sent again'; $hesklang['rns']='Reply notifications were sent again'; $hesklang['fname']='First Name'; $hesklang['export_selected']='Export selected tickets'; $hesklang['btn_export']='Export to XML for Excel'; $hesklang['recaptcha']='reCAPTCHA'; // Added or modified in HESK 3.0.0 $hesklang['responses']='Responses'; $hesklang['team']='Team'; $hesklang['banemail']='Ban Emails'; $hesklang['sm_title']='Service Messages'; $hesklang['et_title']='Email Templates'; $hesklang['tab_4']='Custom Fields'; $hesklang['reports_tab']='Run Reports'; // Tab title $hesklang['export']='Export Tickets'; // Tab title $hesklang['add_cat']='New Category'; $hesklang['cat_name']='Name'; // Category name table header $hesklang['cat_type']='Type'; $hesklang['cat_private']='Private'; $hesklang['cat_public']='Public'; $hesklang['create_cat']='Save Category'; $hesklang['genl']='Link copied to clipboard'; $hesklang['delban']='Unban'; $hesklang['sm_content']='Content'; $hesklang['sm_settings']='Settings'; $hesklang['sm_save']='Save'; $hesklang['sm_preview']='Preview'; $hesklang['wizard_back']='Back'; // Create/Edit sidebar button to go back a step $hesklang['wizard_next']='Next'; // Create/Edit sidebar button to go forward a step $hesklang['sm_go_to_settings']='Go to Settings'; $hesklang['sm_return_to_editing']='Return to Editing'; $hesklang['email_tpl_title']='Title'; $hesklang['rdesc']='Description'; $hesklang['edit_email_template']='Edit email template'; $hesklang['et_save']='Save Changes'; $hesklang['status_custom_none']='No custom statuses. You can add them by clicking "New custom status" above.'; $hesklang['status_save']='Save'; $hesklang['err_no_settings_section']='No settings section was provided.'; $hesklang['sit']='Image Type'; $hesklang['q_q']='Question (HTML code is allowed)'; $hesklang['q_a']='Answer'; $hesklang['admin_login']='Welcome! Please log in.'; $hesklang['this_field_is_required']='This field is required'; $hesklang['reset_your_password']='Reset your password'; $hesklang['reset_password_instructions']='Please fill out the form below. We will send you a link to where you can reset your password.'; $hesklang['enter_email']='Enter email'; $hesklang['passs']='Reset Password'; $hesklang['password_reset_check_your_email']='Check your email'; $hesklang['password_reset_link_sent']='We sent you a link to reset your password.'; $hesklang['back_to_login']='Back to login'; $hesklang['inbox']='Inbox'; $hesklang['outbox']='Outbox'; $hesklang['m_new']='New Message'; $hesklang['m_from']='From'; // Mail "from" address $hesklang['m_to']='To'; // Mail "to" address $hesklang['m_sub']='Subject'; // Mail subject $hesklang['pager_first']='First'; $hesklang['pager_previous']='Prev'; $hesklang['pager_next']='Next'; $hesklang['pager_last']='Last'; $hesklang['new_team_member']='New Team Member'; $hesklang['role']='Role'; $hesklang['optional']='Optional'; $hesklang['edit_profile']='Edit Profile'; $hesklang['assigned_to']='Assigned to'; $hesklang['contact']='Contact'; $hesklang['unban_email']='Unban this email'; $hesklang['unban_ip']='Unban this IP'; $hesklang['addnote']='Add note'; $hesklang['show_previous_replies']='Show previous replies'; $hesklang['thist']='Ticket History'; $hesklang['type_your_message']='Type your message'; $hesklang['close_button_text']='Close'; $hesklang['create_new_ticket']='Create New Ticket'; $hesklang['ktool']='Knowledgebase tools'; $hesklang['delete_article']='Delete article'; $hesklang['view_existing_tickets']='View existing tickets'; $hesklang['view_existing']='View existing ticket'; $hesklang['popart']='Top articles'; $hesklang['latart']='Latest articles'; $hesklang['sub_ticket']='Submit Ticket'; $hesklang['how_can_we_help']='Hello, how can we help?'; $hesklang['search_for_articles']='Search for articles'; $hesklang['submit_a_support_request']='Submit a Support Request'; $hesklang['verify_header']='SPAM Prevention'; $hesklang['this_field_is_required']='This field is required'; $hesklang['ticket_details']='Ticket Details'; $hesklang['yes_title_case']='Yes'; $hesklang['no_title_case']='No'; $hesklang['rh']='Rated as helpful'; $hesklang['rnh']='Rated as not helpful'; $hesklang['ac']='Articles in this category'; $hesklang['sr']='Search Results'; $hesklang['no_results_found']='No Results Found'; $hesklang['ad']='Article Details'; $hesklang['hni3']='To install HESK, follow Instructions in the documentation'; $hesklang['site_theme']='Site theme'; $hesklang['test_theme_folder']='Test theme folder'; $hesklang['test_theme_folder_description']='Testing the theme folder for valid themes. Only themes that pass all tests are properly installed.'; $hesklang['err_site_theme']='Please select Hesk theme'; $hesklang['confirm']='Confirm'; $hesklang['confirm_deletion']='Confirm Deletion'; $hesklang['confirm_delete_status']='Are you sure you want to delete this custom status?'; $hesklang['critical']='Critical'; $hesklang['canned_add']='New canned response'; $hesklang['ticket_tpl_add']='New ticket template'; $hesklang['help_desk']='Help Desk'; // Displayed on staff sidebar menu // Added or modified in HESK 3.1.0 $hesklang['TIMEAGO_LANG_FILE']='jquery.timeago.en.js'; // Name of the proper language file in folder /js/timeago/locales $hesklang['tdis']='Time display'; $hesklang['tdisd']='Date and time'; $hesklang['tdisa']='Time ago (example: 5 hours ago)'; $hesklang['nav_templates']='Templates'; // Admin panel navigation item $hesklang['hide_replies']='Hide ticket replies'; $hesklang['hide_replies_no']='Do not hide, always show all replies'; $hesklang['hide_replies_yes']='Hide all replies except the last:'; $hesklang['hide_replies_def']='Show the last staff reply and any subsequent customer replies'; $hesklang['reply_by']='Reply by'; // Reply by NAME $hesklang['btt']='Back to Top'; $hesklang['lwidth']='Limit ticket width'; $hesklang['lwidtall']='Use the full available width'; $hesklang['lwidtpx']='Maximum width in pixels:'; // 3-letter days of the week $hesklang['mon']='Mon'; $hesklang['tue']='Tue'; $hesklang['wed']='Wed'; $hesklang['thu']='Thu'; $hesklang['fri']='Fri'; $hesklang['sat']='Sat'; $hesklang['sun']='Sun'; $hesklang['clear']='Clear'; // delete field value $hesklang['first_day_of_week']='0'; // first day of week; 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, ... $hesklang['cat_intro']='Here you are able to manage categories. Categories are useful for categorizing tickets by relevance (for example "Sales", "Hardware problems", "PHP/MySQL problems" etc) and for assigning users to categories.'; // this was in before 3.0.x, bringing it back $hesklang['spam_req']='At least one SPAM prevention measure must be enabled!'; $hesklang['modules']='Modules'; $hesklang['modules_demo']='This module is currently available only in %s'; // %s = Hesk cloud link $hesklang['see_demo']='Try the live demo here: %s'; // %s = Hesk demo link $hesklang['statistics']['tab']='Statistics'; $hesklang['statistics']['intro']='This report will give you insight into your help desk usage and staff performance.'; $hesklang['statistics']['ntsp']='No tickets in the selected time period.'; $hesklang['statistics']['pie_title_ro']='Open vs Resolved tickets'; $hesklang['statistics']['open']='Open'; $hesklang['statistics']['resolved']='Resolved'; $hesklang['statistics']['pie_title_as']='Open tickets: Assigned vs Unassigned'; $hesklang['statistics']['ass']='Assigned'; $hesklang['statistics']['unas']='Unassigned'; $hesklang['statistics']['pie_title_au']='Open tickets: Answered vs Unanswered'; $hesklang['statistics']['answered']='Answered'; $hesklang['statistics']['unanswered']='Unanswered'; $hesklang['statistics']['pie_title_so']='Status of open tickets'; $hesklang['statistics']['retic']='Tickets:'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_md']='Tickets per day of month'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_wd']='Tickets per weekday'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_hd']='Tickets per day hour'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_tfr']='Time to first staff reply'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_tfrc']='Tickets replied to within a time frame'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_ttr']='Time from submitting to resolving a ticket'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_ttrc']='Tickets resolved within a time frame'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_sr']='Staff replies'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_srt']='Staff replies per ticket'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_srtr']='Staff replies per ticket (resolved tickets only)'; $hesklang['statistics']['chart_title_srt1']='Staff replies per ticket (tickets with at least 1 reply)'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_30']='30 minutes'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_1h']='1 hour'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_2h']='2 hours'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_4h']='4 hours'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_1d']='1 day'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_2d']='2 days'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_3d']='3 days'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_1w']='1 week'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_wp']='> 1 week'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_1m']='1 month'; $hesklang['statistics']['ct_mp']='> 1 month'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis1']='% of tickets replied'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis2']='% of tickets resolved'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis3']='% of tickets'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis4']='Time to first reply'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis5']='Time to resolved'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis6']='Number of replies'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis7']='Number of tickets'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis8']='Weekday'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis9']='Hour'; $hesklang['statistics']['axis10']='Day of month'; $hesklang['statistics']['tr_0']='No reply'; $hesklang['statistics']['tr_1']='1 reply'; $hesklang['statistics']['tr_2']='2 replies'; $hesklang['statistics']['tr_5']='3-5 replies'; $hesklang['statistics']['tr_10']='6-10 replies'; $hesklang['statistics']['tr_99']='> 10 replies'; $hesklang['statistics']['average']='Average'; $hesklang['statistics']['atfr']='Average hours and minutes to first staff reply:'; $hesklang['statistics']['attr']='Average hours and minutes to resolve a ticket:'; $hesklang['statistics']['about']='about %s'; // approximate time; "about 5 days 3 hous" $hesklang['statistics']['na']='N/A'; $hesklang['statistics']['trept']='Total tickets staff replied to:'; $hesklang['statistics']['trnr']='Total tickets resolved without a staff reply:'; $hesklang['statistics']['tsr']='Total staff replies:'; $hesklang['statistics']['tsrt']='Average staff replies per ticket:'; $hesklang['statistics']['tsro']='Average staff replies per ticket (tickets with at least 1 staff reply):'; $hesklang['statistics']['tsrc']='Average staff replies required to resolve a ticket:'; $hesklang['statistics']['tsrr']='Average staff replies required to resolve a ticket (tickets with at least 1 staff reply):'; $hesklang['sep_1000']=','; // separator between every group of thousands: 1,000,000 $hesklang['sep_dec']='.'; // separator between full and decimal numbers: 0.99 $hesklang['and_more']='and much more...'; // last item in a list // Added or modified in HESK 3.2.0 $hesklang['escalate']['tab']='Escalate'; // Menu link $hesklang['escalate']['page_title']='Escalate Tickets'; // Page H2 title $hesklang['escalate']['intro']='This module will help you escalate tickets that are not attended to on time.'; $hesklang['escalate']['feat1']='Tickets not assigned, replied to, or resolved within a timeframe'; $hesklang['escalate']['feat2']='tickets approaching due date and overdue tickets'; $hesklang['escalate']['feat3']='automatically change ticket priority, re-assign a ticket, send an email notification'; $hesklang['escalate']['feat4']='apply rules based on ticket category, owner, status'; $hesklang['escalate']['prefix']='Escalated:'; // Email subject prefix, e.g. "Escalated: [XXX-XXX-XXXX] Test ticket" $hesklang['escalate']['active_rules']='Active rules'; $hesklang['escalate']['new']='New escalation rule'; $hesklang['escalate']['no_rules']='You do not have any escalation rules. Create one by clicking the "New escalation rule" button above.'; $hesklang['escalate']['title']='Rule title'; $hesklang['escalate']['titlet']='A descriptive title, for example: Re-assign tickets not replied to within a day'; $hesklang['escalate']['default_title']='Rule by %1$s'; // Default rule title; %1$s = user name $hesklang['escalate']['trigger']='Rule trigger'; $hesklang['escalate']['trigt']='Set the condition that will trigger (run) this rule.'; $hesklang['escalate']['hits']='Hits'; // How many times a rule has been triggered $hesklang['escalate']['step1']='Condition'; // Title of step 1 when creating/editing a rule $hesklang['escalate']['step2']='Action'; // Title of step 2 when creating/editing a rule $hesklang['escalate']['step3']='Apply to'; // Title of step 3 when creating/editing a rule $hesklang['escalate']['delete']='Delete this rule?'; $hesklang['escalate']['edit']='Editing escalation rule ID %1$s'; // %1$s = rule ID number $hesklang['escalate']['ifat']='A support ticket is:'; // If a ticket is not (resolved) within X (minutes) of submitting, then (resend notification) $hesklang['escalate']['nrep']='not replied to by staff'; $hesklang['escalate']['nrepc']='not replied to by customer'; $hesklang['escalate']['nass']='not assigned'; $hesklang['escalate']['nres']='not resolved'; $hesklang['escalate']['ndue']='approaching due date'; $hesklang['escalate']['odue']='overdue'; $hesklang['escalate']['within']='Within:'; $hesklang['escalate']['minutes']='minutes'; $hesklang['escalate']['hours']='hours'; $hesklang['escalate']['days']='days'; $hesklang['escalate']['weeks']='weeks'; $hesklang['escalate']['months']='months'; $hesklang['escalate']['years']='years'; $hesklang['escalate']['ofs']='of being submitted'; $hesklang['escalate']['resend']='Re-send email notifications:'; $hesklang['escalate']['force']='Always send, disregard staff settings'; $hesklang['escalate']['noforce']='Respect staff notifications settings'; $hesklang['escalate']['setpri']='Set priority to:'; $hesklang['escalate']['setsta']='Set status to:'; $hesklang['escalate']['assto']='Assign ticket to:'; $hesklang['escalate']['asm']='Another staff member'; $hesklang['escalate']['notify']='Notify staff members...'; $hesklang['escalate']['ato']='Apply to:'; $hesklang['escalate']['tic']='Tickets in category:'; $hesklang['escalate']['tat']='Tickets assigned to:'; $hesklang['escalate']['tws']='Tickets with status:'; $hesklang['escalate']['tall']='Apply this rule to existing and future tickets'; $hesklang['escalate']['tfn']='Apply this rule to future tickets only, ignore existing tickets'; $hesklang['escalate']['tfi']='Apply this rule only to tickets with ID higher than:'; $hesklang['escalate']['save']='Save rule'; $hesklang['escalate']['e_tt']='Time should be between 1 and 10000'; $hesklang['escalate']['e_a']='Select at least one action to perform on matching tickets'; $hesklang['escalate']['nocat']='Select at least one category'; $hesklang['escalate']['nouser']='Select at least one user'; $hesklang['escalate']['nostatus']='Select at least one status'; $hesklang['escalate']['nocata']='%1$s doesn\'t have access to these categories:'; // %1$s = user name $hesklang['escalate']['rule_added']='New rule has been created'; $hesklang['escalate']['mdf']='Rule settings have been saved'; $hesklang['escalate']['e_id']='No rule with this ID found'; $hesklang['escalate']['deleted']='Selected rule has been deleted'; $hesklang['escalate']['edit_notice']='changing the rule trigger will have no effect on any ticket already escalated by this rule (unless you reset the rule).'; $hesklang['escalate']['reset']='Reset this rule'; $hesklang['escalate']['reset2']='Are you sure you want to reset this rule?

