'zzzz', 'd' => 'j', 'DD' => 'l', 'D' => 'D', 'mm' => 'wwww', 'm' => 'n', 'MM' => 'F', 'M' => 'M', 'yyyy' => 'Y', 'yy' => 'y', // Trick to not overwrite d and m after matching dd and mm 'zzzz' => 'd', 'wwww' => 'm', ); foreach ($js_to_php_date_format_map as $js_format => $php_format) { $format = str_replace($js_format, $php_format, $format); } return $format; } // END hesk_map_datepicker_date_format_to_php() function hesk_translate_timezone_list($timezone_list) { global $hesklang; $translate_months_short = array( 'Jan' => $hesklang['ms01'], 'Feb' => $hesklang['ms02'], 'Mar' => $hesklang['ms03'], 'Apr' => $hesklang['ms04'], 'May' => $hesklang['ms05'], 'Jun' => $hesklang['ms06'], 'Jul' => $hesklang['ms07'], 'Aug' => $hesklang['ms08'], 'Sep' => $hesklang['ms09'], 'Oct' => $hesklang['ms10'], 'Nov' => $hesklang['ms11'], 'Dec' => $hesklang['ms12'] ); return str_replace(array_keys($translate_months_short), array_values($translate_months_short), $timezone_list); } // END hesk_translate_timezone_list() function hesk_generate_timezone_list() { static $regions = array( DateTimeZone::AFRICA, DateTimeZone::AMERICA, DateTimeZone::ANTARCTICA, DateTimeZone::ASIA, DateTimeZone::ATLANTIC, DateTimeZone::AUSTRALIA, DateTimeZone::EUROPE, DateTimeZone::INDIAN, DateTimeZone::PACIFIC, ); $timezones = array(); foreach( $regions as $region ) { $timezones = array_merge( $timezones, DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers( $region ) ); } $timezone_offsets = array(); foreach( $timezones as $timezone ) { $tz = new DateTimeZone($timezone); $timezone_offsets[$timezone] = $tz->getOffset(new DateTime); } // sort timezone by timezone name ksort($timezone_offsets); //asort($timezone_offsets); // <-- use this to sort by time offset from UTC instead // Add UTC as the first element $timezone_offsets = array('UTC' => 0) + $timezone_offsets; $timezone_list = array(); foreach( $timezone_offsets as $timezone => $offset ) { $offset_prefix = $offset < 0 ? '-' : '+'; $offset_formatted = gmdate( 'H:i', abs($offset) ); $pretty_offset = "UTC{$offset_prefix}{$offset_formatted}"; $t = new DateTimeZone($timezone); $c = new DateTime("now", $t); $current_time = $c->format('d M Y, H:i'); $timezone_list[$timezone] = "{$timezone} - {$current_time}"; } return $timezone_list; } // END hesk_generate_timezone_list() function hesk_testMySQL() { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang, $set, $mysql_error, $mysql_log; define('REQUIRE_MYSQL_VERSION','5.0.7'); // Use MySQLi extension to connect? $use_mysqli = function_exists('mysqli_connect') ? true : false; // Get variables $set['db_host'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('s_db_host'), $hesklang['err_dbhost']); $set['db_name'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('s_db_name'), $hesklang['err_dbname']); $set['db_user'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('s_db_user'), $hesklang['err_dbuser']); $set['db_pass'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('s_db_pass') ); $set['db_pfix'] = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_]/', '', hesk_POST('s_db_pfix', 'hesk_') ); // Allow & in password and username $set['db_user'] = str_replace('&', '&', $set['db_user']); $set['db_pass'] = str_replace('&', '&', $set['db_pass']); // MySQL tables used by HESK $tables = array( $set['db_pfix'].'attachments', $set['db_pfix'].'auth_tokens', $set['db_pfix'].'banned_emails', $set['db_pfix'].'banned_ips', $set['db_pfix'].'categories', $set['db_pfix'].'custom_fields', $set['db_pfix'].'custom_statuses', $set['db_pfix'].'kb_articles', $set['db_pfix'].'kb_attachments', $set['db_pfix'].'kb_categories', $set['db_pfix'].'logins', $set['db_pfix'].'log_overdue', $set['db_pfix'].'mail', $set['db_pfix'].'mfa_backup_codes', $set['db_pfix'].'mfa_verification_tokens', $set['db_pfix'].'notes', $set['db_pfix'].'online', $set['db_pfix'].'pipe_loops', $set['db_pfix'].'replies', $set['db_pfix'].'reply_drafts', $set['db_pfix'].'reset_password', $set['db_pfix'].'service_messages', $set['db_pfix'].'std_replies', $set['db_pfix'].'tickets', $set['db_pfix'].'ticket_templates', $set['db_pfix'].'users', ); $connection_OK = false; $mysql_error = ''; ob_start(); // Connect to MySQL if ($use_mysqli) { mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF); // Do we need a special port? Check and connect to the database if ( strpos($set['db_host'], ':') ) { list($set['db_host_no_port'], $set['db_port']) = explode(':', $set['db_host']); try { $set_link = mysqli_connect($set['db_host_no_port'], $set['db_user'], $set['db_pass'], $set['db_name'], intval($set['db_port']) ); } catch (Exception $e) { $set_link = false; } } else { try { $set_link = mysqli_connect($set['db_host'], $set['db_user'], $set['db_pass'], $set['db_name']); } catch (Exception $e) { $set_link = false; } } if (empty($set_link)) { ob_end_clean(); $mysql_error = $hesklang['err_dbconn']; $mysql_log = "(".mysqli_connect_errno().") ".mysqli_connect_error(); return false; } $res = mysqli_query($set_link, 'SHOW TABLES FROM `'.mysqli_real_escape_string($set_link, $set['db_name']).'`'); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($res)) { foreach($tables as $k => $v) { if ($v == $row[0]) { unset($tables[$k]); break; } } } // Get MySQL version $mysql_version = mysqli_fetch_assoc( mysqli_query($set_link, 'SELECT VERSION() AS version') ); // Close connections mysqli_close($set_link); } else { $set_link = mysql_connect($set['db_host'], $set['db_user'], $set['db_pass']); if ( ! $set_link) { ob_end_clean(); $mysql_error = $hesklang['err_dbconn']; $mysql_log = mysql_error(); return false; } // Select database if ( ! mysql_select_db($set['db_name'], $set_link) ) { ob_end_clean(); $mysql_error = $hesklang['err_dbsele']; $mysql_log = mysql_error(); return false; } $res = mysql_query('SHOW TABLES FROM `'.mysql_real_escape_string($set['db_name']).'`', $set_link); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { foreach($tables as $k => $v) { if ($v == $row[0]) { unset($tables[$k]); break; } } } // Get MySQL version $mysql_version = mysql_fetch_assoc( mysql_query('SELECT VERSION() AS version') ); // Close connections mysql_close($set_link); } // Check MySQL version if ( version_compare($mysql_version['version'], REQUIRE_MYSQL_VERSION, '<') ) { ob_end_clean(); $mysql_error = $hesklang['err_dbversion'] . ' ' . $mysql_version['version']; $mysql_log = ''; return false; } // Some tables weren't found, show an error if (count($tables) > 0) { ob_end_clean(); $mysql_error = $hesklang['err_dpi2'].'

', $tables); $mysql_log = ''; return false; } else { $connection_OK = true; } ob_end_clean(); return $connection_OK; } // END hesk_testMySQL() function hesk_testPOP3($check_old_settings=false) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang, $set; $set['pop3_host_name'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('s_pop3_host_name', 'mail.example.com') ); $set['pop3_host_port'] = intval( hesk_POST('s_pop3_host_port', 110) ); $set['pop3_tls'] = empty($_POST['s_pop3_tls']) ? 0 : 1; $set['pop3_keep'] = empty($_POST['s_pop3_keep']) ? 0 : 1; $set['pop3_user'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('s_pop3_user') ); $set['pop3_password'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('s_pop3_password') ); $set['pop3_conn_type'] = hesk_input(hesk_POST('s_pop3_conn_type')); $set['pop3_oauth_provider'] = $set['pop3_conn_type'] === 'basic' ? 0 : intval(hesk_POST('s_pop3_oauth_provider')); // For compatibility with PHP 5.3 magic quotes... if (HESK_SLASH === false) { $set['pop3_password'] = str_replace('\\"', '"', $set['pop3_password']); } // Are new settings the same as old? If yes, skip testing connection, assume it works if ($check_old_settings) { $set['tmp_pop3_host_name'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('tmp_pop3_host_name', 'mail.example.com') ); $set['tmp_pop3_host_port'] = intval( hesk_POST('tmp_pop3_host_port', 110) ); $set['tmp_pop3_tls'] = empty($_POST['tmp_pop3_tls']) ? 