0) ? $tmp : $hesk_settings['max_listings']; $tmp = intval( hesk_GET('page', 1) ); $page = ($tmp > 1) ? $tmp : 1; /* Acceptable $sort values and default asc(1)/desc(0) setting */ $sort_possible = array(); foreach (array_keys($hesk_settings['possible_ticket_list']) as $key) { $sort_possible[$key] = 1; } $sort_possible['priority'] = 1; $sort_possible['dt'] = 0; $sort_possible['lastchange'] = 0; /* These values should have collate appended in SQL */ $sort_collation = array( 'name', 'subject', 'custom1', 'custom2', 'custom3', 'custom4', 'custom5', 'custom6', 'custom7', 'custom8', 'custom9', 'custom10', 'custom11', 'custom12', 'custom13', 'custom14', 'custom15', 'custom16', 'custom17', 'custom18', 'custom19', 'custom20', 'custom21', 'custom22', 'custom23', 'custom24', 'custom25', 'custom26', 'custom27', 'custom28', 'custom29', 'custom30', 'custom31', 'custom32', 'custom33', 'custom34', 'custom35', 'custom36', 'custom37', 'custom38', 'custom39', 'custom40', 'custom41', 'custom42', 'custom43', 'custom44', 'custom45', 'custom46', 'custom47', 'custom48', 'custom49', 'custom50', ); /* Acceptable $group values and default asc(1)/desc(0) setting */ $group_possible = array( 'owner' => 1, 'priority' => 1, 'category' => 1, 'custom1' => 1, 'custom2' => 1, 'custom3' => 1, 'custom4' => 1, 'custom5' => 1, 'custom6' => 1, 'custom7' => 1, 'custom8' => 1, 'custom9' => 1, 'custom10' => 1, 'custom11' => 1, 'custom12' => 1, 'custom13' => 1, 'custom14' => 1, 'custom15' => 1, 'custom16' => 1, 'custom17' => 1, 'custom18' => 1, 'custom19' => 1, 'custom20' => 1, 'custom21' => 1, 'custom22' => 1, 'custom23' => 1, 'custom24' => 1, 'custom25' => 1, 'custom26' => 1, 'custom27' => 1, 'custom28' => 1, 'custom29' => 1, 'custom30' => 1, 'custom31' => 1, 'custom32' => 1, 'custom33' => 1, 'custom34' => 1, 'custom35' => 1, 'custom36' => 1, 'custom37' => 1, 'custom38' => 1, 'custom39' => 1, 'custom40' => 1, 'custom41' => 1, 'custom42' => 1, 'custom43' => 1, 'custom44' => 1, 'custom45' => 1, 'custom46' => 1, 'custom47' => 1, 'custom48' => 1, 'custom49' => 1, 'custom50' => 1, ); /* Start the order by part of the SQL query */ $sql .= " ORDER BY "; // Group parameter $group = hesk_GET('g'); if ( ! isset($group_possible[$group])) { $group = ''; } // Sort parameter $sort = hesk_GET('sort', 'status'); if ( ! isset($sort_possible[$sort])) { $sort = 'status'; } // Group tickets? if ($group != '') { if ($group == 'priority' && $sort == 'priority') { // No need to group by priority if we are already sorting by priority } elseif ($group == 'owner') { // If group by owner place own tickets on top $sql .= " CASE WHEN `owner` = '".intval($_SESSION['id'])."' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC, `owner` ASC, "; } elseif ($group == 'category' && $sort == 'category') { // No need to group by category if we are already sorting by category } elseif ($group == 'category') { // Get list of categories $hesk_settings['categories'] = array(); $res2 = hesk_dbQuery('SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `'.hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix']).'categories` WHERE ' . hesk_myCategories('id') . ' ORDER BY `cat_order` ASC'); while ($row=hesk_dbFetchAssoc($res2)) { $hesk_settings['categories'][$row['id']] = $row['name']; } // Make sure categories are in correct order $sql .= ' FIELD(`category`, ' . preg_replace('/[^0-9,]/', '', implode(',' , array_keys($hesk_settings['categories']))) . '), '; } else { $sql .= ' `'.hesk_dbEscape($group).'` '; $sql .= $group_possible[$group] ? 'ASC, ' : 'DESC, '; } } // Show critical tickets always on top? Default: yes $cot = hesk_GET('cot') == 1 ? 1 : 0; if (!$cot) { $sql .= " CASE WHEN `priority` = '0' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC , "; } // Prepare sorting if ($sort == 'category') { // Get list of categories $hesk_settings['categories'] = array(); $res2 = hesk_dbQuery('SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `'.hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix']).'categories` WHERE ' . hesk_myCategories('id') . ' ORDER BY `cat_order` ASC'); while ($row=hesk_dbFetchAssoc($res2)) { $hesk_settings['categories'][$row['id']] = $row['name']; } // Make sure categories are in correct order $sql .= ' FIELD(`category`, ' . preg_replace('/[^0-9,]/', '', implode(',' , array_keys($hesk_settings['categories']))) . ') '; } else { $sql .= $sort == 'lastreplier' ? " CASE WHEN `lastreplier` = '0' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END DESC, COALESCE(`replierid`, NULLIF(`lastreplier`, '0'), `name`) " : ' `'.hesk_dbEscape($sort).'` '; // Need to set MySQL collation? if ( in_array($sort, $sort_collation) ) { $sql .= " COLLATE '" . hesk_dbCollate() . "' "; } } /* Ascending or Descending? */ if (isset($_GET['asc']) && intval($_GET['asc'])==0) { $sql .= ' DESC '; $asc = 0; $asc_rev = 1; $sort_possible[$sort] = 1; } else { $sql .= ' ASC '; $asc = 1; $asc_rev = 0; if (!isset($_GET['asc'])) { $is_default = 1; } $sort_possible[$sort] = 0; } /* In the end same results should always be sorted by priority */ if ($sort != 'priority') { $sql .= ' , `priority` ASC '; } # Uncomment for debugging purposes # echo "SQL: $sql