    Rule hits will go to 0 and any ticket that matches this rule will be escalated again.'; $hesklang['escalate']['reset3']='Selected rule has been reset'; $hesklang['escalate']['log_title']='Rule #%1$s (%2$s)'; // Used in ticket history log. %1$s = rule ID, %2$s = rule title $hesklang['escalate']['thist1']='
  • %1$s | escalated by %2$s:
  • '; // Used in ticket history log. %1$s = date, %2$s = rule log title (above) $hesklang['escalate']['thist2']='
  • %1$s | - set priority to %2$s
  • '; // %1$s = date, %2$s = priority $hesklang['escalate']['thist3']='
  • %1$s | - assign to %2$s
  • '; // %1$s = date, %2$s = owner $hesklang['escalate']['thist4']='
  • %1$s | - send staff notification
  • '; $hesklang['escalate']['thist5']='
  • %1$s | - send staff notification (forced)
  • '; $hesklang['escalate']['thist6']='
  • %1$s | - error: %2$s doesn\'t have access to ticket category
  • '; // %1$s = date, %2$s = owner $hesklang['escalate']['thist7']='
  • %1$s | - error: %2$s doesn\'t have permission to view tickets
  • '; // %1$s = date, %2$s = owner $hesklang['escalate']['thist8']='
  • %1$s | - error: no other user who can view this ticket
  • '; // %1$s = date $hesklang['escalate']['thist9']='
  • %1$s | - notice: priority already set to %2$s
  • '; // %1$s = date, %2$s = priority $hesklang['escalate']['thist10']='
  • %1$s | - notice: already assigned to %2$s
  • '; // %1$s = date, %2$s = owner $hesklang['escalate']['thist11']='
  • %1$s | - notify: %2$s
  • '; // %1$s = date, %2$s = list of users $hesklang['escalate']['thist12']='
  • %1$s | - set status to %2$s
  • '; // %1$s = date, %2$s = status $hesklang['escalate']['thist13']='
  • %1$s | - notice: status already set to %2$s
  • '; // %1$s = date, %2$s = status $hesklang['escalate']['active']='Active'; // Is the rule active (live)? $hesklang['escalate']['activate']='Activate this rule (start using it)'; $hesklang['escalate']['activated']='Selected rule has been activated'; // %1$s = rule log title $hesklang['escalate']['deactivate']='Deactivate this rule (stop using it)'; $hesklang['escalate']['deactivated']='Selected rule has been deactivated'; // %1$s = rule log title $hesklang['escalate']['no_active']='No active escalation rules'; $hesklang['escalate']['matched']='Number of matching tickets found: %1$s '; // %1$s = number of tickets $hesklang['escalate']['tools']='Tools'; $hesklang['escalate']['test']='Simulate this rule'; $hesklang['escalate']['testa']='Simulate all rules'; $hesklang['escalate']['testaa']='Simulate all active rules'; $hesklang['escalate']['testr']='Simulation results'; $hesklang['escalate']['rsim']='Repeat simulation'; $hesklang['escalate']['tbef']='Before a rule is live, you need to activate it by clicking the checkbox in the "ACTIVE" column.

    We strongly recommend that you simulate each rule by clicking the %1$s (Simulate this rule) icon in the rules table to see how it will affect your existing tickets before activating it.