0 : 1; $set['tmp_pop3_keep'] = empty($_POST['tmp_pop3_keep']) ? 0 : 1; $set['tmp_pop3_user'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('tmp_pop3_user') ); $set['tmp_pop3_password'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('tmp_pop3_password') ); $set['tmp_pop3_conn_type'] = hesk_input(hesk_POST('tmp_pop3_conn_type')); $set['tmp_pop3_oauth_provider'] = $set['tmp_pop3_conn_type'] === 'basic' ? 0 : intval(hesk_POST('tmp_pop3_oauth_provider')); // For compatibility with PHP 5.3 magic quotes... if (HESK_SLASH === false) { $set['tmp_pop3_password'] = str_replace('\\"', '"', $set['tmp_pop3_password']); } if ( $set['tmp_pop3_host_name'] != 'mail.example.com' && // Default setting $set['tmp_pop3_host_name'] == $set['pop3_host_name'] && $set['tmp_pop3_host_port'] == $set['pop3_host_port'] && $set['tmp_pop3_tls'] == $set['pop3_tls'] && $set['tmp_pop3_keep'] == $set['pop3_keep'] && $set['tmp_pop3_user'] == $set['pop3_user'] && $set['tmp_pop3_password'] == $set['pop3_password'] && $set['tmp_pop3_conn_type'] == $set['pop3_conn_type'] && $set['tmp_pop3_oauth_provider'] == $set['pop3_oauth_provider'] ) { return true; } } // Initiate POP3 class and set parameters require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/mail/pop3.php'); $pop3 = new pop3_class; $pop3->hostname = $set['pop3_host_name']; $pop3->port = $set['pop3_host_port']; $pop3->tls = $set['pop3_tls']; $pop3->debug = 1; if ($set['pop3_conn_type']=='oauth') { require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/oauth_functions.inc.php'); $pop3->authentication_mechanism = 'XOAUTH2'; hesk_dbConnect(); $access_token = hesk_fetch_access_token($set['pop3_oauth_provider']); if (!$access_token) { global $pop3_error, $pop3_log; $pop3_error = $hesklang['oauth_error_retrieve']; $pop3_log = $hesklang['oauth_error_retrieve']; return false; } } $connection_OK = false; ob_start(); // Connect to POP3 if(($error=$pop3->Open())=="") { // Authenticate if(($error=$pop3->Login($set['pop3_user'], ($set['pop3_conn_type']=='oauth' ? $access_token : hesk_htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($set['pop3_password'])))))=="") { // Get number of messages and total size if(($error=$pop3->Statistics($messages,$size))=="") { global $emails_found; $emails_found = $messages; if(($error=$pop3->Close()) == "") { // Connection OK $connection_OK = true; } } } } if($error != '') { global $pop3_error, $pop3_log; $pop3_error = $error; $pop3_log = ob_get_contents(); } ob_end_clean(); return $connection_OK; } // END hesk_testPOP3() function hesk_testSMTP($check_old_settings=false) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang, $set; // Get variables $set['smtp_host_name'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('s_smtp_host_name', 'localhost') ); $set['smtp_host_port'] = intval( hesk_POST('s_smtp_host_port', 25) ); $set['smtp_timeout'] = intval( hesk_POST('s_smtp_timeout', 10) ); $set['smtp_enc'] = hesk_POST('s_smtp_enc'); $set['smtp_enc'] = ($set['smtp_enc'] == 'ssl' || $set['smtp_enc'] == 'tls') ? $set['smtp_enc'] : ''; $set['smtp_noval_cert'] = empty($_POST['s_smtp_noval_cert']) ? 0 : 1; $set['smtp_user'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('s_smtp_user') ); $set['smtp_password'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('s_smtp_password') ); $set['smtp_conn_type'] = hesk_input(hesk_POST('s_smtp_conn_type')); $set['smtp_oauth_provider'] = $set['smtp_conn_type'] === 'basic' ? 