    Active rules are processed every %2$s minutes. A ticket can only be escalated once by each rule.'; // %1$s = replaced by icon, %2$s = number of minutes, usually 5 or more $hesklang['escalate']['sim']='SIMULATION MODE, no changes to the database'; $hesklang['escalate']['sic']='SIMULATION COMPLETE'; $hesklang['escalate']['r']='[RULE]'; $hesklang['escalate']['i']='[INFO]'; $hesklang['multopt']='Tip: hold down CTRL key to select multiple options'; $hesklang['desc_ticket_escalated']='(Staff) Ticket has been escalated'; // Email description in admin panel $hesklang['ticket_formatting_staff']='Ticket Formatting (Staff)'; $hesklang['ticket_formatting_plaintext']='Plain Text'; $hesklang['ticket_formatting_rich_text']='Rich Text (HTML)'; $hesklang['due_date']='Due date'; $hesklang['invalid_due_date']='An invalid due date was entered.'; $hesklang['thist19']='
  • %s | due date updated to %s by %s
  • '; // %s = date, new due date, user making change $hesklang['thist20']='
  • %s | due date removed by %s
  • '; // %s = date, user making change $hesklang['due_date_updated']='Ticket due date has been updated.'; $hesklang['menu_kb_manage']='Manage'; // Left admin menu Knowledgebase "Manage" tab $hesklang['menu_kb_view']='View'; // Left admin menu Knowledgebase "View" tab $hesklang['a_select']='Select all'; $hesklang['a_deselect']='Deselect all'; $hesklang['a_toggle']='Toggle all'; $hesklang['ql_all']='All tickets'; $hesklang['ql_alo']='All open tickets'; $hesklang['ql_fit']='Filtered tickets'; $hesklang['ql_a2m']='Assigned to me'; $hesklang['ql_a2o']='Assigned to others'; $hesklang['ql_una']='Unassigned'; $hesklang['ql_due']='Due soon'; $hesklang['ql_ovr']='Overdue'; $hesklang['set_ds']='Show as "due soon"'; // Settings page (title of setting) $hesklang['set_ds2']='days before due date'; $hesklang['not_aos']='Some open tickets you have access to are not shown due to your filters.'; $hesklang['ntoverdue']='A ticket is overdue with owner:'; $hesklang['ovdcron']='for overdue notifications to work, your administrator must enable a cron job.'; $hesklang['instructions']='Instructions'; $hesklang['desc_overdue_ticket']='(Staff) Ticket overdue'; $hesklang['overdue_starting']='Starting overdue tickets notification process'; $hesklang['overdue_sim']='Sending emails and updating tickets is disabled in SIMULATION mode.'; $hesklang['overdue_ticket_count']='Found %s tickets that are overdue.'; // %s = Number of tickets $hesklang['overdue_finished']='Finished Overdue Tickets. %s emails sent. %s emails failed to send.'; // %s = Successful emails, failed emails $hesklang['admin_css']='Admin CSS'; $hesklang['admin_css2']='Load an extra custom style file for the admin panel'; $hesklang['noval_cert']='Do not validate server certificates'; $hesklang['chg_cat']='Click to change ticket category'; $hesklang['tlan']='Ticket language'; $hesklang['uue']='Two or more staff members have the same email address. We recommend setting a unique email address for each user.'; $hesklang['flood']='Flood limit'; $hesklang['e_flood']='Ooops, you already submitted a reply just recently. We stopped this request to prevent reply flooding.'; $hesklang['cookies']='Cookies'; $hesklang['ukey']='URL Access Key'; // Key required to access certain files (like cron jobs) via an URL $hesklang['ukeyg']='Generate a random URL Access Key'; $hesklang['ukeym']='Error: to run this file via HTTP you must include your URL Access Key in the request. Example:'; $hesklang['ukeyw']='Error: wrong URL Access Key'; // Added or modified in HESK 3.3.0 $hesklang['mfa']='Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)'; $hesklang['mfa_short']='MFA'; $hesklang['mfa_enabled_question']='MFA Enabled?'; $hesklang['mfa_required']='Require Multi-Factor Authentication'; $hesklang['mfa_manage_profile']='Manage MFA'; $hesklang['mfa_disabled']='Multi-Factor Authentication is disabled'; $hesklang['mfa_enabled']='Multi-Factor Authentication is Enabled (%s)'; // %s = MFA type $hesklang['mfa_method_none']='None'; $hesklang['mfa_method_none_subtext']='Remove multi-factor authentication on your account.'; $hesklang['mfa_method_email']='Email'; $hesklang['mfa_method_email_subtext']='The helpdesk will send an email with a random login code to %s when logging in.'; // %s = User's email address $hesklang['mfa_method_auth_app']='Authenticator App'; $hesklang['mfa_method_auth_app_short']='App'; $hesklang['mfa_method_auth_app_subtext']='Use a smartphone application, such as Authy or Google Authenticator, to generate a random login code when logging in.'; $hesklang['mfa_step_method']='Method'; $hesklang['mfa_step_verification']='Verification'; $hesklang['mfa_step_complete']='Complete'; $hesklang['mfa_introduction']='Multi-factor authentication improves account security by requiring you to verify your login using an additional verification method, such as email or an authenticator app (such as Authy or Google Authenticator).'; $hesklang['mfa_reset_warning']='You already have multi-factor authentication enabled. Completing this again will reset your multi-factor authentication device (if enabled).'; $hesklang['mfa_select_method_colon']='Select an authentication method:'; $hesklang['mfa_verification_header']='Verification - %s'; // %s = MFA type $hesklang['mfa_verification_email_intro']='An email has been sent to %s containing a six-digit verification code. Enter the code you received via email below to continue.'; // %s = User's email address $hesklang['mfa_verification_auth_app_intro']='» Step 1: Scan the image below with the multi-factor authentication app on your mobile device.'; $hesklang['mfa_verification_auth_app_cant_scan']='Not able to scan the image? Manually enter this code on your device: %s'; // %s = Secret code $hesklang['mfa_verification_auth_app_enter_code']='» Step 2: Enter the 6-digit code displayed on your application to verify your device.'; $hesklang['mfa_verify']='Verify'; $hesklang['mfa_invalid_method']='Invalid multi-factor authentication method was received.'; $hesklang['mfa_invalid_verification_code']='The code that was entered is incorrect or expired.'; $hesklang['mfa_configured']='Multi-factor authentication has been enabled for your account!'; $hesklang['mfa_removed']='Multi-factor authentication has been disabled for your account!'; $hesklang['mfa_verification_needed']='Multi-factor authentication is enabled for this account.'; $hesklang['mfa_verification_needed_email']='Please enter the verification code that was sent to your email address.'; $hesklang['mfa_verification_needed_auth_app']='Please enter the code that is displayed on your authentication app.'; $hesklang['mfa_verification_code']='Verification code'; $hesklang['mfa_server_time_issue']='Your server time seems to be inaccurate: %s'; // %s = exception message $hesklang['mfa_reset_to_default']='Reset multi-factor authentication'; $hesklang['mfa_reset_confirm']='Are you sure you wish to reset MFA for this user?'; $hesklang['mfa_reset_yes']='Reset'; // button title $hesklang['mfa_reset']='Multi-Factor Authentication has been reset for the user'; $hesklang['desc_mfa_verification']='(Staff) Multi-Factor Authentication Code'; $hesklang['mfa_code']='Code:'; $hesklang['mfa_backup_codes_header']='SAVE YOUR BACKUP CODES!'; $hesklang['mfa_backup_codes_description']='Keep these backup codes somewhere safe but accessible. In case you lose access to your MFA device or email, you can enter one of the following backup codes to log in.

    Be sure to treat these backup codes like passwords. You will not be able to see these codes again!'; $hesklang['mfa_verify_another_way']='Verify your account another way'; $hesklang['mfa_verify_another_way_email']='Get a verification code at %s'; // %s = masked email address $hesklang['mfa_verify_another_way_code']='Enter one of your 8-character backup codes'; $hesklang['mfa_verify_another_way_admin']='Contact your helpdesk administrator for help'; $hesklang['mfa_verify_another_way_reset']='Reset your multi-factor authentication by uploading a file to the server'; $hesklang['mfa_send_another_email']='Send another email'; $hesklang['mfa_sent']='An email with a new verification code was sent to your email address'; $hesklang['mfa_backup_code']='Backup Code'; $hesklang['mfa_backup_codes']='Backup Codes'; $hesklang['mfa_backup_codes_info']='Single-use codes to pass multi-factor verification when unable to access your email or authenticator app. Once you use a backup code to sign in, that code becomes inactive.'; $hesklang['mfa_backup_codes_num']='You can get a new set of 10 backup codes whenever you want. When you create a new set of codes, the old set automatically becomes inactive.'; $hesklang['mfa_backup_codes_num2']='Number of your active codes: %s'; // %s = number of active codes $hesklang['mfa_invalid_backup_code']='The backup code that was entered is incorrect or has already been used.'; $hesklang['mfa_del_codes']='Delete my backup codes'; $hesklang['mfa_del_codes2']='All your backup codes have been deleted.'; $hesklang['mfa_new_codes']='Generate new backup codes'; $hesklang['mfa_new_codes2']='New backup codes have been generated'; $hesklang['old_php_version']='Error: Unsupported PHP version'; $hesklang['category_default_due_date']='Default Due Date'; $hesklang['category_change_default_due_date']='Set Default Due Date'; $hesklang['category_leave_blank_for_no_default_due_date']='(leave blank for no default due date)'; $hesklang['category_default_due_date_updated']='Default due date has been updated.'; $hesklang['email_formatting']='Email formatting'; $hesklang['email_formatting_html_and_plaintext']='HTML with plain text alternative from plain text template (default)'; $hesklang['email_formatting_html_and_plaintext_auto']='HTML with plain text alternative generated from HTML template'; $hesklang['email_formatting_html']='HTML only'; $hesklang['email_formatting_plaintext']='Plain text only'; $hesklang['email_formatting_note']='Your selection in %1$s > %2$s > %3$s is set to: %4$s'; // %1$s = Settings, %2$s = Email, %3$s = Email formatting, %3$4 = setting description $hesklang['email_formatting_note0']='This means Hesk will ignore the HTML templates here.'; $hesklang['email_formatting_note1']='This means Hesk will ignore the plain text templates here.'; $hesklang['email_formatting_note2']='This means Hesk will generate plain text version of emails from your HTML templates and ignore the plain text templates here.'; $hesklang['etnu']='This email template is currently not used by Hesk based on your selection in %1$s > %2$s > %3$s'; // %1$s = Settings, %2$s = Email, %3$s = Email formatting $hesklang['edit_category']='Edit Category'; $hesklang['create_category']='Create Category'; $hesklang['one_user_included']='1 user included'; $hesklang['one_user_excluded']='1 user excluded'; $hesklang['x_users_included']='%s users included'; // %s = Number of users $hesklang['x_users_excluded']='%s users excluded'; // %s = Number of users $hesklang['aa_cat']='Auto-assign tickets in this category'; $hesklang['modify_autoassign_settings']='Modify auto-assign settings'; $hesklang['autoassign_on_all_users']='Yes, to any user with access to this category'; $hesklang['autoassign_on_select_users']='Yes, to specific users'; $hesklang['autoassign_off']='No, submit tickets as unassigned'; $hesklang['autoassign_users']='Users to include/exclude in auto-assignment'; $hesklang['autoassign_selected_include']='Selected users should be included when auto-assigning tickets in this category'; $hesklang['autoassign_selected_exclude']='Selected users should be excluded when auto-assigning tickets in this category'; $hesklang['cat_edited']='Category %s has been successfully edited'; $hesklang['search_for_user']='Search for user'; $hesklang['email_sending']='Sending emails'; $hesklang['email_to_ticket']='Email to ticket'; $hesklang['email_to_ticket_info']='Converting emails to tickets requires some server-side setup. For details, please see this knowledgebase guide.'; // %s = link to article $hesklang['from_warning2']='Hesk is using a SMTP server to send email notifications. Your %1$s should be set to %2$s'; // %1$s = "From email" text, %2$s = email address $hesklang['nofex']='Missing file extension'; $hesklang['block_ignore']='Email to ticket - Ignore emails and prevent loops'; $hesklang['block_noreply']='Do not reply'; $hesklang['block_noreply2']='Ignore emails sent from "do not reply" email addresses'; $hesklang['block_returned']='Returned'; $hesklang['block_returned2']='Ignore returned emails, such as delivery status notifications and automated replies'; $hesklang['block_duplicate']='Duplicates'; $hesklang['block_duplicate2']='Ignore emails with the same message sent within "%s" seconds'; // %s = "Timeframe" $hesklang['loop_info']='emails received from the same email address within "%s" seconds'; $hesklang['thist21']='
  • %s | overdue email notification sent
  • '; // %s = date $hesklang['thist22']='
  • %s | follow-up email sent
  • '; // %s = date $hesklang['elevator_header']='Entering Secure Area'; $hesklang['elevator_intro']='You are about to enter a secure area.'; $hesklang['elevator_enter_password']='Please enter your password to continue.'; $hesklang['elevator_duration_setting_title']='Secure area duration'; $hesklang['desc_survey']='(Customer) Follow-up (survey) email'; // Email description $hesklang['satisfaction']['tab']='Satisfaction'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['title']='Customer Satisfaction Survey'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['intro']='Send your customers a follow-up satisfaction survey to gather feedback about their experience with your help desk.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['tab1']='Settings'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['tab2']='Opt-out'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['enable']='Enable follow-up emails:'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['enabled']='Customer Satisfaction Surveys are enabled.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['disabled']='Customer Satisfaction Surveys are currently disabled.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['url']='Survey URL address:'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['send']='Follow-up email delay:'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['at_least']='Wait at least'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['after']='after the ticket is resolved before sending the email'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['h1']='How to use this tool?'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['h2']='First, create a customer satisfaction survey in your favorite survey tool. If you are unsure what tool to use or what questions to ask, we have a guide available here.'; // %s = link to article $hesklang['satisfaction']['h3']='When your survey is ready, enable follow-up emails using the form below. Hesk will process resolved tickets with at least one staff reply once per hour and send your survey link to your customers.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['e_url']='Enter a valid survey URL address. This is the URL your customers will be sent to.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['as']='Enter a valid survey URL address. This is the URL your customers will be sent to.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['oo1']='This page lists email addresses that follow-up emails will not be sent to.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['oo2']='Your customers are able to opt-out from receiving survey emails by clicking a link in the email. Alternatively, you can manually add email addresses on this page.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['ooe']='Email address to opt-out'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['ooe2']='Enter the email address you wish to opt-out from receiving survey emails.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['ooe3']='This email address %s is already opted out from receiving survey emails.'; // %s will be replaced with email $hesklang['satisfaction']['btn_oo']='Opt-out this email'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['oob']='Opted out by'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['no_oo']='No customer has opted out of receiving survey emails.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['oor']='Remove'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['oor2']='Email removed from opt-out'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['oor3']='Confirm removal'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['oor4']='When removed from opt-out, this user will again receive follow-up emails.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['optedout']='The email address %s was opted out of receiving survey emails.'; // %s will be replaced with email $hesklang['satisfaction']['mit']='Missing or invalid survey ID'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['starting']='Starting customer satisfaction survey notification process'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['tc']='Found %s closed tickets that did not have satisfaction survey sent.'; // %s = Number of tickets $hesklang['satisfaction']['finished']='Finished Customer Satisfaction Survey. Emails sent: %1$s. Emails failed to send: %2$s. Tickets without an email: %3$s. Tickets with opt-out email: %4$s.'; // %1$s = successful emails, %2$s = failed emails, %3$s = number of tickets without an email, %4$s = number of tickets with opt-out users $hesklang['satisfaction']['oo']='Ignoring, this customer does not wish to receive survey emails.'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['ne']='Ignoring, this ticket is without an email address'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['feat1']='Create your survey using any third-party tool, such as Google Forms'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['feat2']='set up your survey URL, preferences, and limitations inside this module'; $hesklang['satisfaction']['feat3']='when you resolve a ticket, Hesk will email your customer the link to the survey'; $hesklang['dfor']='Date format'; $hesklang['dtfor']='Date and Time'; $hesklang['cdfor']='Date select format'; $hesklang['custom']='Custom'; $hesklang['jsc_notice']='The date selection doesn\'t support PHP-style date formatting. Select one of the pre-configured options or click the %s icon below to see available display options.'; // %s = replaced by icon $hesklang['lcf3']='Date only'; // Display: "Date only" $hesklang['epdd']='Error parsing due_date parameter:'; $hesklang['edit_pass']='Edit password'; $hesklang['save_pass']='Save password'; $hesklang['cur_pass']='Current password'; $hesklang['cur_pass2']='You must provide your current password in order to change it.'; $hesklang['cur_pass3']='After a successful password update, you will be redirected to the login page, where you can log in with your new password.'; $hesklang['e_new_pass']='Please enter your new password'; $hesklang['pass_len']='The password must not exceed 64 characters'; $hesklang['pass_login']='Please log in again after changing your password'; $hesklang['bf_int']='You have been logged out due to too many failed verification attempts'; $hesklang['tst_cnt']='Number of emails your mail server will send to Hesk: %s'; // %s = number of emails $hesklang['wrn_imap']='You have many unread emails in your mailbox (%1$s). Hesk will turn all these emails into tickets.

    You may want to mark existing emails as read before enabling %2$s or use a new email account for Hesk.'; // %1$s = number of emails, %2$s = IMAP or POP3 fetching $hesklang['wrn_pop3']='You have many emails in your mailbox (%1$s). Hesk will turn all these emails into tickets.

    You may want to delete existing emails before enabling %2$s or use a new email account for Hesk.'; // %1$s = number of emails, %2$s = IMAP or POP3 fetching $hesklang['search_due_date_specific']='Due on'; // Due on (date) $hesklang['search_due_date_range']='Due in'; // Due in (X days) $hesklang['attachment_add_files']='Add file'; $hesklang['attachment_max_exceeded']='This file will not be uploaded becuase you have already uploaded the maximum number of files allowed.'; $hesklang['attachment_viewer_message'] = "Drag files here or click the 'Add File' button below to select files to upload."; $hesklang['attachment_invalid_type_message']='Sorry, but the file type you tried to upload is not allowed.'; $hesklang['attachment_upload_error']='An error occurred when trying to upload. Please try again later.'; $hesklang['attachment_too_large']='This attachment is larger than the max filesize permitted.'; $hesklang['attachment_cancel']='Cancel'; $hesklang['attachment_confirm_cancel']='Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?'; $hesklang['attachment_remove']='Remove attachment'; $hesklang['attachment_too_many_uploads']='Too many attachments have been uploaded from your location in a short period of time. Please try your request again later.'; $hesklang['sub_note']='Submit note'; $hesklang['can_view_users']='View all users (but not manage them)'; $hesklang['welcome1']='Hey there, you seem to be new here. Welcome!'; $hesklang['welcome2']='To help you get started, check out the %s.'; // %s = Hesk online Quick Start Guide (below) $hesklang['welcome3']='Hesk online Quick Start Guide'; $hesklang['tmce1']='Use Ctrl+Right click to access spellchecker'; $hesklang['tmce2']='Hold the Control (Ctrl) key and right-click on the misspelled word to access the spellchecker.'; $hesklang['etfm']='One or more email templates are missing.

    Make sure you upload all email template files inside these two folders:

    /language/%s/html_emails'; $hesklang['etfw']='Some email templates are not writable.

    Make sure PHP has permission to write to all files inside these two folders:


    On Unix servers you might need to CHMOD email templates to 666 (rw-rw-rw-)'; $hesklang['desc_new_ticket_by_staff']='(Customer) New staff-submitted ticket'; $hesklang['mod_et_h']='You can modify email templates under %1$s > %2$s'; // %1$s = Tools, %2$s = Email templates link $hesklang['set_lang']='Set language to'; $hesklang['ouwa']='Only users with access to this category are listed below. To add staff members to this category, edit their permissions on the %s page'; // %s = Team $hesklang['previous_tickets']='Previous tickets'; $hesklang['no_previous']='No previous tickets by %s'; // %s = email address $hesklang['all_previous']='List all previous tickets'; $hesklang['confirm_delete_ticket']='Are you sure you want to permanently delete this ticket?'; $hesklang['confirm_delete_reply']='Are you sure you want to permanently delete this reply?'; $hesklang['select_new_category']='Number of tickets in this category: %s

    Please select a new category to transfer these tickets to:'; // %s = Number of tickets $hesklang['deleting_user_with_tickets']='Number of tickets assigned to this user: %1$s
    Number of open tickets assigned to this user: %2$s

    Open tickets will be unassigned after deleting this user.'; // %1$s = total tickets, %2$s = open tickets $hesklang['hlic']='HESK license'; $hesklang['hlic_free']='FREE'; $hesklang['hlic_buyl']='Buy a License'; $hesklang['hlic_paid']='Licensed'; $hesklang['antdemo']='Submitting tickets from the admin panel has been disabled in the demo mode.