0 : intval(hesk_POST('s_smtp_oauth_provider')); // For compatibility with PHP 5.3 magic quotes... if (HESK_SLASH === false) { $set['smtp_password'] = str_replace('\\"', '"', $set['smtp_password']); } // Are new settings the same as old? If yes, skip testing connection, assume it works if ($check_old_settings) { $set['tmp_smtp_host_name'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('tmp_smtp_host_name', 'localhost') ); $set['tmp_smtp_host_port'] = intval( hesk_POST('tmp_smtp_host_port', 25) ); $set['tmp_smtp_timeout'] = intval( hesk_POST('tmp_smtp_timeout', 10) ); $set['tmp_smtp_enc'] = hesk_POST('tmp_smtp_enc'); $set['tmp_smtp_enc'] = ($set['tmp_smtp_enc'] == 'ssl' || $set['tmp_smtp_enc'] == 'tls') ? $set['tmp_smtp_enc'] : ''; $set['tmp_smtp_noval_cert'] = empty($_POST['tmp_smtp_noval_cert']) ? 0 : 1; $set['tmp_smtp_user'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('tmp_smtp_user') ); $set['tmp_smtp_password'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('tmp_smtp_password') ); $set['tmp_smtp_conn_type'] = hesk_input(hesk_POST('tmp_smtp_conn_type')); $set['tmp_smtp_oauth_provider'] = $set['tmp_smtp_conn_type'] === 'basic' ? 0 : intval(hesk_POST('tmp_smtp_oauth_provider')); // For compatibility with PHP 5.3 magic quotes... if (HESK_SLASH === false) { $set['tmp_smtp_password'] = str_replace('\\"', '"', $set['tmp_smtp_password']); } if ( $set['tmp_smtp_host_name'] != 'mail.example.com' && // Default setting $set['tmp_smtp_host_name'] == $set['smtp_host_name'] && $set['tmp_smtp_host_port'] == $set['smtp_host_port'] && $set['tmp_smtp_timeout'] == $set['smtp_timeout'] && $set['tmp_smtp_enc'] == $set['smtp_enc'] && $set['tmp_smtp_noval_cert'] == $set['smtp_noval_cert'] && $set['tmp_smtp_user'] == $set['smtp_user'] && $set['tmp_smtp_password'] == $set['smtp_password'] && $set['tmp_smtp_conn_type'] == $set['smtp_conn_type'] && $set['tmp_smtp_oauth_provider'] == $set['smtp_oauth_provider'] ) { return true; } } ob_start(); //Create a new SMTP instance $smtp = new SMTP(); //Enable connection-level debug output if ($hesk_settings['debug_mode']) { $smtp->do_debug = SMTP::DEBUG_CONNECTION; // $smtp->do_debug = SMTP::DEBUG_LOWLEVEL; } else { $smtp->do_debug = SMTP::DEBUG_SERVER; } $smtp->Timeout = $set['smtp_timeout']; $smtp->Timelimit = $set['smtp_timeout']; if ($set['smtp_noval_cert']) { $options = array( 'ssl' => array( 'verify_peer' => false, 'verify_peer_name' => false, 'allow_self_signed' => true ) ); } else { $options = array(); } if (stripos($set['smtp_host_name'], 'ssl://') === 0) { $set['smtp_host_name'] = substr($set['smtp_host_name'], 6); } $set['smtp_host_name_full'] = ($set['smtp_enc'] == 'ssl') ? 'ssl://' . $set['smtp_host_name'] : $set['smtp_host_name']; try { //Connect to an SMTP server if (!$smtp->connect($set['smtp_host_name_full'], $set['smtp_host_port'], $set['smtp_timeout'], $options)) { throw new Exception('Connect failed'); } //Say hello if (!$smtp->hello(gethostname())) { throw new Exception('EHLO failed: ' . $smtp->getError()['error']); } //Get the list of ESMTP services the server offers $e = $smtp->getServerExtList(); if ($set['smtp_enc'] == 'tls' && is_array($e)) { if ( ! array_key_exists('STARTTLS', $e)) { throw new Exception('Server does not support STARTTLS'); } $tlsok = $smtp->startTLS(); if (!$tlsok) { throw new Exception('Failed to start encryption: ' . $smtp->getError()['error']); } //Repeat EHLO after STARTTLS if (!$smtp->hello(gethostname())) { throw new Exception('EHLO (2) failed: ' . $smtp->getError()['error']); } //Get new capabilities list, which will usually now include AUTH if it didn't before $e = $smtp->getServerExtList(); } //If server supports authentication, do it (even if no encryption) if (is_array($e) && array_key_exists('AUTH', $e)) { if ($set['smtp_conn_type']=='oauth') { require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/oauth_functions.inc.php'); require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/mail/HeskOAuthTokenProvider.php'); $oauthTokenProvider = new \PHPMailer\PHPMailer\HeskOAuthTokenProvider(); $oauthTokenProvider->username = $set['smtp_user']; $oauthTokenProvider->provider = $set['smtp_oauth_provider']; if ($smtp->authenticate($set['smtp_user'], null, 'XOAUTH2', $oauthTokenProvider)) { echo 'Connected ok (OAuth)!'; } else { throw new Exception('Authentication failed: ' . $smtp->getError()['error']); } } elseif ($smtp->authenticate($set['smtp_user'], hesk_htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($set['smtp_password'])))) { echo 'Connected ok!'; } else { throw new Exception('Authentication failed: ' . $smtp->getError()['error']); } } } catch (Exception $e) { global $smtp_error, $smtp_log; $smtp_error = $e->getMessage(); $smtp_log = ob_get_contents(); $smtp->quit(); ob_end_clean(); return false; } $smtp->quit(); ob_end_clean(); return true; } // END hesk_testSMTP() function hesk_testIMAP($check_old_settings=false) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang, $set; $set['imap_host_name'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('s_imap_host_name', 'mail.example.com') ); $set['imap_host_port'] = intval( hesk_POST('s_imap_host_port', 993) ); $set['imap_enc'] = hesk_POST('s_imap_enc'); $set['imap_enc'] = ($set['imap_enc'] == 'ssl' || $set['imap_enc'] == 'tls') ? $set['imap_enc'] : ''; $set['imap_noval_cert'] = empty($_POST['s_imap_noval_cert']) ? 0 : 1; $set['imap_keep'] = empty($_POST['s_imap_keep']) ? 0 : 1; $set['imap_user'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('s_imap_user') ); $set['imap_password'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('s_imap_password') ); $set['imap_conn_type'] = hesk_input(hesk_POST('s_imap_conn_type')); $set['imap_oauth_provider'] = $set['imap_conn_type'] === 'basic' ? 0 : intval(hesk_POST('s_imap_oauth_provider')); // For compatibility with PHP 5.3 magic quotes... if (HESK_SLASH === false) { $set['imap_password'] = str_replace('\\"', '"', $set['imap_password']); } // Are new settings the same as old? If yes, skip testing connection, assume it works if ($check_old_settings) { $set['tmp_imap_host_name'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('tmp_imap_host_name', 'mail.example.com') ); $set['tmp_imap_host_port'] = intval( hesk_POST('tmp_imap_host_port', 993) ); $set['tmp_imap_enc'] = hesk_POST('s_imap_enc'); $set['tmp_imap_enc'] = ($set['tmp_imap_enc'] == 'ssl' || $set['tmp_imap_enc'] == 'tls') ? $set['tmp_imap_enc'] : ''; $set['tmp_imap_noval_cert'] = empty($_POST['tmp_imap_noval_cert']) ? 0 : 1; $set['tmp_imap_keep'] = empty($_POST['tmp_imap_keep']) ? 0 : 1; $set['tmp_imap_user'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('tmp_imap_user') ); $set['tmp_imap_password'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('tmp_imap_password') ); $set['tmp_imap_conn_type'] = hesk_input(hesk_POST('tmp_imap_conn_type')); $set['tmp_imap_oauth_provider'] = $set['tmp_imap_conn_type'] === 'basic' ? 0 : intval(hesk_POST('tmp_imap_oauth_provider')); // For compatibility with PHP 5.3 magic quotes... if (HESK_SLASH === false) { $set['tmp_imap_password'] = str_replace('\\"', '"', $set['tmp_imap_password']); } if ( $set['tmp_imap_host_name'] != 'mail.example.com' && // Default setting $set['tmp_imap_host_name'] == $set['imap_host_name'] && $set['tmp_imap_host_port'] == $set['imap_host_port'] && $set['tmp_imap_enc'] == $set['imap_enc'] && $set['tmp_imap_noval_cert'] == $set['imap_noval_cert'] && $set['tmp_imap_keep'] == $set['imap_keep'] && $set['tmp_imap_user'] == $set['imap_user'] && $set['tmp_imap_password'] == $set['imap_password'] && $set['tmp_imap_conn_type'] == $set['imap_conn_type'] && $set['tmp_imap_oauth_provider'] == $set['imap_oauth_provider'] ) { return true; } } $connection_OK = false; ob_start(); // IMAP mailbox based on required encryption require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/mail/imap/HeskIMAP.php'); $imap = new HeskIMAP(); $imap->host = $set['imap_host_name']; $imap->port = $set['imap_host_port']; $imap->username = $set['imap_user']; if ($set['imap_conn_type'] === 'basic') { $imap->password = hesk_htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($set['imap_password'])); $imap->useOAuth = false; } elseif ($set['imap_conn_type'] === 'oauth') { require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/oauth_functions.inc.php'); $access_token = hesk_fetch_access_token($set['imap_oauth_provider']); if (!