    Please use the public side to submit a test ticket.'; // Added or modified in HESK 3.4.0 $hesklang['email_authentication_method'] = 'Authentication method'; $hesklang['email_authentication_method_username_password']='Basic (Username / Password)'; $hesklang['email_authentication_method_oauth']='OAuth'; $hesklang['email_authentication_method_oauth_disabled']='OAuth - No verified OAuth providers configured.'; $hesklang['email_authentication_method_oauth_link']='Manage OAuth providers'; // Links to "OAuth Providers" tools page $hesklang['email_oauth_auth_url']='Authorization Endpoint URL'; $hesklang['email_oauth_token_url']='Token Endpoint URL'; $hesklang['email_oauth_client_id']='Client ID'; $hesklang['email_oauth_client_secret']='Client Secret'; $hesklang['email_oauth_scope']='Scope'; $hesklang['oauth_error_invalid_state']='OAuth state does not match the state sent to OAuth provider.'; $hesklang['oauth_error_unknown']='An unknown error occurred when attempting to save OAuth tokens.'; $hesklang['oauth_error_no_token']='Access token missing in the JSON response.'; $hesklang['oauth_error_retrieve']='Unable to retrieve an access token. Please confirm your OAuth Provider settings and re-save them to acquire a new token.'; $hesklang['email_oauth_provider']='OAuth Provider'; $hesklang['email_oauth_providers']='OAuth Providers'; $hesklang['email_oauth_provider_guide']='Before using OAuth, you must register an OAuth Provider. For details, please see this knowledgebase guide.'; // %s = link to article $hesklang['email_oauth_provider_uri']='Your OAuth Redirect URI for Hesk is:
    %s'; // %s = URL of the oauth_providers.php file $hesklang['email_oauth_providers_intro']='Use this tool to add OAuth providers to your help desk'; $hesklang['email_oauth_provider_name']='Name'; // OAuth provider name $hesklang['email_oauth_new_provider']='New Provider'; $hesklang['email_oauth_edit_provider']='Edit Provider'; $hesklang['email_oauth_provider_being_used_for']='Being Used For'; $hesklang['email_oauth_providers_none']='No OAuth providers saved. You can add them by clicking "New Provider" above.'; $hesklang['email_oauth_provider_cannot_be_deleted']='This provider cannot be removed because it is being used by the help desk.'; $hesklang['email_oauth_confirm_delete_provider']='Are you sure you want to delete this OAuth provider?'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_saved']='OAuth provider has been saved'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_use']='You can now select this provider in %s > %s'; // %s = Settings, %s = Email $hesklang['oauth_provider_err_name']='Enter the provider name'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_err_auth_url']='Enter a valid authorization URL'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_err_token_url']='Enter a valid token URL'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_err_client_id']='Enter the client ID'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_err_client_secret']='Enter the client secret'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_err_scope']='Enter the scope'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_deleted']='OAuth provider deleted'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_not_found']='This OAuth provider does not exist'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_verified']='Verified'; $hesklang['oauth_provider_click_to_verify']='Click to verify'; $hesklang['can_due_date']='Can set due date'; // Permission to set and modify due date $hesklang['can_due_date_e']='You do not have permission to set due dates'; // DO NOT CHANGE BELOW if (!defined('IN_SCRIPT')) die('PHP syntax OK!'); PKs3Y(a::en/emails/ticket_closed.txtnu[Dear %%NAME%%, Your support ticket "%%SUBJECT%%" has been updated to a Closed/Resolved status. You can view the status of your ticket here: %%TRACK_URL%% If the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser. Sincerely, %%SITE_TITLE%% %%SITE_URL%%PKs3YQzen/emails/new_note.txtnu[Hello, A new note has been added to ticket "%%SUBJECT%%" that is currently assigned to you. Note by %%NAME%%: %%MESSAGE%% You can manage this ticket here: %%TRACK_URL%% Regards, %%SITE_TITLE%% %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Yen/emails/reset_password.txtnu[Hi %%NAME%%, We were told that you forgot your help desk password. It happens to everyone! To reset your password visit the link below (expires in 2 hours): %%PASSWORD_RESET%% Thanks, %%SITE_TITLE%% %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Y en/emails/index.htmnu[ 403 Forbidden


    You don't have permission to access this folder.

    PKs3YRMen/emails/category_moved.txtnu[Hello, A new support ticket has been moved to your category. Ticket details: Ticket subject: %%SUBJECT%% Tracking ID: %%TRACK_ID%% You can manage this ticket here: %%TRACK_URL%% Regards, %%SITE_TITLE%% %%SITE_URL%%PKs3YK$en/emails/ticket_assigned_to_you.txtnu[Hello, A new support ticket has been assigned to you. Ticket details: Ticket subject: %%SUBJECT%% Tracking ID: %%TRACK_ID%% You can manage this ticket here: %%TRACK_URL%% Regards, %%SITE_TITLE%% %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Y~m#en/emails/new_reply_by_customer.txtnu[Hello, A customer has just replied to ticket "%%SUBJECT%%". You can read the reply message and manage this ticket here: %%TRACK_URL%% Regards, %%SITE_TITLE%% %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Ydm!en/emails/new_ticket_by_staff.txtnu[Dear %%NAME%%, Your support ticket "%%SUBJECT%%" has been submitted. We reply to all tickets as soon as possible, within 24 to 48 hours. If we expect your ticket will take additional time, we will update you by sending you an email. Ticket tracking ID: %%TRACK_ID%% You can view the status of your ticket here: %%TRACK_URL%% You will receive an email notification when our staff replies to your ticket. Sincerely, %%SITE_TITLE%% %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Y;en/emails/survey.txtnu[Dear %%NAME%%, We're reaching out regarding your recent ticket "%%SUBJECT%%". To help us serve you better, we'd love to hear about your experience with our support team. Please let us know how easy was it to get your issue resolved: %%SURVEY_URL%% We appreciate your feedback. And as always, if there's anything else we can do for you in the future – please don't hesitate to reach back out again. Thanks, %%SITE_TITLE%% %%SITE_URL%%PKs3YMZen/emails/overdue_ticket.txtnu[Hello, A ticket is overdue! Ticket details: Ticket subject: %%SUBJECT%% Tracking ID: %%TRACK_ID%% You can manage this ticket here: %%TRACK_URL%% Regards, %%SITE_TITLE%% %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Ydmen/emails/new_ticket.txtnu[Dear %%NAME%%, Your support ticket "%%SUBJECT%%" has been submitted. We reply to all tickets as soon as possible, within 24 to 48 hours. If we expect your ticket will take additional time, we will update you by sending you an email. Ticket tracking ID: %%TRACK_ID%% You can view the status of your ticket here: %%TRACK_URL%% You will receive an email notification when our staff replies to your ticket. Sincerely, %%SITE_TITLE%% %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Yn|Ven/emails/mfa_verification.txtnu[Hi %%NAME%%, Below is your multi-factor authentication verification code. This code expires in 20 minutes. %%VERIFICATION_CODE%% Thanks, %%SITE_TITLE%% %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Y0fen/emails/new_pm.txtnu[Hello, You have received a new private message from %%NAME%% with the following subject: %%SUBJECT%% You can view your new message by clicking on the following link: %%TRACK_URL%% Sincerely, %%SITE_TITLE%% %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Y8,55en/emails/ticket_escalated.txtnu[Hello, A support ticket has been escalated by %%ESCALATED_BY_RULE%%: Subject: %%SUBJECT%% Category: %%CATEGORY%% Priority: %%PRIORITY%% Status: %%STATUS%% Assigned to: %%OWNER%% Tracking ID: %%TRACK_ID%% You can view this ticket here: %%TRACK_URL%% Regards, %%SITE_TITLE%% %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Y3 44 en/emails/new_reply_by_staff.txtnu[Dear %%NAME%%, We have just replied to your ticket "%%SUBJECT%%". To read the message, submit a reply and view details, please visit: %%TRACK_URL%% If the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser. Sincerely, %%SITE_TITLE%% %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Y~fen/emails/new_ticket_staff.txtnu[Hello, A new support ticket has been submitted. Ticket details: Ticket subject: %%SUBJECT%% Tracking ID: %%TRACK_ID%% You can manage this ticket here: %%TRACK_URL%% Regards, %%SITE_TITLE%% %%SITE_URL%%PKs3YZVen/emails/forgot_ticket_id.txtnu[Dear %%NAME%%, This email contains a list of support tickets submitted with your email address. Number of support tickets found: %%NUM%% %%LIST_TICKETS%% Sincerely, %%SITE_TITLE%% %%SITE_URL%%PKs3Yv!!en/help_files/misc.htmlnu[ Interactive help for Hesk settings

    Interactive help for Hesk settings



    Select your help desk timezone.

    If no valid timezone is selected, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) will be used.


    Close window











    Time format

    This is PHP date syntax for time of day displayed by Hesk.

    For full syntax to use see PHP date manual. Few examples you can use:

    Setting Result
    H:i 14:35
    H:i:s 14:35:53
    g:ia 2:35pm


    Close window









    Date format

    This is PHP date syntax for dates displayed by Hesk, except for the Javascript datepicker.

    For full syntax to use see PHP date manual. Few examples you can use:

    Setting Result
    Y-m-d 2012-12-31
    d/m/Y 31/12/2012
    m-d-Y 12-31-2012
    j-M-Y 31-Dec-2012


    Close window









    Date and Time format

    This is PHP date syntax for timestamps displayed by Hesk.

    For full syntax to use see PHP date manual. Few examples you can use:

    Setting Result
    Y-m-d H:i:s 2012-12-31 14:35:53
    d/m/Y H:i:s 31/12/2012 14:35:53
    m-d-Y H:i:s 12-31-2012 14:35:53
    j-M-Y H:i:s 31-Dec-2012 14:35:53
    j-M-Y g:ia 31-Dec-2012 2:35pm


    Close window









    Time display

    Select your preferred time display:

    Date and time: time will be displayed using the Time format setting on the Misc settings page.

    Time ago: time will be in a descriptive format. Examples:
    2 minutes ago
    about an hour ago
    6 days ago

    When Time ago is selected, you can click on (or hover your mouse cursor over) the time display to see the actual date and time.

    In some places, the date and time will always be displayed, regardless of setting.


    Close window









    Date select format

    This is the date syntax for the Javascript date select tool displayed by Hesk.

    Supported syntax:

    Syntax Description Example
    dd Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros 01 to 31
    d Day of the month without leading zeros 1 to 31
    DD A full textual representation of the day of the week Sunday through Saturday
    D A textual representation of a day, three letters Sun through Sat
    mm Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros 01 through 12
    m Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros 1 through 12
    MM A full textual representation of a month January through December
    M A short textual representation of a month, three letters Jan through Dec
    yyyy A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits 1999 or 2022
    yy A two digit representation of a year 99 or 22


    Close window









    IP whois

    URL of the service you use for IP whois query.