$access_token) { global $imap_error, $imap_log; $imap_error = $hesklang['oauth_error_retrieve']; $imap_log = $hesklang['oauth_error_retrieve']; return false; } $imap->accessToken = $access_token; $imap->useOAuth = true; $imap->password = null; } $imap->readOnly = false; $imap->ignoreCertificateErrors = $set['imap_noval_cert']; $imap->connectTimeout = 15; $imap->responseTimeout = 15; if ($set['imap_enc'] === 'ssl') { $imap->ssl = true; $imap->tls = false; } elseif ($set['imap_enc'] === 'tls') { $imap->ssl = false; $imap->tls = true; } else { $imap->ssl = false; $imap->tls = false; } if ($imap->login()) { global $emails_found; $emails_found = 0; echo $hesk_settings['debug_mode'] ? "
Connected to the IMAP server "" . $imap->host . ":" . $imap->port . "".
\n" : ''; if ($imap->hasUnseenMessages()) { $emails = $imap->getUnseenMessageIDs(); $emails_found = count($emails); } $imap->logout(); } // Any error messages? if($errors = $imap->getErrors()) { global $imap_error, $imap_log; $imap_error = end($errors); reset($errors); $imap_log = ''; foreach ($errors as $error) { $imap_log .= hesk_htmlspecialchars($error) . "\n"; } } else { $connection_OK = true; } ob_end_clean(); return $connection_OK; } // END hesk_testIMAP() function hesk_generate_SPAM_question() { $useChars = 'AEUYBDGHJLMNPRSTVWXZ23456789'; $ac = $useChars[mt_rand(0,27)]; for($i=1;$i<5;$i++) { $ac .= $useChars[mt_rand(0,27)]; } $animals = array('dog','cat','cow','pig','elephant','tiger','chicken','bird','fish','alligator','monkey','mouse','lion','turtle','crocodile','duck','gorilla','horse','penguin','dolphin','rabbit','sheep','snake','spider'); $not_animals = array('ball','window','house','tree','earth','money','rocket','sun','star','shirt','snow','rain','air','candle','computer','desk','coin','TV','paper','bell','car','baloon','airplane','phone','water','space'); $keys = array_rand($animals,2); $my_animals[] = $animals[$keys[0]]; $my_animals[] = $animals[$keys[1]]; $keys = array_rand($not_animals,2); $my_not_animals[] = $not_animals[$keys[0]]; $my_not_animals[] = $not_animals[$keys[1]]; $my_animals[] = $my_not_animals[0]; $my_not_animals[] = $my_animals[0]; $e = mt_rand(1,9); $f = $e + 1; $d = mt_rand(1,9); $s = intval($e + $d); if ($e == $d) { $d ++; $h = $d; $l = $e; } elseif ($e < $d) { $h = $d; $l = $e; } else { $h = $e; $l = $d; } $spam_questions = array( $f => 'What is the next number after '.$e.'? (Use only digits to answer)', 'white' => 'What color is snow? (give a 1 word answer to show you are a human)', 'green' => 'What color is grass? (give a 1 word answer to show you are a human)', 'blue' => 'What color is water? (give a 1 word answer to show you are a human)', $ac => 'Access code (type '.$ac.' here):', $ac => 'Type '.$ac.' here to fight SPAM:', $s => 'Solve this equation to show you are human: '.$e.' + '.$d.' = ', $my_animals[2] => 'Which of these is not an animal: ' . implode(', ',hesk_randomize_array($my_animals)), $my_not_animals[2] => 'Which of these is an animal: ' . implode(', ',hesk_randomize_array($my_not_animals)), $h => 'Which number is higher '.$e.' or '.$d.':', $l => 'Which number is lower '.$e.' or '.$d.':', 'no' => 'Are you a robot? (yes or no)', 'yes' => 'Are you a human? (yes or no)' ); $r = array_rand($spam_questions); $ask = $spam_questions[$r]; $ans = $r; return array($ask,$ans); } // END hesk_generate_SPAM_question() function hesk_randomize_array($array) { $rand_items = array_rand($array, count($array)); $new_array = array(); foreach($rand_items as $value) { $new_array[$value] = $array[$value]; } return $new_array; } // END hesk_randomize_array() function hesk_checkMinMax($myint,$min,$max,$defval) { if ($myint > $max || $myint < $min) { return $defval; } return $myint; } // END hesk_checkMinMax()