    {IP} tag will be replaced with customer IP address.



    Close window


    Maintenance mode

    Put the help desk in maintenance mode.

    Customer will not be able to use any help desk functions. Staff will be able to access and use the help desk normally.

    Note: Maintenance mode is activated automatically if the /install folder is present.

    Important: POP3 fetching will not be active, but email piping will (to avoid lost customer emails).



    Close window






    Admin link

    If selected a link to admin panel will be displayed on the bottom of your help desk index page.

    Submit notice

    If checked, the Submit a ticket form will show a note (at the bottom) saying the customer should double-check all the information entered and that their IP address is being logged for security purposes.


    Close window


    Online Users

    If checked HESK will show a list of users online in the last X minutes at the bottom of the help desk (in staff interface only).


    If checked HESK will automatically check for updates whenever you open the settings page.

    For automatic update check to work your server must be connected to the Internet and have either cURL or allow_url_fopen enabled.

    If disabled or required functions are missing, a manual "Check for updates" links will appear.



    Close window















    PKs3YJ en/help_files/knowledgebase.htmlnu[ Interactive help for Hesk settings

    Interactive help for Hesk settings


    » Knowledgebase settings


    Enable Knowledgebase

    Use this setting to turn HESK Knowledgebase functionality on or off.

    Available options are:

    • YES, enable Knowledgebase
      Enables Knowledgebase functionality for HESK
    • YES, use HESK as a Knowledgebase only (disable help desk)
      Enables Knowledgebase, but disables help desk functionality (posting new support tickets). Use this option if you wish to use HESK as a Knowledgebase, not a fully-featured help desk.

      Note that support tickets may still be submitted by staff or by email piping/POP3 fetching if enabled. Customers can view and reply to tickets.
    • NO, disable Knowledgebase
      Disables Knowledgebase functionality for HESK


    Close window







    WYSIWYG Editor

    This will enable a What You See Is What You Get type editor (a rich-text editor) for the knowledgebase articles rather than a simple text editor.

    Suggest KB articles

    If set to YES Hesk will match ticket subject and message against knowledgebase articles and recommend customers to read matching articles before submitting a new support ticket.


    Close window


    Enable KB rating

    Set to YES to allow customers to rate knowledgebase articles as Helpful or Not helpful

    Enable KB search

    Enabling this feature will show a search form on top of help desk customer interface and allow them to use the search form to search your knowledgebase.

    You can choose to display a small search box (located in the top right corner) or a large one (more visible, covers entire page width).


    Close window


    Show article views

    Set to YES to display number of knowledgebase article views publicly (views are always visible from staff control panel).

    Show article date

    Set to YES to display knowledgebase article submission date publicly (date is always visible from staff control panel).


    Close window


    Max search results

    This is the maximum matching results Hesk will return when someone searches the knowledgebase.

    Article preview length

    Maximum length (number of chars) of knowledgebase article content that will be displayed in article list when browsing knowledgebase categories.


    Close window


    Categories in row

    Number of (sub)categories to be displayed in table row when browsing knowledgebase.

    Subcategory articles

    Number of (preview) articles listed in subcategory display.


    Close window


    Show popular articles

    Number of popular (most visited) articles shown on help desk index and knowledgebase index pages. Set to 0 to disable listing popular articles.

    Show latest articles

    Number of latest (most recently submitted) articles shown on help desk index and knowledgebase index pages. Set to 0 to disable listing latest articles.


    Close window





    Related Articles

    Set to the number of related articles that should be listed below each Knowledgebase article.

    To disable listing related articles, set to 0


    Close window















    PKs3YS1515en/help_files/email.htmlnu[ Interactive help for Hesk settings

    Interactive help for Hesk settings


    Email sender

    Select wether HESK should send emails usign PHP mail() function or using a manually setup SMTP server.

    PHP mail() should work on most setups, if it doesn't you may try setting up a SMTP server instead.

    Available SMTP variables:

    SMTP Host - hostname of your SMTP server, usually localhost or
    SMTP Port - your SMTP port, usually 25
    SMTP Timeout - SMTP timeout in seconds
    Encryption - enable if your SMTP server requires encrypted connections
    SMTP Username - your SMTP username (if used)
    SMTP Password - your SMTP password (if used)


    Close window







    Email Piping

    Enables email piping (creating tickets from emails).

    This option just enables piping functionality in HESK, for complete email piping setup please refer to the readme.html file.


    Close window





    POP3 Fetching

    This setting enables or disables POP3 Fetching - creating tickets from emails by connecting to an email account using POP3 connection.

    For instructions on how to setup POP3 Fetching please see the readme.html file.

    Available variables are:

    Task Timeout - number of minutes to wait for an existing POP3 fetching job to complete. No new fetching jobs will start until the timeout is reached. Set to 0 to disable timeouts and always start a new fetching job.

    POP3 Host - hostname of your POP3 server, usually
    POP3 Port - your POP3 port, usually 110. Gmail for example uses 995
    TLS Protocol - enable if your POP3 server requires TLS protocol
    Keep a copy - if enabled HESK will not delete mail from POP3 server
    POP3 Username - your POP3 username
    POP3 Password - your POP3 password


    Close window





    IMAP Fetching

    This setting enables or disables IMAP Fetching - creating tickets from emails by connecting to an email account using IMAP connection.

    For instructions on how to setup IMAP Fetching please see the readme.html file.

    Available variables are:

    Task Timeout - number of minutes to wait for an existing IMAP fetching job to complete. No new fetching jobs will start until the timeout is reached. Set to 0 to disable timeouts and always start a new fetching job.

    IMAP Host - hostname of your IMAP server, usually
    IMAP Port - your IMAP port, usually 143 for non-encrypted and 993 for SSL/TLS
    Encryption - set required IMAP encryption
    Keep a copy - if enabled HESK will not delete mail from IMAP server
    IMAP Username - your IMAP username
    IMAP Password - your IMAP password


    Close window





    Do not validate server certificates

    If checked, Hesk will not validate certificates from the TLS/SSL server.

    Certificate validation usually needs to be skipped if the server uses self-signed certificates.

    We strongly recommend that you do not disable certificate validation on production servers and when connecting to third-party servers as it makes you vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.


    Close window












    Do not reply

    If checked, Hesk will try to detect emails sent from "Do not reply" email addresses and ignore them.



    Close window













    If checked, Hesk will try to detect and ignore returned emails.

    For example, it will ignore emails sent from and emails with a subject such as "Returned mail", "Undeliverable", "Out of Office" or similar.


    Close window













    If checked, Hesk will detect and ignore an email if Hesk has already processed an email with the same message within "Timeframe" seconds.

    When testing email to ticket functionality, either disable this setting or send test emails with unique messages.


    Close window











    Email Loops

    Settings to help detect email loops created from autoresponders or undeliverable email.

    Any number of emails higher than Max Hits from an email address within Timeframe seconds will be ignored by email piping.

    Set Max Hits to 0 to disable loop detection.


    Close window









    Detect email typos

    This function will try to detect common email domain name misspelling and suggest a corrected version.

    For example if customer enters HESK will detect it and suggest instead.

    HESK will compare email domains to the domains listed in Email providers list.


    Email providers

    A list of common email providers your customers use. HESK will use this list to try to detect mistyped email addresses.

    Enter one domain per line, without the @ sign.

    You can enter any number of common domain names, but try not to overdo it - enter just the most common ones.


    Close window





    Notify customer when

    Select when HESK should send an email notification to customers:

    • when customer submits a new support ticket

      Note: if ticket is submitted over email (email piping or POP3 fetching), HESK can skip sending new ticket notification to the customer if the email subject contains one of the tags listed in the text box (one tag per line).

      You can use this to prevent automatic replies to emails detected as possible SPAM by your server SPAM filter.
    • when a support ticket is marked as Resolved (without replying)


    Note that notification preferences are set individually per ticket when staff replies to a ticket or when staff submits a ticket from the admin interface.


    Close window









    Strip quoted reply

    This function deletes quoted replies from all customer emails before they are converted into a ticket.

    All emails sent to customers will start with this line:

    ------ Reply above this line ------

    Any text below this line will be removed when and email is imported into ticket reply.


    Close window





    Require message

    If enabled, emails from email piping or POP3 fetching will be ignored if they contain no message.

    If disabled, even emails with no message will be turned into tickets.


    Close window





    Embedded files

    Enable if you wish HESK to save embedded email files (for example embedded images) as attachments when importing tickets over Email piping or POP3 Fetching.

    Files over maximum allowed attachments limit will be ignored.

    Note that with HESK file attachments have priority over embedded files. For example if you allow 2 file attachments and receive an email with 1 file attachment and 3 embedded images, HESK will save the file attachment and first embedded image, the rest will be ignored.


    Close window





    Multiple emails

    If a customer tries to enter several emails (separated by comma) into the Email field when submitting a ticket HESK will only use the first email by default and ignore any other emails.

    To allow customers to enter multiple emails enable this feature by checking the box.


    Close window





    Confirm email

    If selected, the "Submit a ticket" form will show a "Confirm email" field forcing the customer to type the email address twice. This helps avoid typos in email addresses.


    Close window





    Open only

    If checked then the "Forgot ticket ID" email (email sent to remind customers of their ticket tracking ID number) will only list open tickets and ignore resolved ones.


    Close window





    Email formatting

    Determines which email formats are included when sending out emails. Options include:

    HTML with plain text alternative from plain text template (default) - emails will be sent as HTML. Hesk plain text email template content will be used for the alternative text in the email (multipart/alternative).
    HTML with plain text alternative generated from HTML template - emails will be sent as HTML. The alternative text in the email (multipart/alternative) will be generated by converting the HTML template to plain text. Hesk plain text email templates will be ignored.
    HTML only - emails will be sent as HTML only without multipart/alternative.
    Plain text only - emails will be sent as plain text.


    Close window















    PKs3Y en/help_files/index.htmnu[ 403 Forbidden


    You don't have permission to access this folder.

    PKs3Yb Interactive help for Hesk settings

    Interactive help for Hesk settings


    » Fields in ticket list

    Choose what fields you wish to have displayed in HESK ticket list.

    Note that any custom fields need to be saved first before they appear in this list.

    If no fields are selected, the Tracking ID field will be selected automatically.

    At least one of these three fields must be shown: ID, Tracking ID, Subject


    Close window





    Date format in list of tickets

    Select how you would like date columns (submitted, updated) in ticket list show information.

    Setting Result Example
    HESK Style HH:mm if updated today
    Yesterday if updated yesterday
    DD MMM YY if updated before yesterday
    26 Sep 14
    Date and time As set in Settings > Misc > Date and time 2014-09-26 14:35:12
    Date only As set in Settings > Misc > Date format 2014-09-26
    Short descriptive number + abbreviated time 1w2d (1 week 2 days)
    30s (30 seconds)
    2d6h (2 days 6 hours)
    Custom PHP Date syntax, see PHP manual  


    Close window















    PKs3Y:;en/help_files/general.htmlnu[ Interactive help for Hesk settings

    Interactive help for Hesk settings


    » General settings

    Website title

    A short title of your website, for example "My lovely website". This will be used as the title of the link that is displayed in the top left corner of the customer interface to enable them to return to your website.

    Website URL

    URL of your website, for example "". Make sure this is a valid URL and you start it with either http:// or https:// . This will be used as the URL of the link that is be displayed in top left corner of customer interface and enable them to return to your website.


    Close window


    Webmaster email

    Default webmaster email address. Make sure you enter a valid email address, it can be the same as Support email.


    Close window


    "From:" email

    Your "From:" email address. This is the email address that will be shown as email sender (From: header) in all emails sent by HESK. Usually it is an email you don't read and don't reply to. Make sure you enter a valid email address, it can be the same as Support email but it is recommended to use a different one.

    "From:" name

    This is the name that will be shown as email sender (From:) in all emails sent by HESK. If no name is set the email From: header will only show your From: email address.

    Site theme

    This is the theme that will be used across all customer-facing HESK pages. All properly installed themes will be displayed in the drop-down box. The "Test theme folder" button will help you troubleshoot non-working themes.

    Admin CSS

    Here you can specify the URL of a custom CSS file that will be included in the admin panel.

    Use your custom CSS file to overwrite the HESK default admin panel style or add additional CSS rules without modifying the source files.


    Close window


    » Language settings

    Default Language

    If you have several languages installed for Hesk this will be the default language. All properly installed languages are displayed in the drop-down box. Please refer to the readme.html file for instructions on how to install more languages. The "Test language folder" link will help you troubleshoot non-working language installations.

    If multiple languages are enabled you can set your preferred language on the "Profile" page.

    Multiple languages

    Enabling this setting will allow your users and staff to choose their preferred language from the list of installed languages. Do not enable this feature unless you provide support in all of the installed languages!


    Close window


    » Database settings

    Database host

    Database host server, "localhost" works for most users. Do NOT change this unless you know what your MySQL host is. Ask your hosting company if not sure or if you are having problems connecting to the MySQL database.

    Database name

    The name of your MySQL database. You should create one in your web hosting control panel or ask your hosting company for this info.

    Database username

    The username you use to connect to your MySQL database. You should create a MySQL user in your web hosting control panel or ask your hosting company for this info


    Close window


    Database password

    The password you use to connect to MySQL database. You should create a MySQL user in your web hosting control panel or ask your hosting company for this info

    Table prefix

    The prefix that will be added to all table names. If set to hesk_ table "users" will actually be named "hesk_users" in your database. This is useful if you want to run multiple installs of Hesk using one MySQL database, just give each install a unique table prefix name (hesk1_, hesk2_, hesk3_, ...)


    Close window















    PKs3Y.8iien/help_files/helpdesk.htmlnu[ Interactive help for Hesk settings

    Interactive help for Hesk settings


    » Help desk settings

    Help desk title

    Title of your support desk, for example "My company Help Desk"

    Hesk URL

    URL of the folder where your Hesk will be installed. Do NOT add a trailing / to the URL!
    WRONG: (don't end the URL with a / )


    Close window


    Admin folder

    Name of the folder, where admin files are located.

    The folder needs to exist within the main HESK folder. On most systems names are CaSe SeNSiTiVe.

    Allowed chars (other will be removed): a-z A-Z 0-9 _ -

    Default: admin

    Attachments folder

    Name of the folder, where attachments will be stored.

    The folder needs to exist within the main HESK folder and be writable by PHP. On most systems names are CaSe SeNSiTiVe.

    Allowed chars (other will be removed): a-z A-Z 0-9 _ -

    Default: attachments


    Close window








    Cache folder

    Name of the folder where cache and temporary files will be stored.

    The folder needs to exist within the main HESK folder and be writable by PHP. On most systems names are CaSe SeNSiTiVe.

    Allowed chars (other will be removed): a-z A-Z 0-9 _ -

    Default: cache


    Close window








    Listings per page

    The default number of tickets listed per page in admin panel. Use digits only.

    Print font size

    Font size on the "Printer friendly version" pages of support tickets


    Close window


    Autoclose tickets

    If a ticket has no activity from the customer for X days it automatically closes. Set to 0 to disable autoclose.

    Max open

    A maximum number of open tickets a customer may have. When this limit is reached the customer will not be able to submit new tickets until existing ones are resolved. Affects only tickets submitted via online form.

    Set to 0 to disable limiting maximum open tickets.


    Close window


    Show as "due soon"

    Set the number of days before the due date when a ticket will show as "Due soon" in the list of tickets.

    Can be set to a value between 1 and 999 days. Default setting: 7 days.


    Close window










    Reply order

    Choose whether you want most recent replies to appear at top or at bottom of the ticket page.

    Reply form

    Choose whether you want the Add a reply form to appear at top or at bottom of the ticket page.


    Close window


    Hide ticket replies

    When viewing a ticket with many replies, Hesk can hide old replies and only show the newest ones.

    This allows staff members to view the latest replies to a ticket without having to scroll past numerous old ones.

    Staff can view the hidden replies at any time by clicking the "Show previous replies" link.


    Close window










    Limit ticket width

    The desired maximum width of the text portion of a ticket (message and replies).

    Select either full width (text will stretch to the entire available screen width) or maximum content width in pixels.

    Line length is an important factor for comfortable readability, especially if you expect prolonged reading.


    Close window










    Allow automatic login

    If set to YES staff will have an option to automatically login to their account every time they open HESK administration panel from their computer. If disabled HESK will only be able to remember usernames, not passwords.

    Auto-assign tickets

    Tickets will automatically be assigned to a staff member when submitted.

    Several factors are taken into account when assigning tickets automatically, such as ticket category and number of currently open assigned tickets.


    Close window



    Require email

    Do you require customers to enter their email address when submitting a ticket?

    OFF = do not require an email address
    ON = require an email address


    Close window








    Require owner

    If set to ON tickets will need to be assigned before staff can reply to them.

    This helps prevent multiple staff working on the same ticket by mistake as it forces them to assign the ticket to themselves before starting to work on it.


    Close window







    Require subject

    Customers can enter a ticket subject or it can be generated automatically.

    OFF = do not require a ticket subject
    ON = require a ticket subject
    Hide in customer form = hide "Subject" form field from customer side*

    * customers will still be able to see the automatically generated subject


    Close window








    Require message

    Do you require customers to write a message when submitting a new support ticket?

    OFF = do not require a message
    ON = message is required
    Hide in customer form = hide "Message" form field from customer side

    * if a staff members edits a ticket and writes a message, customers will be able to see it


    Close window








    Customer resolve

    Choose whether customers may mark tickets as resolved.

    If disabled, ticket will only be resolvable by staff and automatically for inactivity.


    Close window








    Reopen tickets

    Set to ON to allow customers to reopen a ticket once it has been closed. When set to OFF once closed the customer will have to open a new ticket.

    Reply rating

    If set to ON customers will be able to mark staff replies as Helpful or Not helpful. This customer feedback will be used to rate staff.

    Customer priority

    If set to ON customers will be able to set priority/urgency for their tickets ranging from Low to High. If set to OFF all tickets will be submitted with the default priority (Low) and only staff will be able to change the priority level to a higher one.


    Close window


    Sequential IDs

    If enabled, all tickets will also show a sequential ID number. This should allow easier customer-staff communication about a ticket (saying ticket ID 45 rather than ticket ID GHS-G5E-A6T8). However, only staff will be able to view tickets by sequential numbers.


    Close window







    Time worked

    Track time spent working on a ticket.

    When enabled, the admin ticket reply form will show a time counter for tracking time spent working on the ticket.


    Close window







    SPAM Notice

    When customer submits a new ticket, the success message will include a notice saying the customer should check inside the SPAM folder if the confirmation email does not arrive.

    The notice will not be show in disabled OR if the Notify customer when: They submit a new support ticket is disabled.

    The notice message may be notified in the HESK language file.


    Close window








    List usernames

    If set to ON staff usernames be listed in a select box on the admin login page and they will only need to type their password in. Recommended setting: OFF (staff will have to type both their username and password to login)


    Close window







    Debug mode

    Turns ON/OFF the debug mode. In normal usage debug mode should be turned OFF. Turn ON only if you are having problems and Hesk is not working properly. Don't forget to turn back OFF when Hesk is working normally again.


    Close window


    Short links

    If turned ON, website links longer than 70 chars will be shortened for display.

    For example a link like this:

    Would be displayed as: ... long_value


    Close window







    - - Click to Select - -

    If checked, "- - Click to Select --" will be the default selection for ticket category and/or priority when submitting a new ticket.


    Close window







    Category select limit

    Used when submitting new tickets.

    If the number of help desk categories (departments) is lower or equal to this setting, ticket category will be selected by clicking on a link.

    If the number of categories is higher than this limit, a drop-down select box will be used instead to select a ticket category.


    Close window







    Ticket Formatting

    Sets the type of editor when creating / editing tickets.

    Plaintext = Plain text (default)
    Rich Text (HTML) = Allows rich text (bold, lists, etc) via a WYSIWYG editor


    Close window







    Use anti-SPAM image

    Toggles use of the anti-SPAM security image (captcha).

    Value Meaning
    OFF anti-SPAM images disabled
    ON - Customers   only customers will be required to solve the image
    ON - All both customer and staff will be required to solve it
    Image type
    Simple image   a very basic image generated by PHP (GD library required)
    A simple image is not effective against advanced robots, consider using an anti-SPAM questions or ReCaptcha instead!
    ReCaptcha   use a free service by Google (requires registration)


    Close window



    ReCaptcha is a free anti-bot service by Google.

    To use ReCaptcha you will need to:

    1. Register for ReCaptcha
    2. Click Get reCAPTCHA
    3. Enter your website details in the Register a new site form
    4. Copy the Site key into HESK settings
    5. Copy the Secret key into HESK settings
    6. Save HESK settings
    7. Try submitting a new ticket through the customer interface to verify reCAPTCHA works fine.


    Close window







    Use anti-SPAM question

    Toggles use of the anti-SPAM security question. This is a very simple yet quite effective way of combating spammers (not if they decide to target your website specifically but it should block all the spambots travelling the web). The idea is to create a unique question that only humans can answer to. You can use HTML code in the question. Answers are not CaSe SeNSiTiVe. Some examples:

    -> Question -> Answer
    What color is water? Blue
    What is the next number after four? (use only digits) 5
    Type access code ABCDE here: ABCDE
    Access code: (find it on the bottom of our links page) Somecode

    Warning! DO NOT use these examples, use a unique question that will only be used on your website!


    Close window


    Login attempts limit & Ban time (minutes)

    This feature limits brute-force attacks to either login to HESK or view tickets.

    After Login attempts limit number of failed attempts to view a ticket or login to HESK the IP address will be banned for Ban time (minutes).

    To disable failed login attempts limiting, set value to 0 (NOT recommended!).


    Close window









    Flood limit (seconds)

    This feature helps prevent submitting too many ticket replies (accidental or malicious reply flooding).

    Set to the minimum number of seconds that must pass between two ticket replies from the same person.

    To disable this feature, set the value to 0.


    Close window









    Password reset

    If enabled, users will be able to reset their forgotten password over email.


    Close window







    View tickets

    If enabled (checked), customers will need to enter both their email address and ticket tracking ID to view the contents of a tickets. If disabled, only entering ticket tracking ID will suffice.


    Close window








    Enable to prevent HESK being loaded in frames on third party websites. This helps combat "clickjacking" attempts.

    When enabled, HESK will send a X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN HTTP header to the browser.

    If you want to display HESK inside a frame on a website under a different domain name than the one HESK is installed under, disable this feature.

    In the case above, you may also need to set Cookies setting to None and use https:// connections!


    Close window








    This setting controls the SameSite attribute of HTTP cookies. For a detailed explanation, please see this article.

    In short:

    Strict - cookies will only be sent to requests under your domain name. Following an email link, for example, may force you to log in again.

    Lax - default Hesk value. Cookies are not sent on normal cross-site subrequests (for example, to load images or frames into a third-party site) but are sent when a user is navigating to the origin site (i.e., when following a link).

    None - cookies will be sent to any request, but only under a secure (https://) connection. Use this setting if you show Hesk in a frame on a third-party domain.

    If you want to display HESK inside a frame on a website under a different domain name than the one HESK is installed under, set it to None and use https:// connections.


    Close window








    You can force HESK to use secure connections (https versus http).

    To manage this setting, first manually open the admin_settings_help_desk.php file in your browser using https://, for example:

    This is to ensure that SSL is properly configured and working on the server before setting HESK to force it.


    Close window







    URL Access Key

    Use the URL Access Key to prevent unauzhorized web-access to your Hesk cron files, such as:
    - /inc/mail/hesk_imap.php,
    - /inc/mail/hesk_pop3.php,
    - /cron/email_overdue_tickets.php, etc.

    When an access key is set and someone wants to access any of those files via an URL address (web browser), they will need to specify the correct key by appending ?key=XXXXXXXX to the URL address. Example:

    Your access key should be a random string at least 20 chars long. Valid access key chars are: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ . -

    The access key is not used when cron files are accessed over command-line interface, only when served over http(s).

    If you leave the URL Access Key empty, it will not be required/used.


    Close window







    Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

    Use multi-factor authentication to require users to authenticate with their password along with a secondary authentication method.

    - Enabling "Require Multi-Factor Authentication" will enable MFA for both new and existing users.

    - Disabling "Require Multi-Factor Authentication" will not disable MFA for existing users; it will only affect new users.


    Close window







    Secure Area Duration

    Specifies how long users are permitted to access areas which require security verification before having to enter their MFA token / password again.

    This timer is reset when a user logs out.


    Close window








    » Attachments

    Use attachments

    Select YES to enable file attachments. If enabled customers and support staff will have the option to attach files to support tickets.

    NOTE: If and how file attachments will work depends on your server settings, please refer to readme.html for considerations and possible limitations of file attachments on your server.

    Number per post

    Number of file attachments allowed per post. Optimal range is around 1 to 4. This setting is only available if "Use attachments" is set to YES.


    Close window


    Maxmimum file size

    Maximum size of attached files. Note that the maximum upload file size is limited by your server settings, please refer to readme.html for more information on file attachment limits. This setting is only available if "Use attachments" is set to YES.

    Allowed file types

    Allowed file extensions for attaching files. To add more extensions use the same formatting .ext and separate them with a comma. This setting is only available if "Use attachments" is set to YES.


    Close window















    PKs3Yo+))en/help_files/help_style.cssnu[body { margin:5px 5px; padding:0; background:#fff; color: black; font : 68.8%/1.5 Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align:left; } p { color : black; font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 1.0em; } h3 { color : #AF0000; font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.0em; text-align:center; } .section { color: #74804e; font-weight: bold; } .title { color : black; font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.0em; } .wrong {color : red;} .correct {color : green;}PKs3YΪ en/help_files/custom.htmlnu[ Interactive help for Hesk settings

    Interactive help for Hesk settings


    » Custom fields

    Custom fields can be used to collect additional information from your customers. You can enable up to 20 custom fields by selecting YES in the Enable column. Once a field is enabled you have several options to set.

    » Type
    Choose field type. It can be one of the following options:

    • Text field - a normal one-line text field (<input type="text">)
    • Large text box - text area, a larger text field with multiple lines (<textarea></textarea>)
    • Radio button - a radio button with at least two options (<input type="radio">)
    • Select box - a drop-down select box with at least two options (<select></select>)
    • Checkbox - checkbox with at least two options (<input type="checkbox">). Multiple options can be chosen (ticked).

    » Required
    Check to make the custom field a required, otherwise it is an optional one.

    » Field name
    Give the custom field a unique name that what will be displayed next to the field, for example "Postal address".

    » Location
    Choose whether the custom field should be displayed before or after the "Message" field when submitting a new support ticket.

    » Options
    Options you can set for each field depending on the selected Type:

    • Text field - you can set maximum input length (in chars) and default value
    • Large text box - you can set number of rows and columns (<textarea rows="Y" cols="X">)
    • Radio button - list radio button options, one per line
    • Select box - list select box options, one per line


    Close window















    PKs3Y A en/html_emails/ticket_closed.txtnu[

    Dear %%NAME%%,

    Your support ticket "%%SUBJECT%%" has been updated to a closed/resolved status.

    You can view the status of your ticket here:

    If the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser.





    A new note has been added to ticket "%%SUBJECT%%".

    Note by %%NAME%%:


    You can manage this ticket here:




    Hi %%NAME%%,

    We were told that you forgot your help desk password. It happens to everyone!

    To reset your password visit the link below (expires in 2 hours):



    PKs3Y@(en/html_emails/index.htmnu[ 403 Forbidden


    You don't have permission to access this folder.

    PKs3Y VV!en/html_emails/category_moved.txtnu[


    A new support ticket has been moved to your category. Ticket details:

    Ticket subject: %%SUBJECT%%
    Tracking ID: %%TRACK_ID%%

    You can manage this ticket here:






    A new support ticket has been assigned to you. Ticket details:

    Ticket subject: %%SUBJECT%%

    Tracking ID: %%TRACK_ID%%

    You can manage this ticket here:





    A customer has just replied to ticket "%%SUBJECT%%".

    You can read the reply message and manage this ticket here:




    Dear %%NAME%%,

    Your support ticket "%%SUBJECT%%" has been submitted.

    We reply to all tickets as soon as possible, within 24 to 48 hours. If we expect your ticket will take additional time, we will update you by sending you an email.

    Ticket tracking ID: %%TRACK_ID%%

    You can view the status of your ticket here:

    You will receive an email notification when our staff replies to your ticket.




    Dear %%NAME%%,

    We're reaching out regarding your recent ticket %%SUBJECT%%. To help us serve you better, we'd love to hear about your experience with our support team.

    Please let us know how easy was it to get your issue resolved by clicking here.

    We appreciate your feedback. And as always, if there's anything else we can do for you in the future – please don't hesitate to reach back out again.





    A ticket is overdue! Ticket details:

    Ticket subject: %%SUBJECT%%

    Tracking ID: %%TRACK_ID%%

    You can manage this ticket here:




    Dear %%NAME%%,

    Your support ticket "%%SUBJECT%%" has been submitted.

    We reply to all tickets as soon as possible, within 24 to 48 hours. If we expect your ticket will take additional time, we will update you by sending you an email.

    Ticket tracking ID: %%TRACK_ID%%

    You can view the status of your ticket here:

    You will receive an email notification when our staff replies to your ticket.




    Hi %%NAME%%,

    Below is your multi-factor authentication verification code. This code expires in 20 minutes.






    You have received a new private message from %%NAME%% with the following subject:


    You can view your new message by clicking on the following link:





    A support ticket has been escalated by %%ESCALATED_BY_RULE%%:


    Subject: %%SUBJECT%%

    Category: %%CATEGORY%%

    Priority: %%PRIORITY%%

    Status: %%STATUS%%

    Assigned to: %%OWNER%%

    Tracking ID: %%TRACK_ID%%


    You can view this ticket here:




    Dear %%NAME%%,

    We have just replied to your ticket "%%SUBJECT%%".

    To read the message, submit a reply and view details, please visit:

    If the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser.





    A new support ticket has been submitted. Ticket details:

    Ticket subject: %%SUBJECT%%

    Tracking ID: %%TRACK_ID%%

    You can manage this ticket here:



    PKs3YS f#en/html_emails/forgot_ticket_id.txtnu[

    Dear %%NAME%%,

    This email contains a list of support tickets submitted with your email address. Number of support tickets found: %%NUM%%




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